Fiona Mackenzie

Fiona Mackenzie, MBA, BA (History), Dip/Cert Tch worked as a teacher, before moving into the finance and investment banking industries, a marketing communications consultancy, and recreational project management (Te Araroa - the Long Pathway). For the last 21 years, Fiona has combined self–employment with parenthood and voluntary work - as a board member/trustee, environmental and recreational worker, community fundraiser, teacher help, and political commentator. She is a passionate New Zealander.


Good law is that which is well defined and certain, and which does not favour any one ethnicity or part ethnicity over all others. Nowhere is this more important than when it comes to the provision and control of water – the essence of life.

As it stands now, this Water Services Bill fails the standard. It vests unspecified power, control and revenue in the hands of unelected, unaccountable and unchallengeable people over all other New Zealanders.

Nowhere in this Bill are there safeguards against:

i. religious or cultural beliefs negating proven science,

ii. abuses of power,

iii. conflicts of interest, or

iv. inappropriate allocations of taxpayer funds.

It’s certainly in keeping with the growing belief that Prime Minister Ardern’s Government is imposing apartheid by stealth on our country, undermining our constitutional democracy, and destroying hopes for long term unity, peace and security……

Read Fiona’s full NZCPR guest commentary here >


Minister Twyford’s Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities Bill (Kāinga Ora) has passed its first reading and is being considered by the Environment Committee. SUBMISSIONS CAN BE MADE ON IT UNTIL 11TH JULY.

This new Authority will integrate Housing NZ Corp, its subsidiary HLC (Hobsonville Land Company), plus some functions and assets of KiwiBuild. It will become the country’s public housing landlord and will drive urban development and infrastructure projects all over New Zealand. The Act is due to come into force on 1 Oct 2019.

But in the unseemly rush to get this legislation passed, the Bill is lacking fundamental detail. The extent of the new Authority’s powers is yet to be determined. That important information will follow in a second Bill at some later date.


The concept of an urban development authority is in keeping with work started by National’s Nick Smith. The premise behind it is that it will be able to override red-tape bound RMA and councils to get infrastructure and new housing built, while playing an important role in de-risking development and bringing land to market. Hallelujah, but a few clauses in Bill 1 cause immediate unease:

1. The Act “binds the Crown”, yet Kāinga Ora will be an independent Authority. How accountable it will be to future governments may be covered by the yet-to-be-developed Government Policy Statement (GPS) explained below. New Zealand already has several dysfunctional organisations spending taxpayers’ funds; they do not appear to be answerable to anyone, therefore cannot be brought back into line when displaying bullying and out-of-control behaviour – so this issue is important.

2. In the way of apartheid governments, “Maori” seem to be centre and foremost in everything Kāinga Ora will do, from the make-up of the Board to its projects. Yet the Bill doesn’t actually define who constitutes “Maori” so we must assume it will be the tribal elite who’ll have the say-so and enjoy the advantageous business opportunities to come.

3. In keeping with current ideology, Government ministers must appoint culturally-appropriate board members who will have a collective duty:

• To ensure Kāinga Ora has the capability and capacity to uphold the Treaty of Waitangi and its principles, understand and apply Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 (Maori land tenure legislation) , and be able to engage with Māori and understand Māori perspectives;

• To understand, support, and enable the aspirations of Māori relating to urban development;

• To contribute to the social, economic, environmental, and cultural well-being of current and future (Maori) generations by— identifying and protecting Māori interests in land, and recognising and providing for the relationship of Māori and their culture and traditions with their ancestral lands, water, sites, wāhi tapu, and other taonga; and

• To identify and protect Māori interests, partner and have early and meaningful engagement with Māori, and offer Māori opportunities to participate in urban development.

4. Kāinga Ora will not be able to use Housing New Zealand’s exemptions (written into this century’s Treaty settlement legislation) to override tribal Rights of First Refusal (RFR) to freely sell land to any person to give effect to the Crown’s social objectives.

5. Land owned by Kāinga Ora’s predecessors won’t be transferred for the time being. This is apparently because further engagement needs to be undertaken with iwi to ensure the Crown’s Treaty settlement obligations are being met both now and in the future.


Continue reading Fiona's article here >


“We are one,” Prime Minster Jacinda Ardern repeatedly told New Zealanders after the horrific Christchurch massacre. But are we really? We all share a love for this wonderful country with its democratic rights and freedoms. However, with the separatist ideology now prevalent in most political parties, the bureaucracy and public services, we are certainly not being governed as one people and democracy is being undermined.

