2010 - 2013

A review of the constitution was announced on December 8, 2010, as part of a confidence and supply agreement between the National Party and the Maori Party in which the former agreed not to seek to remove Maori seats without Maori voter consent, while both agreed not to pursue entrenching the Maori seats during the current term. Part of the Maori Party’s 2011 election policy was to ensure the constitutional review gives effect to the treaty.

Although the review was set up to consider: The size and length of terms of parliament; whether terms should be fixed; the size and number of electorates, including the method for calculating size; electoral integrity legislation; Crown-Maori relationship matters; the Maori electoral option, Maori electoral participation, and Maori seats in parliament and local government; the role of the Treaty of Waitangi within New Zealand's constitutional arrangements; whether New Zealand should have a written constitution; and Bill of Rights issues; there was little doubt that the treaty and Maori issues were the main event.

This review was 'shelved' late 2013 as the government 'Constitutional Advisory Panel' (CAP) could not get the backing from the public, mainly due to the diligent work from the 'Independent Constitutional Review Panel' (ICRP)


The final report 'A house divided' by the Independent Constitutional Review Panel, which should be read by all Kiwis. Read the report - click > HERE

“A constitution is an agreement which a people has about some fundamental things ~ about how they are to be governed, and the principles on which they base their government and society. There has to be agreement ~ and the very fact that we are holding this debate is proof that the Treaty and its so-called principles should not be in our constitution, because on that matter there is no agreement.” - David Round, Chairman Independent Constitutional Review Panel

Members of the 'Independent Constitutional Review Panel' are Chairman David Round of Canterbury University, with Professors Elizabeth Rata of Auckland University, Jim Allan of the University of Queensland, and Martin Devlin of Massey University, NZCPR Research Associate Mike Butler, and NZCPR Director and Panel Convenor, Dr Muriel Newman.

For more information on the Independent Constitutional Review please visit the campaign pages click HERE

The many informative articles written on the 2010 - 2013 attempted constitution hijack below:

(Click on Bold/italic text for link to following articles)

Extortion by a Thousand Demands by Dr Muriel Newman 9/12/12

A Treaty of Waitangi Constitution by David Round 9/12/12

Illegitimate Constitutional Change by Dr Muriel Newman 3/12/12

What a Bastard by Professor James Allen 3/12/12

Focus on the Review by Dr Muriel Newman 5/11/12

Report on "NZ's Constitution; The Conversation So Far" by David Round 4/11/12

Independent Constitutional Review Panel established by Dr Muriel Newman 22/10/16

A Written Constitution for NZ? by Professor James Allen 22/10/12

Open Letter to the Prime Minister by Dr Muriel Newman 24/9/12

Constitutional Advisory Panel by Professor Martin Devlin 24/9/12

Stand up for New Zealand! By Dr Muriel Newman 19/8/12

We get the government we deserve by David Round 19/8/12

The hunger for a special Maori deal by Mike Butler 18/9/12

Constitution 101 questions to ponder by Mike Butler18/9/12

Advisors' 'rangatiratanga' error by Mike Butler 18/9/12

Time to challenge claims and claimants by Dr Muriel Newman 9/9/12

An argument against iwi claims to constitutional recognition by Elizabeth Rata 9/9/12

A Declaration of Equality by Dr Muriel Newman 19/8/12

Charter by David Round 19/8/12

Are we one or two? By Dr Muriel Newman 22/7/12

New Zealand Constitution - why iwi have got it wrong by Elizabeth Rata 22/7/12

One battle ends - a new one begins by Dr Muriel Newman 8/7/12

Equality for all by Dr Muriel Newman 1/7/12

Turning around race-based policy by Mike Butler 1/7/12

Nelson, Wairoa oppose Maori seats by Mike Butler 21/5/12

Implications of Treaty in constitution by Mike Butler 12/5/12

Hijacking our constitution by Dr Muriel Newman 6/5/12

Treaty beliefs - in their own words by Mike Butler 6/5/12

What Maori and non-Maori think about separate seats by Mike Butler 21/4/12

Time to look forward by Dr Muriel Newman 1/4/12

The biculturalism myth by David Round 1/4/12

Be careful with the constitution by Mike Butler 16/3/12

Bolivian constitution a model for NZ? By Mike Butler 11/3/12

Radical forces plan to replace our constitution by Dr Muriel Newman 5/3/12

Marching through the institutions by Elizabeth Rata 5/3/12

Leave our constitution alone by Dr Muriel Newman 18/9/11

A Slippery Slope to Ruin by David Round 18/9/2011