April - June 21


New chairs for New Zealand Maori Council

Mr Tukaki lost his position as chair of the Auckland District Māori Council in the triennial election amid a row over the eligibility of some new and revived branches to participate, and former chair Henare Mason also failed to secure a position.

The new co-chairs are George Ngatai from South Auckland, who will be responsible for commercial development, and Archdeacon Harvey Ruru from Blenheim, who will speak on social issues.

The deputy chair is Anne Kendall from Papakura......


Dome Valley's tipping point: Rubbish disposal weighed against Māori spiritual values

How do you weigh up intangible cultural values strongly opposed to a rubbish dump, when the tangible reality is that Auckland desperately needs another landfill?

The most affected iwi, Ngāti Manuhiri and Ngāti Whātua, say the fight is far from over and they will appeal the decision to the Environment Court......


Pink and White Terraces included in claims settlement bill

The next step in an $11 million deed of settlement signed by the Crown and Bay of Plenty iwi Ngāti Rangitihi is about to be taken, with the opening of submissions on a bill relating to the deal.

The Ngāti Rangitihi Claims Settlement Bill will record acknowledgements and an apology made to the iwi – which traces its origins to Te Arawa waka and has interests around Rotorua, Kaingaroa, and Matatā – for breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi and its principles.

Significantly, it will also involve the transfer of 19 sites of deep significance to the iwi, including the former site of the Pink and White Terraces known as Ō-tū-kapua-rangi me Te Tarata.

Another important feature of the bill is that it includes provisions about the natural resources arrangement over the Tarawera River. The settlement establishes the Tarawera Awa Restoration Strategy Group, which would operate as a permanent joint committee of the Bay of Plenty Regional Council......


Ōrāpōta!!! Auckland iwi launch 111-year-old steam train for Matariki

At 111-years-old it's not often you get gifted another name to use, but that’s what happen to the Ww 480 steam engine being named Tāiki​ by the local iwi of Waiuku to celebrate at Matariki​ time.

Ngāti Te Ata​ and the Glenbrook Vintage Railway​ have teamed up to celebrate Te Mātahi o Te Tau (the Māori New Year) differently with Waiuku iwi ancestral names to remember the history of the area.

The names, Tāiki is a famous tupuna​ of Ngāti Te Ata, and Te Tuhionorangi is a historic pā site at the mouth of the Manukau Harbour......


Call to find whānau of unmarked graves at Tokanui Hospital

National Māori Authority Chair Matthew Tūkākī is calling for the government to fund a “whakapapa project” to connect whānau to those buried in unmarked graves at Tokanui Cemetery.

Tūkākī says he has sat at the grave sites at Tokanui Cemetery and has sensed the discomfort for those lying there “still lost but not found”......


Bay of Plenty Regional Council grants Rotorua museum $4.1 million

To assist with the creation of exhibitions for the strengthened and redeveloped venue, Rotorua Museum Te Whare Taonga o Te Arawa is to receive a $4.1million grant from the Bay of Plenty Regional Council. The grant, to be made through the Rotorua Museum Centennial Trust, is a huge boost for the exhibition component of the wider redevelopment project.

“We have developed a comprehensive community engagement plan and will be talking to a wide range of people throughout the rohe. We have held a handful of initial hui with some Ngāti Whakaue and Te Arawa entities, and an extensive iwi engagement programme will soon be rolled out around the Te Arawa region......


Cultural significance of Banks Peninsula reserve finally recognised by council

The reserve was the scene of a massacre in 1830 and became tapu (sacred), but this did not stop a number of offensive developments including a dump and wastewater treatment plant being built at Takapūneke Reserve over the years.

The landscape plan involves splitting the reserve into three areas – Park of Silence, Park of Healing and Park of Reflection.

The design is founded on kaupapa Māori concepts, and includes four interconnected takarangi (double spiral forms), which form a unifying strand.....


Iwi run Covid-19 vaccination centre opens in Auckland

The centre run by Ngāti Whātua Ōrakei is based in the suburb of St Johns.

Ngāti Whātua Ōrakei trust board member Tama Davis said they hoped to bolster the number of people from Māori, Pacific and other minority communities getting vaccinated......


Taranaki Regional Council set to lose one South Taranaki representative with establisment of Māori ward

South Taranaki residents are set to lose one regional councillor when a Māori constituency is established at next year’s local body election.

At a full Taranaki Regional Council (TRC) meeting on Tuesday, members voted to accept recommendations from a representation review to establish a region-wide Māori ward while retaining the four general wards of New Plymouth, North Taranaki, Stratford and South Taranaki.

The number of elected members would remain at 11, including one member representing the Māori ward.

The South Taranaki ward would lose one member from the current three elected to the regional council because of the ratio between population to members.......


Waikeria Prison riot: Rāwiri Waititi says corrections compensation a hasty decision

A $1.35 million government pay out to prisoners and staff at Waikeria Prison is being labelled as a hasty decision by Te Pāti Māori co-leader, Rāwiri Waititi.

“I would rather my taxes go into a ‘by Māori, for Māori, to Māori’ approach. It is time for Māori to take on the solutions because we are the solutions.”.....


ACC Maori Advisory Customer Panel

The information collected on this form will only be used to assess your application for a position on our Māori Customer Advisory Panel. In the collection, use and storage of information, ACC will at all times comply with the obligation of the Privacy Act 1993. You have the right to access information we hold about you. You can also ask us to correct the information that we hold about you......


Napier City Council welcomes two new Kaiwhakahaere Hononga Māori

Napier City Council formally welcomed two new Kaiwhakahaere Hononga Māori, or Māori partnership managers, to its staff yesterday at Pukemokimoki Marae.

The two new positions will form part of the council's new internal directorate known as Te Waka Rangapū (The Waka of Relationship, bringing all communities together)......


Masters study for te reo to launch in July, following national demand

Te Wānanga o Aotearoa (TWoA) is set to launch a new two-year master's degree for the most advanced Māori language learners.

It follows exploding demand for te reo Māori courses nationally, and the programme is said to have already filled quickly with little marketing or promotion.....



Council mulls Maori positions

Mana whenua positions may be added to two Dunedin City Council committees to represent Maori interests.

That is one of the options city councillors will debate next week, as they consider how they might enable Maori to have a stronger decision-making voice within the council.

Council staff have recommended rununga representatives be appointed to the planning and environment committee and the infrastructure services committee.

Both committees are prominent ones for the city council......


Gate Pa School welcomes new entrance way

At 7am, just as the sky was beginning to lighten, a formal blessing of two Maori poupou and the opening of the school’s new entrance way was carried out with teachers, students and whanau looking on.

Gate Pa school Principal Rochelle Jensen says the front entrance is significant as it “reflects our cultural narrative and tells our story”......



Immigration reset allows us to honour the bargain struck in te Tiriti


History in the making: the battle over the new school curriculum


When Pākehā are not in charge



Hate speech: govt plans new law, tougher penalties

Hate speech will become a criminal offence and anyone convicted could face harsher punishment, under proposed legislative changes.

The government has this morning released for public consultation its long-awaited plan for the laws governing hate speech.

The plan is part of the government's work to strengthen social cohesion, in response to the Royal Commission of inquiry into the Christchurch terror attack.

Justice Minister Kris Faafoi said abusive or threatening speech that incites can divide communities.

"Building social cohesion, inclusion and valuing diversity can also be a powerful means of countering the actions of those who seek to spread or entrench discrimination and hatred."

Protecting free speech and protecting people from hate speech will require careful consideration and a wide range of input, Faafoi said......


Love stories and indigenous legends for Waikato park

A proposed $36 million indigenous theme park in Waipā could give the Waikato tourism sector a much needed boost.

The Waikato Culture Park will feature zones modeled after Tainui Māori, Pasifika, Native Hawaiian, Australian Aboriginals and Native Americans as well as a dinosaur village with resident taniwha.....



Graham Adams: Winston Peters is back… and so is He Puapua


Hate speech law proposals aim to create a safe and inclusive society – but discrimination is unlikely to be discouraged if it is positive



Te Whare Tapa Whā: The model that's changed the face of Community College



Sign of growing pride in Manurewa's Māori identity

New bilingual signs in a park bearing a name provided by mana whenua are just one of the ways Manurewa Local Board is showing pride in the area’s strong Māori identity and championing te reo Māori.

Earlier this year, the local board adopted names and narratives provided by mana whenua for 57 local parks in its area as part of the council’s cultural identity programme, Te Kete Rukuruku.

Now Te Ākitai Waiohua and the board have marked the installation at what will now be known as Te Pua / Keith Park in Weymouth, of a new entrance sign and an interpretative sign that tells the story in English and te reo Māori of the name provided by the iwi for the park......


Iwi misinformed by Crown in a project development to revive Hauraki Gulf

But mana whenua iwi Ngātiwai says there has clearly been a "Crown engagement failure", as consultation with iwi did not happen to finalise this decision.

"As iwi mana whenua of Hauraki Gulf, we are offended to wake [Tuesday] morning to television news announcing a new Crown-led strategy; where Te Iwi o Ngātiwai has not been included," Ngātiwai Trust Board chairman Aperahama Kerepeti-Edwards said.

Leaders say that the Crown has a responsibility to engage with all iwi of the whenua of the Hauraki Gulf as part of the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Act 2000.......


Te reo Māori construction training programme aims to build connections

A new building and construction programme will deliver courses in te reo Māori for the first time.

The pilot initiative was launched today in Kirikiriroa and aims to connect with Māori students interested in the industry.

It is being led by the Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation (BCITO) along with Ngā Taiātea Wharekura and iwi Waikato Tainui.......



Maorification of smiling zombies – Karl du Fresne



Who's afraid of the 'A' word?



Ngāti Rangitihi Claims Settlement Bill passes first reading

Te Arawa iwi Ngāti Rangitihi is one step closer to a Treaty settlement of more than $11 million.

The Ngāti Rangitihi Claims Settlement Bill passed its first reading in Parliament on Tuesday.

If the bill becomes law, Ngāti Rangitihi will receive $4m in financial redress and $7m in commercial redress, and have 19 sites of cultural significance returned to them......


Māori and Pacific culture delivered at work in 'snackable bites'

Digital signage company Vibe.fyi​ is making Māori and Pacific culture and history accessible at work with the Mana Moana programme of “snackable bites”.

Designed with Brown Pages, which provides the content, the programme aimed to raise awareness of Māori and Pacific cultures among hard-to-reach employees who did not necessarily work at desks.

The introduction to Māori and Pacific perspectives included topics such as the Treaty of Waitangi, tikanga Māori and cultural values, Pacific customs and cultural values, and the natural world.......


Decades of work before Auckland's Hauraki Gulf fully restored, iwi leader says

Leader Paul Majurey, who co-chaired the Sea Change–Tai Timu Tai Pari Ministerial Advisory Committee said it was a “hugely significant step” in what would be a programme of restoration for generations to come.

“[Tuesday’s] measures will deliver improvements over the next 10 years but understand it will be some decades before Tīkapa Moana is fully restored.”

Majurey, of Ngāti Maru, said mana whenua would look closely to ensure new marine protected areas didn’t undermine any Treaty of Waitangi settlements or customary activities......


Milestone reached for Iwi Affiliation Population Counts

Iwi affiliation data released today provides updated population counts for all iwi and addresses gaps in Māori data originating from the 2018 Census, says Associate Minister of Statistics Meka Whaitiri.

The 2018 iwi estimates are now available on both the Te Whata and the Stats NZ website.....



Henry Armstrong: The New Zealand constitution and political duplicity - shush … be quiet!



Student teacher committed to supporting Māori learners


Chlöe Swarbrick: Government's Hauraki Gulf protection law in marina developers' wake



A separate Māori ACC is unnecessary - PM Jacinda Ardern

A separate "Māori ACC" is needed to ensure Māori get the help they need, a Māori health advocate says.

"We actually need a Māori ACC, or something along those lines, or it should come under the Māori Health Authority. It's time for Māori to look after their own."

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said ACC Minister Carmel Sepuloni was asking "all the right questions" regarding inequalities within the scheme, but she did not think a separate ACC system for Māori was necessary.......


National Party quietly shelves review recommendations on leadership changes

The party has also walked back an earlier idea to have a dedicated Māori director under Te Tiriti o Waitangi partnership

Other recommendations from the review have been adopted by the board, including acknowledging Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the country’s founding document,......


New Members Appointed To Waitangi Tribunal

Minister for Māori Development, Hon Willie Jackson, today announced the appointment of three new members to the Waitangi Tribunal and the reappointment of one existing member to the Waitangi Tribunal.

Kevin Prime, Derek Fox and Dr Hana O’Regan have been appointed for three years, joining member Dr Grant Phillipson who has been reappointed for a three-year term........


Karleen Everitt appointed ANZ Bank's first head of Māori strategy

The first head of Māori strategy, Karleen Everitt, will work closely with the ANZ’s New Zealand leadership teams, head of Māori business, and Māori and Pasifika groups to shape the future Te Ao Māori strategy for the company.

The former chief executive of Manaaki Solutions took up her role at ANZ earlier this week and said she was excited to pave the way forward for Māori communities and their relationship with the bank......


Fishing Reserves Hijacked By Co-governance Agenda

“The Government’s plan to roll out more fishing reserves will be welcomed by some, but it shouldn’t be used to smuggle in a co-governance agenda,” says ACT Leader David Seymour.

“Revitalising the Gulf is the latest example of the Government’s drive to give power to people based on who their grandparents were through co-governance.

“A fishing reserve is not a cultural construct, it’s just a place where fishing is banned to give fish a chance. There is no need for special Māori knowledge. We can all see that if you stop catching fish in certain areas there will be more of them.

“ACT supports marine reserves, but allowing some Māori to customary take in a fishing reserve makes the policy more about race than fishing.”.....


More on the above here > Government’s ‘Revitalising the Gulf’ plan a welcome first step


And more here > Ngātiwai ‘gobsmacked’ to be left out of plan to revitalise Hauraki Gulf


Grant for Te Herenga Waka researcher working with Te Ruapekapeka Trust

A $250,000 grant from the Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund will help strengthen links between Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington and Te Ruapekapeka Trust in Northland.

The grant has been awarded to Te Kura Mātai Pūkaha, Pūrorohiko School of Engineering and Computer Science assistant lecturer Kevin Shedlock (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Porou, Whakatōhea) for his project, ‘Matching Hapū Knowledge with Machine Learning during the Construction of the IT Artefact’.....


Police offer 'no comment' on West Coast whānau's concerns of racial bias

Police have responded to the concerns of a West Coast whānau that their son was singled out for attention because he was Māori.

Police had no comment on the reported incident, but outlined their efforts to rid the force of race bias.

"Police has previously acknowledged that all humans have unconscious bias, and that as police we need to be conscious to mitigate any effects on individuals," the statement said.

"In the past seven years we have established 12 dedicated Māori responsiveness managers at inspector level rank, to strengthen the work of police iwi liaison officers."....


Council signs first of its kind lease with Maori group

Cumberland City Council will sign a 20-year lease with Sydney Marae Alliance to build the first of its kind Maori community centre in Australia.

Mayor Steve Christou said it was a testament to multiculturalism of the local community.

“After years of negotiation around this proposal, I welcome an outcome that ties the historic roots of our lands and communities in our city.

The multimillion-dollar proposal will see the construction of a cultural centre, which aims to deliver community programs and events including cultural exchange programs, ANZAC Day, conferences and language and dance classes.


Concerns over water reforms in Taranaki: iwi are guardians, committee told

Iwi are the guardians of their water, and there are concerns any national amalgamation of water services would be out of step with that responsibility, a New Plymouth District Councillor has said.

Currently councils run the majority of the drinking water, wastewater and stormwater systems across New Zealand, but the government is looking at options to tie it all together.

“What I look at is that when it comes to our taonga, our water, we're the kaitiaki – we’re the guardians of our water,” councillor Dinnie Moeahu said.

“We're the guardians of our taonga. And that's how it should be.”....



Helping the underclass and ourselves at the same time


Open letter: Don Brash to the Prime Minister



Dr Mataroria Lyndon: Our shameful health statistics show colonisation has failed Māori


Iwi leader Ken Mair warns against Māori wards isolation and burnout



Te Tātoru o Wairau: Iwi gift name to school relocation project

A watershed moment occurred at the Omaka Marae in Blenheim on Friday, when the project to relocate and rebuild three local schools was formally renamed Te Tātoru o Wairau.

Ministry of Education head of property delivery Scott Evans said the name gifting was very exciting for the ministry. “It's an opportunity to be able to partnership with the iwi and make sure that we begin this journey where it should be,” he said.....


Boaties 'not going away' in fight for Delaware Bay boat ramp access

Small boat users looking to maintain recreational access to Delaware Bay are keen to work towards a “fresh start” with council, but insist they are not going away either.

The issue has been a sticking point between the council, small boast users, and Ngāti Tama over the past 20 years, due to the murky legal standing of the site.

The issue also involves local iwi Ngāti Tama who support the ban, with the land in question being the site of a sacred urupa (burial ground)......


Maori Authority call for overhaul of ACC

The Chair of the National Maori Authority, Matthew Tukaki, wants to see a complete overhaul of ACC after reports emerged this morning of the agency showing biased against Maori, women and Pacific peoples. Tukaki has said ACC has been biased for some time and he himself is dealing with a significant and increasing number of cases being referred to the Authority whereby Maori feel discriminated against.

"The truth is this is not new and has been going for some years and it happens a multitude of ways. One example for Maori in particular is where they are sometimes treated as somehow trying to rort the system - in other words there appears to be this conscious "that Maori bloke is just like all the others" when assessing claims. The other is when diagnosis through medical misadventure comes into play and again what I would call the very conscious bias occurs of pretty much just not believing Maori making a claim" Tukaki said....


More on the above here > ACC biased against women, Māori and Pasifika - agency's own analysis shows


Māori not being in immigration discussions fully is a 'sad reflection', says Productivity Commission chair

Within the commission’s proposed framework for assessing immigration, they’ve outlined the need to craft a policy that can “better honour the treaty and the mana of Māori”

As commission chair Ganesh Nana told Breakfast, it's a chance to incorporate Te Tiriti o Waitangi into the reform.

“I think this is one of the great opportunities, and indeed it’s a sad reflection that in all of the immigration policies we’ve had since the treaty, Māori have never been in that conversation officially.”.....


National leader Judith Collins vows to skip Waitangi in 2022 if she's not allowed to speak

National leader Judith Collins has vowed to skip Waitangi commemorations in 2022 if she's not allowed to speak alongside Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.

"I want to make this very clear: I will not be attending Waitangi and not be given speaking rights if I am either in the role of Prime Minister or as leader of the Opposition," Collins told Magic Talk on Monday.

"It is simply not acceptable. The moment we are judged solely on our gender is also the moment we give in to that and actually I'm not prepared to so that's my line in the sand. Either do it properly or don't bother.".....


New Zealand Health Group offer $20,000 Māori Health Leadership Scholarship

The New Zealand Health Group is proud to announce its Hiwa-i-te-rangi Māori Health Leadership Scholarship that worth up to $20,000. The purpose of this scholarship is to enable more Māori to be in decision making leadership roles within the health sector.

This scholarship is open to anyone in Aotearoa who is of Māori descent and a desire to build on their training and qualifications to address Māori equity through leadership......


Hopefully, Tomorrow Will Deliver A Positive Sea Change For Tīkapa Moana, The Hauraki Gulf

WWF-New Zealand is thrilled to finally see the Government launch its strategy to revitalize the Gulf – based on Tai Timu Tai Pari/Sea Change - the Hauraki Gulf Marine Spatial Plan,

Our government and other key stakeholders must work in true partnership with tangata whenua to find effective pathways to ensure we secure a healthy moana.

Ensure Māori, are able to exercise rangatiratanga/self determination and kaitiakitanga/guardianship over their marine resources and develop mechanisms for mātauranga Māori to be used alongside other knowledge in decision making processes....


Ngāti Toa buys leaky townhouse development from Porirua City Council for $10 million

The View Rd sale will be a weight off the council’s shoulders.

The weather tightness claim was reportedly settled between the council and the body corporate and owners for $10m in May 2019.

Even though the sale to Ngāti Toa, which was due to settle on June 30, would recoup that sum, the council will still need to stump up nearly $2m in fees, including legal fees, invasive testing costs, body corporate fees and $165,000 towards repairs.....



Council backs iwi in landfill dispute

Hauraki District Council has pledged to stand alongside local iwi Ngāti Hako should it choose to challenge a covenant registered against the Tirohia landfill property in 2003.

Hauraki Mayor Toby Adams says the Council made its decision to support Ngāti Hako because it recognises the importance of their tupuna Maunga - Rae o Te Papa and has great sympathy for the position the iwi has found itself in.....


The Crown’s Strategy for Māori Language Revitalisation 2019–2023

The protection and promotion of te reo me ngā tikanga Māori as taonga is key to the success of a New Zealand that embraces its diversity and the partnership created through Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

In 2040 we will commemorate 200 years since the signing of that Treaty. It will be a milestone that can only be truly celebrated if the language and cultures of both treaty partners are alive and flourishing......


Winston Peters attacks Labour, 'cancel culture', and te reo usage in comeback speech

NZ First leader used his first speech since losing power to attack the Government now operating without him on a laundry list of culture war issues.

But Labour was not alone: Also on Peters’ hit list at his party’s annual general meeting was the media, the Greens, National, the Māori Party, cyclists, “cancel culture,” and the increased usage of te reo in public life – particularly the phrase "Aotearoa”......



School sale suspended after hapū claims ownership

The sale of a former school on the South Taranaki coast has been suspended after a protest from hapū which originally donated the land, and want it returned.

Last Tuesday, descendants of Ngāti Tamāhuroa and Titahi hapū of the Ngaruahine iwi placed a rahui on the Oeo School property, after discovering it was being advertised for sale.

After the school closed in 1988, it was purchased by a hapū member, Bob Manuirirangi, in 1991.

“Our Uncle Bob informed the Education Board that he was only buying the buildings not the land, as the land had a whanau and hapū history and whakapapa and should be returned in good faith back to the resident mana whenua descendants of the NgātiTamāhuroa and Titahi hapū,” Hori Manuirirangi said.....


Kāhu, nzherald's home of Māori content, takes flight

On Monday, we launch a refreshed Kāhu, simple in design, enhanced by a colour palette reflecting the hawk's natural environment. Kāhu's Instagram account will also be launched as @kahunews.

Our aim is to create a sustainable, authentic platform for Māori storytelling, a process that requires trust and patience......


Can the Māori Connection to Antarctica Help Safeguard the Continent’s Future?

The team’s proposals include exploring legal personhood for the continent; over the last decade, as part of an effort to protect and preserve, New Zealand has granted legal personhood status to the Whanganui River, Mount Taranaki, and other culturally significant and environmentally threatened natural features within its borders. The designation means that appointed guardians, including local Māori communities, have legal authority to act in the entity’s best interests, including restricting development and other commercial use. Securing the same status for Antarctica, which does not legally belong to any nation, would represent a much bigger challenge.

While a campaign for legal personhood for the continent remains theoretical, Wehi and her colleagues hope their call to reframe how Antarctica is seen by the global community will inform future policies. The Antarctic Treaty first signed in 1959 will likely be reviewed around 2050, and other protections, such as proposed or expanded restrictions on fishing and other activities, continue to be put forth.

The team behind the commentary believes the key to safeguarding Antarctica lies in seeing it through the lens of Indigenous values, such as the Māori concept of kaitiakitanga, a kind of stewardship that “represents one way in which human-human and human-environment relationships and responsibilities are negotiated and regulated,” says coauthor Krushil Watene, philosopher and associate professor at Auckland’s Massey University......


Back of the Agenda: How the ward system might affect Nelson voters

In all the excitement of the city council’s decision to adopt the Māori Ward system, a slight detail might have been missed – the remaining electorate will also have to have at least one ward established.

More than one elected member has mentioned since the decision that it was possible people hadn't fully realised its reach, so this week’s column is once again looking at what the ward system means for the city......


Understanding New Zealand’s science sector from a Te Ao Māori perspective

This is an exciting opportunity to explore how New Zealand’s science and technology sector can work better for Māori. This is a very broad theme and can be addressed in different ways and from different disciplinary perspectives.

The research is part of an ongoing study into building New Zealand’s capacity for effective and equitable use of science and technology for social and commercial benefit. This Masters or PhD scholarship of $30,000 per annum plus fees for three years is funded by the Science for Technology and Innovation Challenge and the successful applicant will be supervised by Vision Mātauranga researchers from the Building New Zealand’s Capacity project.......


Shock walkout at SWDC meeting

Frustrations about the quality of representation available to Maori through local authority structures have spilled over with a member abruptly withdrawing from a council committee after a tense interchange.

South Wairarapa District Council Maori standing committee member Teresa Aporo walked out mid-meeting in Martinborough last week but has not formally resigned.....


Help us bring Māori ingenuity to the forefront of ACC

We’re now receiving applications for our Māori Customer Advisory Panel, which will help to bring Māori ingenuity to the forefront of ACC.

The panel’s aim is to enhance our suite of service options available for Māori. Through their work, the panel will advise on the strengths of a variety of kaupapa Māori initiatives and ideas.

We need panellists who:.....


Māori constituencies

At Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council we are proud to have helped pave a way for strengthened Māori representation in local government in Aotearoa. We were the first local government organisation to introduce Māori constituencies in 2004.....


Māori Futures Symposium aims to harness ancestral wisdom

A Māori Futures Symposium exploring how knowledge from the past can be harnessed to transform the future for Māori is underway at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch this weekend.

The conference which aims to share knowledge and models of Māori social transformation to inspire current generations to create an ambitious road map for the future started Saturday and runs through until Sunday afternoon.

“Across the motu, Māori are pioneering transformative work, using innovative kaupapa Māori methods. We want to celebrate, promote and build our collective understanding of how to build the future, by Māori, for Māori, as Māori," Symposium co-convenor Sacha McMeeking (Ngāi Tahu) said in a statement.......



Ngāti Toa Turning Their Home Ownership Dreams Into Reality

Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira Chief Executive Officer Helmut Modlik is excited with the purchase of 24 View Road, saying that iwi ownership now offers a viable option for iwi members to enter the property market.

It was agreed at a Porirua City Council meeting on Thursday 17 June, to sell the 24 apartments to Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira.

11 of the 24 apartments have undergone refurbishment and have code of compliance, with the remaining 13 properties requiring remediation works.....


TVNZ commissions independent review into Police Ten 7 amid racism claims

It's best known for its first-hand view of law enforcement, but TVNZ's Police Ten 7 is now under investigation itself.

TVNZ has commissioned an independent panel to look into how the show portrays Māori and Pasifika, along with other ethnic groups. It also asked for recommendations for future production and promotion of the show.

Auckland councillor Efeso Collins says all the show is doing "is monetising people's poor and vulnerable experiences”......