Increasingly, local bodies and successive governments have been transferring responsibilities for control of resources that we all use and cherish to unelected, unaccountable representatives of tribal groups. There appear to be no objectives for them to be measured against and no prescribed way of removing them if they fail to deliver good outcomes for everyone.

The Hauraki Gulf is a prime example of where it’s happening. It is a treasure to all but has been managed under a statutory but rather dysfunctional co-governing body (the Hauraki Gulf Forum) since 2000. The Forum is comprised of government departmental members (Conservation, Fisheries and Te Puni Kokiri), elected Council representatives and iwi appointees. They have declined requests to video proceedings, but witnesses have reported bullying and inflammatory comments promoting tribal control of the Gulf.

With the Forum trying to come up with a spatial plan since 2013, a “Stakeholder Working Group” took the project over. They say its members’ backgrounds included mana whenua, environmental, conservation, fishing, boating, aquaculture and land use. The Group has produced the “aspirational document” explained below. With no media coverage and only select consultation, most people are unaware of the possible consequences of this plan.

But it gets even more complicated. Our use and enjoyment of the seas, harbours and land catchments in the Auckland, Coromandel and Waikato regions (see map) are actually being threatened on three fronts:.....

Continue reading Fiona’s article here >


We apparently live in an enlightened era – one in which discrimination on any grounds is forbidden. The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment tell us that we can’t hire (or choose not to hire) someone just because of their age, sex or sexual orientation, race, colour or ethnicity, religious or ethical beliefs, disability, marital or family status, or political opinions. To do so would be illegal.If one of these attributes (or lack of) was a necessity of the job, an employer would need to be prepared to prove it in court. Similarly, for landlords offering rental accommodation, it is unlawful to discriminate.

Thus it’s ironic that the public service entity, the Auckland City Council, has the gall to ask a potential supplier whether they consider their organisation to be a “Maori business”. This question is found in the online application for those applying for Council contracts. It is #5 in a list of standard questions on compliance certification, insurance, services, turnover and number of employees.

It difficult to fathom how this race-based question could have any relevance to the products and services required to make a city function, so Auckland Council was asked for an explanation......

Read the Auckland Council’s lame response to to their racist question here in Fiona Mackenzie’s article >


If we were in any doubt that the education system is a powerful force in national politics and cultural values, the Education Council is obliterating that. New Zealanders (when given the chance) have repeatedly expressed no appetite for constitutional reform (sic), co-goverance, compulsory te reo or a new flag, so now the activists are taking matters into their own hands to entrench their power over our minds.

In something reminiscent of both Mao’s devastating Cultural Revolution in China and South Africa’s justification of its apartheid regime, the Council has published a draft revision of the rules governing teacher conduct. This Code of Professional Responsibility and Standards for the Teaching Profession supplants the current, 5 page Practising Teacher Criteria and will replace the Graduating Teacher Standards. Significant in itself is the leap in size to a pervasive and alarming 44 pages of bilingual, professional belittling, ideological instruction.

Throughout it, teachers are told of “our profession’s obligation to recognising Aotearoa New Zealand as a bicultural nation and honouring te Tiriti o Waitangi/the Treaty of Waitangi (the revisionists’ interpretation, obviously) by recognising it as a founding constitutional document”. They are instructed to “demonstrate and model their commitment to tangata whenuatanga and a bicultural partnership and practice” and “affirm Maori learners as tangata whenua”.

The Council will consider teachers breaching the Code if they......

Continue reading Fiona Mackenzie’s chilling article here >


The campaign to revise or bury a significant part of New Zealand's history and culture is gaining momentum. One current attack is evidenced by the Gisborne Herald's online poll on changing the name Poverty Bay to Turanganui a Kiwa.

A Gisborne school originally floated the idea in 2013 (no doubt at the instigation of ideologically -driven teachers): since then. Mayor Meng Foon and Gisborne Herald Editor Jeremy Muir have been advocating for change. It's also being proposed that Gisborne be renamed Tairawhiti for good measure.

At the end of February, the poll was running at 61% for keeping Poverty Bay. 23 % for the change. and 10% for a dual name. Of course, this counts for naught. Radical politicians and bureaucrats (in this case. the New Zealand Geographic Board Nga Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa) have a habit of finding ways to ride roughshod over democracy to achieve their plans.


