Other Sites & Resources
Treaty of Waitangi For Dummies - a reliable resource for those who wish to know more about this critical time in our history.
One New Zealand Foundation - have researched treaty and racial issues extensively over the past quarter century
Treatygate - exposes the massive historical fraud that has been perpetrated upon Kiwis
1law4all - a budding political party that promotes one law for all Kiwis
Democracy Action - is a not-for profit association working to protect the equality of citizenship and democracy in New Zealand.
NZCPR (New Zealand Centre For Political Research) - is an independent public policy think tank that do not shy away from tough issues and provides research-based analysis and commentary on matters of national interest.
Breaking Views and look for 'Breaking Views Update' - exposes the build-up race-based privilege in NZ
Rotorua Pro-Democracy Society - Two district councillors and a Rotorua academic have set up a new organisation - the Rotorua Pro-Democracy Society - to protect the democratic rights of all citizens.
False Racism Blogspot - By Dr John Robinson
Kiwi Frontline Forum - - exposes the build-up race-based privilege in NZ
Hobson's Pledge - advocate for equality and unity.