Māori wards in Rotorua: a recipe for fairer representation - or further division?

The introduction of Māori wards to Rotorua was an emotional affair for many, for vastly different reasons.

It's a national conversation that has seen some argue they're a way of embedding the Treaty of Waitangi in local government.

For others, they're special treatment for one group.

Local Democracy Reporter Felix Desmarais finds, in Rotorua, they are not just contentious but also complex......



Divisive wards move disingenuous – Clive Bibby



Call for industry to uphold Māori views on sustainable fishing practices

A Māori fisheries leader says a High Court ruling on tarakihi limits should force a rethink on current practices.

"As Māori, we're always talking about how we care about the sustainability of the fisheries and the sustainability of the moana more broadly. This decision is consistent with our fundamental driver."....


Flyer doesn’t expose Jacinda Ardern on NZ’s democratic future

A Facebook post includes claims that New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern supports 50 per cent Maori rule – and that non-Maori (Pakeha) votes will be devalued in the country.

The suggestion is made in a flyer, an image of which appears in the June 1 post. The image is a screenshot from a Newshub article published the same day with the headline, “Auckland Transport takes action over conspiracy flyer on Auckland bus.”.....


School stakes values and identity with four new pou

A Motueka primary school's quest to find its values has ended with the unveiling of four pou.

Parklands School tumuaki (principal) Andrea Smith said the pou, celebrated at a dawn blessing on Thursday, were the result of a project started by the previous principal, who “started a journey around finding our school values”.

“Previously you walked in and it was ‘Parklands School’. Now we are also Te Kura o Pakarana. We’re embracing everyone.”.....



Anne Salmond: Seize the day, before it’s too late



The formula determining how many Māori ward seats councils will have in 2022

Taranaki’s four councils overwhelmingly decided to establish Māori wards for the 2022 election, but it’s a complex formula that decides how many candidates can be elected in each.

Under the formula South Taranaki District Council (STDC) will have two Māori seats, while New Plymouth District, which has a larger Māori population, will have just one.

The formula, set out in the Local Electoral Act, takes into account a district or region’s Māori electoral population, the general electoral population and the number of councillors.

It then spits out a number, rounding up if necessary, of how many Māori ward members can be elected......


Report complaining about use of te reo Maori rejected

Brian Peat, of the Mosgiel Taieri Community Board, referred to ‘‘a young Maori chap’’ talking in te reo for at least 20 minutes without translation into English, but his recollection has been challenged by one of the conference organisers.

Mr Peat has called for all Maori content to be translated......


Dumping on the Māori world view

A highly controversial dump in the Dome Valley north of Auckland can go ahead, despite huge Māori and Pākehā opposition and a defeat for and dissenting view from the environment panel's chair

The rare frogs will be moved. The endangered long-tailed bats will adapt. Neighbours won't smell, see or hear too much. The disappearance of 14km of stream beds will be managed. State Highway 1 will cope with the extra 760 large truck movements a day.

And local Māori?

They had painstakingly outlined the effects, both spiritual and physical worlds in Te Ao Māori, of a new giant landfill on their lands, streams and the Kaipara Harbour......


ANZ appoints new head of Te Ao Māori strategy

ANZ Bank New Zealand has appointed Karleen Everitt as Te Kaitohu Rautaki Māori (Head of Te Ao Māori Strategy), a newly-created role to lead the direction of ANZ’s Te Ao Māori strategy.

Ms Everitt will work closely with the New Zealand Leadership Team, wider leadership teams, Head of Māori Business, and Māori and Pasifika Affinity Group to shape the future Te Ao Māori strategy of ANZ......


Regional approach to fast track takutai moana

"What we've done is worked out roughly 20 parts of the coastline for Aotearoa and we will work with all the claimants in each of the 20 sections of coastline. We will take the next year or so to work out how we are going to work together, what resourcing is needed and how we will get on to process the various claims and that will shorten the time quite considerably to deal with the claims as they have been lodged," he says.

Andrew Little says the process should be able to deal with competing claims and the concerns of non-Māori interests......


Māori martial art, plaiting and carving could be taught in New Zealand schools

A range of traditional Māori subjects could be taught in New Zealand schools under new NCEA proposals.

Raranga (plaiting) mau rākau (a traditional martial art) and whakairo (carving) are among 13 subjects being considered for students at NCEA levels 2 and 3.......


Te Tiriti must be central in New Zealand immigration reset - academic

A prominent Māori demographer says the Covid-19 pandemic has exposed shortfalls in Aotearoa's immigration system, and is calling for it to be reformed with the Treaty of Waitangi at its heart.

"It's just such a missed opportunity not to put Te Tiriti and tangata whenua at the heart of a 21st century Aotearoa immigration approach.".....



Crown and Ngāi Tahu hold first post-settlement hui to discuss partnership

Ngāi Tahu leaders and kaumātua have met with government ministers to discuss how they can work together for the first time since its Treaty settlement was signed in the mid-1990s.

A cohort of ministers – including Nanaia Mahuta, Megan Woods, Kelvin Davis, and Peeni Henare – were welcomed onto Ngāi Tūāhuriri marae in Tuahiwi, north of Christchurch, for the first post-settlement hui between Crown and Ngāi Tahu to discuss its Te Tiriti partnership.

“Eventually we will get to that partnership aspiration that was once talked about, but now we have the capacity to make real.”.......


Samuels' solution for SNA mess tikanga reserves

Former Minister Dover Samuels says a new system needs to be developed to protect sensitive areas on Māori land.

He has told Ministers and Far North mayor John Carter there are ways to create reserves under tikanga Māori so they remain under the ownership and control of whānau and hapū.

"The council should resource those people who own those whenua to bring this about so it can lie parallel with the Pākehā concept of reserves but it becomes operative under the tikanga and it is not part of any district or regional plan that can be changed by an application under the Resource Management Act, simple as that," he says.......


Mana whenua 'absolutely gutted' Dome Valley landfill has received green light

Mana whenua are "absolutely gutted" the controversial Dome Valley landfill was given a conditional green light by Auckland Council yesterday.

Ngāti Manuhiri Settlement Trust’s Terrence Hohneck told Breakfast he did not feel mana whenua had been heard.

"We're absolutely guted as mana whenua ... We totally oppose it. There's been strong opposition ... we're pretty gutted that the council made this decision," he said.....


Māori wards for King Country? There's a delay

A wrong decision and poor advice have been blamed for Waitomo District Council pushing Māori wards on the council out to the 2025 election.

“I think what happened in August was there was an error in the previous resolution of the previous council, and we corrected an error,” mayor John Robertson said.

“The facts as I understand it is, we cannot introduce Māori wards. We passed the legal deadline for that, but we can, if it’s the will of the iwi and the council, make that change for the 2025 election.”....


Representation review coincides with Māori Ward decision

Nelsonians are being asked to have their say on how the council will be made up – including how many wards it might have and how many councillors there might be.

On Friday Nelson City Council opened its public consultation on its Shape Nelson page, in the form of an 11-question survey. A hardcopy of the survey is also available at Civic House and in public libraries.

Some questions are centred on the ward system, thanks to the changes that will follow the council’s resolution to adopt the Māori Ward system for its next election.....


Iwi oppose extension of Tirohia landfill near Paeroa

A Waikato iwi is calling for the Hauraki District council to keep their word and decline an application by Waste Management NZ to expand the Tirohia landfill site which sits on their maunga, Rae o Te Papa.

The Ngāti Hako iwi are frustrated that 21 years after losing a case for a landfill site to be built on their whenua maunga Rae o Te Papa they are having to fight again to prevent the site from being extended, despite a memorandum of understanding (MOU) being agreed upon in 2003......



Graham Adams: The dangers of putting media on the government’s payroll



Racism alive and well on the West Coast, health study finds



New strategy to settle marine and coastal claims 'within 30 years'

The government is putting more resources into iwi and hapu customary marine and coastal claims, which the Minister for Treaty Negotiations expects will now all be settled in up to 30 years, instead of a century.

There are currently 387 claims in total, which Minister for Treaty Negotiations Andrew Little said would take a century to work through.

"Under the new strategy, the Crown will engage with all iwi, hapū, and whānau groups across 20 coastal areas to timeframes informed by applicants."

Iwi, hapū and whānau claimants would be better resourced to research and establish their claims, he said......


School using kaupapa Māori to enhance mana of its students

Narratives, gods and metaphors from the Māori creation story are being used to enhance the emotional literacy and mana of schoolkids.

The school has been using the Te Ara Whakamana programme since the start of the year. Through it, kids are taught about Māori atua, or gods, and use their personality traits to identify how they are feeling, so they can react to and cope in times of stress.

Ethan Withers​, 9, liked learning about the gods – he said he connected most with Tāne and Tangaroa because he cared about the environment.....



Clive Bibby: Critical race theory - the cancer that never sleeps


Open letter to Synlait dairy company defending you tuber Lee Williams democratic right to critisise the political policies of the Maori Party



Universities must ‘indigenise’ to meet Māori agendas



Iwi send back partnership deal for stronger rules

Iwi have pushed pause on a new partnership plan with the South Taranaki District Council to strengthen the rules.

Since November last year the council and the four iwi in South Taranaki have been drawing up the Iwi-Council Partnership Strategy.

Council officers had recommended the Iwi Liaison Committee approve a draft strategy and send it to the full council for adoption next week.

Te Korowai o Ngāruahine’s pouhautū Emma Gardiner said the strategy needed to be stronger.....


$23m roading improvements on Forgotten World Highway set to begin

The site has been blessed and construction will soon start on a new two lane bridge on the Forgotten World Highway in East Taranaki.

“Waka Kotahi has been working closely with its iwi partners and Stratford District Council to progress improvements for the iconic highway,” she said.....


Negotiators charging hard for Maori 5G stake

A member of the Māori Spectrum Working Group says claimants and iwi are united in their desire to reach a long term and equitable settlement.

The previous National Governemnt ignored Waitangi Tribunal and High Court rulings and refused to make any allocation of 4G spectrum, but Mr Walker says negotiators are determined that won’t happen with next year’s 5G allocation.

"A vast amount of activity and opportunity lies in the digital universe. Māori are seeking to join it as a player. The tribunal wanted Māori under the treaty to be awarded significant stake holding and recognised them as the proprieters on the basis of indigenous rights of this resource and of spectrum and so that has been advanced by Māori, the tino rangatiratanga view, it hasn't been backed away from," he says.....


Te Pae Oraka panel launched in Otago

A successful way to deal with offending that helps people in trouble to turn their lives around has been launched in Otago.

The new Te Pae Oraka panel is a partnership between Otago Coastal Area Police and A3 Kaitiaki Ltd (A3K). A celebratory launch event was held today (Friday 11 June) at Ōtākou Marae in Dunedin.

Known elsewhere in the country as Te Pae Oranga, the new Dunedin-based panel is the 17th in New Zealand. Its name reflects Kai Tahu dialect......



Colonization gave Maori cause for hope – Michael Bassett


Ardern’s Gamble: shutting down the “white privilege” debate – Graham Adams


A Masterclass in Propaganda – Dr Muriel Newman



Mind your language: the backlash against the te reo revival



Becroft questions Oranga Tamariki watchdog independence

Children’s Commissioner Andrew Becroft has also criticised a proposed Māori advisory group as “unfit for purpose, inappropriate, inadequate and wrong in principle”, saying a more meaningful partnership is required.

Becroft also had concerns about the Government’s plans for a Māori advisory group, describing the model as “so last century”.

“Surely in 2021, the Treaty demands proper partnership and co-governance involving Māori, and the mechanism of an advisory committee to which the monitor must have regard ... must be regarded as unfit for purpose, inappropriate, inadequate and wrong in principle.”......


Review of teaching ratios: calls for smaller classrooms, more teacher aides, and investment in Māori education

A independent review of primary school staffing has recommended smaller classes, more teacher aides and investing in Māori medium education, describing the current model as “broken”.

Staffing issues in primary education were exacerbated in Māori medium education, the review report saying it heard the education system was racist and failing tamariki Māori.

“The system of education in 1840 was put in place to colonise us. We haven’t had a Māori experience until the 80s. The system was not built for us. It was set out to destroy us. The system did its job,” one submitter said.

The report recommended significant investment in Māori medium education. That included putting initiatives in place such as grants, scholarships and low-interest loans, for teachers intending to work in Māori immersion education.....


Hawke's Bay iwi call for more Government investment in Māori housing

Iwi in Te Matau-a-Māui are calling for the Government to invest in its rohe so it can further develop housing to curb homelessness and invest in the future of its descendants.

Ngāti Kahungunu iwi chairman Ngahiwi Tomoana said the iwi has asked the government for $53m help build up to 200 homes.

He said that was on top of $44m already in the pipeline for papakāinga housing.....


Wairoa District Council appoints first tangata whenua Māori CEO

Wairoa District Council's new permanent chief executive officer Kitea Tipuna will become the council's first tangata whenua Māori CEO after almost a year in an interim position.

Tipuna, who was born and raised in Wairoa, had been the interim CEO since October 2020 after the resignation of Steven May.

His appointment was confirmed at an extraordinary meeting held on Wednesday.....


Remission and postponement of rates on Māori freehold land (Invercargill DC)

This policy allows for rates postponement and remissions on Māori freehold land.

This policy helps to reduce the barriers for owners of Māori freehold land who want to use, occupy, build houses on, and develop their whenua, particularly for those who have rates arrears. It also provides greater consistency, equity and clarity around the rating of Māori land for the benefit of Māori landowners and local authorities......


Czech Republic dance group slammed for mock haka

Footage posted online of a group of dancers from the Czech Republic performing a mock haka has caused anger and upset, with several people slamming it as "disgusting" and "offensive".

The video was posted to Instagram this week, drawing ire from New Zealanders who accused the dancers of "cultural appropriation". It has had more than 22,000 views in three days.....


Far North District Council halts SNAs as hīkoi marches on

Far North District Council has agreed to halt progress on establishing areas of ecological significance, ahead of a hīkoi of over 1000 iwi and hapū members who oppose the proposed restrictions on their whenua arriving at its offices.

The council (FNDC) has been under huge pressure to stop the reclassification of 42 percent of land (282,696ha) in Te Tai Tokerau as Significant Natural Areas (SNAs) owing to the high number of native plants and animals in those areas.

Associate Minister for the Environment (Biodiversity) James Shaw and Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta have called on FNDC to wait until the National Policy Statement (NPS) on Indigenous Biodiversity is implemented......



John Robinson: Maori Wards - a corruption of democracy


Henry Armstrong: Is New Zealand Really Racist? Definitely!


Stone age culture shock – Bruce Moon



Māori group calls for share of 5G spectrum

Māori in the telecommunications industry are campaigning for a share of Aotearoa's air waves.

The interim Māori Spectrum Working Group is hosting a conference today, focused on discussions with the Crown about recognising Māori interests and rights within the radio spectrum, which includes television and radio broadcasting, mobile phones, and wifi.

Working group chief executive Antony Royal said the Piki ake, Kake ake National Māori Spectrum hui was a response to the government's plans to auction the 5G spectrum in much the same way it auctioned the 3G spectrum in 1999 and the 4G spectrum in 2013.

During the auctioning of the previous two spectrums, the group sought to establish rights for Māori within the radio spectrum.....


Maori first aim for annual plan process

Auckland Council’s Māori portfolio head had wants changes to the way iwi are treated in the annual plan process.

"One thing we keep getting told by Māori is 'do not come to us once you have developed your plans and then ask us to participate or consult, Don't treat us as a stakeholder, we are a treaty partner.' My aim would be as we come into the annual plan, that we begin with mana whenua first," Ms Dalton says.....


Police Commissioner 'no-show' leaves Te Pāti Māori 'disgusted'

Te Pāti Māori claims it has been snubbed by Police Commissioner Andrew Coster, leaving the co-leaders disgusted and disappointed.

But police say the Commissioner gave notice that he couldn't attend today's meeting, is looking to reschedule for later this week, and that Detective Superintendent Greg Nicholls still met with the party's MPs today......


Maori action needed for climate challenge

Climate Change Minister James Shaw says Māori will be a critical part of efforts to reduce New Zealand's greenhouse gas emissions.

He says the Government can build on the work already being down by Mike Smith from the Iwi Leaders Climate Change Group, who has been talking to people on marae around the country.

"This really does need to be very strongly by Māori and for Māori....


Dunedin council's new Māori boss to develop Treaty partnership

Dunedin City Council's new Māori general manager wants to strengthen partnerships with mana whenua and mātāwaka.

The council has appointed Jeanette Wikaira of Ngāti Pukenga, Ngāti Tamaterā and Ngāpuhi as Manahautū (general manager, Māori, partnerships and policy).

Wikaira, previously the council's kaiwhakamāherehere (senior policy manager – Māori), aims to lead the integration of the council's Treaty of Waitangi obligations, as well as its commitment to mana whenua.....


Treaty of Waitangi was 'agreement for Crown to take sovereignty', not 'a forced colonisation' - Judith Collins

Judith Collins has described the Treaty of Waitangi as an "agreement for the Crown to take sovereignty", labelling it "entirely different from a forced colonisation".....



Even the English suffered under colonisation - Judith Collins



New mentors to boost Māori aspirations in University of Canterbury research



Māori media in for a big shake-up

Can Willie Jackson, Minister for Māori Development and former broadcaster, revitalise a struggling Māori media sector? Jackson says he wants to see more content in English and a closer alignment with other public media organisations.

According to Minister for Māori Development, Willie Jackson, Māori TV’s ratings have fallen away because it lacks good programming - in English.

“In the past it has all been about the language (te Reo), a huge focus on the language, but we need our own news in English and we need our own programmes in English; it’s not so much about the language, it’s about the stories. Most of our people don’t speak te Reo and we shouldn’t do it at the expense of our people.....


$15m funding boost 'hugely important' for Rotorua Māori tourism operators

A $15 million funding boost over two years for Māori tourism operators has been described as "heartening" and "absolutely awesome" news for Rotorua businesses struggling to survive.

Māori Development Minister Willie Jackson announced.....(NZ Herald paywall)


National MPs disagree with Goldsmith on 'colonisation' comments

Several National MPs say they disagree with comments from their education spokesman Paul Goldsmith that colonisation "on balance" had been a good thing for Māori.

National leader Judith Collins said she recognised how Māori, and "most colonised people", didn't feel it had worked well for them.

But I'm also very aware that there were massive injustices, particularly breaches of the Treaty."

Botany MP Christopher Luxon also said he disagreed with Goldsmith.

"It wasn't good for Māori. There's no doubt about it - colonisation was not good for Māori as we saw with breaches in the Treaty and we saw with the New Zealand Land Wars......


More on the above here > Bad accounting behind colonisation blunder


West Coast mayors call for halt to all SNA work in wake of Far North protests

West Coast mayors are calling for a halt to identifying significant natural areas (SNAs) on private land, after suggestions that the process could be paused in the Far North.

But since then there have been strong protests from Māori landowners in the Far North who had received council letters alerting them to potential SNAs on their land.

"Whatever approach they decide to take will apply to other areas as well ... it's not just about Māori land; I've talked to other mayors and it's been an issue nationwide."

But National Party list MP Maureen Pugh said it was an odd coincidence the Government appeared to be backing away from the SNA process in the Far North, following Māori protest, in the same week that Ngai Tahu had filed High Court action over the Government's plan to review stewardship land without involving any West Coasters.....



The Treaty of Waitangi, and a Māori worldview are taking a greater role in shaping how we interact with the world


The Callous Rhetoric of the NZ Right, and the Risk it Poses to Māori.



National Maori Authority calls for National to sack senior members after endorsement of colonisation

The Chair of the National Maori Authority, Matthew Tukaki, has called for the resignations of the National Party’s Paul Goldsmith after he said on NewsHub that while colonisation may have been "traumatic" for Māori, overall it has had a positive effect. Tukaki has gone further and called for the resignation of the Party’s senior Maori Advisor, Tu Williams for not doing enough to stop this type of rhetoric.

“The last few weeks we have seen racists and white supremacists feeling emboldened by various National Party people only for them to walk away from their statements and suggesting they somehow have nothing to do with it – you cannot walk away from creating the environment through which you have just created” Tukaki said.....


Māori more likely to return to benefit within year of leaving - MSD survey

Māori are more likely to return to a benefit within a year of leaving, according to a Ministry of Social Development survey.

The ministry surveyed just over 100,000 people who stopped receiving a main benefit in the year to 30 June 2019.

It found 54% of Māori return to a main benefit, such as jobseeker, sole parent or supported living, compared to 45% for all beneficiaries......


High Court upholds rangatiratanga in Transpower case

The precedent-setting ruling could have far-reaching effects for the way courts deal with places of significance to Māori

In a precedent-setting decision, the High Court has sent Transpower back to the drawing board and upheld Ngāti Hē as the experts in their own cultural heritage.

The Court found that when a hapū says a proposal will negatively impact its cultural values in a certain area, it is not up to the court to decide otherwise......


Iwi join forces with WellSouth to offer GP services in Invercargill

The Hokonui Rūnanga, Waihōpai Rūnaka and Awarua Rūnaka have joined forces with WellSouth to open a new general practice, after-hours service and medical centre in Invercargill for unenrolled patients.

The practice will be set up at the WellSouth office in Clyde St in the coming months, while a plan for a purpose-built facility, offering the gamut of health services, is developed.....


Māori connections to Antarctica may go as far back as 7th century

In the project, researchers scanned literature and integrated this with oral histories to provide a compiled record of Māori presence in, and perspectives of, Antarctic narratives and exploration. Māori (and Polynesian) journeys to the deep south have been occurring for a long time, perhaps as far back as the seventh century, and this work highlights the tradition of Māori Antarctic exploration and contribution to New Zealand’s work in the Ross Sea continues into the future.

“We found connection to Antarctica and its waters have been occurring since the earliest traditional voyaging, and later through participation in European-led voyaging and exploration, contemporary scientific research, fishing, and more for centuries,” says project lead Dr. Priscilla Wehi......


More on the above here > New Research Shows Māori Traveled to Antarctica at Least 1,000 Years Before Europeans


Māori land owners are working together to create large farming businesses and economic rangatiratanga

Māori landowners sharing resources to create large businesses puts them in charge of their own economic future, says Miro chief executive Liz Te Amo.

The hi-tech blueberry growing company has 12 orchards and is a partnership between 30 Māori land trusts, iwi, hapū and whānau. It is the kind of business the country is likely to see more of......



Sir Apirana Ngata’s Speech at the Centennial of the Treaty of Waitangi, 1940


Tikanga in law: what does it mean? - John Robinson



The Reserve Bank's troubled relationship with the Māori economy


This is the story of the Raglan whaea and everyday racism


Focusing on the wrong end of the problem


Aotearoa-NZ history curriculum tells students what to think, not how to think


Anne Salmond: Aotearoa NZ histories



Is Tikanga Now The Law?

“The previous National Government’s decision to include references to tikanga in the Marine and Coastal Area Act has come home to roost because it has resulted in a complete distortion of the common law.

“Former Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson argued in court on behalf of the Landowners Coalition that it was necessary for hapu to prove not just that a system of tikanga existed, but that they had held the area in a manner consistent with other property legislation and Western ideas of property rights.

“The Court disagreed, instead choosing to rely on tikanga:.....


Colonisation a good thing for Māori 'on balance' - National MP Paul Goldsmith

National's education spokesperson Paul Goldsmith says while colonisation may have been "traumatic" for Māori, overall it has had a positive effect.

Speaking to Newshub Nation on Saturday, the National MP was asked about an opinion piece from 2019 discussing colonisation in which he wrote, 'Did the good outweigh the bad? Surely, we have to say, yes.'

Asked if he thought the good has outweighed the bad specifically for Māori, the National MP replied: "The reality is that New Zealand was isolated from the rest of the world for centuries and at some point it had to reconnect with the rest of the world. And that happened in the 19th century was always going to be a very traumatic experience.

"But with it came all sorts of wonderful things, such as literacy, such as the freedoms and democracy that have come through... I think on balance it has, yes.".....


Māori immersion schools helping rangatahi thrive held back by lack of funding

For years New Zealand’s education system has been leaving Māori behind but there’s one place Māori excel at learning - in dedicated Māori immersion schools.

Students who learn in te reo Māori have better results than the rest of the country and they’re more likely than the average student to leave school with NCEA.

But a lack of funding is keeping the schools from expanding......


Canterbury runanga team up to create aerospace company

Two Canterbury runanga are teaming up with the government to build a rocket launch facility on Kaitorete Spit, near Banks Peninsula. The government is contributing $16 million to help Taumutu Runanga and Wairewa Runanga buy 1000 hectares on the spit, a long finger of land which is ideal for space launches and aerospace testing. It is also hoped the project will allow opportunities to tap into the multi-billion dollar aerospace economy.....


Māori population expected to reach 1 million by 2028

Statistics New Zealand has released Māori population estimates over the next 20 years.

Māori number around 820,000 at present and are expected to increase to just over one million by 2028.

By 2043 that number is predicted to grow to 1.35 million, with just under 60 per cent aged under 40.

The Pākehā population is expected to stand at 4 million by 2043, with Asian numbers estimated to be about 1.7 million.



Breakfast brings news of Budget benefits for builders of statues (which pay tribute to Maori leaders) and four boarding schools



Crown decides against appealing latest foreshore and seabed decision

The Crown has decided not to lodge an appeal in the first major foreshore and seabed decision under the current law which awarded customary title in three parts of Eastern Bay of Plenty to six hapu of Whakatohea.

Instead, the Crown has applied to be an "intervenor" in the case.

The decision last month, by Justice Peter Churchman, is the first major case under the foreshore and seabed law, the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011, which replaced Labour's foreshore and seabed law......


Marae bridge digital divide through nationwide scheme

Marae trusts have been boning up on digital technology as part of a $24 million plan to connect hundreds of marae around the country with broadband.

The Marae Digital Connectivity Programme to improve digital access in provincial and rural Aotearoa is funded by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and other Crown agencies and administered by Te Puni Kōkiri.

Spark corporate relations partner Anaru Tuhi says about 550 marae around the country are signed up to the programme, and the 400th digital marae was connected this month.....


Teachers hope curriculum will close 'woeful' gaps

Teachers backing the Aotearoa New Zealand Histories Curriculum say it will help close sometimes woeful gaps in young people's knowledge of this country's past.

They say it will also prompt schools to make closer links with hapū and iwi so they can teach local history and they are optimistic about its potential for influencing wider society.

Consultation on the draft curriculum ended this week, and the Education Ministry said it had received 4880 submissions......


Māori get seat at table sorting out police bias

Māori make up nearly half of the 19 member panel and research team appointed for the new research programme into how New Zealand police can ensure they deliver fair policing.

The police are partnering with the New Zealand Institute for Security and Crime Science at the University of Waikato, and criminal justice advocate Tā Kim Workman for the programme, 'Understanding Policing Delivery'.

