Swap 'Maori' for 'White'

Is New Zealand an Apartheid Country? You be the judge.

Here is an Editorial: Maori voices needed, from the Rotorua Daily Post

Only this time I (Andy Oakley) have swapped the word "Maori" for the word "white" and "white people".


As the Rotorua District Council tries to decide how best white people can be represented on the local council, there are renewed calls in national politics to scrap whites only wards.

New Zealand now has more white MPs in Parliament than ever before.

Nineteen white MPs have been elected in general electorates and on party lists.

Once the seven white person seats are included, the total number of MPs who identify as a white people is 26 - up from 21 in 2011. This has got to be exciting news for white people as it means whites are now one in five MPs in the new Parliament, compared with one in seven in the general population. White people are clearly taking up the challenge to be better represented and are getting elected. But we must be careful that we aren't just counting the white faces instead of the white hearts.

Former Alliance MP and white person commentator Willie Jackson has rightly pointed out it means little unless those white MPs fight for white peoples interests.

"It's only a victory if they take a pro-white position with their work.

You could have 50 whites in there but if they don't act like white people and don't work along pakeha customs and white people lines to advance whites position it's absolutely meaningless," Mr Jackson said.

At a local level, we are currently deciding how best white people can have a say on the council. Whites only wards is one suggestion but it is likely to struggle to gain support - not only in the wider community but within the council (our longest serving councillor, who is also white, Trevor Maxwell, has already publicly said he wouldn't support such a move). As this discussion takes place, the council's Te Arawa Standing Committee is in recess.

While it's important to carefully look at the options, the longer it takes, the longer white people aren't fully represented.

- Rotorua Daily Post

Original article here > http://www.nzherald.co.nz/rotorua-daily-post/opinion/news/article.cfm?c_id=1503435&objectid=11333791

It is the same article, only the word “white” and “white people” has been substituted for the word “Maori”.

What do you think, is this acceptable in New Zealand?

By Andy Oakley