Admittedly. many of us have become used to Aoraki/Mt Cook and Mt Taranaki/Egmont, helped by their shorter and easier to pronounce Maori names. But how do you feel about Te Ika-a-Maui and Te Waipounamu - now official names for the North and South Islands?

Actually, it doesn't matter how you feel! A Stuff online poll recorded 81% against. but those Kiwis were ignored. And a district referendum recording 77% against changing the spelling of Wanganui to Whanganui was also disregarded. Ignoring referendums has become standard fare under recent governments (just see how Attorney-General Chris Finlayson is getting around ratepayers' refusal of a race-based council in Taranaki).

It's not just Kiwis who struggle with lengthy Maori syllables. Tourists are either totally confused or don't even try. Many of the adventurers travelling thousands of miles to spend 6 months walking Te Araroa (our national walkway from Cape Reinga to Bluff) refer to it as TA and stumble and stutter if you ask what the initials stand for. Kiwis often mix it up with Te Aroha.

Meanwhile the media, bureaucrats. academics and other leftist zealots are working hard to convince us that we now live in Aotearoa (despite the 600 or so very separate tribes living here in 1840 never having a word for all of these islands). And the Government-owned Air New Zealand staff are now announcing to passengers that they are arriving in Tamaki Makaurau (Le. Auckland).

The dual naming of many of our geographical features is a fairly feeble compromise, making it so very easy to drop off the English name once attention is diverted.

Maorification is happening thick and fast. Come 2018, Hawkes Bay Airport will change to Ahuriri Airport. Other work-in-progress include Virginia Lake (Wanganui)/Rotokawau: Tauranga's Churchill Park/ Matiu Kauri Grove and Cambridge Park/Te 'Waho 0 Te Maharanganui; Rotorua's Rainbow Mountain/Maunga Kakuramea. Check with your local Council for the latest in your area.


Its long past the time that Treaty settlements had anything to do with historic land confiscations. They are being put in place to increase the economic, political and social standing of tribal elites. Such is the case in Auckland where the successful tribal invaders. Ngati Whatua, happily sold their spoils to the Government for the establishment of the city.

Their Treaty settlement involves 20 name changes of iconic features (volcanic cones and islands) so One Tree Hill has become Maungakiekie, Mt Hobson (named after the founder of Auckland City) has become Ohinerau. etc.

Settlements will see 30 geographical features with a name change in Marlborough and there'll be 11 in the Far North. Tribal radicals are also wanting to control wine labels referencing our landscape. It's not just geographical features that are being revised. Bay of Plenty polytechnic is changing to Toi Ohomai Institute; a Mt Roskill school's new name is He Maunga Teitei; CYFS - Oranga Tamariki.


It's good to know we can rely on Mainlanders for a bit of resistance. Dunedin parents recently stopped the re-branding of two schools combining on the site of the former Caversham School as Otepoti South. Faced with suggestions of a boycott. the Education Ministry accepted the name Carisbrook, the site being just along the road from the former, famous rugby ground.

In another example of Southern resistance, parishioners queried their Minister when he started referring to their church as being of Aotearoa. Unable to account for the process by which the country had changed its name, he decided that an error had been made So it can be done!


The culture that brought democracy, legal equality, law and order. property rights, and an end to tribal wars and slavery to these islands deserves acknowledgment. Recognition of outstanding achievers, such as James Cook and Governor Hobson. must certainly not be obliterated. They did nothing to be ashamed of. In fact. we all should be in awe of them and their accomplishments. Not many of us would want to be here if they hadn't been here first and done what they did.

We Kiwis should be proud of our shared history. We can recognise, enjoy and celebrate our combined cultures without having to eliminate or subjugate all vestiges of British involvement. So it's time to make your views known to those of power and influence, before we completely lose our rights to be heard.


Published in the ‘New Zealand Voice’ March 2017 issue


Associate Professor Leonie Pihama writes alot of nonsense, claiming that high rates of child abuse amongst Maori are due to the trauma of colonisation (Stuff, 30/7/16). Her unfounded accusations do nothing to help the children, but raise serious concerns about the academic standards of the University of Waikato.


If Pihama were to do some honest research, she would find that colonisation brought an end to the repetitive trauma of brutal intertribal warfare, along with its associated cannibalism, slavery and female infanticide.

As Chief Taipari (of Maungatapu pa in Tauranga during the 1830s and 1840s) noted, Maoris were well on the way to exterminating each other.

World history is full of people suffering catastrophic trauma – the likes of which simply can’t be compared with the colonisation of New Zealand.