The programme is focused on identifying where, and to what extent, bias exists at a system level in the police operating environment.....


New streaming platform 'owned by and for Māori' launches

A new Māori-owned streaming platform seeks to establish greater data and storytelling sovereignty for Māori film and television makers, but it needs more shows.

Māori Now launched on Friday, with a catalogue starring lauded astronomer Rangi Matamua​, celebrity chefs Karena and Kasey Bird​, and tikanga expert Pou Tēmara​.....


Govt to inject $20m funds to support NZ's four Māori boarding schools

The three Maori boarding schools in Hawke's Bay will get the lion's share of a $20 million government investment, to enable them to address significant declining property issues and maintain their operations.

Ikaroa-Rāwhiti MP Meka Whaitiri said the investment, announced on Friday, would help grow New Zealand's future leaders.

"This government believes in the unique role Māori boarding schools play in helping to shape and develop rangatahi," the Labour Party MP said......



Challenging the agenda – Dr Muriel Newman


Journalism or Indoctrination? - Karl du Fresne



Waikato teachers partner with local iwi to tell students histories 'never been told'


Teachers hope new curriculum will close 'woeful' gaps in knowledge of nation's past



Government kills off second language education bill after worries it would breach Treaty of Waitangi

The Government has killed off a National Party members’ bill aimed at increasing second language education at primary and intermediate schools.

The bill, which Labour supported at first reading, would enable the Minister of Education to set a priority list of 10 languages, which schools would be forced to pick from and then offer as subjects. The priority list would have to include te reo Māori and New Zealand Sign Language.....


Te reo Māori: Tertiary provider 'revolutionary change' for top of the South

Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT) has been chosen as one of 13 providers to deliver a programme aimed at normalising te reo Māori in the education sector.

The $108 million government Te Ahu o Te Reo Māori programme, launched at the end of 2020, is designed to upskill 40,000 teachers and school staff, from early learning to secondary schools, in the language and culture.

The programme is being rolled out nationwide after a pilot in four regions. NMIT said it would provide the programme for staff to learn te reo Māori in English medium and Māori pathways with partnership across the iwi of Te Tauihu-o-te-Waka-a-Māui......


Court rules against allowing recreational helicopter trips in West Coast park

Conservation advocates have welcomed a High Court decision that bans helicopter landings in Paparoa National Park for recreational purposes.

The ban did not apply to non-powered aircraft such as hang-gliders, or helicopters landing in the park for other reasons. Those purposes included flights approved by DOC for park management, research, equipment maintenance, and wild animal control.

Helicopters supporting Ngāi Tahu cultural purposes could still land in the park.....


Maori wardens design structure for independence

Māori wardens have held their annual conference in Rotorua, with the long standing push for autonomy high on the agenda.

Thomas Henry from the South Auckland Māori Wardens says they’re working on a plan to divide the country into six or seven regions, with his group holding a roadshow through Tāmaki Makaurau and Taitokerau to explain what’s needed in terms of new governance structures.

He says the wardens are ready to look after themselves.....


DHB chair sees more room for Maori in reforms

The chair of Northland District Health Board believes the health reforms will allow Māori to be more closely integrated with the whole health system, rather than being siloed into a Māori Health Authority.

Harry Burkardt from Ngāti Kuri says the current DHB structure has reached its use-by date, and change is necessary......


Fair policing and racial bias: Sir Kim Workman to lead panel

Nineteen people have been appointed to an independent group to advise a research project investigating bias towards Māori within the New Zealand Police force.

"We welcome the appointment of the panel and the diverse range of expertise and experience they bring to this complex issue."

The panel members are:......


Hate video shows struggle ake ake ake

Māori Party leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer says police should not treat a hate video posted on social media as a one-off or individual action.

The party has called for a joint taskforce between the NZ Security Intelligence Service and the Police to investigate targeting of Māori by right wing extremist groups.....


Reserve Bank spends $100,000 on rebrand

The Reserve Bank has spent about $100,000 on a rebrand, including a new logo, which it says better reflects its role as a kaitiaki (guardian) of the financial system in Aotearoa.

The new logo is inspired by Tāne Mahuta, the Māori god of the forest who legend says helped the sun shine on New Zealand......


Iwi elated as Ōpōtiki District Council votes to return reserves

Bach owners on East Coast land being returned to iwi under Treaty of Waitangi settlement can continue to use an illegal road to get to their homes while the council works to solve the access issues.

Te Whanau-a-Apanui were elated and celebrated with applause and waiata as Ōpōtiki District Council voted to return reserve land into iwi management on Tuesday......



Bruce Scott-Hill: Letter to MPS


Tony Sayers: The report of Matike Mai Aotearoa


Time for the lying to stop



Fear of New Zealand's history shows how important it is we teach it


White supremacy 'very normalised' in New Zealand, Māori 'not believed' when saying it affects them - Professor Margaret Mutu



Course aims to inspire Maori entrepreneurs

A group of Maori secondary school pupils are in Dunedin this week to be inspired to embark on business careers.

Twenty year 12 and 13 Maori economic and accounting pupils were picked from secondary schools throughout the country to attend Nohoaka Pakihi.

The boot-camp-styled programme, organised by the University of Otago’s Business School, is aimed at developing skills in innovation, collaboration, entrepreneurship, economics, sustainability and Maori business frameworks.......


Rūnanga accuses Gore District Council of having a 'culture of ignorance'

The Hokonui Rūnanga is highly critical of the Gore District Council, saying it may be in breach of its responsiblities under the Local Government Act for not consulting with Iwi over its long term plan.

The Rūnanga also went further saying the council’s lack of consultation during a resource consent process was ‘’a clear example of a culture of ignorance towards, or, at worst, active exclusion of mana whenua from planning processes.”......


Māori housing - where the Budget money will go

There was a lot of money for Māori housing and infrastructure in the Budget - $730 million in total. But what is Māori housing, and how will the money be used?

The Government is pouring $380 million specifically into Māori housing over the next three years. It’s a step toward addressing the inequity in home ownership, and the high percentage of Māori in social and emergency housing queues......


Greens' Maori caucus call for Matariki Ahunga Nui to be expanded in school curriculum

The Green Party are calling for an expansion of the current school curriculum on Matariki, so that a deeper understanding of how it relates to managing and harvesting food is explored. This push comes at the start of the Matariki season, the final year before it is set to become a public holiday on 24 June 2022.

"The Green Party welcomed the Government’s announcement about Matariki becoming a public holiday on 24 June next year, but we want to go further, faster to enrich the understanding of Maori culture, tradition and knowledge in this country, particularly when it comes to Matariki, which is a time for renewal and reflection for Maori", says Green Party spokesperson on Education Teanau Tuiono.....


Lakeshore access agreement to iconic Taupō site signed off

An agreement ensuring continued public access to the iconic flat rocks of Lake Taupō’s Whakamoenga Point has been formally signed off.

At a signing ceremony at Nukuhau’s Rauhoto Marae on Friday, the agreement between the Taupō District Council and Rangatira Point Block Incorporation was hailed by both parties as an opportunity for further collaboration.

The lease, which will ensure access to the point via Rangatira Point walkway, replaces an arrangement the Department of Conservation had with Māori owners.

The council will pay $63,000 per annum in the 10-year agreement that covers 18.5 hectares (with renewal clauses for two more 10-year periods)......


Bay of Plenty school renames 'mufti' day due to cultural insensitivity

A Whakatāne secondary school has dropped the term "mufti" day amid concerns the word is culturally insensitive.

Trident High School opted for the term "kakahu kainga" for its non-uniform fundraising day for animal charities last week, as staff and students felt the term mufti was inappropriate.

A spokesperson for the Human Rights Commission said the word 'mufti' was an Arabic word used to describe a Muslim scholar of high standing but in the course of colonisation, the term was appropriated......


Civil defence: Iwi capability helps shape Whanganui-Manawatū disaster planning

A regional civil defence group has begun working with tangata whenua on disaster response planning.

Whangaehu Marae trustee Alan Turia, of Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, attended the workshop in Marton. He says responding to immediate need and looking after people and the environment is "second nature" for iwi Māori......


Boost for marae justice panels

The Pae Oranga system of iwi community panels to deal with low level offending is to be extended.

At Hopuhopu this morning, Police Minister Poto Williams announced $70 million more for the programme, which will fund an additional 12 panels including nine new rangatahi panels as well as 35 full time equivalent positions within Police......


Te Pāti Māori Call For Joint Taskforce To Investigate Anti-Maori Hate Speech From White Supremacist Organisations

Te Pāti Māori co-leaders Debbie Ngarewa-Packer and Rawiri Waititi are calling for the establishment of a joint taskforce between the NZ Security Intelligence Service and the NZ Police to investigate the specific targeting of Māori by right wing extremist groups.

“We are experiencing an unprecedented increase in racist rhetoric across social media by white supremacist organisations that is inciting hate speech and violence against tangata whenua” says Debbie Ngarewa-Packer.

“Our own research tells us that these organisations are recruiting followers and becoming smarter in the ways they mobilise their platforms. This makes them more difficult to investigate and more dangerous......


Shaw calls taihoa as councils jump gun on SNAs

Associate Environment Minister James Shaw says he will ask council to taihoa on designating significant natural areas until a national policy statement is approved.

Mr Shaw says the work on the national policy statement was started by Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta, who was clear that councils were supposed to work with iwi, but some councils seem to be getting ahead of the process.

Mr Shaw says given the history of colonisation, it is no wonder iwi are suspicious of policies affecting land.....



Be careful what you wish for!


In the light of the recent Foreshore and Seabed ruling


Police budget was trimmed but $70m will be invested in scheme to let some offenders be dealt with by iwi panels



Hapu need pay to share histories with schools

Tāmaki Treaty Workers says the Education Ministry needs to fund hapū to contribute to the new history curriculum.

In its submission on the draft history curriculum, the network of organisations and individuals says there is an expectation hapū and iwi will share their histories with students from schools in their rohe, without resourcing for such a huge demand......


Auckland Transport takes action over conspiracy flyer on Auckland bus

Auckland Transport says it will remove a conspiracy theory flyer found on an Auckland bus which accused Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern of "destroying NZ democracy" by giving Māori people more power.

The person who found the flyer posted a photo of it to the New Zealand Reddit thread on Monday.

It makes the unfounded claim: "Jacinda supports 50 percent Māori rule. Pakeha votes will be worth less than Māori votes. Jacinda is destroying NZ democracy behind your back. Wake up Kiwis! Has Jacinda fooled you?".....


District council writes off $773,000 in unpaid rates

A Gisborne district councillor has questioned whether writing off more than $770,000 in unpaid rates can be avoided.

Unpaid rates from the 2015/16 year totalled $773,000 and will be written off in the 2020/21 year.

But of that figure, $640,000 is from Maori freehold land - which can include land that had no title, is unoccupied, or where there is difficulty contacting the multiple “fragmented” owners......


Offering Tauranga Māori right of refusal on council land met with legal warning

Opponents of proposed changes to the way Tauranga City Council buys and sells property have warned commissioners of potential legal action if they go ahead with plans to offer Māori first right of refusal.

Tauranga City Council met yesterday as part of its consideration of a draft Acquisitions and Disposals Policy......


Northland trust board says Significant Natural Areas policy should not be used on Māori land

Ngātiwai Trust Board has come out against the Significant Natural Areas policy being rolled out across Northland, saying the plan should not be used on Māori land as it would reduce their ability to use the land.

Te Poari o Ngātiwai (Ngātiwai Trust Board) opposes the implementation of Significant Natural Areas (SNA) on whenua Māori......



Derek Mackie: Has apathy become New Zealand's new national sport



Treaty of Waitangi in the spotlight as National leader calls for conversation on its status

Is the Treaty of Waitangi becoming more embedded in our everyday lives?

The issue was raised after National Party leader Judith Collins said there needed to be a national conversation around the status of the Treaty.

It comes as change gathers pace on the ground; an example of Treaty partnership in practice is marae delivering driving licenses to those sitting tests.....


Submission to the Waitomo District Council (wdc)

on the draft long term plan 2021-2031

2. The recognition and acknowledgement that states Iwi as a treaty partner with a commitment to strengthen the relationship between Maniapoto Iwi and the WDC. Improvements in the LTP document in relation to this matter include:

a. the recognition of Maniapoto Iwi as Tangata whenua and understanding that there are many Mana whenua groups within the district.

b. the recognition of the Te Tiriti o Waitangi as a founding document of the New Zealand

c. a narrative regarding the collaborative nature of the relationship to date with a commitment to strengthen this relationship further. An example of this is would be the Maniapoto Māori Trust Board Engagement Strategy.

d. kotahitanga should underpin the relationship between iwi and WDC

e. a dedicated section for Māori/Mana whenua partnerships and working with iwi to develop this section

3. There is an opportunity to provide more clarity and specificity regarding “Fostering Maori participation in Council decision-making”. Suggested improvements in the LTP document in relation to this matter include:

a. Council member and/or staff training and development in this area

b. Involvement and engagement of Iwi in the early stages of planning processes rather than only in the consultation phase

c. Seeking to identify and understand the strategic aspirations of Maniapoto Iwi

d. Ensure that Māori/Iwi presence is embedded within the council including but not limited to legislative documents, communications, website

e. Implement a service level agreement between Iwi and WDC which would cover a range of matters including but not limited to; Environmental matters, resource consents, planning and monitoring......


Public consultation underway for changing Maxwell township's name back to Pākaraka

A name change for a small township on the outskirts of Wanganui is another step closer.

Public consultation is underway on a proposal to change the name of the settlement of Maxwell - which has links to a bloody incident during the New Zealand Wars - back to Pākaraka.

The name change is being pushed for by the Wanganui District Council, iwi Ngā Rauru and its hapū Ngāti Maika.....


New Plymouth council fund gives $46k for urupā maintenance

Almost $50,000 has been given from a New Plymouth District Council fund to help maintain urupā.

Te Ātiawa kaumatua Peter Moeahu had pushed for the Manaaki Urupā Grant for a few years.

He had pointed out to New Plymouth district councillors that NPDC maintained district cemeteries but not urupā (Māori burial grounds)......


Councils ponder Maori procurement options

Auckland Council is considering ways to hand over management of selected reserves to mana whenua.

Manurewa-Papakura ward councillor Angela Dalton, who holds the council's Māori outcomes portfolio, says the council is reviewing its reserves policy.

She says it’s time to acknowledge the role of mana whenua iwi as kaitiaki.....


Harete Hipango will take Nick Smith's place in parliament, says National should increase 'relevance' to Māori

Harete Hipango has confirmed she will return to Parliament following the sudden resignation of National MP Nick Smith.

The former National MP will single-handedly increase National’s Māori representation by 50 per cent, and told Stuff it was important that the party increase its “relevance” across New Zealand.

Smith announced his imminent resignation on Monday, citing an ongoing employment case in his office and his loss of the Nelson seat in the 2020 election.

His resignation on June 10 will open up a spot in Parliament for the next MP on the list – Hipango.....


Ngāi Tahu launches legal action over conservation land

Ngāi Tahu is taking legal action against the government - saying it has been shut out of discussions about the protection given to ecologically important land.

The land - called stewardship land - makes up about 10 percent of the country and contains valuable forests and homes to threatened species.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's government has announced plans to follow through on its 2020 election promise, which would streamline the process and bring in expert panels to advise it, but that move has prompted outrage from South Island iwi Ngāi Tahu......


First school in New Zealand to follow Māori calendar

It has been 18 months in the making but, finally, Education Minister Chris Hipkins and the Ministry of Education have allowed Te Wharekura o Ngāti Rongomai to rearrange its dates of schooling for the year and reset to the Māori calendar away from the Gregorian calendar (The Gregorian calendar is a solar dating system used by most of the world).

Tukiterangi and Renata Curtis, co-principals of the school in Rotorua, say they were thrilled to learn they can go ahead. This now means the school can change term one, which will start at the middle of the year when every other school starts term three. There will be four weeks' holiday instead of two weeks for every end-of-term holiday. This is done to align the tauira to the Maramataka Māori and rest and work with students in sync with the Maramataka also.......

https://www.teaomaori.news/first-school-new-zealand-follow-maori-calenda r


Race relations: what happens if we ignore this white reservoir of rage?



ACT Releases Submission On NZ History Curriculum

“The Government’s New Zealand history curriculum threatens to indoctrinate students in left-wing ideas and requires a radical rewrite,” says ACT Education spokesperson and former teacher Chris Baillie.

ACT has today released its submission on the draft New Zealand history curriculum and set up a petition calling for a complete overhaul.

“The draft history curriculum divides history into villains and victims, contains significant gaps, and pushes a narrow set of highly political stories from our past.......


Submission on the proposed school history curriculum – Don Brash

The proposed History curriculum is so bad that it is hard to know where to start. Indeed, in the limited time I have to write a submission, I will confine myself to a few important observations.

My own credentials to comment on the curriculum relate mainly to having studied History for three years at the University of Canterbury, getting an A grade in each year. I subsequently did a Masters degree and a PhD, but in Economics. I have read widely in New Zealand history.

I make just seven observations:....


A REMINDER to have a say on the Aotearoa New Zealand’s Histories in the New Zealand SUBMISSIONS CLOSES ON MONDAY 31 MAY.The survey is available at here > https://www.education.govt.nz/our-work/changes-in-education/aotearoa-new-zealand-histories-in-our-national-curriculum/

Treat Maori like other ethnic groups says ACT

ACT MP Nicole McKee says the party wants to see Māori health improve - but a separate Māori Health Authority is not the right way to do it.

The party held its annual conference last Sunday and presented its alternate Budget.

Ms McKee says ACT is getting a lot of flak for is statements on Māori, but it’s the Government which has put race-based policies on the table......



Bob Edlin: Rio Tinto deal with the Ardern govt includes Ngai Tahu


Clive Bibby: Running Out of Options


Gerry Eckhoff: The staff of life


Henry Armstrong: The Transfer of Political Power: Unconstitutional; Undemocratic; Underhand; Unwise


Maori Party v the rest of us – Rodney Hide


We're all in the same waka – Karl du Fresne



Maori component in law degree studies welcomed

A move to make tikanga Maori part of training for a law degree has been welcomed by the University of Otago’s Faculty of Law.

But Otago’s acting dean of law said it was too early to know what the coming change could mean for the school or its students.

The New Zealand Council of Legal Education decided this month that te ao Maori concepts, particularly tikanga Maori, should be taught in each of the core law subjects at bachelor-level law programmes at New Zealand universities.....


Tauranga crowd jeers at speaker addressing them in Te Reo Māori

A woman greeting a Tauranga crowd in Te Reo Māori was told to "speak English" and jeered as she tried to continue.

Kim Williams was addressing about 300 people at the launch of the Tauranga Ratepayers Alliance at Mount Maunganui. She told the Bay of Plenty Times she had spoken mostly in English and only about "six words" in Te Reo Māori when the crowd began to yell at her.

They shouted they "didn't want to hear that" and that Williams should "get off the stage"......


Place Naming Proposals And Recent Decisions

The New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa made 1,454 official decisions at its April hui on place names in the Tasman and Marlborough regions, as well as 18 for undersea feature names around New Zealand.

The Board is also inviting public submissions on 10 proposals for the following place names and undersea feature names across and around New Zealand:.....


New official name for proposed for inner-city area in Wellington, honouring Māori history and return of Kākā to the city

A new official name honouring the recovery of capital’s boisterous native parrot has been proposed for a large chunk of inner-city Wellington.

Paekākā has been nominated as a name for the area covering the Botanic Garden precinct, Anderson Park, and Bolton Street Memorial Park. The New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa are taking submissions on the proposal, before becoming official.

This area covers part of what is currently considered central Wellington, the suburb of Kelburn and, arguably, Thorndon.

The name was proposed by Wellington City Council in recognition of the area’s Māori history, and the recovery of kākā in the city.

Mana whenua Taranaki Whānui gifted the name to the council......


Greater Wellington Commits To Supplier Diversity With Te Upoko O Te Ika A Māui

Greater Wellington councillors and Chief Executive Greg Campbell have signed Te Upoko o Te Ika a Māui Commitment, a region-wide agreement to use procurement as a tool for building social and economic prosperity.

Co-signed by Wellington City Council, Upper Hutt City Council, Porirua City Council, Hutt City Council, and Kāpiti Coast District Council, the Commitment will see councils setting targets and spending more among Māori, Pasifika and social enterprises.....


Kaikōura council votes against Māori ward for next elections

The Kaikōura District Council has bucked the national trend and voted against creating a Māori ward.

The decision follows criticism by the council and Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura of recent “rushed” law changes enabling wards and removing what was effectively a public right of veto.

But at an extraordinary meeting last week, the Kaikōura council unanimously agreed not to go ahead with the change.....


Funding boost for Māori Media

The Government has an aspirational goal of one million te reo speakers by 2040, Māori broadcasting will play a significant part in helping us to achieve our goal, Minister for Māori Development Willie Jackson announced today.

When we see Māori content and when we hear te reo Māori on our multimedia platforms whānau across the country are encouraged to use our language more every day.

That’s why this Government has invested $42 million over the next 4 years, to build a sustainable Māori media sector that will continue to develop innovative local Māori media content in collaboration with independent producers, Māori Television and iwi radio stations......



Groundhog day for government strategies focused on Māori



Govt reveals replacement for Provincial Growth Fund

“Over this Parliamentary term the RSPF has three goals. It will work in local partnerships to enable economic and business development, accelerate Māori economic aspirations, and support sector transformation. Each region will help decide its own priorities.

“Central government will partner with local government, iwi, businesses, community organisations and other agencies to identify priorities and co-funding opportunities.


Manurewa next for Te Hurihanganui

The Education Ministry is at Manurewa Marae this morning to launch the rollout of the Te Hurihanganui professional development programme into the area’s schools.

Roimata Minhinnick from Ngāti Te Ata, who will be participating as a mana whenua partner, says it makes sense to implement the programme in an area with a large Māori population.

He says there have been incremental improvements in the treatment of things Māori in the school system, but what is needed is a transformational shift, especially in areas like local history and the use of te reo Māori......


Sir Mason Durie appoints Māori Health Authority steering group board

An interim governing board for the new Māori Health Authority will be confirmed by September in what Health Minister Andrew Little says will represent "true partnership".

Some of Aotearoa's most experienced iwi leaders, tikanga and health experts have been assembled as part of a Steering Group to work with Māori across the country to decide the make-up of the interim board, chosen by group chairman Tā Mason Durie......


Auckland councilor wants ward law change

An Auckland councilor believes the majority of his colleagues would support Māori wards for the supercity - but it would require a change of legislation first.

By last Friday’s deadline, more than 30 councils around the country decided they would have Māori seated at the table after the next election.

Alf Filipaina says Auckland would have gone down that track, but for its unique legislation which sets a maximum of 20 seats around the council table.....


Maori view would benefit Antarctic management

A University of Otago academic it’s time to view the future of Antarctica through an indigenous Māori lens.

She says global conceptions of Antarctica are dominated by colonial narratives, while an Indigenous Māori framework, focussing on relational thinking and connectedness, humans and non-human kin, and drawing on concepts of both reciprocity and responsibility, offers transformational insight into true collective management and conservation.......


Buller District Council unanimously approves voting rights for Māori

In a historic move, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae will now have voting rights on all Buller District Council committees.

One representative from Ngāti Waewae will vote on decisions made at the council’s four committees from July 1. The seat will be shared by iwi representatives Francois Tumahai and Ned Tauwhare.

Tauwhare said he was delighted with the move to give iwi voting rights, which was passed unanimously by Buller councillors on Wednesday.....


Mayors and rangatahi school each other on civics and culture

A programme where mayors mentor rangatahi to become leaders is helping bridge the gap between local democracy and Māori culture.

The Tuia programme is a long-term intergenerational approach to develop the leadership capacity of young Māori in communities throughout New Zealand.

Set up by the Mayors Taskforce For Jobs (MTFJ) in the late 2000s, the programme involves local mayors selecting up to two rangatahi from their district to mentor on a one-to-one basis, to encourage and enhance leadership skills......



John Robinson: Proposed New Zealand history curriculum - a critical appraisal



From the Beehive: Budget 2021 has laid foundations for a strong post-Covid New Zealand



Maori museum display changes in pipeline

Otago Museum Maori curator Gerard O’Regan is excited that planning for a new tangata whenua gallery coincides with wider rethinking about South Island Maori museum displays.

The two biggest museums in the South Island, the Canterbury Museum and the Otago Museum, were planning to bring on stream some big changes, including in their Maori displays......


Māori landowners in Far North worry over council 'land grab'

Ngāti Hau iwi say they are concerned about Northland councils’ project to identify significant natural areas (SNA), saying it is yet another plan to control Māori-owned land in the Far North.

Last year the Far North District Council and the other Northland councils worked on a project to map and identify (SNA) within each district.

Mapping identifies approximately 42 per cent of the Far North district contains these potentially sensitive environments. This is an increase from 30 per cent when it was last mapped in the 1990s......


Pakeha perilous in Packer lexicon

Māori Party co-leader Debbie Ngarewa Packer is picking the word Pākehā to eventually fade away.

She's praising the way incoming Governor General Dame Cindy Kiro talked of tangata tiriti.

Ms Ngarewa Packer says the term acknowledges the ongoing covenant represented by Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and tangata tiriti are standing beside tangata whenua on issues like Māori wards and fighting racism......


Carbon price revival boosts Maori economy

Climate Change Minister James Shaw says the work he is doing to restore the effectiveness of the emissions transfer scheme is starting to benefit Māori landowners.

He says the decision by the John Key National Government to allow carbon emitters to buy cheap and in some fake carbon units - the so called hot air scandal - crashed the price of units to around $2 and knocked $300 million off the Māori economy.

"Today the price of carbon is about $36, $37, so in comparatively what is a fairly short period of time it's gone from $2, it was $17 when I got into Government four years ago, now it's $36, $37, so you can see that trajectory is on a reasonably steep upward trend and that's got to be good for Māori landowners," he says......


Government invests to grow Māori Medium Education

Funding in this year’s Māori Budget package to build and expand schools delivering Māori Medium Education will ensure more ākonga can access quality classrooms and learning facilities, Associate Education Minister Kelvin Davis said today.

“This funding will allow more Māori ākonga to learn in Te Reo Māori - and not just learn in immersion but learn in safe, dry, comfortable classrooms which will lead to better learning outcomes,” Kelvin Davis said.

Māori Ministers visited the future site of Te Pūtahi Māori o Manurewa today, to celebrate a more than $91 million investment, made up of $77 million in new capital and $14 million in associated operating funding, for Māori Medium School Property, announced by the Government last week.....


Solar panel test for Maori energy needs

The first 15 initiatives totalling $2.8 million have been identified from a $14 million, four year fund for renewable energy projects for Māori housing.