Consider the misery and destruction caused by Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Idi Amin and so many others of their ilk. I’m not aware of any suggested, let alone proven, correlation between their survivors and child abuse.

While nothing can ever be one hundred percent perfect, colonisation helped Maori by introducing systems for law and order, property rights and political representation.

The new lifestyle benefits certainly outweighed the disadvantages with significantly more food, warmer clothing, better housing, medical care, infrastructure and opportunities. As a consequence, Maori life expectancy has risen steadily from about 20 − 25 in precolonial days to around 75 in 2012.

Many Maori have leapt at the opportunities offered by a more enlightened nation – from during the 1800s when tribal leaders insisted that Maori children learn English, and others established trading and export businesses, to our many Maori MPs and Governor General today.


Pihama also denigrates the nuclear family, preferring instead a collective responsibility model. While there are advantages to having ready access to help and support, many adults in one household did nothing to protect the Kahui twins; nor were the children of Auckland’s Centrepoint commune protected against Bert Potter’s proclivity for paedophilia. Instead, the adults protected each other, instead of the children.

According to all statistical research, the nuclear family has a much better record on child health and safety than any other model. Parenting is a hard job. It takes an incredible amount of love, effort, sacrifice and commitment.

This explains why child abuse within New Zealand homes tends to be strongly correlated with unwanted pregnancies, non-biological carers, low educational attainment, past and current exposure to violence, and excessive use drugs and alcohol. Children damaged in such environments grow up and tend to repeat the behaviours they learnt.

Government policies, ineffective social welfare departments, and community excuses for appallingly bad behaviour have facilitated bad parenting. The result is an ever expanding number of abusers and damaged children. Nothing to do with colonisation – just dysfunctional families and basic maths.


Tribal leaders and activists need to be held to account. Their status relies on having ever increasing numbers of disaffected and disadvantaged followers. How else are governments to be guilted into paying them exorbitant settlements, salaries and fees?

Most humans need to be pushed, inspired or challenged. If we are given excuses for our failures and we can blame others, many of us will take the easy way out. After all, any sort of success requires time, effort and long term commitment. So if Maori are going to improve their child abuse statistics, it’s time for Maori to take ownership.

No more excuses! Every parent must be held to account for the decisions they make – male and female. We must expect higher standards for the sake of our kids. Old fashioned, I know, but stop screwing around! If a man and a woman don’t want children, then they should use contraception or get a vasectomy.

Once you have kids, make them top priority. Give up drugs, alcohol and random parties – or seek help if you can’t. And no, you are not entitled to do what you want any more.

Embrace education. Celebrate success – not just on the rugby field – but everywhere − especially in school and in strong, loving relationships. Find good role models – there are many successful Maori to seek advice and support from.

Do it, for the children’s sake! And if your leaders say not to worry, it’s someone else’s responsibility, then they are not worthy of belonging to our wonderful country.

Instead of making excuses, Pihama and other Maori community leaders need to make more of an effort to help change attitudes amongst their people.

There is plenty of support available and much taxpayer money is being spent, but it won’t achieve much until Maori start supporting Maori, helping every individual believe that they can and must take responsibility for improving their own lives. Maybe then, they will be entitled to the precious children they create.

Elocal 16/8/16


The feeling of having been totally out-manoeuvred has become a common sensation amongst Auckland regional ratepayers – and they don’t know half of what is going on. This powerlessness extends to some of the well-meaning City Councillors who thought they were being elected to work for the people; they now see themselves as fall guys, taking the rap for conniving bureaucrats, greedy iwi and unscrupulous politicians.

Latest target

Currently, there’s a scheme being executed to gain control of the Hauraki Gulf and its surrounds. It’ll give a few from 26 tribal groups incredible power over a massive and very critical 4,000km² body of water (from near Mangawhai in the North down to Waihi in the south, and beyond Great Barrier Island to the east), along with the significant land catchments bordering the entire eastern coast of Auckland, the extensive Hauraki Plains, the entire Coromandel Peninsula, and the many islands of the Gulf.

Who will be affected by this? Think shipping, the Port of Auckland, aquacultural farms, commercial or recreational fishing, ferries, tourism, leisure, sport, every marina, ramp, buoy or mooring, and landowners – possibly even commercial air space, bridges and roads. And if there’s not enough money coming from these sources to fill the iwi coffers, there are always the defenceless ratepayers of Auckland City to squeeze a bit more from......

Continue reading Fiona Mackenzie’s alarming article here >


Our politicians, bureaucrats and journalists are struggling to stay in touch with Middle New Zealand. Many of them think it’s unnecessary. After all, they hold the power to tell us what we ought to think and what we should endure.

The system usually works well for them. The Middlers keep to themselves, too busy with the day-to-day.

The problem arises when the people are actually allowed a voice. Referendums must be so frustrating to those who think “they know what’s good for us”.

Thanks to the binding nature of a couple of recent ones, New Zealand rejected a tea-towel flag and the New Plymouth Council won’t have race-based wards. If only citizen-initiated referendums didn’t have to jump so many hurdles and had the same binding status. The country might then get a few other things right.

Let’s Hear from Middle Maori

Another group we don’t hear much from are ‘Maori’. We certainly hear them referenced by those who want unquestioned control over government, natural resources and taxpayer funds, but it is hard to know who (other than themselves) these articulate and manipulative spokespeople actually represent.

Herald columnist, John Roughan, recently railed against Middle New Zealand for not getting with the programme and accepting that ‘Maori’ should be granted easy access to government power and control. So again I ask, who are these ‘Maori’ who are entitled to unearned privilege and want to be separated out from the rest of us?

In photos from the latest family wedding, she’s fair and beautiful, he’s dark and handsome. So do they want to be separated within our very blended country? Their marriage suggests not.

We are bombarded with what the politically devious, the self-serving and the disaffected think, but is it possible that Middle Maori could want and believe much the same as other Kiwis?

Mix of World Views

In New Zealand, ethnic-based differences are less obvious than economic ones. Our many skins tones mix and mingle. People classified as Maori (by themselves or others) range widely − from very dark brown to red haired and blued eyed! There are those who work hard, those who never lift a finger. There are those who help their families, their communities and New Zealand to prosper. Then there are others who prefer to obstruct, intimidate and bully. Some want to embrace opportunities to create regional jobs; others resist any change or cooperation.

Yet we’re constantly told that ‘Maori’ have a superior world view to the rest of us and are more entitled. Sure, we could just take this as gospel (which it’s fast becoming), but such a mantra can be difficult to fathom.

Is the superior world view that of the guy throwing litter from a car, or of the bloke claiming to have a guardianship role over the environment? Is it that of a parent who neglects or abuses a child, or that of the dad coaching his kid’s sports team?

And are the world views of New Zealanders volunteering to plant trees, deal to possums, save Kiwis or provide community services any less valuable because they have no Maori blood?

There are all sorts in our country and while our politicians, bureaucrats and journalists only listen to the noisy activists, they may just be missing out on what the people in the middle really think.

Term Limits & Referenda

People in the middle tend to be the steady voice of practical reason – those who keep a country functioning and growing good future citizens. They know how things work and what goes on in real life. They’re not so easily persuaded by the latest trends and propaganda, being more interested in what people do than what they say. If only, the politicians, bureaucrats and journalists would listen to them and work in their best interests – rather than ride roughshod over them.

Perhaps term limits would facilitate this. Imagine if all our politicians and bureaucrats had to give up their day jobs after so many years at the trough. What a great leveller that would be! They could hit the streets, get an ordinary job and live on an ordinary income – anything that helps them reconnect.

More binding referendums on really important matters might help too. How about the fundamental issue of who should control water? Or whether investors should be able to create city housing crises? And whether all references to race and culture should be removed from the statute books?

If this could be achieved, we might well start living in a true democracy, where every person is equal to his/her neighbour.

Manipulation of New Immigrants

Far too often these days, the media show us terrorists committing appalling acts, supposedly in the name of an ethnicity or religion. This reminds us how lucky we are to live in New Zealand where we are removed from the hotbeds of such foul activism and can still largely enjoy legal equality, law and order.

But it’s wise never to be too self-satisfied. The fundamentals of human psychology never change. There will always be individuals striving for greater personal power and control over others, at any cost. So when I read that Treaty of Waitangi workshops have been offered to new immigrants for the last 25 years, I’m curious. What might be the motivation?

1.Better race relations?

Fancy! New Zealand led the world in providing racial equality before the law, along with universal franchise. Already, we live, love, work and play together. New Zealand’s Governor General (the highest office-holder in the land) is of Maori descent and his predecessor is of Indian descent. People of all bloodlines are evident throughout government departments, parliament, the media, our favourite celebrities, and our New Year’s honours………. So how much better can race relations be here?