Energy and Resources Minister Megan Woods says the projects will provide insights and data on how to best deploy renewable energy technologies to both combat energy hardship and increase renewables generation.....



Learning how Māori ancestors got around the world by waka hourua


I don’t care what Judith Collins says



New government programme to support Māori women in prison

Women in prison will receive support to help break the cycle of reoffending under a new $10 million Government initiative.

Wāhine Māori Pathways was launched by Corrections Minister Kelvin Davis at Christchurch Women's Prison on Tuesday.

The programme has been designed in partnership with Māori to build better outcomes for women in Christchurch Women's Prison, and puts the focus on the wellbeing of whānau.

The initiative will be available to women at the prison who are serving sentences and orders in the community, with priority for those who identify as Māori or have a connection though their children or whānau.......


Ensuring Māori perspectives are integrated in our emergency management system

The appointment of a new Ministerial Advisory Committee, established by the Minister for Emergency Management Kiri Allan, recognises the vital role iwi have in responding to disasters and will help shape changes to New Zealand’s emergency management system, the Acting Minister Kris Faafoi says.

“Māori are disproportionally impacted by natural disasters and emergencies. However, we also recognise that iwi bring a great deal of capability in relation to emergency management and their contributions have been essential – before, during and after emergencies......


School's new name Te Kura o Wairau honours culture and history

A new name has given a multicultural Palmerston North school a better sense of belonging.

What was Somerset Crescent School is now called Te Kura o Wairau, a name which better recognises the different cultures at the school and the history of the area.

It was previously called Highbury School, but changed its name to Somerset Crescent in the early 2000s.

The school unveiled its new school sign, a tomokanga entranceway and a wānanga classroom space, for Māori learning, at a dawn blessing on Tuesday......


Top judge rules taonga may be worn in courts

Te Tumu Whakawā Chief Justice Helen Winkelmann says lawyers and other officials may wear culturally significant decorative taonga instead of ties in all courts – as long as they button up their shirts.

This applies to all judicial officers, court staff, stakeholders and all others who perform official roles in business attire in all courts in Aotearoa......


New General Manager Māori Health and Director Iwi Relationships Welcomed

On Friday 14 May, Northland DHB welcomed our new General Manager Māori Health, Dr Moana Tane and Director Iwi Relationships, Peter Thomas at Te Puna o Te Matauranga marae on NorthTec's Raumanga campus.......


Māori seats a step to 50-50 power share, says former Taranaki mayor

Seats for Māori on all Taranaki councils is just a first step to full power-sharing, says the former New Plymouth mayor who pushed for Māori wards.

“I’m now asking you to truly step up and actually mandate true partnership around every council – actually around every community public entity. Fifty-fifty, there is no other way the partnership can work. Fifty-fifty. Until we get there, until you mandate true partnership with Māori, nothing will truly change.”

“It’s very little to do with a Māori ward seat. This is about challenging the Pākehā system that was created to maintain control over Māori. This is about racism: Pākehā racism towards Māori.”......



Great examples of Maori farming



Gisborne District Court next in line for Te Ao Mārama model

The Chief District Court Judge, Judge Heemi Taumaunu, along with the Principal Family Court Judge, Judge Jacquelyn Moran and the Principal Youth Court Judge, Judge John Walker have announced the Gisborne District Court will implement the Te Ao Mārama model, designed in partnership with iwi and community engagement.

The Te Ao Mārama kaupapa for the District Court was first announced in November 2020 during the annual Norris Ward McKinnon lecture. It is inspired by the concept “mai te pō ki te ao mārama” meaning “the transition from night to the enlightened world.” Implemented with support of the Ministry of Justice, it will use a solution focused judging approach in mainstream courts and will draw on best practice used in the District Court’s specialist courts.

The model, which will involve working closely with iwi, community and government, represents a response to longstanding calls for transformative change to the justice system and will reflect the needs of a modern-day Aotearoa New Zealand where everyone can seek justice and feel they are heard and understood.

It is intended to be rolled out to all District Court locations in stages, starting with Hamilton and Gisborne this year……


Māori ward decision 'not guaranteed' and legislation still needed, says ex-New Plymouth mayor Andrew Judd

The decision by the four Taranaki councils to approve Māori wards is not the end of the process, a former mayor who lost his political career for championing the cause has warned.

“Don’t think that by any stretch of the imagination that by having established a Māori ward seat it means we have arrived at our destination,” said Andrew Judd. “It’s actually only part of the journey.

“Not to put a damper on this, but we need perspective. This decision can still be overturned every six years. It’s part of representation reviews, so it’s not guaranteed.”…..


Māori high school students gain entry to top world universities

Five winning students have walked away with scholarships worth up to $20,000 each to work towards their desired universities.

Te Ara a Kupe Beaton Scholarship was founded in 2017 to encourage young Māori representation on the global stage, to push social equity initiatives and for Māori students to make a lasting impact on the global community.

It includes personalised mentoring and education services to help students get accepted into their dream course at their dream university – be it Computer Science at Stanford, Medicine at Cambridge or Business at Yale…….


Andrew Little: Govt gauging possible impacts of landmark property right

The Government is assessing the ramifications of a landmark High Court ruling, on the customary rights of iwi.

Te Whakatōhea has won a three-decade legal battle to carry out customary practices on the foreshore between Whakatāne and Ōpōtiki.

The High Court has granted a new property right called "customary marine title".

Treaty Negotiations Minister Andrew Little told Mike Hosking it could affect how the area is used but is not likely to affect ordinary people.

"It doesn't stop anybody who goes to the beach, do their fishing and all the rest of the recreational stuff we do. But it does give iwi the rights to be consulted over conservation plans, RMA applications - those sorts of things," he says......


Moriori fear their history will be left out of new school curriculum

The Hokotehi Moriori Trust said the draft Aotearoa New Zealand Histories Curriculum mentioned Moriori only once.

Ministry of Education has said the curriculum was a high-level document that was not intended to provide the detail of what schools would teach.

However, the trust's cultural and science projects coordinator Susan Thorpe said it was a serious omission especially as the Crown had acknowledged the school system had spread misinformation that Moriori were still battling......


Ngāi Tahu launches nightly news service

Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu has launched the first iwi-owned broadcasting service to showcase South Island stories.

Tahu News will air one news story online each weeknight, starting on Monday night – as well as on Facebook – on issues that matter to the iwi and the takiwā (area).

The news service was supported by funding from Te Māngai Pāho.....


Video inciting violence against Māori pulled from YouTube as hate speech

A video posted on social media of a masked man inciting violence against Māori has been taken down for violating YouTube’s hate speech policy.

Police confirmed they were aware of the video, posted on YouTube on Sunday, and said it had been passed on to intelligence staff for assessment.....


BOPDHB launch Treaty position statement

An important milestone in the journey towards health equity for Maori and the fight against racism is how the launch of a joint Bay of Plenty District Health Board and BOP Maori Health Runanga Position Statement is being seen.

The Position Statement on Tiriti o Waitangi, Equity and Racism has been developed over the past nine months and was launched on Wednesday, May 19, at Whakatane Hospital.....



John Robinson: New Zealand apartheid


Clive Bibby: Be careful what you wish for!


Bruce Moon: Twisting the treaty - yet another version


Captured by Māori



Caution is the superfood of institutional racism



'Unbuildable' Māori land needs more than just council plan changes

Māori land in wider Christchurch is “fragmented, irregular, and leaves little or no buildable area”, with some sites less than 14 metres wide.

Christchurch City Council has proposed changes to the Papakainga/Kāinga Nohoanga zone legislation – all within Banks Peninsula – to “better facilitate Ngāi Tahu whānau use and development of Māori land”.

If approved, hapū (tribal members) from Ōnuku (near Akaroa), Koukourārata (Port Levy), Wairewa (Little River), and Ngāti Wheke (Rāpaki) could be able to build on previously unusable land……



Bob Edlin: Water and the co-governing numbers caper in which 68,000 Ngai Tahu might carry the same clout as 750,000 South Islanders


The statement that elected members and Te Arawa were not allowed to hear – by Reynold Macpherson (Rotorua Residents & Ratepayers)


The advertising industry's suspiciously sudden embrace of diversity https://karldufresne.blogspot.com/2021/05/the-advertising-industrys-suspiciously.html


Māori wards a step along road to a better, more inclusive, future


Māori have colonisers to blame for concept of individual debt


As a country, as South Islanders, as Ngāi Tahu, we all face huge challenges: we must face them together



10 – 1: Masterton District Council votes for a Māori ward

Wairarapa’s first Māori wards were welcomed today with waiata and haka. A packed council chambers saw Masterton councillors usher in a review which should lead to at least one Māori ward in the region for next year’s elections.

The proposal to establish Māori wards passed 10 votes to one at an extraordinary council meeting at Waiata House……


Wanganui Māori wards off the table for 2022?

Wanganui mayor Hamish McDouall says Whanganui District Council will vote on Māori wards only with the say so of three local tribes – Ngā Rauru, Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa and Whanganui iwi Tūpoho……


Marlborough gets Māori ward

The Marlborough District Council has made the landmark decision to create a Māori ward ahead of the next election.

Māori representation around the council table was the sole subject of an extraordinary meeting at the Marlborough Events Centre on Friday morning, with council staff recommending that councillors vote for a Māori ward…..


Both sides heard as Whakatane votes yes to Māori wards

Yesterday it was the turn of her own Whakatāne council to consider the issue, and Mayor Judy Turner asked councillors for a unanimous vote, after hearing public submissions…..


Stratford District Council votes yes to Māori ward

After being slammed as the only Taranaki council to not establish Māori representation, Stratford has finally said āe to a ward.

The history-making decision means all four of the region’s councils will have a Māori ward for the 2022 local elections……


Rotorua Lakes Council adopts Māori wards

Emotions ran high as Rotorua voted to adopt Māori wards in time for the next local election.

The decision was made by a full council meeting on Friday afternoon, right on the legislative deadline to introduce them……


SWDC Mayor says Māori ward work aiming for 2025

South Wairarapa Mayor Alex Beijen says the council decided against establishing a Māori ward for the 2022 elections but would be discussing the possibility for the district in 2025.

However, Beijen said SWDC chose not to, despite he and other councillors being "strongly supporting" the concept……


$1.4bn boost for Maori

The $1.4 billion package for Maori includes $380 million for Maori housing across the country — papakainga housing, affordable rentals, transitional housing and owner-occupied housing totalling about 1000 homes……


Budget just start of health funds transfer to Maori

The chief executive of the National Hauora Coalition is counting on the $240 million for Māori health in the Budget being just the start.

"I suspect that won't be the only investment. When we think about the construction of Health New Zealand which is the other entity commissioning for health services, there will be thought given to what part of the DHBs and the Ministry should be given to the Māori Health Authority and what should be given to Health New Zealand ," Mr Royal says.

He says in the pre-Budget lock up yesterday there seemed to be signs of genuine partnership between the crown and Māori and indications the Government was making the connections between Māori health status and child poverty, beneficiary income levels and housing……


Man who breached kauri dieback rules gets $5700 fine

The West Auckland man was caught several times on camera in 2019 entering closed walkways in Titirangi.

It is the first prosecution of its kind.

Local iwi, Te Kawerau a Maki, delivered their victim impact statement to the court in which Te Kawerau a Maki Tiaki Trust director Robin Taua-Gordon said the "calling down" of the rāhui was not taken lightly.

It was not some quaint cultural activity without consequence but a means to heal and make safe, Taua-Gordon said.

"Rāhui is one of the strongest forms of environmental management used by tangata whenua, and is only applied in serious situations, such as death, risk of loss of food species, or threats to habitat."......


Ground-Breaking UN Discussion Identifies Pathways To Food Future For Aotearoa

“Our collaboration with tangata whenua representatives, and particularly the participation of Dr Nick Roskruge, Chair of Tāhuri Whenua – The National Māori Vegetable Growers Collective as Co-Convenor of the Dialogue has been critical in developing a greater understanding of kai sovereignty and developing solutions that acknowledge the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi,” he says.

Outcomes relating to access to fresh fruit and vegetables included plans to create a communications network that deliberately includes a te ao Māori voice and identifies gaps in distribution channels to rural and vulnerable communities…..


'Ka kite Covid' television ad trivialises Māori traditions, iwi group says

Māori communications experts have criticised the Government’s first television ad promoting the Covid-19 vaccine for trivialising sacred Māori traditions, like the hongi and haka.

“Ka kite, Covid”, produced by advertising giant Clemenger BBDO at a cost of more than $800,000, went to air on May 3.

A statement from a collective of 33 iwi communications professionals said the ad would not be well-received by Māori as it didn’t portray its culture authentically…..



Labour’s inaction, National’s crassness letting us down – Peter Dunne


Political dishonesty – by Dr Muriel Newman.


Getting out of our comfort zone – John Bell.


The New Zealand schools history curriculum – by Martin Devlin.


Submission on New Zealand History in the New Zealand Curriculum – Roger Childs



We need a $50 billion colonisation recovery fund



Council votes in favour of the establishment of a Māori Ward (Horowhenua)

Councillors voted unanimously to support the establishment of a Māori Ward, which will take effect for the 2022 and 2025 elections.

By way of survey, the Horowhenua community recently had their say on whether or not its Council should proceed with establishing a Māori Ward in Horowhenua. The survey attracted 227 responses; the majority (178) indicated they were in support of establishing a Māori Ward. Members of the public were invited to speak at the May 19 Extraordinary meeting of Council and the response was universally in favour.

Our community had their say and it was overwhelmingly in favour of the establishment of a Māori Ward in Horowhenua says District Mayor Bernie Wanden……


Porirua City councillors vote unanimously for Māori ward

Porirua City Councillors have voted unanimously to establish a Māori ward in the district.

In a brief, jovial meeting councillors concurred in a meeting on Thursday morning that the decision was a ‘’no brainer’’ for Porirua…..


Waikato District Council Approves Maaori Wards For Next Local Body Elections

Waikato District Council has voted to establish Maaori wards for the 2022 and 2025 local authority elections. Mayor Allan Sanson says that today’s historic decision builds on Waikato District Council’s commitment to strengthening the Maaori voice and role in Council decision making.

“In 2019 we created full-voting committee member roles called Maangai Maaori on our three principal standing committees. This has been hugely successful,” he says……


Decision reversed, Manawatū to establish Māori wards

Te Kōtui Reo has had its pleas heard by Manawatū District Council, as the council changed its mind and decided to introduce Māori wards for the 2022 local body elections.

The council voted 8-3 to bring the representation of Māori in local government up.

Last week Te Kōtui Reo and others protested in a hīkoi up to the front doors of the council, with the support of MPs Teanau Tuiono and Debbie Ngarewa-Packer…..


No more cash for Whānau Ora in major blow to iwi and Māori providers

In last year's Budget, the Government topped up Whānau Ora with $136 million over the two years. That money is still flowing through this year but providers had been hoping for additional funding.

Of that, $53 million went to the COVID-19 response and $73 million for the three commissioning agencies.

This will come as a major blow to Iwi and Māori providers especially after Henare sung their praises in a recent Newshub Nation interview……


Budget 2021: Government reveals $1 billion boost for Māori

The investment will go to sectors such as housing, health and education.

Of that, $380 million will go towards delivering new homes for Māori, while $242.8 million has been allocated to Māori health and $150 million to Māori education.

The Māori media sector will also see a boost in funding, with $42 million allocated for building and investing in the media sector and programme content……


Council triggers New Zealand Wars pā site project

New Plymouth District Council has voted unanimously to kick-start development of the pā where the Taranaki Land Wars began.

Te Kohia Pā was bought by the council in 2016, with plans for an education and heritage centre on the site where an attack by British troops sparked the wars in 1860.

But the pā project had been delayed a decade in New Plymouth District Council’s proposed Long Term Plan, with no more spending until 2030.

Instead, all councillors debating the plan on Wednesday backed mayor Neil Holdom’s recommendation to promote the pā to the front of the plan…..


Māori to receive over $1 billion covering housing, health, reo initiatives

The Government has announced a $1.1 billion package for Māori, including nearly a quarter of a billion dollars for health initiatives such as setting up the new Māori Health Authority.

The package also places a strong emphasis on improving housing outcomes, with $380m set aside to deliver 1000 papakāinga homes among other measures.

Māori Development Minister Willie Jackson said Budget 2021 struck "the right balance", between economic recovery and social investment, while ensuring a "by Māori, for Māori" approach in areas like justice reform, health and education…..



Draft history curriculum misses 600 years of Aotearoa New Zealand's past - panel


The fight for New Zealand is now underway - One Country, Two Governments


A massive court decision we must be aware of – Mike Hosking



Henare ready to fight Collins on Māori health


Dame Anne Salmond: The answer is in Article 3



Establishing Māori ward for Waipā 'just common sense' says mayor Jim Mylchrest

Waipā district councillors were finally able to show their hand when they voted “yes” to setting up a Māori ward for the 2022 election.

The mayor and 11 councillors voted yes, only councillor Roger Gordon voted no. Councillor Grahame Webber was unable to attend the meeting.

“I don’t believe representation should be ethnicity-based,” Gordon said…..


Horizons Regional Council to establish Maori constituencies

Horizons Regional Council to establish Maori constituencies At their Regional Council meeting today, Horizons’ Councillors approved the establishment of Maori constituencies in time for the 2022 local government elections. Horizons Chair Rachel Keedwell acknowledged a petition delivered to Council and says it was an honour to host a large contingency of Maori at Regional House.

"Their presence added to this momentous occasion," says Cr Keedwell…….


Hamilton City Council unanimously adopts Māori ward

The Hamilton City Council has unanimously voted for a Māori ward to be established for the next local government elections.

The decision was made at an extraordinary council meeting today after a consultation that took place between April 16 and May 10 with the community sought on better Māori representation in the council's decision-making processes.

The council received 994 submissions, with 81% in favour of introducing a Māori ward…….


Position statement launch marks important milestone in journey towards Maori health equity

An important milestone in the journey towards health equity for Maori and the fight against racism is how the launch of a joint Bay of Plenty District Health Board (BOPDHB) Board and BOP Maori Health Rananga Position Statement is being seen.

The Position Statement on Tiriti o Waitangi, Equity and Racism has been developed over the past 9 months and will be launched on Wednesday 19 May at Whakatane Hospital…..


Māori ward decision sees Taranaki council slammed by two of its iwi

The only Taranaki council not to establish Māori representation has been criticised again – this time by local iwi.

Ngāti Ruanui and Ngāruahine representatives called Stratford District Council “out of touch” at its long-term plan hearing on Tuesday.

“In a single decision, made by you as a council, Ngāti Ruanui feels disgust and a loss of goodwill,” Graham Young, of Te Runanga O Ngāti Ruanui Trust, said……


Hawke's Bay Regional Council votes to establish Māori wards

The Hawke's Bay Regional Council has unanimously agreed to establish Māori wards.

All nine councillors voted in favour at a meeting this afternoon, after years of debate over the issue.

The idea has been before the council for several years, but has never passed until now…..


Chris Hipkins applauded in Parliament for saying he's not 'threatened by Māori history being taught in school'

The Education Minister has been applauded in Parliament for saying he doesn't feel threatened by Māori history being taught in New Zealand schools - and that it should include "the good, the bad, and the ugly".

It comes amid concern from the ACT Party about draft history curriculum that it believes "threatens to indoctrinate students in left-wing ideas".

Back in September 2019, Jacinda Ardern announced New Zealand history would be taught in all schools and kura by 2022, with key themes such as early colonial history and the history of the Treaty of Waitangi……


Plant Variation Rights Bill described as hitting sweet spot to meet Treaty obligations

The Plant Variation Rights Bill had its first reading in the House last night and is being described by Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister David Clark as hitting a sweet spot for the government in its quest to meet its responsibilities to the Treaty of Waitangi.

The Plant Variation Rights Bill will see more honest and robust representation of Māori in the plant breeding industry in New Zealand.

Māori intellectual property expert Karaitiana Taiuru has taken part in the consultation phase leading to these changes. He notes the complexities and contribution the WAI262 claim has had on the bill…….



Take care with the term ‘racist’


Decolonizing Education: A Conversation with Linda Tuhiwai Smith



New deal gives iwi greater stake in Shelly Bay development

A new proposal for the $500 million Shelly Bay development on Wellington’s Miramar Peninsula will see iwi have a greater stake in the project, including owning all commercial assets and securing a “distinctive” presence in the area.

The multi-million-dollar proposal for the joint venture development, between Ian Cassels’ The Wellington Company and the Taranaki Whānui iwi, also includes a wharenui (meeting house), an additional $4m cash injection from the company, and the establishment of a $100,000 education fund for iwi members.

The proposal was developed by the two parties to help end an occupation at the Shelly Bay site by a group of iwi members, Mau Whenua, who oppose the development……


National leader Judith Collins sings Ngai Tahu's praise after the iwi 'corrects' her on water ownership

Collins brushed off Ngai Tahu's criticism on Tuesday, responding by singing the iwi's praise for not seeking co-ownership of water assets.

"I notice that Ngāi Tahu came out and said that they never asked for co-ownership of water. Well I just think that that shows Ngāi Tahu is far more connected to the feelings of most New Zealanders than the Government is," she said.

"I thought it was very telling that Ngāi Tahu said that they did not ask for co-ownership of all the water but that was clearly what the Government was offering……


'Happy to correct the member' — Ardern and Collins clash over South Island public water ownership

Today, Collins brought into the House a document she says the Department of Internal Affairs recently presented as the Government’s preferred option for water reform to 23 mayors and Ngāi Tahu.

"Why did the Department of Internal Affairs present as a preferred option to 23 South Island mayors and iwi a document proposing co-ownership of South Island drinking water," Collins asked Ardern while holding a document.

Collins pressed forward with her claim, again holding up the document while asking: "Is the Prime Minister now telling the House that this document here that was presented to 23 mayors and iwi and says 'owners are the Canterbury Councils and Ngāi Tahu who are responsible for appointing members to the JGG,' is that not what it says?"…..


Three South Island mayors back iwi co-governance role in new water entity

South Island mayors are in support of Ngāi Tahu co-governing a new water entity.

The iwi has been discussing co-governance options with the Government as a safeguard against any attempts by future governments to privatise water assets…..


National MPs express diverging views on targeted funding for Māori

National MPs are all over the place when it comes to race relations, offering differing views on Māori co-governance and targeted funding.

"In terms of making it easier based on ethnicity, that's not the issue. The issue is, does someone need a house? If they do, the government should be prepared to step up," Collins said.

Senior National MP Simon Bridges, however, is on a different page.

"Of course we think there should be targeted funding. That's been National's approach now for decades and we would want to see that continue," Bridges said…..


Hastings District Council vote to establish Māori wards in 2022

The Hastings District Council has voted to implement Māori wards in the 2022 elections .

Twelve councillors voted for the decision, one against and another who did not vote. Council will now start the process of undertaking a representation review.....


Iwi challenges Stratford Council

A South Taranaki community board member says Stratford Council had no excuse but cowardice for not even discussing setting up a Māori ward in time for next year’s election.

Ngāti Ruanui intends to protest the lack of action at a meeting today of the council’s long term plan....


Stratford council rejects Māori ward hurry-up despite racism accusation

Stratford will not have a Māori ward at next year's election, despite one iwi accusing the district council of racism over its stance.

Facing a united call for a Māori ward from Ngāti Ruanui and Ngāruahine iwi, Stratford's councillors have stuck to their decision and rejected the ward for now......


Carterton District Council Puts Ratepayers At Risk With Unelected Committee Members

Carterton District Council’s decision to grant voting rights to unelected marae members on its committees poses serious risks to ratepayers, says the New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union.

Union spokesman Jordan Williams says, “This change goes beyond mere consultation and puts unelected advisors in a position to directly impose costs on Carterton ratepayers.”….


Tararua District Council votes to introduce Māori wards

Emotions ran high as Tararua Māori celebrated an historic decision which will grant them greater participation in the decisions that affect them, and strengthen and reaffirm their partnership with the Tararua District Council.

A celebratory haka, lead by Ngāti Kahungunu ki Tāmaki nui-a-Rua chairman Hayden Hape, erupted as Tararua District Council voted 7-1 to establish a Maori ward for the 2022 local government elections…..


Māori participation in council 'shunned', say church leaders

Church leaders are calling on Manawatū District councillors to reconsider their ‘divisive’ stance on Māori wards.

Leaders from several of Feilding’s churches have signed an open letter sent to all councillors on May 17. It called on the council to vote in favour of Māori wards at this week’s meeting…..


$45K grant to support future BOP Maori workforce

Ongoing efforts to encourage Maori into higher paying jobs and advance prosperity will receive a $45,000 boost from BayTrust.

The grant will help pay for initiatives such as free coding and robotics workshops for Maori intermediate and secondary school students.

The substantial grant is being given to Toi Kai Rawa – the Bay’s regional Maori economic development agency – whose goal is to support local Maori to exceed the national average income levels by 2030 and thrive in all sectors of society……


Returnees boost Maori population

Stats NZ says there has been a sharp increase in the number of Māori migrating to New Zealand, coinciding with the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The first provisional estimate of the national Māori ethnic population at December 31, 2020 was 854,700, up 2.5 percent or 20,700 more than a year before.....


UK company Invictus using Māori culture to sell carpet

A UK company has been slammed for using Māori culture to sell carpet.

Invictus Carpet & Flooring incorporates numerous elements of Māori culture in its website branding and its advertising, including a video ad released in 2015 showing white children performing a haka in their living room.

The company has caught the attention of Kiwis in the UK who have expressed concern at the use of the Māori cultural elements……



Pākehā must take the lead against racism


Race row delivering more than just bad polls


Revival of te reo Māori reflected in sold-out language conference



RMA and water reforms: 'Crunch time' for Māori for critical reforms

Tangata whenua grappling with a deluge of environmental and water reforms say setting up “super-entities” to deal with water would widen the gap between Māori and decision-making.

Māori from Ruapehu, Whanganui, South Taranaki and Rangitīkei are organising regionally to develop a comprehensive position on resource management reforms and freshwater rights and interests.

A hui in Whanganui heard from technical advisors to the Freshwater Iwi Leaders Group on some of the Government’s high-level proposals for resource management and water reforms……


Maniapoto settlement intact after vote falls short

The latest attempt by elements in Ngāti Rereahu to split out is settlement from the rest of Ngāti Maniapoto has failed.

A vote to change the mandate of Ngāti Maniapoto Māori Trust Board to negotiate historic claims in the King Country achieved 50.45 percent support - well short of the 75 percent support required……


ACT leader questions why white privilege is being taught in the classroom

"The Ministry of Education is saying that students should be profiled by race and made to apologise for their racial background. It's astonishing stuff."

But advocates of strategies to "de-colonise" Aotearoa's classrooms say rather than "racialise", such topics actually help dismantle the systemic racism that already exists, and holds back non-Pākehā students, particularly Māori…..