2.Understanding history?

Surely this applies – yet the interactive workbook “Tangata Tiriti – Treaty People (2006)” purchased from a course promoter (Auckland Regional Migrant Services – A.R.M.S.) is published by the Auckland Workers Educational Association (a social/political organisation). There’s no evidence of a qualified historian either teaching their workshops or having reviewed their materials. Instead, the workbook is very one-sided and there’s a serious omission of many facts. Emotionally manipulative, it’s heavy political propaganda that would do a Communist “re-education” camp proud. Of great concern is the less than subtle encouragement for ‘non-white’ immigrants to join Maori in being anti-Pakeha, anti-democracy and anti-capitalism, while supporting calls for Maori sovereignty.

3.Encouraging division and unrest?

This explanation certainly fits with the course material. Where one can choose one’s ethnicity (not based on dominant bloodlines, but on preference) as we can in New Zealand, ethnicity is no different from religion. We choose what feels good or offers the greatest return. Looking around the world, we’d have to be totally unaware not to see how these man-made cultural divisions are frequently used to help the power-hungry stir up trouble. While we Kiwis like to be tolerant and just go with the flow, we are definitely not immune to such political manipulations.

Here are some examples of the workbook’s tone: “(the Treaty) challenges the concept of ‘one-law-for-all’…. yet constitutional arrangements for shared sovereignty, while highly controversial in New Zealand, do occur elsewhere…” and “bicultural and multicultural are often used by people to question the monocultural control of power in Aotearoa/New Zealand.” (from Biculturalism and Multiculturalism P. 102 & 103) and “In other countries, the local people were strong enough to kick the colonisers out. Maori should have done the same thing.” (from ‘some questions and answers’ P.121).

Indoctrinating new immigrants is a very easy win for the unscrupulous.

Newcomers are usually eager to make a success of their move, to fit in and not cause any trouble. Immigrants are likely to absorb every bit of propaganda thrown at them, assuming such ‘educational’ courses are official and that the content is factual. Conversely, many have fled from countries where unequal legal rights and the associated corruption are facts of life – so why question it here?

Democracy or Despots

The fact is that the Treaty of Waitangi was a fantastic document in 1840. It demonstrated great enlightenment compared to everything that had previously been going on in the world. In Maori’s first democratic step, most chiefs ceded their individual tribal sovereignty to Queen Victoria in return for the same rights as British subjects. This included their protection from other rampaging Maori tribes with their slavery and cannibalism, as well as from any disreputable settlers and other more ruthless colonising powers. Since then, apart from a few inevitable hiccups, the country and its people have largely gone from strength to strength. All New Zealanders have equal rights to vote on the general roll; they have access to public education, healthcare and welfare. The country is certainly in a better position than if it had been left to warring tribalism and subsistence living.

So then – why the call to undermine our system of government and way of life?

Ruthless political movements don’t want happy solutions. By encouraging division and discord, it is so much easier to gain positions of power. Many despicable figures around the world have purposely kept their citizens down, keeping them uneducated, vulnerable and poor. This strategy has worked a treat for all sorts of dictators and despots. Here in New Zealand, there are certainly some who find it more lucrative for Maori to stay high in all the worst statistics.

The Answer

So what offers the best future for New Zealanders of any or all ethnicities? It certainly isn’t feudalism, race-based sovereignty sharing, or whatever it is being sought by the Auckland Workers Educational Association. Under such a future, how long would it be before we were living in a real third world country, with corruption running rife, and us living on the edge of violence and warfare?

Long-term peace and prosperity in any country can only exist under a political system which rigorously applies one set of rules, so that everyone has the same legal rights and obligations; where all citizens have access to education and healthcare, plus opportunities to work to improve their lot.

We can’t legislate against unequal origins, abilities, attitudes or outcomes, but we must be alert to and resist ideologies hell-bent on destroying our democracy and egalitarian way of life. Let’s all start with demanding that ARMS explain their intent in promoting such a destructive course to new immigrants. The Auckland Council might also like to explain why ratepayers are providing their venues.


At a recent speaking engagement, Sir Bob Jones said he had known Sir Tipene O’Regan before he was a Maori. Bob had apparently grown up with one Stephen O’Regan – a man who made the politically and financially rewarding decision to strengthen his Maori identity and change his name in middle age .

Well, it may be time for all of us to start digging out an inner Polynesian. As the baby boomer bubble moves into old age and increasing demands are put on health resources, activist bureaucrats have announced plans for race-based financial control and preference in our public health system. Choosing to identify as a “Maori” or “Pacific Islander” may leapfrog you over other Kiwis.

Identity Becomes Health Issue

PHARMAC (the Government’s Pharmaceutical Management Agency) decides which medicines, vaccines and medical devices are to be purchased or subsidised by taxpayers. In 2013, the organisation sought submissions on a new set of decision-making criteria. That process is now complete. From 2015, PHARMAC will be making funding allocations based on four criteria, of which the first two appear entirely reasonable. They are:......

Continue reading Fiona's informative blog - click > HERE


Our schools are being told:

- The Treaty affords Maori a dual set of rights.

- Schools must consult with the local Maori community about the school’s direction.

- Te reo Maori should be promoted in school management (i.e. in day-to-day staff communication and admin), as well as teaching and learning.

- All pupils need to learn Maori, gain knowledge and experience of important Maori concepts and customs, and understand and celebrate the place of Maori as tangata whenua.

- Schools will learn to share power, control, and decision-making while validating the unique position of Maori and recognizing the contribution Maori make to education.

And the Update provides useful examples of how other model schools successfully carry out their indoctrination.

Why We’re Concerned

The Ministry’s Update is very disturbing because it goes way beyond the teaching of Maori content. It is a blatant attempt to change and control the behaviour of schools, teachers and students, to promote the “Maori world view” and to elevate “Maori” to a superior status not afforded anyone else.

Race-based Discrimination

Equality before the law and democracy (along with property rights) have long proven to be the foundations of strong and prosperous economies. Yet here at home and certainly in this Ministry, these tenets are being aggressively and persistently undermined.

Increasingly we see that anyone with a teaspoon of Maori blood are being given greater rights than any other member of the population (with no corresponding emphasis on their responsibilities). Meanwhile other New Zealanders are required to pay tax to fund the double-dipping, dictatorial control or free ride of Maori advisory boards, consultants, politicians, activists, guardians, and the recipients of numerous race-based grants and subsidies.

Control by Consultation

Consultation with iwi is increasingly becoming a noose around our necks. It adds significant costs, delays and complexity to any process, on anyone’s land, often to no reasonable or democratic purpose. It is also a misnomer in that we are obliged to meet any iwi demands.

Traditionally, schools have worked closely with their communities but to suggest they need to “share power, control, and decision-making while validating the unique position of Maori” is discriminatory, onerous and asking for trouble. Think of John Key’s “sweet, little old lady”, Titiwhai Harawira and her family’s history of bullying behavior at Waitangi and elsewhere. They are just one example of what we can expect should a school and its entire community be made subservient to forces within the local marae.

Effective Communication

Learning the Maori language is a nice, cultural activity but it isn’t going to help New Zealanders get ahead. The purpose of language is to effectively communicate with as many people as possible. Being competent in te reo Maori may help get you a job with an iwi corporation and seems to be becoming a prerequisite for work as a government employee, but it certainly won’t help much anywhere else in the world.

English is considered the international language of business. Along with other high-growth languages such as Mandarin and Spanish, it’s what people choose to speak if they want a career and opportunities in an increasingly competitive world. Just as Gaelic is of cultural rather than commercial value, so is te reo Maori.

Read Fiona's full blog - click > HERE


Strict Maori powhiri protocol was imposed on Auckland Council’s inauguration last Tuesday (29th Oct). Women councillors were directed into the back row behind all their male colleagues, then to the end of the line-up for the hongi. One councillor said she was “shoved” into the back, while another explained that the women simply followed each other. It’s hard to imagine these strong, assertive women willingly being so meek and submissive – especially as their ranks contain at least one ex-MP, two ex-mayors and a deputy mayor. Wherever the truth lies, the appearance of discrimination and rudeness towards our democratically-elected councillors (and, by inference, all women) was shocking.....

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Then there’s “Maoridom” and here we have a totally irrational situation. Should you dare to support equality of all peoples before the law and “one person, one vote” (- you know, something Kiwis fought against the Nazis for in World War II, vigorously protested for in South Africa and our Government stridently demands for Fiji), then you are labeled a “redneck” or a “racist”.

“Que?” (As the poor, confused Manual used to say in the entertainingly frustrating TV sitcom, Fawlty Towers).