More on the above here > Warped Education Priorities Short-changing Kids


Unlearning Racism plan sign tide has turned

The Race Relations Commissioner says a Teaching Council initiative to shows the tide has turned against displays of racism.

Unteaching Racism includes an app, resources and conversations on a teachers-only online platform to help teachers identify, confront and dismantle racism in the education system……


Māori support strong for Horizons Māori wards

Māori voters who responded to a Horizons Regional Council survey overwhelmingly support bringing in Māori wards next year.

Councillors have been given the results of a Horizons survey mailed to nearly 18,500 individuals on the Māori electoral roll who are enrolled to vote in the Horizons region.

Ninety-six per cent of the responses were in favour of the regional council establishing Māori constituencies in time for next year's local body elections……


Pay and voting rights for marae reps' on Carterton District Council committees

A Carterton marae will have voting powers on council committees and representative pay.

Gladstone’s Hurunui-o-Rangi signed a memorandum of understanding with Carterton District Council in 2017, with representatives sitting on the council’s audit and risk, policy and strategy, and infrastructure and services committees.

These roles were unpaid and did not have voting rights.

However, councillors resolved on Wednesday to include the marae members’ votes in decision making and fund an allowance of $180 per full day of council work, or $90 per half day……


Attack highlights Labour support for Maori aspirations

Labour deputy leader Kelvin Davis says Judith Collins’ attacks on Māori and treaty policies are highlighting what a great job the Government is doing to support Māori aspirations……



Karl du Fresne: Maori wards - what councillors who vote 'no' can expect


Graham Adams: Will he Puapua propel Winston Peters back into politics?


Tony Sayers: Through Pakeha Eyes



He Puapua author explains what report is actually about


Māori reporter in the gallery: Coping with daily racism in the Beehive as a Māori reporter



Govt advances plans to transfer 50 per cent of South Island’s public water assets to iwi ownership - Collins

National leader Judith Collins says several South Island mayors are concerned by the Government’s advanced plans to transfer 50 per cent of the island’s publicly-owned water assets to iwi ownership.

The Department of Internal Affairs presented the Government’s preferred option for water reform to 23 mayors and Ngāi Tahu, Collins said in a statement.

This new mainland water agency would assume ownership of all water assets and some council debt.

Collins said National was of the understanding that four mega-agencies will be set up across Aotearoa as part of the Three Waters proposal to manage water assets. The agencies would be similar to Auckland’s Watercare.

"This means councils that have invested ratepayer money in pipes, wastewater and drinking water facilities for decades would have these assets taken away," Collins said.....


More on the above here > 'Deceptive and wrong': Ngāi Tahu rejects Judith Collins' claims of asset co-ownership plans


National Māori Authority boss calls for Eagle Brewing to be 'hauled before the Human Rights Commission' after owner's racist anti-Māori rant

A prominent Māori leader is calling for a beer company at the centre of a racism storm to be "hauled before the Human Rights Commission", and its owner to be barred from the liquor industry altogether.

David Gaughan, owner of Eagle Brewing, has come under fire after lashing out against Māori in a comment on a public social media post.

He called male tangata whenua the "scourge of New Zealand" and said the "quicker we put them in prison the better" in a comment on a 1 News story posted to Facebook........


Tararua councillors to consider introducing Māori ward

The Tararua District Council is considering a Māori ward for the next election, a week after a protest in Manawatū over that council's decision not to introduce one yet.

Councillors will on Tuesday discuss the option of having a Māori ward for the 2022 local body elections……


Judith Collins says Government's Treaty of Waitangi interpretation a 'radical departure' in leadership

At the Mainland Regional Conference on Sunday, the National Party leader said the Labour Party has "begun to govern with a new, radical interpretation" of the Treaty of Waitangi and its view is in the Māori version, Te Tiriti, the tino rangatiratanga granted to the chiefs results in iwi sovereignty.

"Labour's Deputy Leader, Kelvin Davis, has talked about two spheres of government: kawanatanga - the Government, and rangatiratanga - iwi sovereignty," Collins says.

"Jacinda Ardern has said that consultation with Māori hasn't worked and that her Government is now working in partnership.

"Andrew Little has said the Crown has obligations under the Treaty to allow for decision-making rights. He expects his new Māori Health Authority to be constructed in a way that gives effect to rangatiratanga…….


Shane Reti stands by Judith Collins labelling proposed Māori Health Authority ‘racist, separatist’

Dr Shane Reti, National’s Deputy Leader and one of only two Māori in the party’s caucus, says he agrees with Judith Collins’ critique of the proposed Māori Health Authority as “racist” and “separatist”……..



Departing advisor fearful of 'significant damage' to council, iwi relations


Partnership or separatism - negotiating the Treaty relationship


Race Unity Speech sheds light on new dawn of race relations in Aotearoa/ New Zealand


KiwiRail’s leadership programme just the ticket for kaimahi Māori



Protest planned after Napier City Council holds off on Māori wards until 2025

A protest is being planned after Napier City Council voted against Māori Wards for the 2022 local body elections.

Napier City Council was planning for consultation and engagement on the establishment of Māori wards in Napier.

The proposed consultation with mana whenua and the Napier community was planned during the coming months, allowing councillors to make a decision on Māori ward(s) by November 2021.

But it would miss the government deadline of May 21 this year,….


Wanganui mayor aims to bring iwi on to council committees – Māori wards or not

Wanganui mayor Hamish McDouall is looking to make good on his intention to have iwi representation on Wanganui District Council's three main committees.

He says the aim is to improve Māori participation in decision-making at the council table whether Māori wards are brought in or not, and representation with speaking and voting rights will be an advancement.

"In 2019 when I got re-elected I stood on the Opera House stage and I said I want iwi representation on the three main committees of council within this term……


Submissions Indicate Support For Maaori Wards

Council’s consultation on Maaori wards and other means of achieving Maaori representation has closed, with 994 people sharing their voice between 16 April and 10 May.

Staff analysis indicates that more than four out of five people who submitted (81%) favoured Council introducing Maaori wards to achieve better representation.


Karakia as iwi break sod for Carrington development

Tāmaki Makaurau MP Peeni Henare says iwi are emerging as some of the most progressive developers in the city.

Mr Henare was in Mt Albert this morning for the blessing of a part of the Carrington site on which Waiōhua, Te Ākitai and Ngāi Tai are partnering with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development on a development.

The crown holds more than 26 hectares on what it is now calling Carrington, including land bought from the polytechnic Unitec, and it’s drawing up plans for a mix of high density apartments and lower density housing……


No plans for early consideration of Māori Ward in Tasman District

A representation review to consider a Māori Ward “at this point would be out of cycle”, says Tasman District mayor Tim King.

Representation reviews attracted a lot of interest and debate, requiring a significant investment in time and resources, King said…….


'Named after monsters' — Tauranga suburb clashes over its controversial namesake

A campaign to rename a small Tauranga suburb has sparked debate in the region.

Greerton is controversially named after British Colonel Henry Greer, who led a bloody campaign in the region nearly 160 years ago.

"Well, given the history of the person it's named after, who pretty much slaughtered women and children, everything's wrong about it. There's pretty much nothing right about it," said campaigner Tommy Wilson……


Iwi water tanks offer relief for dry north

Te Rūnanga Nui ō Te Aupōuri has won government backing to lead an $8 million project to install up to 1000 water tanks in the far north for homes and community facilities.

Acting Emergency Management Minister Kris Faafoi says funding for Te Hiku water security project will come from the National Emergency Management Agency’s drought financial assistance package……


RMA & water: 'Crunch time' for Māori grappling with flood of critical reforms

Tangata whenua grappling with a deluge of environmental and water reforms say setting up "super-entities" to deal with water would widen the gap between Māori and decision-making.

Māori from Ruapehu, Whanganui, South Taranaki and Rangitīkei are organising regionally to develop a comprehensive position on resource management reforms and freshwater rights and interests…….



A bombshell ruling - Dr Muriel Newman


Notes on the judgement of Churchman J. in the case of re Edwards – Anthony Willy


Falling between two treaties: a reply to Dr Emily Beausoleil. - Chris Trotter


Police and their Minister duck Maori Party question which drew attention to something troubling about children and the cops



Wellington City Council agrees to introduce Māori ward

Wellington City Council has agreed to establish a Māori ward from next year, joining 19 other local authorities in agreeing to add the new ward following changes to local government legislation earlier this year.

The new ward will be included in time for next year’s local body elections, and comes after councillors also agreed two weeks ago to establish iwi voting rights on all but one council committee from July.

Councillors voted 13-2 in favour of the move, with just Nicola Young and Malcolm Sparrow voting against it…….


Māori Ward resolution 'just the first step' for Nelson

The Nelson City Council has voted to establish a Māori Ward in time for the 2022 local government elections.

Councillors voted strongly in favour of the decision, which was put forward at a full meeting of council on Thursday morning…….


Maori ward request (Dunedin City Council)

The Dunedin City Council has been asked to reconsider the creation of a Māori ward for the city.

Desiree Mahy said the creation of a Māori ward would give Māori “a seat at [the council] table, not an advisory group that you can pick and choose what issues you take to and take or leave their views”…..


$6m economic recovery project under way at Whanganui and South Taranaki marae

Work is under way on more than $6 million of upgrades for marae in the Whanganui and South Taranaki regions as part of a regional economic recovery drive.

Renovations at 26 marae are expected to create hundreds of jobs in the region. The programme is funded by the Provincial Growth Fund and being rolled out by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and the Provincial Development Unit……


Small loans can make a big difference for Māori business

A groundbreaking initiative is aimed at revitalising the Māori economy through the power of koha.

Indigishare was developed during lockdown to help Māori businesses by developing a more sustainable economic model. It includes a crowdfunding platform where Māori put out a karanga to other Māori businesses for support.

Chair Maria Ngawati said part of that is setting up a mechanism or a platform whereby whānau can koha to other Māori…..


Te mana o te wai puts planners on right course

A Māori environmental planner says planners and engineers have no choice than to get to grips with Māori ideas and aspirations.

Tina Porou spoke to the Water New Zealand Stormwater Conference in Tauranga yesterday about how stormwater can’t be seen in isolation from drinking water and waste water.

She says now the concept of te mana o te wai is in the national policy statement for fresh water, the sector can no longer ignore mātauranga Māori and Te Tiriti o Waitangi.....


Ruapehu councillor walks out of meeting over karakia

A Ruapehu district councillor refused to stay in the room for a 12-second karakia to open a council meeting.

Taumarunui councillor Adie Doyle stopped an opening of a full council meeting immediately after mayor Don Cameron asked councillor Elijah Pue to open the meeting, as he has done regularly in recent months.

Doyle said he was uncomfortable with opening a public meeting with any formal system of belief, whether it was "a karakia, a Hail Mary or an Our Father"……


Reserve Bank of New Zealand hiring senior adviser Te Ao Maori

Senior Adviser Te Ao Māori

Reserve Bank of New Zealand Wellington, Wellington Region, New Zealand…..



Taika Waititi challenges teachers to 'unteach racism' in effort to address prejudice



Māori wards will enhance Hamilton City Council decision-making, says leader

A vote to establish Māori wards in Hamilton will create a more inclusive council that’s reflective of the wider community, tangata whenua say.

Waikato-Tainui has submitted on a proposal to create Māori wards in Hamilton – one of more than a thousand submissions received by council during a three-week public engagement campaign.

City councillors will meet on May 19 to debate and decide whether to create Māori wards in time for the 2022 election. Waipā District Council will also meet that day to vote on the issue……


Hikoi fails to sway Manawatu mayor

The mayor of Manawatū remains unmoved by yesterday’s hikoi asking her to revisit the council’s rejection of Māori wards.

Helen Worboys says she will put the question again next year - too late to have a seat included in the 2022 local government election……


Kaumātua wants Māori boss to push for iwi in council

A Taranaki kaumātua wants New Plymouth District Council to hire a senior Māori manager to drive iwi issues.

Peter Moeahu told Te Huinga Taumatua, the council's Māori advisory committee, that the council needs to show commitment to strong relationships with Māori.

“One way of doing that is to have someone focused on issues relevant to tangata whenua, relevant to iwi, so that those issues can be driven through council.”…..


Napier City Council plans to consult on establishing Maori wards

They allow those on the Maori Electoral Roll to vote for Councillors to represent Maori.

But its proposed consultation will miss a Government's deadline of Friday next week.

Mayor Kirsten Wise says the two and a half month timeframe set by Government isn't long enough.


Weekend 'Marae Stay' organised to connect Hindu, Maori communities

Two local youth groups have taken the lead in establishing closer ties between two communities in the country.

Hindu Youth New Zealand and New Zealand Hindu Students Forum have organised a "Marae Stay" in Rotorua this weekend in an effort to connect the Hindu and Maori communities.

"These marae stays serve as an opportunity for the Hindu community in New Zealand to connect with tangata whenua, ​experience staying at a traditional marae and learn about the numerous similarities between the Hindu and Māori communities, be it socially, culturally, or spiritually," says HYNZ president Murali Magesan……


Māori Business Identifier Goes Live

For the first time Māori businesses can identify themselves as a Māori business on the New Zealand Business Number register. By registering as a Māori business they will benefit from the opportunities provided by the NZBN, doing business with confidence and certainty, connecting and interacting more easily, with more accuracy, saving time and money.

Government can also start to understand the contribution that Māori businesses make to the economy, make it easier for investment or collaboration and help better measure the effectiveness of government policies for Māori. Government and non-government agencies will no longer have to rely on surveys to get up-to-date information on Māori economic activity……


New gun laws: Concern Māori will be unfairly penalised

There are fears that proposed new gun laws aiming to curb gang violence will affect Māori with only loose connections to gangs.

The Criminal Proceeds Act would also be amended alongside reforms to firearms prohibition orders.

It will introduce new powers enabling police to seize things like houses or cars of those associated with gangs when a person's legitimate income was deemed likely insufficient to have acquired those assets.

Both bills will be in front of the House before the end of the year……


Iwi to be consulted on proposed Department of Conservation policy changes

Iwi consultation on changes needed to bring the Department of Conservation's policies in line with the Treaty of Waitangi, as per its legislation, is going ahead.

The draft recommendations from the options development group include: providing for the delegation, transfer and devolution of functions and powers within the conservation system to tangata whenua, revoking Crown ownership of indigenous species, and ensuring decisions on conservation give weight to mātauranga (Māori knowledge) and upholding tikanga.

It also calls for the resolution of tangata whenua rights and interests in fresh water and marine environments, and reforming the ownership model of public conservation lands and waters "to reflect the enduring relationships tangata whenua have with these places and the resources/taonga that reside within them"……


WATCH VIDEO: Māori Party walks out of House denouncing 'racist questions' with rousing haka

Te Paati Māori has walked out of Parliament with a rousing haka over what they say was a "constant barrage of racist questions" from Opposition leader Judith Collins to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern......


West Coast DHB mulls free Māori health checks

The West Coast District Health Board is exploring the idea of free health checks for all Māori in their 50th year.

Ministry of Health figures show Māori suffer heart disease, respiratory disease, diabetes and cancer at more than twice the rate of Pākehā, and have a lower life expectancy.

The DHB's Māori health team now has funding approved to plan and scope the 50th birthday initiative, Māori health general manager Gary Coghlan reported…..



Institutional Racism comes to NZ



Local Authorities Urged ‘Not To Wait’ For Education On Māori Wards


Waikato University aims to become New Zealand's first 'anti-racist institute



Māori wards change was fast-tracked against official advice

Councils have been moving quickly to establish Māori wards after the Government itself fast-tracked the removal of ‘racist’ restrictions – but officials were less keen on such a swift process.

The Government's decision to streamline the process for new Māori wards for next year's local body elections came against the advice of officials, who warned skipping a full policy development and public consultation process could prove controversial and undermine progress on the changes.

Instead, the department suggested either enacting changes within the current term of Parliament but not having them come into effect until 2023 (meaning any newly established Māori wards would be in place for the 2025 local elections) or reviewing the Māori wards process as part of broader, longer-term local elections reform......


Māori ward hot topic at Invercargill City Council

Invercargill deputy electoral officer Michael Morris recommended that the Invercargill City Council not join other councils in creating a Māori ward for the next election, but consider mana whenua seats at the council table.

His recommendations were made after Ngai Tahu had made it clear they did not want a Māori ward.

Under the recommended option, which councillors agreed to on Tuesday, council staff would be directed to work with mana whenua to create mana whenua seats instead.

“These seats would be exclusively for mana whenua and would not be elected by the voting public. The seats would be on the council’s standing committees that come with voting rights and an advisory seat on full council (non-voting),” Morris says in the report…..


Whakatane aims to meet Maori seat deadline

Whakatāne District Council will hold an extraordinary meeting next week to vote on whether or not to establish Māori wards.

The council has consulted with its iwi forum and also asked for feedback from its youth council and four community boards…..


Manawatu iwi give council taste of backlash

Manawatū Māori will march on the offices of the Manawatū District Council this morning to demand councillors to reconsider last week’s decision to defer consideration of Māori wards until 2023…..


More on the above here > Hundreds of people join march for Māori wards in Manawatū


Goff counting on law change for Maori seat

Auckland mayor Phil Goff is counting on a law change later this year to allow the super city to create a Māori ward in time for the 2025 local government election.

So far 13 of the 29 territorial local authorities across Aotearoa will have Māori seats after next year’s election, and Māori in Feilding this morning marched on the Manawatū District Council to demand it revisit its decision not to create a ward.

Mayor Goff says having a seat representing voters on the Māori roll brings councils in line with the arrangements for central government and increases diversity around the table……


DOC Quietly Puts Iwi Land Consultation On Hold

The Government has suddenly placed consultations with iwi on how the Department of Conservation can give better effect to the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi, on-hold following National releasing the draft recommendations last week.

The DOC website has been updated to say ‘consultation is currently on hold until further notice’……


Te Wāhi Āwhina community space opens with blessing

Te Wāhi Āwhina, a community support space in Manners Street, has officially opened following a dawn blessing this morning (Tuesday 11 May).

Te Wāhi Āwhina is one of the Council’s commitments to The Pōneke Promise – a joint social contract launched in April with Greater Wellington Regional Council, the City’s hospitality industry, retailers, and Police……


Powhiri as kiwifruit giant expands footprint

Kiwifruit export company Seeka has been officially welcomed to Ōpōtiki to celebrate its amalgamation with Ōpōtiki Packing and Cool Storage, or OPAC.

He says Seeka’s Māori kiwifruit footprint now exends from Te Tai Tokerau through to Te Moana a Toi and further east to Tūranganui a Kiwa.....


ACC acknowledges commitment to Māori health outcomes with proposed new strategy

ACC is laying down a commitment to transform and improve Māori health outcomes through their proposed new strategy, Whāia Te Tika.

The strategy seeks to engage with Māori to provide culturally and clinically suitable services with a "by Māori for Māori" approach.

According to statistics from ACC - the Accident Compensation Corporation - Māori contributed to 26 percent of active sensitive claims and 24 percent of the active serious injury claims……


Māori Party have 'grave concerns' over incoming laws targeting gangs

Māori Party co-leaders Debbie Ngarewa-Packer and Rawiri Waititi say they will fight the Government's incoming laws targeting gangs.

"The reality is we're always dealing with the double down and the profiling of us as Māori," Ngarewa-Packer said.

"If it’s targeting gangs, it’s targeting Māori," Waititi said……


Children celebrate Māori culture through sport and games

Manawatū schoolchildren have been immersed in traditional Māori games as a way of building relationships and wellbeing.

Palmerston North’s Whakarongo School hosted a Ngā Taonga Tākaro festival on Tuesday, where about 200 children from 13 primary schools in the region took part.

The event was aimed to celebrate Māori culture through sport and games, promote schools working together, learn about traditional Māori games and their whakapapa, and build connections between schools and marae…..



He Puapua - the report dividing Parliament



Māori ward in Manawatū District only path to an inclusive democracy


Māori youth key to ending high Māori prison population rates


A more just, honourable and inclusive Aotearoa



Manawatū iwi resign from council over Māori wards decision

Marae, iwi and hapū have broken ties with the Manawatū District Council over accusations of cowardice and disrespect.

Te Kōtui Reo Taumata, the Manawatū collective of tangata whenua, have expressed their dismay at the council's unwillingness to establish a Māori ward, and have vowed not to return to the council table until one is established.

Collective spokesperson Meihana Durie said the council’s move on May 6 to defer a decision on Māori wards ran the risk of the region appearing “backward” during a national move towards co-governance…..


Overwhelming support for Māori ward in Wellington

Wellington City Council has received overwhelming support for establishing a Māori ward from next year, with 94 per cent of submitters backing the idea.

City councillors agreed in principle in March to establish a Māori ward subject to public feedback, which was carried out during April.

That feedback attracted 189 responses, with 177 in favour of the proposal and just 12 opposed.

The additional ward will be included in time for next year’s local body elections, and comes after councillors also agreed two weeks ago to establish iwi voting rights on all but one council committee from July……


Whakatōhea hapū win customary marine title case

"The court has found that territorial local authorities providing resource consents to people to use foreshore and seabed doesn't extinguish Māori ownership and rights to the same foreshore and seabed subject of that resource consent," she said.

The party's other co-leader Rawiri Waititi added that, "All land upon which there is significant traffic by way of fishing and or boating has been found also to be within Māori rights to ownership.".....


More on the above here > Iwi win foreshore and seabed recognition


And here > He says customary title means if anyone want a say in either conservation or commercial use of the space, they will need to do so in partnership with iwi and hapū.


Trail plans trample culture say iwi and hapū

Iwi and hapū say cultural values are being trampled in plans for two cycle and walking trails in the New Plymouth district.

One trail would connect Te Papakura o Taranaki national park with the coast through the Kaitake range southwest of New Plymouth, while the other would extend the city’s coastal walkway east to Waitara.

Ngā Māhanga a Tāiri, a grouping of two hapū, had gifted a tupuna name to the proposed Kaitake trail – Te Ara a Ruhihiweratini.

But spokesperson, Tāne Manu, said Ngā Māhanga a Tāiri now oppose the trail plans.......


Former National minister supports DoC giving iwi more conservation land

In a discussion document from a recent hui, DOC recommends overhauling conservation legislation to be more in line with the Treaty of Waitangi.

This would entail delegating and transferring power over doc land to local iwi.

However, National's former treaty negotiations minister Chris Finlayson says that when he took over the portfolio, he thought DoC needed to "get real" to act in accordance with the Treaty.

Finlayson says that he was always very careful with the National Park, but there was a lot of land he thought should be given to iwi……


Taranaki iwi seek resources from council to support relationship

Iwi want more money to cope with a flood of resource consents in Taranaki.

Taranaki Regional Council considers about 400 consent applications a year and many of them require input from Māori about cultural impacts, especially on waterways.

Te Ātiawa told a hearing for the council's Long Term Plan that iwi and hapū need money to help decide and monitor consents…….



Here’s a letter to the editor you might have missed on science and how it should be shaped by the Treaty and spirituality


Kerre McIvor: All parties should be involved in large scale doc changes



New Zealand Inc needs its workers to be multi-lingual


We're growing up as a nation



Judith Collins calls for 'national conversation' from Jacinda Ardern after controversial He Puapua report

Speaking on Sunday at the lower North Island Regional Conference, National Party leader Collins said there needs to be a conversation about the He Puapua suggestions and believes "separate systems is not what will help New Zealand in 2021".

"I think this is a vitally important question for all New Zealanders to consider. There are times when we, as a nation, need to have hard conversations.

"This is a conversation that needs to be had. People are concerned."

Collins said if anyone was "questioning" why she was raising the topic she would "ask them to reflect on the many changes the Government has made in the past 24 months alone".

The changes Government has made that align with recommendations of He Puapua, outlined in Collins' speech, include:.......


More Māori seats on councils look likely in Hawke's Bay

Submissions on dedicated Māori wards for Hastings District Council are open until Wednesday this week.

It would be the local-government equivalent of the Māori seats in Parliament, with only those on the Māori roll eligible to vote for Māori ward candidates.

There is limited time for public consultation to be ready for next year's elections, but council staff say they have hit the ground running after the council's decision on April 22 to go forward on the issue…..


Top of the south iwi back Māori Ward proposal

The chairs of Te Tauihu iwi have unanimously thrown their support behind the establishment of Māori Wards across councils at the top of the south.

In a statement put forward by the Te Tauihu Iwi Chairs Forum, iwi representatives have written to the Nelson City Council, Tasman District Council, and Marlborough District Council to express their “explicit desire” to see Māori Wards enacted at all three councils.

The forum stated their position had been motivated in part by the changes made to the Māori Wards Act in March, which removed the mandatory and binding community polls on Māori Ward resolutions from the legislation.

“Te Tauihu Iwi chairs now look to the mayors of Te Tauihu to ensure that iwi Māori appointed representation is able to sit at the council table on equal terms with other councillors.”….


National's opposition to policies promoting Māori equity unlikely to gain them much traction — commentator

National’s opposition to policies which promote equity and power-sharing with Māori, characterising them as “separatist”, are unlikely to gain them as much traction as they have in the past, a right-leaning political commentator has warned.

Moko Tepania, a Far North District Councillor who helped shepherd through the introduction of Māori wards, called National’s objection to the wards hypocritical.

"I think it’s actually laughable to say that 'we’re going to stand in central government seats but we don’t agree with local seats'."……



He Puapua report bogged down in 'swamp of politics'


Ōrewa’s ugly echoes



Bay of Plenty iwi granted customary rights to several marine areas

In a landmark ruling, the High Court has granted a Bay of Plenty iwi customary rights to several marine areas which could set a precedent for iwi around the country.

The ruling involves several hapū, in an area between Whakatāne and Ōpōtiki and has effectively granted a new form of property right, known as customary marine title.

“I think it's going to be interesting to see what kind of precedent that sets for hearings that take place in other rohe,” says Hudson……


Māori content shake up for law schools

All law schools in Aotearoa will have to include Māori content in their core courses, AUT Law School Interim Dean Khylee Quince (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Porou, Te Roroa) has told followers online.

"Today we unanimously passed a resolution requiring the teaching and assessment of concepts of Te Ao Māori and Tikanga Māori in ALL core courses. This means all law schools will have to include Māori content in contract and torts for example. In addition, in November we will consider a prescription for the teaching of tikanga Māori as a separate core course, after this was passed in principle last year."….


Report shows shocking rate of violence experienced by wāhine Maori

Half of wāhine Maori have experienced sexual or physical violence according to data provided within a 2020 government report briefing.

Now a new government initiative launched this week in Mangere at Wharewātea Marae aims to hear survivors' voices - and craft ways to deal with the statistics.

The government's bringing together 10 departments under the programme, Te Hau Tangata, to tackle the issue…..



Roger Childs: Having a Balanced History Curriculum


Louis Houlbrooke: There And Back Again - Taxpayers Shell Out For Epic Turtle Journey


Bob Edlin: Free speech in Parliament challenged - Maori Party MPs press the Speaker to bar questions they regard as “racist”



Hundreds of Māori leaders gather to discuss iwi kaupapa, new health authority

Hundreds of Māori leaders have gathered in Porirua to discuss the big kaupapa for iwi and hapū, including how they will inform the design of the new Māori Health Authority.

A collective of 71 iwi entities, the National Iwi Chairs Forum (NICF) kicked off its two-day hui - hosted by Ngāti Toa - with a pōwhiri at Takapūwāhia marae.

Over the next couple of days, they'll cover kaupapa (topics) falling under five pou (pillars) - Pou Taiao (environment), Pou Tikanga (constitution and Tiriti o Waitangi), Pou Take Ahurangi (climate), Pou Tangata (people) and Pou Tahua (economics).

Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Toa chair and host Dr Taku Parai said it was important they "kept a tight rope" on the government, and held them accountable……


New lights and arts festival for Kāpiti held over Matariki

Celebrating Matariki the right way was all the motivation the Māoriland Charitable Trust needed to create a large scale lights and arts event for the whole district.

Māoriland Charitable Trust, the organisation responsible for Ōtaki's Māoriland Film Festival, is presenting Matariki, Lighting the Beacons Festival, a month-long multi-disciplinary arts festival to be held across Kāpiti from July 2-25......


Provincial Growth Fund marae upgrade announcement massively fails to deliver on jobs

Almost $100 million was earmarked to upgrade marae across the country. It was meant to create more than 3000 jobs, but with half the money already spent, it's managed just 5 percent of that: 158 full-time jobs……


Dr Hinemoa Elder appointed Chair of Māori Expert Reference Panel for suicide prevention

The Suicide Prevention Office has welcomed Dr Hinemoa Elder as the new Chair of its Māori Expert Reference Panel.

The Māori Expert Reference Panel provides the Suicide Prevention Office with strategic advice, support and guidance on matters relating to Māori suicide prevention and implementation of New Zealand’s suicide prevention strategy, He Tapu te Oranga o ia tangata......


Māori Maps Relaunches Website With Totally New Zealand Solution

Bringing the data and mapping of ancestral marae back to Aotearoa is now a reality for Māori Maps (www.maorimaps.com).

After a six-month project with Orbica, the Ōtautahi/Christchurch-based digital geography specialist, www.maorimaps.com now has data hosted in New Zealand. This marks an important step to protecting marae data sovereignty……


Sir Mason Durie the first Māori Health Authority appointment

Māori health pioneer Sir Mason Durie​ is the Government's first appointment for the incoming Māori Health Authority.

Durie will spearhead the steering group, which would consult with Māori about possible candidates for the authority’s board and advise ministers on the potential appointments. The group would also advise on how the authority should be governed and be held accountable......


Kāpiti Coast District Council Confirms Earlier Decision On Māori Ward

Guided by the recommendation of its iwi partners, Councillors today confirmed their October 2020 resolution not to establish a Māori ward for electoral purposes ahead of the 2022 local body elections.

“Our iwi partners confirmed that while Māori ward representation on Council is important to them, their current priority is to strengthen their existing partnership with Council……


ACC asking Maori to design targeted services

The Accident Compensation Commission is seeking tenders from kaupapa Māori providers who can help develop new services to give injured Māori greater access, improved experiences of ACC care and better health outcomes…..


'Dead duck': Māori say don't delay on NZ Wars pā project

The pā that saw the first shots of the Taranaki Wars deserves higher public priority, Māori have told New Plymouth District Council.

Te Kōhia Pā was bought by the council in 2016 with plans for an education and heritage centre on the site where an attack by British troops kicked off the wars in 1860.

The next step was to expand the group and start firming up concepts for the development.

She suggested $500,000 over three years to continue the project…….



The He Puapua affair makes Labour look shifty


Free speech in Parliament challenged: Maori Party MPs press the Speaker to bar questions they regard as “racist”


Chris Lynch: Will He Puapua unite New Zealanders as the authors have claimed?


Tony Sayers: He Puapua - the Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing



The Future Is Māori (The Reserve Bank of New Zealand)

With Māori values becoming an increasingly integral part of Aotearoa New Zealand’s society, the future of our economy is Māori, and it is bright, Reserve Bank Assistant Governor Christian Hawkesby says.

“When I say that the future is Māori, I’m not just talking about Māori people, Māori businesses, or Māori jobs. Perhaps one of the most powerful ways in which Māori will shape the future of Aotearoa New Zealand is through Māori values.”

He discussed how Māori values such as manaakitanga (respect and generosity), kaitiakitanga (guardianship), and whanaungatanga (relationships) have shaped Māori economic relationships for generations, which are increasingly being reflected in business.

He concludes that an understanding of Te Ao Māori must be a core competency for all New Zealand directors, as it will shape the economic environment of Aotearoa New Zealand for years to come……


Educating rangatahi about their true Māori history

Last Wednesday Minister Kelvin Davis went to Waihi marae in Ngāti Tuwharetoa to sign an kawenata or covenant, which provides an opportunity for Ngāti Tuwharetoa, Raukawa and Waikato iwi to have input into what history will be taught in their schools…….


Council adopts Māori wards (Far North DC)

Far North District Councillors have voted to establish Māori wards for the 2022 and 2025 local body elections following an extraordinary Council meeting on Tuesday.

The Council understands that Northland is currently the only region in the country where a regional council and all the region’s territorial authorities have established Māori wards……


Māori 'kicked in the guts' over failed Māori ward bid in Manawatū

Manawatū District councillors have voted 6-4 to defer a decision on whether to introduce Māori wards until 2024, amid accusations aspirations of re-election were put ahead of their convictions......


Treaty group finally calls election - 16 months after Waitangi Tribunal and Minister told them to

A Treaty Settlement Group has called an election, a month after a group of beneficiaries went to court asking for the current trustees to be removed, and 16 months after the Waitangi Tribunal and the Government said elections should be held.

Mana Ahuriri Trust, the Post Settlement Governance Entity for claims in the Napier area, was set up to handle the settlement signed with the Crown in 2016.

The settlement involved financial and commercial redress of about $19.5 million, and vesting of some properties to seven Napier hapū who are represented by the trust…..


Team leader weaves Māori culture into everyday learning

A team leader in a bicultural preschool, New Zealand Tertiary College (NZTC) student Tangiwai Trueman’s goal is to lead and implement kaupapa Māori in centre life.

“I absolutely love being able to incorporate this treasured language into our centre, especially as I speak it fluently and am of Māori descent myself. It is so wonderful to see tamariki and kaiako alike welcome te reo Māori with open hearts and minds…..


Rahui on Taranaki Mounga after climbers die

Ngā Iwi o Taranaki have placed a rahui to acknowledge the deaths of two Christchurch climbers near the summit on Tuesday night.

It will apply to all access routes to the summit and be reviewed after a week…..


New partnership to grow Māori success in STEM

A new partnership with the Pūhoro STEM Academy will support thousands more rangatahi Māori to participate and succeed in the fields of science, technology, and innovation, Associate Education Minister Kelvin Davis announced today.

“Our Government is committed to improving the outcomes and experience of Māori learners and their whānau. This partnership with Pūhoro supports that commitment and will see a lift in Māori achievement in STEM areas,” Kelvin Davis said…..


Te Reo Māori and invisible ink to be phased into NZ passports

Te Tari Taiwhenua Department of Internal Affairs has unveiled a new version of the New Zealand passport with enhanced security features, according to Stuff.co.nz.

The front cover will remain the same with the silver fern and coat of arms but te Reo Māori will appear before English on the cover and throughout the book……


Māori names and stories returned to the whenua

Names harking back to history and stories treasured by Māori are being returned to the whenua in parks across communities in the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board area.

Earlier this year, the local board adopted 18 names provided to it by mana whenua as part of the council’s cultural identity programme, Te Kete Rukuruku. Names for a further 32 parks are currently being worked on……


South African rugby team stops doing controversial haka after getting letter from NZR

A South African rugby team who went viral over their use of the haka have stopped performing the Māori challenge after being requested to do so by New Zealand Rugby……



The Tide is Turning – Dr Muriel Newman


Are you OK with two governments under tribal rule? - Mike Butler



Don't be so scared of a little self-determination when it comes to Māori



He Puapua report: Māori Development Minister wants public buy-in

Concerns about the He Puapua report - on how to better uphold indigenous rights - are being dismissed by Minister for Māori Development Willie Jackson.

Jackson has prepared a draft paper, setting out the next steps the government could take in response to He Puapua, which he says will go to Cabinet soon.

The National and ACT parties were unimpressed, saying the report was separatist and divisive, but Jackson said it that was not the case.

"There's a big process to go through still, as you have heard. We had our treaty minister Andrew Little say he hasn't even read it so I've got a big process to go through. I've got to circulate this with Cabinet and after that we have to lay down a strategy in terms of the public……


More on the above here > Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says Māori self-determination is not something "to be afraid of", saying persistent inequities were evidence the traditional consultation approach "has not worked"…..


Tauranga MP opposes Greerton name change

Tauranga MP Simon Bridges has made it clear he opposes any proposal which involves the renaming of Greerton.

However, one community leader believes it is time to have a “brave conversation” about the background surrounding the Tauranga suburb and a potential future name change.

Tommy is pleased the issue has sparked some debate, even commending some of the more tongue-in-cheek suggestions that have been shared on social media.

However, he is firm in the belief that any Maori name for Greerton should be easy to pronounce……


Supporting future-focussed Maori Crown relations

We expect your entities to embody the Government’s good-faith and collaborative approach to Māori Crown relationships by:

* engaging appropriately and often with Māori on relevant issues;

* pursuing further opportunities for partnership with Māori entities and businesses;

* building staff Māori cultural capability including knowledge of tikanga Māori, te ao Māori, New Zealand history and how to address institutional racism;

* improving the Treaty-consistency of policy and practices (for example, considering where whanau-centred policies can be used); and

* supporting the Maihi Karauna by promoting and supporting the revitalisation of te reo Māori……


Vodafone And TEDxAuckland Partner To Deliver A Kaupapa Māori Focused Event

Vodafone and TEDxAuckland are partnering to deliver a kaupapa Māori focused event this afternoon at Vodafone’s Auckland headquarters in Takapuna, entitled ‘Turuki! Turuki! A Tiriti-based approach to the future of tech’.

This event is part of the Tāpiri atu ki te ao Matihiko collective, which rallies some of Aotearoa’s most well-known businesses around shared challenges and opportunities on how to integrate Te Tiriti o Waitangi into our work, as well as grow Māori leadership in the sector and ensure ongoing access to digital technology……


Iwi companies consider Maori bank

A far north iwi leader says creating some sort of Māori finance entity will be an essential step in helping post settlement iwi reach their economic goals.

…….which is essential if iwi don't want to keep pumping their settlements through the mainstream economy.

"One of the things the commercial entities are starting to look at is the idea of a Māori financial institution which it will provide for our needs in a way we want them provided for. Gone are the days when we need to be the square PEG that sits in the round hole," says Piripi…….


Māori aren't scary, kaumātua says, as hui hears case in support of Māori wards for councils

Iwi, hapū and whānau representatives pushing for Māori wards on the Waipā District Council have met face-to-face with the elected members charged with making the decision.

“Māori wards aren’t separatism. Māori representation in local government means councils working in partnership with Māori, not separate from them.”

“It’s not seven to one, not seven to three and so in my submission to you, I am asking for four Māori wards.”


Ngati Whatua finishes case for exclusive mana whenua

Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei deputy chair Ngarimu Blair says the hapū has done as much as it can do in arguing for exclusive mana whenua over central Auckland.

Ten weeks of hearing ended last Friday the High Court at Auckland in the challenge against the crown offering small parcels of land in Parnell and Grafton for the Marutūahu settlement…..


Rawiri Waititi wonders 'why two Pākehā women talking about Māori issues' during freshwater debate in House

Rawiri Waititi made a point of order in Parliament today wondering “why two Pākehā women are talking about Māori issues" as Judith Collins questioned Jacinda Ardern about freshwater rights.

The debate comes as Ngāti Kahungunu announced in February this year it will join forces with Ngāi Tahu to take legal action against the Crown over shared control and management of freshwater…..


Government’s Paternalism Over Māori Businesses

“The Government’s paternalistic approach towards Māori through procurement is a step too far and needs explaining,” says ACT Leader David Seymour.

“The Government, in another departure from the idea that all New Zealanders are equal before the law, has set a quota of five percent of Government procurement being spent on Māori businesses.

“Will the Government compromise on quality or cost when it procures goods and services from Māori businesses, and if the same standards are expected of Māori businesses what is the point of the policy?…..


Māori seek more leadership in kiwifruit sector

Timutimu is chairman of the Māori Kiwifruit Growers Incorporated (MKGI) and also a shareholder in the largest Māori kiwifruit operation in the country, Ngai Tukairangi Trust, based in Tauranga. He told Rural News it would be good to see Māori in leadership roles throughout the industry, as well as being some of the leading growers in the country……


Christchurch's first Matariki fireworks display to go ahead

Christchurch’s first ever Matariki fireworks display will take place in July.

The Christchurch City Council decided last year to cancel its public Guy Fawkes display after 23 years, in favour of a July celebration to mark Matariki…….



Draft cabinet paper on future of He Puapua report revealed

A draft Cabinet paper has been prepared setting out the next steps the government could take in response to the report on achieving the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

The government-commissioned report, He Puapua, suggested a separate Māori Parliament or upper house, separate court and justice systems and Māori ownership of foreshore and seabed, as well as recommendations on cultural rights and equity.

In 2019 it was handed to Nanaia Mahuta, who was Māori Development minister at the time, but it was never signed off by Cabinet.

The ACT Party has now revealed Māori Development Minister Willie Jackson received three papers last month about the report, including a draft Cabinet paper for feedback……


Reti defends Puapua panic

National Party deputy leader Shane Reti says the party’s attack on a government report is a legitimate call for a debate.

Dr Reti denies it is now race-baiting.

"This should be a national conversation, not obscured as a document produced in 2019 for Nanaia Mahuta and the team, quietly kept there while parts are implemented, then suddenly it all appears and it all seems quite a surprise. I think it is a conversation now we know what's in that document and what the proposal is to 2040, let's have that national conversation, let's discuss it and see what can be made of it," he says…..


from David Seymour — He Puapua revelations

ACT can reveal new information on He Puapua:

• Ombudsman forced the Government to release He Puapua report

• Government said in March “New Zealand is committed to being among the first states to create a plan to implement the Declaration”

• A Government Cabinet paper has been drafted to progress He Puapua

• Willie Jackson met with the Chair of the Declaration Working Group last month…..


Māori scholars say their work isn't getting fair recognition due to racism, unconscious bias

Jacinta Ruru, the first-ever Māori Professor of Law, said Tangata Whenua have had to resort to creating their own journals in order to have their voices heard.

"To succeed as a scholar you must be published, that is a requirement of our job."

Global publishers were a big part of the problem, she said.

"Māori don't feel that the mainstream publishing journals are very welcoming of us…..


Mural Celebrating Culture And Diversity Adds Colour To Tāmaki Makaurau Street

Local artists and tertiary art students have collaborated to create a new piece of large-scale art that celebrates the culture and diversity of Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland.

The other two panels have been designed and painted by Hana and Poi to bring awareness to the rich Māori heritage and taiao (environment) on which the city was founded.

Collectively, the three panels depict the importance of welcoming different cultures and diversity in Te Tōangaroa - an area which spans from the end of Britomart to The Strand – and Tāmaki Makaurau……


Labour’s Jobs Plan Is Falling Apart

“The $50 million Māori trades and training fund has only delivered four jobs. And the employment ‘action plans’ for Māori, Pasifika, women and jobseekers are still on the drawing board…..


Forward Momentum Continues As Iwi Chairs Set To Gather In Porirua

The National Iwi Chairs Forum (NICF) are set to meet in Porirua this week on the 6th and 7th of May at Te Rauparaha Arena. The collective leadership of the 71 Iwi entities that make up the NICF meet quarterly to share information and work together to advance and address the identified priorities of the forum.......


Emotional scenes as Far North District Council votes yes on Māori wards

There were emotional scenes at a Far North District Council meeting this afternoon as councillors voted 6 – 4 in favour of establishing Māori wards.

The current council will now have to decide the structure of the next council.

If it retains its current number of nine members then three would become Māori ward councillors leaving six representing general wards…..


A majority of people submitting to the Hawke's Bay Regional Council on Māori wards are demanding the council introduce them.

A total of 1090 submissions were received: 89.2 percent were in support and 10.5 percent against, three people said they did not know.

Of people who submitted, 70 percent were on the Māori roll, 26.9 percent on the general roll and 2.7 percent not registered...…



Opaque response to Māori governance advice undermines confidence


Equal treatment for Kiwis? But that mightn’t square with the Treaty and let’s not forget Don Brash is calling for it, too


Shaken and Stirred: The Left Reacts To Judith Collins’ Race-Based Politicking.



Iwi vs Kiwi: Beyond the binary



New Passports Being Phased In

An updated passport with new and improved security features is being phased in by Te Tari Taiwhenua Department of Internal Affairs.

"The New Zealand passport has a unique design we can be proud of when we present our documents at foreign borders,” says Maria Robertson, Service Delivery and Operations Deputy Chief Executive.

The silver fern and Coat of Arms remain, but te reo Māori now appears first on the cover and throughout the book……


National's Judith Collins predicts greater co-governance for Māori under Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern

National leader Judith Collins predicts greater co-governance for Māori under the leadership of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, which she strongly opposes.

Collins' concern is based on an un-redacted version of He Puapua, a report commissioned by the Government in 2019 that sets out a roadmap to co-governance between the Crown and Māori by 2040.

It proposes a Māori Health Authority and Māori wards in councils, which the Government has acted on. It also suggests separate court and justice systems, Māori ownership over the foreshore and seabed a Māori Parliament or Upper House……


Māori trust accuses Bunnings of wanting cultural performers on the cheap

A Māori charitable trust in Queenstown is accusing Bunnings Warehouse of wanting cultural performers on the cheap.

Mana Tāhuna said it was asked to do a dawn karakia and waiata to open a new store but the company went looking elsewhere when it was told the fee would be $500…..


Introducing The Māori Team 2021 – Wairakei school

It is our principal’s, Paula Farquhar, vision to give all teachers and students exposure and the opportunity to learn Te Reo and Tikanga Māori.

Great things don’t happen unless there is a group of people who are willing to support this vision. At Wairakei Primary School we have such a group of people in the Māori Curriculum team with each area of the school being represented…..


Pūkaha Forest gifted to NZ for 'everyone to enjoy'

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has described it as an "extraordinary act of generosity" by the iwi, which was given back the forest as part of its Treaty settlement redress in 2017.

Ardern said it was a privilege to accept the gift at a ceremony at Pūkaha National Wildlife Centre today…..


Parent shocked and lost for words after Porirua class asked to play 'racist' game

A Porirua parent is "lost for words" after her 14-year-old was asked to participate in a colonial-style game which separated children into slaves, chiefs and aliens.

Earlier today she said a Year 10 Aotea College class were instructed to do the activity, which involved selling slaves, land and commoners - for "10 pearls".

Documents show the groups were also asked to attack aliens and rival countries, as well as inviting missionaries to talk to invaders and buy zap guns.

In a statement, acting principal Kathleen Kaveney said the Alien Invasion game was played in the context of a Treaty of Waitangi unit……


Under your thumb no longer says Dame Tariana

Māori Party founder Dame Tariana Turia says the Treaty of Waitangi has been misinterpreted, and the crown needs to review what its responsibilities may not be.

She's welcoming proposals for a Māori Health Authority and a Māori alternative to Oranga Tamariki as opportunities for Māori to take back the right to control their own lives.

"So what we've got really is a society that is quite racist, and so these people who are jumping up and down are more afraid of losing the power they have had over our lives. That's really what they are afraid of because they have enjoyed having us under their thumb. Well, those days are over, Judith," Dame Tariana says……


Labour's Māori caucus stoush with Housing Minister Megan Woods over Budget 2021

Newshub understands Labour's Māori caucus reached breaking point with the Housing Minister, scrapping over how much of this year's housing budget should go to Māori

Newshub has been told it got so bad that the row was nearly escalated to the Prime Minister, but instead Labour's deputy leader Kelvin Davis was asked to step in to mediate…..


PM accuses Collins over playing politics of Māori self-determination report

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has ruled out the idea of a Māori parliament but sidestepped other questions about a report on Māori self-determination, instead accusing the Opposition leader of politicking.

National Party leader Judith Collins said on Saturday the Government was seeking to create "two systems by stealth", with separate systems for Māori, by enacting recommendations in the report He Puapua without public consultation…...



Graham Adams: Ardern in the gun over He Puapua


Bruce Moon: Rangiaowhia – setting the record straight


Chris Trotter: giving effect to the un declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples


National, Labour and He Puapua – Michael Bassett



How Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei turned a piece of land into a billion-dollar enterprise 'for our people'


Our history of Māori segregation needs to be part of the curriculum


Echoes of the past in Judith Collins' speech



Crown apology, compensation needed for Oranga Tamariki failings - Lady Tureiti Moxon

The Crown needs to consider compensation and a formal apology to Māori whānau for the trauma caused to them by the state's hostility and failings, says Lady Tureiti Moxon.

In response to those who would call the proposal separatist, Lady Tureiti said to look at New Zealand's coat of arms.

"There are two visionary people there. One has a crown, and the other is iwi.

"And you know what? Never in our whole history in our country have we ever recognised Māori as being on an equal footing as the Crown. Now is our opportunity to do that. It is time…….


Breath of life for Waikato Medical School in cultural and rural partnerships

A Waikato University Medical School is still on the cards despite major health reforms announced by the Government last week.

The shift in the New Zealand health system has also caused a change within the university’s plans to create a third medical school and partner with Māori, Pasifika, and the rural community to build a new curriculum from the ground up.

It had initially pitched a bid to establish the country's third med school in 2016 focused on high needs communities, but the idea languished after lukewarm support from Labour……


Judith Collins issues race relations warning, says Labour planning 'two systems by stealth'

National Party leader Judith Collins has used a keynote speech to warn that the Government is heading down a dangerous path on race relations.

She said the Government was planning separate Māori governance in areas beyond the new proposed Māori Health Authority.

The party has been completely opposed to the new health authority, and is now broadening out its opposition to the issue of separate Māori and non-Māori institutions more generally……



Andrew Dickens: Are Māori breaking the Treaty?


Waitangi Tribunal doesn't recommend disbanding Oranga Tamariki


We must reject ‘apartheid by stealth’ – Clive Bibby



Māori want a say over protecting New Zealand's waterways

The New Zealand Māori Council, the Federation of Māori Authorities and Kahui Wai, the Māori Freshwater Forum, have finished a series of hui discussing Māori freshwater rights and the act process. The last hui was at the Palmerston North Conference and Function Centre on Thursday.

Lawyer Donna Hall, one of the water negotiators for the council, said the hui was about discussing the “curly areas in the transition” from the old act to the replacement, as well as Māori issues across the country.

She said it was a once in a lifetime opportunity for Māori to be part of the discussion about changes to the act......


Iwi haven't given enough back to their people, says Māori Economic Development Minister

The Minister for Māori Economic Development Willie Jackson says iwi organisations have been too focused on building up their asset base rather than looking after their people.

Jackson, who was a guest speaker at the event, told the audience that while he supported growth in the Māori economy, the benefits weren’t filtering down to the people who needed help…….


Marlborough's new aquaculture rules have the 'scent of a Treaty breach', iwi say

Top of the south iwi are demanding new aquaculture rules in Marlborough be withdrawn, with one claiming the consultation process came up so short it had “the scent of a Treaty breach”.

Five of the region’s nine tangata whenua iwi have written to the Marlborough District Council “astonished” they were not “adequately” consulted before the rules were released in November, despite attempts to weigh in. The council says iwi were approached about the rules…….


Te Pāti Māori Announce Support For Member’s Bill To Strengthen Takatāpui Rights

“Tangata whenua have always acknowledged our diverse gender and sexual identities and celebrated our diversity as whānau. It was colonisation that started criminalising and oppressing people just for being who they are…….


Crown to step down, Māori to step up: Oranga Tamariki breaches Treaty

The Waitangi Tribunal has called on the Crown to step down after a report found state care provider Oranga Tamariki to be a foundation of structural racism.

The Tribunal now recommends that a Māori Transition Authority be established and is calling on the Crown to support this establishment for Māori to lead the way……


More on the above here > Jacinda Ardern acknowledges 'failings' in state care as ACT pushes back on Māori-led overhaul


Construction on multimillion-dollar Ōpōtiki harbour infrastructure project starts

The Government was investing more than $112 million in three major infrastructure projects as part of the Ōpōtiki Harbour Development project, Nash said in a statement.

He said the investments were in partnership with iwi, local government and the commercial sector, which were all co-funding or contributing to the developments.

"This funding is significant. It includes $79.4 million for the Ōpōtiki Harbour development, $24.85 million for aquaculture development and a mussel processing factory, and $8.8 million for new marine and industrial infrastructure.......


Applause as Matamata-Piako council says yes to Māori wards

Applause erupted in council chambers as Matamata-Piako District Council voted to establish a Māori ward for the 2022 and 2025 local government elections.

While some councillors agreed consultation was essential, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Neil Goodger that council would not undertake consultation with the wider community, despite a potentially controversial move.

The 10 to one vote split came after the Government introduced legislation upholding council decisions to create Māori wards and remove the ability of public polls triggered by petitions to overturn such moves......


Māori wards introduced in Rangitīkei ahead of next year's election

From next year, Rangitīkei will have at least one Māori representative on its council.

The district’s councillors have voted unanimously in favour of establishing a Māori ward at the next local body elections in 2022......


Reserve Bank, Treasury working to improve Māori access to capital

The Reserve Bank and Treasury are looking into why Māori small and medium businesses have trouble accessing funds to grow, which limits their potential.

Economic consultancy BERL’s Te Ōhanga Māori 2018 report on the Māori economy found access to capital, or the ability to leverage existing assets, was a barrier for Māori.....


Pōhutukawa seedlings a symbol of reconnection between Ngāti Toa and Ngāti Mahuta

Wellington-based iwi Ngāti Toa is preparing to restore its historic connection to Kāwhia Harbour in the Waikato region today.

Kaumātua from Ngāti Mahuta in Kāwhia are travelling south to Porirua, to present Pōhutukawa seedlings to each of the region's Ngāti Toa marae as a gesture of peace.

Dr Taku Parai of Ngāti Toa says his iwi is ready for the historical reconnection.....


New Pilot To Unlock Cultural Potential In Communities

Arts, Culture and Heritage Minister Carmel Sepuloni today announced Manatū Taonga (Ministry for Culture and Heritage) is now accepting applications from cultural sector organisations to host cultural activators in eight communities around Aotearoa.