This refusal to allow questioning of anything “Maori” or anyone identifying as “Maori” seems to be embedded in our government and taxpayer-funded organisations. A recent debate held at Te Papa on the Treaty of Waitangi was rather radical in that there was only one opinion expressed. (Perhaps that’s the way they hold debates in North Korea, but I’d like to think New Zealand hadn’t reached those depths yet.) Some might consider the aggressive promoting of two separate peoples as contradicting both the written Treaty and Captain Hobson’s comment to each Maori signatory - “Now we are one people”. But this perspective wasn’t invited into the so-called debate.

The bottom line is that bullies employ identity politics. Their tactics prevent free and open discussion about the hot issues of the day. The power-hungry use this technique to “impoverish political debate” and prevent principles, concepts and ideas from seeing the light of day. This safeguards their status and income sources while ensuring that the good of the country and all its peoples is never at the top of the agenda......

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So what about New Zealand’s kinks and flaws? We have a few:

Democracy? Every day there are examples of self-serving political powers promoting tribalism (feudalism) and different rules for different folk. The Maori Party’s Tariana Turia rubbishes democracy as “the tyranny of the majority”. It seems she’d much prefer the tyranny of a grasping minority instead.

The will of the people? 80% or so of us are constantly told our opinions count for nothing. We are way too ignorant to know what’s good for us. On that subject, when will Sue Bradford and her supporters be called to account for making not one iota of difference to serious child abuse statistics in this country?

Equality before the law (i.e. no discrimination based on race, religion or gender)? That tenet has long been swept out of the Beehive, government departments and council offices. Just ask the people in the fishing, aquacultural and other coastal industries. Talk to the Kiwi patient denied a taxi chit from his local hospital - “because he wasn’t a Maori”. Even Pharmac is asking whether they should treat Maori and Pacific Islanders preferentially.

Property rights? Only as along as you can avoid the attention of iwi. Bones, taniwhas, or ‘just because’ means your property could be affected next. Check out the powers of mana whenua to manipulate property values under the proposed Auckland’s Unitary Plan.

Unfettered Power? The bureaucracy is promoting its agenda, despite who’s in power. Talk to teachers about the pressure they’re under to incorporate Treaty mantras and te reo into their lessons.

Transparency in government? Well, issues with Sky City, the GCSB and Auckland’s Unitary Plan raise some red flags.

Freedom of speech? We might politely raise issues of concern and are promptly labeled, ridiculed or put down. The price of free speech is high.

Independence of the media? Traditional channels seem more concerned with “celebrities, sharks and babes” than investigating serious issues. Thank goodness for social media (- horrors, did I just say that?).

Inclusiveness? You may not be able to convince anyone you’re Maori, but that red-head over there just received a Maori grant. You might finish university studies with a massive debt, while others get doctorates without ever paying a cent. You can win a seat on Council, but only if you spend significant money on campaigning hard. Others will be gifted a seat (with pay) because they’re “Maori”. Admission into the new, taxpayer-funded but unaccountable ruling elite is restricted. It helps to have the right connections – or be a lawyer.

No tax without representation? How come Auckland City’s unelected, unaccountable, tax-consuming and vote-casting Maori Advisory Board exists again?.....

Read the full 'saying it how it is' blog - click > HERE


With recent claims of Maori ownership of water, wind and the digital spectrum - combined with the concerning prospect of a new, race-based constitution being developed for our country - I am left pondering: Who are these “Maori”? Who are these people who want to separate themselves from other New Zealanders while thinking they are entitled to take more than their fair portion of the public pie?

I look around at those I share my life with - in our families, our neighbourhoods, at the shops, in school, at the gym, wherever – and can’t imagine how this separatist policy is supposed to work at street level.

Since 1974, the term Maori has not been legally defined by blood percentages and good interracial relations has long since intermingled the many ethnic bloodlines in this country. Yet we constantly read of “Maori” statistics, “Maori” entitlements and “Maori” claims on the public purse. It seems like we should know, yet it can be hard to tell who’s what anymore.

Many of us will remember the farcical episode back in 2003 when the ex-All Black and very “white”, blue-eyed Christian Cullen joined the Maori rugby team for an international tour, despite only having 1/64th Maori blood. There was controversy, but he still went.

Another close-to-home example is a friend’s red-headed, green-eyed child getting a special phone call from the principal of a North Auckland school welcoming her as the newest Maori pupil. So because of a distant “Maori” ancestor, she can apparently look forward to preferential treatment, lower entry requirements and financial subsidies at university despite her dominant Caucasian bloodlines and middle class origins. (Where is that in the Treaty again?).......

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