Cultural Activators will be hosted in the Far North, Māngere-Otahuhu, Kawerau, Gisborne, Wairoa, South Waikato, Buller, and Invercargill. Two of the roles will focus on Māori and one will focus on Pacific peoples......


Muriwhenua iwi advance DOC relationship

Far North iwi have signed a new agreement with the Department of Conservation.

Te Rarawa chair Haami Piripi says it builds on agreements already reached in settlement redress, and clarifies the working relationship between tribal kaitiaki and DOC managers.

He says it’s about time the department embraced a Māori world view......



'Unsanitary, brutal society': Kiwis celebrate anniversary Māori 'discovered' Britain


Tribunal reaction: End ‘horrible addiction to assimilation’


Tribunal to politicians: Watch Newsroom’s video



Māori teachers who fought school over te reo honorifics laud Education Ministry's support

Two Māori educators who fought for the right to use te reo honorifics say their victory is "a win for the whole of Aotearoa".

"To be called matua and whaea, it just normalises it. It's to bring us up on the same level with every other teacher and it just feels right to be called matua because of my whakapapa instead of Mr Mitchell…..


Stratford District Council called out for lagging behind in establishing Māori ward

Stratford district councillors have been slammed for being the only council in Taranaki that hasn’t voted to establish a Māori ward.

In a heated discussion after Tuesday night’s public meeting to discuss the long-term plan at Stratford’s Whaakahurangi Marae, elected members were heavily criticised for their decision against establishing a Māori ward for the 2022 elections…..


Māori are trying to save their language from Big Tech

Thanks to a $13 million grant in 2019, the Te Hiku team includes five additional data scientists and five new Māori language experts. It is now developing and refining language tools that not only preserve the language, but restore the integrity of the original sound. Its newest language app, which just reached the demo stage, is intended to help current speakers refine pronunciation and remove some of the influence of English. “We are decolonising the sound of our language,” Jones says. “We want to speak the native sound into the future of our language.”…..


Housing crisis: Wanganui considers joint initiative with iwi

McDouall said the partnership concept was key.

"I've been talking to iwi groups around housing but we need government money to be able to build 80 to 100 houses - that wouldn't completely quell our housing crisis but it'd knock the top off it, particularly if it's good quality, sunny, sea views, that kind of thing."

McDouall said the council has been talking to hapū and iwi about ways of addressing social need, and supported exploring the idea of setting up a social care entity alongside hapū and iwi…..


NZ remembers Maori 'discovery' of Britain

Irreverently-minded New Zealanders quietly acknowledged an anniversary this week: Moehanga Day, or the day Maori "discovered" Great Britain.

In a tongue-in-cheek nod to their former colonial power, some Kiwis have began an annual remembrance of the first trip by a Maori to London.

That man was Moehanga of Northland's Ngapuhi tribe, who reached Great Britain in 1806, before New Zealand was founded as a nation within the British Empire in 1840.....



A Break In The Wave: Giving Effect To The UN Declaration On The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples In Aotearoa/New Zealand.



Te Hunga Rōia Māori O Aotearoa (the Māori Law Society) To Partner With Kiwibank

Today, representatives of Te Hunga Rōia Māori o Aotearoa (the Māori Law Soicety) and Kiwibank signed an agreement that will support both organisations to deliver better outcomes for Māori and in turn all communities across Aotearoa.

Both organisations are committed to encouraging whānau, hapū, and iwi initiatives, responding to and engaging with Te Ao Māori. The agreement signed between Te Hunga and Kiwibank will strenghten this work across the legal and finance industries.

Jamie-Lee Tuuta, Tumuaki Wahine of Te Hunga Rōia, sees the partnership as an important way to work with an organisation with shared values. “We can see that Kiwibank are taking steps to demonstrate a commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Te Ao Māori…..


Māori and Pacific expertise excluded from science policy, report finds

Currently, Te Tiriti and Mātauranga Māori – the knowledge ecosystem underpinned by kaupapa and tikanga Māori - are both are undervalued, under-resourced and the science-policy interface leaves little “obvious” room for Māori participation or leadership, it found……


Hundreds of teachers not meeting te reo Māori requirements

Hundreds of teachers are not meeting a mandatory requirement to improve their knowledge of te reo and tikanga Māori.

The Teaching Council says it is taking a cautious approach to the rule, which school and early childhood teachers must meet in order to renew their practising certificate each year…..


More on the above here > Council taking more rigorous approach with teachers failing te reo requirement

Council Charts Positive Trajectory With Second CouncilMARK™ Report

LGNZ are praising the latest council to receive their second CouncilMARK™ report, saying that the Far North District Council’s approach to the programme shows the huge benefits that it can drive for councils, communities and ratepayers.

“Some of the report recommendations will be things the council is already working on. The council is managing a wide range of iwi relationships, and the report notes that this is a challenging area, but that the council are working hard to improve iwi engagement.”…..


Local government reform big chance for Maori voice

A Local Government New Zealand board member says the reform will give Māori a chance to influence how their communities, society and land is managed for the next 100 years.

She says Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta has made it clear she is determined to address inequities for Māori within the sector…..


Iwi to have voting rights on Wellington council committees, with mayor's support

Wellington’s two iwi – Te Āti Awa Taranaki Whānui and Ngāti Toa Rangatira – will have representatives with voting rights on all but one city council committee from July, after a historic vote on Wednesday that will dramatically increase mana whenua representation in the capital.

This comes after Wellington Mayor Andy Foster and councillor Sean Rush both changed their positions at Wednesday’s meeting, enabling the proposal to pass in an 11-3 majority vote.

“This really matters, this is a historic day for this city,” said Councillor Jill Day, who tabled the notice of motion last year that led to Wednesday’s vote. “This is just a small step, but we need to make a start.”…..


Far North councillor forces extraordinary meeting to reconsider Māori wards

Far North District Council will next week go back to the table on Māori wards as its Te Ao Māori lead forces an extraordinary meeting on the subject.

Moko Tepania (Ngāti Kahu ki Whangaroa/Te Rarawa) is forcing a special extraordinary council meeting on Monday with a notice of motion to his council that it once again consider Māori wards……


Kiwi teachers now allowed to use te reo classroom titles

In a statement to 1 NEWS this morning, the ministry's deputy secretary of education system policy Andrea Schöllmann said Māori have a right to use Matua and Whaea.

"The Education & Training Act 2020 requires schools to be good employers, provide a physically and emotionally safe space for students and staff and to give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi," she said.

"We would expect that to meet these obligations schools would embrace Te Reo Māori in the classroom and allow teachers to use Matua and Whaea titles."…..


Three North Island iwi sign partnership with Crown to reshape education for Māori

Three iwi descended on Waihi Village near Tūrangi today to sign a kawenata with the Ministry of Education to realise iwi aspirations for Māori learners along the Waikato awa.

Associate Education Minister Kelvin Davis says the broad aim is to put into action a Treaty-based partnership that will enable active Māori participation in the shaping of education policies and programmes…..


Room for iwi in Fish & Game review

Acting Minister of Conservation Dr Ayesha Verrall says enabling Māori expression of rangatiratanga is something she wants to see coming out an independent review of Fish & Game.

Some iwi have taken roles in issuing fishing and hunting licences as part of their treaty settlements, something that is otherwise the responsibility of the organisation.

She is seeking advice from the Department of Conservation on other recommendations which would require legislative change…..


Know your place, university told

The University of Auckland is being told it needs to strengthen its relationship with mana whenua as the first step towards indigenising the institution.

Associate Professor Te Kawehau Hoskins, the university's new pro vice-chancellor Māori, specialises in the implementation of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in educational governance, policy and practice……


New Zealand Health Group committed to greater equity in Māori representation and outcomes

“We have to accept that the way our system presently delivers for Māori is inadequate. … Iwi and Māori communities are frequently consulted, but often in an advisory rather than decision-making capacity. … We must ensure partnership and effective iwi and Māori leadership at all levels.”

The New Zealand Health Group fully endorses this position, and continues to invest resources into working towards improving access and equity of healthcare for Māori. This continued investment includes appointing Ranei Wineera-Parai to Group Executive Cultural Advisor of New Zealand Health Group in March 2021.

Ranei will be consolidating the Group’s approaches to be an active and engaged Te Tiriti o Waitangi partner and help promote greater cultural confidence between the 30,000 people it supports around the country and the 12,000 health professionals it employs through its subsidiaries…..


Maori Pathways first step on prison change

Ngāti Kahungunu Incorporated chair Ngahiwi Tomonana says the new Māori Pathways programme at Hawke’s Bay Regional Prison marks a shift from mainstreaming to Māori-streaming.

He says with more than half the population in male prisons being Māori, and 70 percent in women’s prisons, services should reflect the cultural and social needs of inmates and their communities…….


Police refer Māori Party to Serious Fraud Office over donations

Newshub has learned police have referred the Māori Party to the Serious Fraud Office after it failed to declare hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations on time.

All political donations above $30,000 must be declared to the Electoral Commission within 10 working days, but the Māori Party failed to do so with three large donations made between March and October.

Former Māori Party co-leader John Tamihere donated over $158,000 between March and October last year......



Mike Hosking: Unlawful Ihumātao deal stunk from the start


Threatening our future – Dr Muriel Newman



Calls for Whangārei township of Kamo to get name change

Local Māori say the change would restore the town's moniker to its rightful origin and would also help encourage correct pronunciation.

But in Kamo, there is not a lot of support for a change at the local club.

“I think Kamo's been known as Kamo for so many years. I don't see any reason why we should change it,” one man said.

“I don't think it's necessary at all,” one woman added…….


Iwi buys school’s land

A Maori iwi has made a deal to buy the land occupied by an east Auckland secondary school.

Ngai Tai ki Tamaki has paid $97 million to the Crown to purchase the site Macleans College sits on in Bucklands Beach.

The iwi’s chief executive Tama Potaka says the land is subject to an “option to purchase” agreed to in the Treaty of Waitangi settlement between the Crown and Ngai Tai ki Tamaki…..


Media merger not the only option

The chair of the group looking at a new public media entity says it’s still not certain whether it needs to involve the merger of Radio New Zealand and TVNZ.

Tracey Martin says the group has been asked to work out what sort of public media is needed to support a functioning democracy, and how it can function across the new platforms.

Tracey Martin says she is talking with the ministerial advisory group looking at potential changes to Māori media, and working towards coming up with a business case and draft charter by August so Minister Kris Faafoi can take it to Cabinet by October……


Kennedy Point campaigners lose Supreme Court battle to stop Waiheke marina

Danella Roebeck, co-chair of the Ngāti Pāoa Trust Board, said “as tangata whenua of Waiheke, the Trust Board, on behalf of Ngāti Paoa, expresses its strong opposition to the Kennedy Point marina”.

“The courts have once again denied mana whenua the rights guaranteed under Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the right to be heard.”

In a statement, Ngā Uri o Ngāti Paoa (descendants of Ngāti Paoa), said the court outcome would not deter them from their occupation.

“As uri of Ngāti Pāoa, we have obligations to be here that lie outside of the processes happening through the courts…….


Northland private island discount gives fresh hope for hapū ownership

A discount in the sale of a unique Northland private island could open the door for hapū or iwi ownership.

One possible buyer could be Tupu Tonu, a $150m investment fund recently set up by the Crown to buy commercial assets and grow funds for Ngāpuhi’s future settlements.


Planting new roots at Aotearoa's birthplace

More than 50 leaders of multicultural communities around Aotearoa decided they wanted a better understanding of the Treaty of Waitangi, so they travelled to Waitangi recently to find out more.

"Immigrants who come to New Zealand should celebrate, learn and believe in the Treaty and its meaning. There is a difference between the English and Māori versions."

Multicultural NZ president Pancha Narayanan says the group came to honour the te reo version of the treaty as a constitutional document, "and as a part of that, to plant a tree to symbolise our recognition of the treaty."…..


A Maori-led fisheries company based in Rotorua has posted an increase in total revenue of $1 million

Te Arawa Fisheries shared their 2020 annual report with members at a recent AGM, highlighting the organisation’s key activities in the past 12 months, as well as its business strategy and financial position.

Despite the impact of Covid-19 on retail operations, the organisation was able to retain all its frontline staff and deliver a net surplus of $591,000, nearly 30 per cent up on the previous year.

Te Arawa Fisheries achieved total revenue of $4.5 million in 2020, up more than 20 per cent on its 2019 revenue……


Taupō District Council reaffirms establishing Māori wards

Taupō District Council has reaffirmed its decision last year to introduce Māori wards for the 2022 and 2025 local body elections.

It follows a 7-3 council vote in favour of Māori wards in November last year.

Today, Taupō District Council voted 10-2 in favour of Māori wards as a way of enhancing the role of Māori in local government decision-making and ensuring Māori issues were more visible within council thinking and processes……



Don Brash 'strongly opposed' to 'disaster' Māori Health Authority

Former National and ACT Party leader Don Brash says he's "strongly opposed" to the Māori Health Authority proposed by the Government in the major health restructure announced this week.

Brash said the proposal "leads us down a direction of two different peoples" and "we don't want that kind of division".

"Are Māori health issues important? Of course, they are," he told host Mel Homer. "Are Māori health outcomes worse than the general population? Yes, they certainly are and therefore Māori health should warrant more spending on it - but a separate Māori Health Authority? Absolutely not in my view."…..


Reti critical of Government's health reform plan

The reform will sees all 20 district health boards abolished and replaced with a new nationwide funding body and a separate Māori health authority.

“You will disappear into whatever region you're amalgamated with – Palmerston North or Wellington,” Reti said.

Although he supported “by-Māori, for-Māori” approaches, a dual system would create problems, such as competition for the scarce resource of Māori health workers, Reti said.

“Two health systems will not work.

“Health New Zealand will compete with the Māori Health Authority.”

Instead, health should be delivered on the basis of need, regardless of location or race.

“There should be one health system with end-to-end care,” he said…….


More effective use of Maori workforce in health reforms

The chief executive of Te Hau Ora O Nga Puhi says the proposed health reforms offer the chance for Māori health organisations to work alongside mainstream rather than underneath.

She says the authority needs to be well-resourced to work alongside iwi and Māori health organisations…..


New Christchurch whare to be urban home away from home for Māori

A Christchurch youth organisation is building a $1 million urban whare for Māori disconnected from their community and whānau.

The Te Ora Hou building – Whare Wawata, meaning ‘to aspire’ – needs to raise nearly $500,000 to finish the project. The foundations have already been laid and building is due to start building in a couple of weeks. The project is expected to be completed in September……



Ruapehu Māori council will be scrapped to make way for Māori wards

Ruapehu District Council has called time on a Māori council set up 12 years ago to encourage greater participation in local government decision-making.

The Ruapehu District Māori Council, created by a Ruapehu District Council resolution in 2009, 'no longer fits' and will be replaced by Māori wards.

Ruapehu district councillor Viv Hoeta said replacing the Māori council with Māori wards was a sign of progress for Māori representation in the district……


Taranaki iwi blocked from claiming land sale discount mistakenly included in Treaty settlement

An effort by a Taranaki iwi to uphold a Treaty settlement blunder that would have allowed it to buy properties from the Crown at 20 per cent less than market price has been rejected by the High Court.

In September, Te Kotahitanga o Te Ātiawa Trust, the post-settlement governance entity for Te Ātiawa, sought to enforce the error, arguing the terms were unambiguous and now “entrenched in statute”.

But the Crown argued that properly interpreted the 20 per cent adjustment in the deed applied to only a single property – the land on which the New Plymouth Courthouse is situated……..


Oranga Tamariki And Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Join Forces To Support Tamariki

Keeping tamariki with whānau and improving the health and wellbeing of Ngāti Kahungunu whānau, hapū and iwi is the aim of a new official agreement with Oranga Tamariki.

A strategic partnership was signed this afternoon by Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated Chief Executive Ms. Chrissie Hape and Oranga Tamariki Chief Executive Sir Wira Gardiner……


Tūhoe protestors call for iwi leader to resign over claims of 'bully tactics' against hapu

Tūhoe artist and activist Tame Iti is calling for the resignation of his tribe's chairman with a protest raising concerns over the iwi's leadership after months of growing tension.

Discontent with Tamati Kruger and leadership decisions has seen some hapu - sub-tribes - pull away from the iwi’s governing authority - Te Uru Taumatua.

Kaumatua – tribal elders – are among those protesting as well, saying they feel undermined…..



Barry Soper: Māori health authority not the right way to get a level playing field


Clive Bibby: Apartheid by another name



Kelvin Davis launches new Māori Pathways prisoner rehabilitation scheme

The Government is hoping "a for Māori, by Māori approach" will reduce reoffending and the over-representation of tangata whenua in prison.

Māori make up about 15 per cent of the general population but more than 50 per cent of the prison population in New Zealand.

"This is a system change and a culture change for our prisons – and that change starts today," Davis said……


Rotorua Airport’s $5.3m revamp acknowledged

Business Hub and collaboration with mana whenua to incorporate te reo Māori in the fabric of the overall redevelopment.

“It was incredibly important to us to have full bilingual signage incorporated into the redesign and we are committed to continuing to work with mana whenua on this kaupapa.”

“It is always a privilege to be gifted the opportunity to promote, revitalise and perpetuate te reo Māori,” Anaha states……


Collins's prescription leaves Maori separated

Māori Party co-leader Rawiri Waititi says the National Party’s prescription for Māori health is an early death.

National’s leader Judith Collins has described the proposed Māori Health Authority as separatist, and said a future National Government would scrap the reforms and go back to district health boards.

Mr Waititi says it’s the current system which is separatist, because it consistently delivers poorer outcomes for Māori……


All councillors now sit on Bay of Plenty Regional Council's Māori committee

For the first time, all Bay of Plenty Regional councillors now sit on its Komiti Māori committee.

Kohi Māori constituency councillor Toi Kai Rakau Iti said it was the first step in a longer journey the council must walk.

Before a vote earlier this month, only seven of the 14 regional councillors sat on the committee.

Now all are required to attend.

"All of council has a responsibility to engage and partner with Māori," Iti said......



Division, half-facts won’t help us face our many challenges



Annual event aims to strengthen Māori women leaders

Aimed to network, learn, support, gain a renewed sense of commitment and rejoice in one another's achievements, the annual Huihuinga Wāhine Māori Leadership Summit opens today.

Convened annually by Foma (the Federation of Māori Authorities), the hui is a forum for the country's leading and emerging wāhine Māori to come together to strengthen Māori economic outcomes.

"They embody the qualities of mana motuhake and tino rangatiratanga. They speak from their hearts and mind on issues and experiences relevant to all Māori women."…..


Maori ward ‘must be effective, meaningful’

It is not about only ticking a box — establishing a Maori ward in the Invercargill City Council needs to be effective and meaningful, a Waihopai Runuka kaumatua says.

‘‘One seat is not really enough. There are two marae in the Invercargill area, Awarua and Waihopai . . . We need at least two positions, just for a start, and it should be tangata whenua positions.’’

However, he highlighted the importance to council in fulfilling the constitutional obligations of the Treaty of Waitangi……..


Hastings City Council to consult members of the public on Māori wards

The mahi begins for Hastings District Council as it unanimously decided to consult members of the public on whether to introduce Māori wards in the 2022 elections……


Napier City Council decides on the future of Māori representation

Napier City Council today discussed what future Māori representation on Council may look like in relation to the implementation of Māori ward(s) for Napier. Council unanimously agreed to begin engagement immediately, with formal consultation taking place in September and a council decision made by November 2021 regarding the implementation Māori wards for the 2025 local body election…...


John Tamihere calls for new policy to tackle racism in health sector

Waipareira Trust chief executive John Tamihere is calling for a Māori descent population policy to tackle racism as part of the new Māori Health Authority.

The authority will have the power to commission health services, monitor the state of Māori health and develop policy.

Tamihere, who is also a former Labour cabinet minister and former Māori Party co-leader, says, “If the funding follows a Māori descent population policy, we won’t fight over anything because it comes as it should on a per capita basis, which is every Māori is equal, every Māori counts......


Māori Health Authority must include holistic wellbeing - Ngāi Tahu health provider

A Southern iwi health provider wants the new Māori Health Authority to fund services that encompass all of hauora, not just GP visits.

The government will be canvassing views of Māori medical experts, iwi and providers across the country in the coming months about what services the Māori authority should fund, how much money it will have, and who will be represented on the Iwi-Māori partnership boards, which will operate on a local level……


Little seeks big partnership in health reform

Health Minister Andrew Little says the new Māori Health Authority will be a true treaty partnership.

Mr Little says the Government has given itself until July next year to get the structures in place, and Māori needs to determine what the Māori Health Authority will look like, and who will be on it.

The decisions the Māori Health Authority makes will be independent of the crown……..



The darkening clouds of totalitarianism – by Dr Muriel Newman


Can the state pull the lone wolf terrorist’s teeth? - by Chris Trotter


Clive Bibby: Nothing surprises me anymore



Self-determination at the heart of new Māori Health Authority



DHBs scrapped and new Māori Health Authority announced

"The system must work in true partnership with Māori... Māori still suffer, on average, worse health than others."

There will also be a new Māori Health Authority, sitting alongside that, to both set policies for Māori health and to decide and fund those who will deliver services.

The new Māori Health Authority will "have the power to directly commission health services for Māori".

"We can start giving true effect to tino rangatiratanga and our obligations under Te Tiriti O Waitangi."......


More on the above here > Major health sector shake-up: What this means for Māori


And more on the above here > Judith Collins 'absolutely' against separate health authority for Māori


Call for more Māori, Pasifika businesses to be awarded government contracts

The government needs to change its procurement strategy and award bigger contracts to Māori and Pasifika businesses, a company that helps these companies obtain work through the public sector has said.

Five percent of all government contracts are awarded to businesses with at least 50 percent Māori and/or Pasifika ownership.

The Productivity Commission has recommended the government grow the capability of these businesses so they can make more money from the procurement strategy......


'No military payloads': Rocket Lab accused of breaking promise to Māhia locals

Rocket Lab has been celebrated for its Kiwi ingenuity but it seems to have burned off support among Māhia locals.

They are angry at the use of military payloads and accuse the company of breaking its promise.

Billboards have gone up around the tiny settlement saying: "No military payloads. Haere Atu (go away) Rocket Lab".

Watchdog group Rocket Lab Monitor organiser Sonya Smith of Ngāti Rakaipaaka hapū said the lack of transparency was worrying......


Ōtorohanga District Council votes for Māori ward

Ōtorohanga District Council has voted in favour of establishing a Māori ward.

Seven councillors voted for the establishment of a Māori ward on Tuesday, and one councillor, Rodney Dow, voted against it…….


Hastings pushes closer to getting Māori wards, unanimous tautoko from committee

The Hastings District Council will hold an urgent meeting on Thursday to start the public consultation needed if it is to have Māori ward representatives after next year's local elections.

The meeting follows a council Māori Standing Committee meeting which on Wednesday afternoon gave the issue the big tautoko - a committee comprising councillors and co-opted Māori representatives voting unanimously to recommend the council start the process.

A decision otherwise would have left the council unable to invoke Māori wards until at least 2025…….


Ihumatao glitch cleared up

Maori Development Minister Willie Jackson says the unlawful funding for the purchase of land at Ihumatao was a minor technical glitch which has already been fixed up.

"And that's because the briefing paper which (the ministry) sought minsters' approval to the purchase was missing two imprest supply recommendations that would formally authorise payment and it has all been rectified and it was sort of outside the scope for four weeks and then it was fixed," he says.

Meanwhile, Maori Party co-leader Debbie Ngarewa Packer says the Government created a problem for itself by trying to resolve the Ihumatao stand-off outside the treaty settlement framework.

She says it would have been easier to admit it was stolen land……



Tim Dower on Ihumatao: Shout loud enough, for long enough and you'll get your way



'Clear' inequity for Māori in health care – report

In a first of its kind, the Health Quality and Safety Commission has examined whether Māori who were hospitalised for a life-threatening trauma - such as a car accident or fall - received equitable care and had the same survival rates as non-Māori.

The review, conducted by the commission's Perioperative Mortality Review Committee found "inequity was clear" for Māori youth aged 15 to 18 years.

They were over three times more likely to die in the 30 days following major trauma than non-Māori in the same age group……


Māori Cancer Hui

Come and kōrero with us to design Kaupapa Māori cancer solutions and have your say!….


Unlocking The Potential Of Māori Frontier Firms

The Government asked the Commission to take a particular look at Māori firms. The inquiry found that Māori frontier firms have many of the characteristics needed to innovate, grow and support improved wellbeing.

Many Māori firms are already involved in exporting. Māori values such as kaitiakitanga and manaakitanga, alongside mātauranga Māori…..


Ngai Tahu consulted on marine reserve plan

The Fisheries and Conservation Ministers are at Ōtākou Marae today to consult with Ngāi Tahu on a proposed marine protected area network for the south east of Te Waipounamu.

"The key way forward is to work in partnership, co-management with the iwi and mana whenua to ensure these so these arrangements can endure. Being able to work with them prior to putting these measures into place is a key part of that," he says…….


Auditor-General rules the $29.9m the Government used to buy Ihumātao was unlawfully spent

The Auditor-General has ruled the $29.9m the Government used to buy the land at Ihumātao was unlawfully spent.

The money from the Land For Housing Programme was incurred without proper legal appropriation in Parliament, Auditor-General John Ryan ruled……


National Party will meet in June for special conference on constitutional changes

One of the big changes that will be put to members is whether the party’s constitution needs to be amended to include explicit reference to the Treaty of Waitangi.

The biggest, and possibly most controversial change is what to do with the Treaty of Waitangi, in particular whether and how it should be inserted into National’s constitution……



Why Māori are to be hit hardest by climate change, and what two east coast iwi are doing about it



Proud To Be Māori

Te Whānau o Waipareira has launched a powerful campaign this morning; unapologetically celebrating Māori identity with a message of resilience and hope.

The campaign fearlessly calls for Māori to be proud of their identity, whakapapa and tikanga, while acknowledging the challenges faced by being Urban Māori.

Within a landscape of systemic racism and oppression,……


Māori Standing Committee To Make Recommendation To Council On Māori Wards This Week (Hastings DC)

Mrs Evans said that, should the decision be to introduce Māori wards, Council would then have to undertake a representation review to decide the overall number of Councillors, number of wards and ward boundaries including Māori wards. “This representation review is subject to formal community consultation process with the initial proposals publicly notified by 8 September 2021, followed by formal consultation and the hearing of submissions in late October.”…...


Trust buys back disputed land

Pūkahakaha East 5B Ahuwhenua Trust bought the 57-hectare Porotangi block by private tender, more than 60 years after it was lost to the whanau in an inheritance dispute.

The trust last week went to the Māori Land Court to gain full control of its neighbouring lands, freeing up millions of dollars in accumulated rentals.

Ms Klink says she’d like to see a law changing giving Māori a right of first refusal when former Māori land comes up for sale……


Iwi Community Panel Reoffending Rate An Abject Failure At 75%

Police Minister Poto Williams has once again stated that the Iwi Community Panels are a success because the 'referrals resulted in a 22.5 percent reduction in harm caused by reoffending'; what she is failing to mention is that almost 75 percent of people who go through these panels go on to commit further crime, says Darroch Ball co-leader of Sensible Sentencing Trust.

“An almost 75 percent reoffending rate in any system is an abject failure and by attempting to hide behind some ‘bottom of the barrel’ statistic like ‘reoffending harm’ is disingenuous at best.”

“That’s three-quarters of all offenders that go through this system go straight back out onto the street and commit more crime.”…..



First it was fighting for land, now it's fighting for language



'More work to be done' just ahead of Māori Health Authority announcement - Associate Minister of Health Peeni Henare

Associate Minister of Health Peeni Henare says new details on how the Māori Health Authority will work, due out this Wednesday, will give tangata whenua a "sense of optimism".

Henare, who has responsibility for Māori health, said either way Māori will get a health system by and for them.

"The challenge is as we get into the details about what does that look like, and what they're able to do - we're confident that come Wednesday, when the announcement is made, our people will continue to have a sense of optimism, but know that there's some more work to be done," he told Newshub Nation on Saturday morning……


Major new inner-city build planned for Hamilton

Stark Property has released the first concept images of Tūāpapa – a major three-staged development planned for the corner of Ward and Tristram streets.

Tūāpapa takes its name from the Māori word for foundation or terrace, and will sit opposite another Stark Property development, the nearly-complete Tristram Precinct.

Developer Matt Stark​ said the name Tūāpapa is inspired by the site’s location at the base of a once-fertile hill, and also the build’s aspiration to enrich the life of the city......


Name reflects multicultural school

The Te Pakihi o Maru principal was over the moon to be leading the school, formerly known as Oamaru North School, a week after the name change.

Te Pakihi o Maru had a rich history, and she was incredibly proud to be given the name by Te Runanga O Moeraki upoko David Higgins and chairman Justin Tipa.

“For anyone that has concerns about the emergence of Maori language … it’s really about our bicultural foundation for our multicultural society.”.....



Taranaki te ao Māori advocates 'disappointed' with McDonald's over continued use of 'Naki' packaging

Te ao Māori advocates have called on burger giant McDonald’s to immediately stop using packaging containing an offensive abbreviation for Taranaki.

The company's Angus burger boxes contain a blurb about the beef it uses, and that it is made into patties in “The ‘Naki”.

Use of the abbreviation is common in both business names and everyday language in Taranaki, despite it being well publicised that many Māori find the shortened word offensive and disrespectful of their values…….


Hamilton City Council to consider Māori wards in 2022

Hamilton City Council has done a u-turn over Māori wards.

Two weeks ago it decided to strengthen Māori representation on council committees but to defer a decision on Māori wards until after the next council term which ends in 2025.

On Thursday, it voted to overturn the earlier decision and will now consider the wards for the next election in 2022, but only after a three week period of public consultation.

The flip-flop came after a ground-swell of opposition to the 1 April decision……


Māori researchers feel 'burn out' from raising cultural capacity of organisation

Māori scientists and researchers face an added challenge raising the cultural capacity of their organisations while completing their own research and progressing their careers, AUT study suggests.

Professor Jarrod Haar said the vast majority of the Māori scientists interviewed for the study said they had felt the impact of engaging in cultural awareness exercises while also trying to complete research…..


More than $5 million rebuild of Arowhenua Māori School underway

A more than $5 million rebuild of South Canterbury’s only bilingual school is on track to open in time for the new school year in 2022.

Arowhenua Māori School pupils have been splitting class time between existing buildings, other schools, and the paddock beside the marae while work is underway on a 850-square-metre rebuild of the primary school near Temuka…..


No Māori age priority in Covid-19 vaccine rollout a 'complete failure'

National Māori Pandemic Group member Dr Rawiri Jansen considers it an overwhelming failure on his part and the Government's that the vaccine rollout does not prioritise Māori below 65 years of age.

Members of the pandemic group, also named Te Rōpū Whakakaupapa Urutā, have previously criticised the Government for treating Māori as an afterthought in its Covid-19 response……


Te Waiariki iwi win bid to buy back ancestral land at Pātaua in Northland

There were celebrations for supporters of a land occupation at Pātaua in Northland today with mana whenua iwi Te Waiariki winning a bid to buy back a large block of their ancestral land.

The block of nearly 60 hectares is prime coastal land near Whangārei. It borders another block of Māori owned land - a DOC campground and a tidal estuary.

"It’s a win to get back whenua, but I suppose the loss is that we’re having to buy back our own ancestral lands," Mark Scott of Te Waiariki says……



Defending our democracy – by Dr Muriel Newman.


Time to push back – by Tony Sayers



How a by-Māori, for-Māori approach protected a community from virus


Welcome to the new age of Māori power as Hamilton council revokes Māori ward decision



Royal New Zealand Navy celebrates 21st birthday of Te Taua Moana Marae in Auckland

On Wednesday morning, iwi representatives from around the country, mana whenua, historical supporters and the Māori King, Kiingi Tūheitia, were given a pōwhiri by Māori warriors as they entered the marae at the Devonport Naval Base, overlooking the idyllic Ngau Te Ringaringa Bay.

The Te Taua Marae was opened by Dame Te Atairangikaahu, the late Māori Queen, on 15 April, 2000.

The celebration to acknowledge the marae's 21 years’ of service to the Navy fleet will take place over four days……


Law Commission proposes changes to 'out of date' succession legislation

The Law Commission is proposing changes to laws about who inherits a person's property when they die.

The commission also noted the potential different perspectives among Māori and proposed succession of taonga could be governed by tikanga Māori and not general law.

"Succession is an important kaupapa for Māori and engaging Māori voices in our consultation is a priority for the commission," McQueen said. "We ask about the relationship between tikanga and state law in any reform."…..


Greens want tikanga Maori in welfare system

The Green Party wants to see a tikanga Māori framework embedded in the welfare system.

Social development spokesperson Ricardo Menendez March is putting a bill in the ballot that would force the government to adopt the Welfare Expert Advisory Group’s recommendations to embed Kia Piki Ake Te Mana Tāngata and Te Tiriti o Waitangi into the system……


Sharon Shea Announced As First Māori Board Chair Of Bay Of Plenty District Health Board

Sharon Shea says she is proud and honoured to be named as the first ever permanent Māori Board Chair of the Bay of Plenty District Health Board (BOPDHB), calling it an important signpost for the community.

“I feel honoured to bring a tangata whenua perspective to the board’s leadership and to support the whole community…….


Award Winning Iwi Owned Business Harnessing Benefits Of Native Ingredients

The High-Value Nutrition (HVN) National Science Challenge has awarded $54,000 in funding for research to Kaitahi As One, a Māori-owned business who have created an award winning novel beverage using taonga species (kūmara, pūhā, kawakawa and rewarewa honey) in their frozen smoothy drops.....


Wellington Central Library adopts gifted name: Te Matapihi ki te Ao Nui

When Wellington’s Central Library finally re-opens in 2025, it will be under a new official name: Te Matapihi ki te Ao Nui.

The name has been used as a secondary title for several years, but will now be recognised as the official name of the library as part of a commitment to consult with mana whenua throughout the design process......



Hamilton City Council puts Maori wards back on table for 2022


Colonisation took away opportunity for Māori to learn te reo



Waiariki iwi seek Maori fish farm knowledge

Waiariki-based Māori aquaculture is set to get a boost thanks to a new collaborative research project with independent organisation Scientific research body Cawthron Institute is teaming up with Waiariki iwi to develop mātauranga Māori-centred, sustainable aquaculture strategies for region.

"How do we not just create any old aquaculture but aquaculture that is underpinned by a number of things - the best science but also underpinned by our mātauranga Māori. How do we do aquaculture in a Māori way," he says……


Māori representation matters and local councils want to hear Māori voices - that's democracy

More local councils around the country are introducing Maori wards to give improved representation to Tangata Whenua.

The moves draw criticism from some, claiming it is anti-democratic. How do you respond to those claims?

An MP from each side of the house gives their views…..


Kaikōura council to workshop Māori ward option with runanga

The Kaikōura District Council has grasped the nettle and agreed to tackle the question of whether to have a Māori ward.

The council voted in favour of a Māori ward in 2018 but had to revoke the decision after a public poll rejected it.

A recent law change removing the poll provision has given all councils a fresh chance to revisit the issue by May 21, if they want a Māori ward in time for the 2022 elections.

At their meeting last Wednesday, councillors voted unanimously to test the waters again. The move follows recent discussions with Te Runanga o Kaikōura…..


Inter-prison kapa haka competition launched

For the first time, all 18 prisons in New Zealand will be invited to participate in an inter-prison kapa haka competition, Corrections Minister Kelvin Davis announced today.

Kelvin Davis said the competition supports the aims of Corrections’ strategy Hōkai Rangi by bringing participants closer to their culture, identity and language.

The 2021 Hōkai Rangi Whakataetae Kapa Haka will be funded through the Māori Pathways Programme……


Govt Must Reject He Puapua

ACT is calling on the Prime Minister to publicly reject the recommendations of a Cabinet-commissioned report which aims to give effect to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

“He Puapua represents a significant and serious departure from the idea that all New Zealanders are equal before the law,” says ACT Leader David Seymour……


Promising start to Maori procurement database

Māori Development Minister Willie Jackson says initial indications are a push to increase the number of Māori firms doing business with government is going well.

... so our intention is to make sure those businesses can get into the procurement process and every indication tells us that is happening," Mr Jackson says…….


Teachers get boost into Masters study

“This course is proving to be a successful and innovative way to get teachers and other educators back into tertiary education, while still teaching and working,” says Professor Berryman.

“It provides an incentive for kaiwhakaako to carry on and complete their Masters by proving that studying at tertiary level again is achievable while working.”

Designed to indigenise and decolonise teaching practices, schools and communities, the blended learning comprises five online modules, two face-to-face wananga over two days and one virtual wananga.

“By learning through and in te ao Maori (Maori world view) contexts blended learning encourages people to deepen their understandings,…..


Pandemic shows need to tino rangatiratanga

The executive director of Te Pūtea Whakatupu Trust says the response to the pandemic shows why Māori need to drive their own economic and social development.

The trust, which is funded from the Maori fisheries settlement to promote Māori education, training and research, has commissioned two independent research reports on how COVID-19 has impacted Māori from education and economic perspective.

"For a change, whether it be in our education system or in our wider Māori society, for that change to be sustainable in our communities, that has to come from us, and it must to be organic and native to us, so those changes need to be authentically and unapologetically Māori in both design and execution to be sustainable and intergenerational, and that is not something the government can give to us," Mr Katene says…..


Pūkaha Forest To Be Gifted To The Nation

The Pūkaha Forest is the ngāhere taonga (forest treasure) of the Rangitāne iwi. The return of this whenua was an important component of the joint Rangitāne o Tamaki Nui a Rua and Rangitāne o Wairarapa treaty settlement which was finalised in 2017 after lengthy negotiations. What many may not know is that Rangitāne made a significant gesture in that treaty settlement, to gift the reserve to the people of Aotearoa after it was returned to them by the Crown. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has described the decision as an “incredibly generous” act.

The gifting of the Pūkaha Forest to the nation is reflective of the ongoing co-operation and collaboration of the partners to work jointly together guided by Tiriti o Waitangi principles. Rangitāne will continue to have an ever-increasing presence and participation onsite, reflecting the status of the iwi as mana whenua (customary landowners) and the important conservation and forest restoration work will continue for the benefit of all New Zealanders……



Peter Williams: Plans for a co-governed New Zealand you should be concerned about



‘Can’t they see what’s good for them?’

And in a few months New Zealand must decide its next Governor-General, the Queen's Representative in New Zealand. Dr Areti Metuamate, on behalf of a group of Māori leaders, has written to the Prime Minister calling for Dame Patsy Reddy to be succeeded by a Governor-General of Māori descent, which has happened only twice before.

At present, he points out, the Queen, the Governor-General, the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, the Chief Justice and the Chief of Defence are all Pākehā. Does that suggest that our constitutional arrangements are reflective of New Zealand as a nation, and as a partnership of peoples in the south Pacific?……


Wairarapa hapū in race to buy back ancestral land

A Wairarapa hapū is racing against time to raise enough money to buy back land their ancestors were born on - but the tender closes today.

Ngāti Kahukuraawhitia wants to buy 182 hectares of Wairarapa land alongside the Waiohine river to recreate a hub for its people.

But the Givealittle has raised $146,403 in just five days.

But if they cannot buy the land, the funds won't go to waste. A statement on the Givealittle page clarifies if the sale falls through, all donations will be put into a trust for Ngāti Kahukuraawhitia.

This will be used for purchasing another parcel of land at a later date…….


Horizons Regional Council asking whether to establish Maori representation

Horizons Regional Council is asking our communities whether Council should have Maori representation through a short survey.

Horizons Chair Rachel Keedwell says that due to a recent law change, Council has the opportunity to consider whether to establish Maori constituencies in time for the 2022 local elections. "Council hasn’t yet reached a position or made a decision, however we need to do so by 21 May," says Cr Keedwell.

"To help us gauge an appetite, we have sent out a short survey to those enrolled on the Maori electoral roll as they’re the most affected. This survey is also available online for anyone to complete before 8am Monday 10 May…….


ACT's David Seymour compares Labour to Communist China after Tauranga commissioners vote for Māori ward

Tauranga City Council commissioners - installed by the Government after significant governance issues were last year found at the Council - on Monday voted to establish a Māori ward.

Labour MP Tamati Coffey welcomed the Tauranga commissioners' vote on Monday, saying it ensures "there is always Māori voices being heard".

"If partnership is the real goal, then one seat won't do. We need to make sure that we are growing Māori leadership in the general constituencies too. Like a true meaningful partnership."……


Equal partnership with Maori needed in climate strategy

By leading and co-designing we can bring better alignment with the Maori world view’

Commissioner Awatere Huata says there are three roles in this journey for Maori.

“By leading and co-designing we can bring better alignment with the Maori world view, while also bringing the weight of the Maori economy to the table to equally invest and take action to sustainably achieve the low carbon pathway.”

“Maori will also bring innovation and best practice based on our unique whakapapa, tikanga and hapu rangatiratanga.”…..


New Maori program on its way for Tauranga schools

A new project currently in development is establishing a Te Ao Maori Localised Curriculum for all 67 Tauranga Moana schools, early childhood centres and the wider community in partnership with Tauranga Moana Iwi.

The project, called Te Tai Whanake ki Tauranga Moana, will be a first for New Zealand, bringing all Tauranga Moana Iwi and schools together in a unique and enduring way……


$100k Māori Student Scholarship Sees Harvard Student Return As Mentor Alongside Former Prime Minister Sir John Key

New Zealand’s only scholarship to support Māori high school students to gain admission to the world’s most competitive universities is back for another year. Whether it be Physiotherapy at the University of Auckland or Computer Science at Stanford, these scholarships encourage local students to follow their passion and pursue their most ambitious dreams.

Now in its fourth year, the Te Ara a Kupe Beaton Scholarship was founded to encourage young Māori representation on the global stage. Each winning student will receive personalised mentoring and education services up to the value of NZD $20,000 to help them apply for and get accepted into their dream university. The awards gala will be held on Sunday 23 May…..



Maori wards again



Maori students succeeding at higher levels


Imperative to recognise the inequity created by colonisation



Tauranga council commissioners vote to establish Māori ward

Tauranga City Council commissioners have unanimously voted to establish a Māori ward, becoming one of the first New Zealand councils to do so since the controversial legislation around it was tweaked earlier this year.

Commissioners meet today to discuss whether to adopt a recommendation to establish a Māori ward for the 2022 local body elections.

After public presentations - one for, two against - commissioners Bill Wasley, Stephen Selwood, Shadrach Rolleston and chairwoman Anne Tolley voted in favour……


Kaikōura woman urges council to create Māori ward

Former Kaikōura District Councillor Celeste Harnett raised the issue in the public forum at the council's February meeting, in the wake of the recent law change on Māori representation.

The Kaikōura council voted to create a Māori ward in 2018, but the move was defeated when 86 per cent of the community opposed it in a poll forced by a small number of electors.

“I'm optimistic that community views will have changed since that poll especially if people can be better informed about Māori wards.”…..


Grant for research into Māori rock art sites at Opihi, South Canterbury

A $250,000 grant will enable a project to investigate the past ecology of the 14 nationally culturally significant rock art sites around Opihi in South Canterbury.

The grant for the project, led by Te Ana Rock Art Trust and Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research, was announced by Minister of Research, Science and Innovation, Megan Woods, at Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research in Lincoln last week…..


Pohutukawa wrong tree for Erebus memorial

He understood nothing about the fact the tree is te karere, it is a messenger, it tells us what is going on under the sea in relation to Tangaroa that it is looking out to," she says.

Dame Naida Glavish says Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has told her the site was chosen because the pōhutukawa would embrace the wairua of the 257 passengers and crew who lost their lives in the disaster - but in the Māori world, that’s the role of the pūriri…….



Govt goes into partnership (again), this time to better deal with young Maori offenders



More funding needed for schemes 'by Māori, for Māori' - Jackson

Māori Development Minister Willie Jackson says there is institutional racism "in every area of New Zealand society" that won't end until there is more funding for "by Māori, for Māori" solutions.

The Cabinet minister, speaking to Newshub Nation on Saturday, said inequities for his people had been around for a long time.

"It's not just in the justice system - it's been in the health system, we've talked justice, we've had Oranga Tamariki, it's in the media - we've been sidelined in the media. So in every area of New Zealand society, we have institutional racism. It's one of the reasons I came into politics... I got sick and tired of our people being singled out……


New name for school ‘a privilege’

A new name with significant cultural ties to the land and the coast has been given to a North Otago primary school.

Te Pakihi o Maru was unveiled as Oamaru North School’s new name yesterday, in a ceremony led by Te Runanga o Moeraki chairman Justin Tipa.

The runanga created and gave the name to the school……


Pharmacists ponder of potions paid or prescribed

The Māori Pharmacists’ Association, Ngā Kaitiaki o Te Puna Rongoā o Aotearoa, is looking at how whānau Māori can receive equitable access to medicines.

Lead researcher Jo Hikaka says association members will talk with whānau about their experiences and perceptions of being able to access minor ailment medicines from pharmacies.

The project is funded by the Health Research Council and Pharmac, and it will be assisted by researchers from the National Hauora Coalition……


Aotearoa's first Māori Supreme Court judge returns to his tūrangawaewae to be knighted

Aotearoa's first Supreme Court judge of Māori heritage has returned to his tūrangawaewae today to be knighted by Governor-General Dame Patsy Reddy.

He told his tribe, though, that he had set a trap – they were all staying the weekend for a tribal planning session.

“Here we are, for a day and a half, to dream visions of an iwi future.”…..


Whānau and hapū of Te Waiariki seek legal counsel over sale of ancestral lands

Whānau and hapū of Te Waiariki are activating legal expertise to consider 'every legal avenue possible' to raise concerns over the sale of their ancestral lands which are currently owned by DOC.

For over two weeks the working group, Te Matakīrea o Pātaua has led the response from affected whānau and hapū of Te Waiariki, holding an occupation on land at Te Mautohe ki Pātaua just outside of Whangārei…….



Next steps for Three Waters Reform


Next steps for Māori representation in Local Government


Further Councils considering establishing Māori wards


Māori Wards must be decided by ratepayers, not councils alone



Kaumātua research drives $1.4m funding award

Te Arawa Whānau Ora (TAWO) are part of a research partnership that will receive over $1.4m to help support injury prevention and rehabilitation research for the region’s ageing Māori population. The research is funded by the Health Research Council of NZ, ACC and the Ageing Well National Science Challenge.

The research project, Whaioranga te Pa Harakeke – Iwi-driven Injury Prevention & Recovery for Māori, is supported by a collaborative research group from TAWO, and The University of Auckland, and involves staff from Korowai Aroha Health Centre,

AWO Deputy Chairman Eugene Berryman-Kamp says the research will utilise tikanga-based approaches to injury prevention; improve access to ACC and injury care services; and use iwi models of care to improve injury treatment, recovery, and health outcomes for older Māori……


Māori purpose zones on ancestral whenua to be created

The new combined district plan for the West Coast - now under construction - will recognise the land rights and rangatiratanga of Poutini Ngāi Tahu by creating Māori purpose zones on ancestral whenua.

The Māori purposes zone is defined as an area used mainly to meet Māori cultural and development needs, including residential and commercial activities. The zoning enables Māori to assert tino rangatiratanga (chiefly authority) over the land within it, and where an iwi management plan is in place it takes precedence over any default rules……


New AUT law dean promises bicultural education for all

Khylee Quince has become the first Māori to head a law school in Aotearoa.

"We're all on the same page. We're all offering a bi-cultural, bilingual and bi-jural legal education so that that all people that come to be lawyers in New Zealand, whether you are Māori, Pākehā or tauiwi, everybody knows we are the first peoples, that our law was the first law, that our reo is the only official language other than sign language of this country," she says……


Rating change puts Maori landowners in stronger position

Māori Development Minister Nanaia Mahuta says writing off rate arrears on Māori land will be good for both Māori landowners and councils.

The amendment also reverses a provision that allowed councils to declare Māori land abandoned and sell it off for rates arrears, and those blocks will go back to being Māori land....



The end of democracy – by Dr Muriel Newman.


Control the water, subjugate the people – by Fiona Mackenzie



Let's remedy the failings of our colonial past



Māori Wards Welcomed By Palmerston North City Council

Palmerston North City Council has resolved to establish a Māori ward(s) for the 2022 and 2025 local government elections. This follows the passing of the Local Electoral (Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Act 2021.

Deputy Mayor Aleisha Rutherford says yesterday’s vote is a significant step that honours our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi, one that reflects our partnership with tangata whenua and respects the wishes of mana whenua……


Wellington Mayor Andy Foster accused of seeking 'political cover' after calling for public feedback on iwi voting rights proposal

A representative from each of Wellington's two iwi will be given voting rights on all but one city council committee from July, after councillors voted 8-6 in favour of the proposal on Thursday.

It means a member from the two iwi – Te Āti Awa Taranaki Whānui and Ngāti Toa Rangatira – will be appointed to all committees excluding the chief executive performance review committee and the full council.

Foster said current councillors were democratically elected and answerable to voters, whereas appointed iwi members would not be.....


Maori world view needed at Hamilton council table

"Some of them think of it as apartheid and separate and undemocratic privileges for Māori. We see it as an opportunity for better decision making by bringing the experience and skills of a Māori world view into decision making that makes for better, robust and more sustainable decisions," Ms Te Aho says.....


'Just being Māori' means you're more likely to be crime victim - Ministry of Justice study

“We read a lot on the media, and see it on television, about Māori as being the perpetrators of crime. This survey’s really interesting because it looks at Māori as the victims of crime.”

He said the fact Māori were 8 per cent more likely to be the victims of crime was a “statistically significant difference”.

About a third of the difference could be explained by the fact that Māori were younger on average than the rest of the population, he said. “For a range of reasons, young people tend to be more likely the victims of crime.”

Another third of the difference was due to deprivation experienced by Māori, such as difficulty finding quality housing, health inequities, and low income......


Strengthening Māori Knowledge In Science And Innovation

Research, Science and Innovation Minister Megan Woods has today announced the 16 projects that will together get $3.9 million through the 2021 round of Te Pūnaha Hihiko: Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund, further strengthening the Government’s commitment to Māori knowledge in science and innovation.

“Protecting and growing mātauranga is a key factor in preserving the uniqueness of Aotearoa. I am proud to be able to support the continued growth of Māori knowledge and research,” says Megan Woods.....


Bias against Maori deeply embedded in school structure

Whether the practice is called banding or ability grouping, it is a method of sifting learners for a perceived ability and manageability and comes with systemic bias which means those in the ‘bottom’ group, band, or stream are often Māori and Pacific learners......


Waikato iwi‘s settlement passed into law

Ngāti Hinerangi, whose rohe includes the Matamata township, the Kaimai Range, and through to Tauranga Moana harbour, will receive more than $8.1 million in financial redress, after its settlement legislation passed its third and final reading in Parliament Tuesday.

The redress includes a $200,000 cultural fund, $20,000 for a marae rebuild and the return of 14 sites of cultural significance.

The settlement provides Crown apology redress, including an agreed historical account, and Crown acknowledgements of its historical breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi.....


Submissions close on Whanarua Bay proposal

Bach owners at isolated Whanarua Bay are pleading with the council to give them formal access to their properties before land is transferred to iwi.

One of the parcels of land at the idyllic bay provides the only way for bach owners to access their properties on the shorefront.

To further complicate matters, the land in question is reserve land and is said to be an ancient urupa. Access has never been granted or formalised by the Ōpōtiki council, making the use of that land as a roadway illegal......



‘Colonisation’ narrative dangerous for NZ



Hamilton City Council to reconsider Māori wards for 2022

After a meeting between Southgate and Waikato-Tainui representatives on Tuesday the council was advised a majority of councillors had formally sought to revoke last week’s decision.

The Notice of Revocation will be addressed as part of the Long-Term Plan Council meeting on April 15.

This will allow for the council to ponder a new motion which considers putting Māori wards in place by the next election, after engaging with the wider community.

Waikato-Tainui said it would engage with councillors so that they are fully informed of Waikato Tainui’s perspective when they are approached to reconsider their position.

“We have agreed to work together to revoke last week’s decision and confirm another vote before the 21 May deadline and take the time in between to have necessary conversations with the community,” Te Arataura Chair Linda Te Aho said……


Maori landowners want say in CBD revival

Residential development in Greymouth's commercial area could kickstart the revival of the town's down-at-heel CBD, according to experts working on a new district plan for the West Coast.

But it will need detailed consultation with the Mawhera Incorporation, the Maori landowners who own much of the area involved.

Te Tai o Poutini Plan Committee, made up of West Coast councils and iwi, scrutinised the mixed-use zone proposal at its meeting last week.....


Debbie Ngarewa-Packer Calls On Government To Introduce Targeted Māori Housing Package

Te Pāti Māori Co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer is calling on the Government to introduce a targeted Māori housing package in response to figures which show that homeownership is becoming increasingly unattainable for Māori.

“The housing crisis is hitting Māori communities harder than anyone, and yet the Government’s recently announced Housing Package doesn’t include any specific policies targeted at increasing Māori homeownership. This is unacceptable,” said Mrs Ngarewa-Packer……



Taranaki Regional Council votes to establish Māori ward

The council heard about 20 oral submissions on the proposal to create a Māori ward in time for the local body elections in 2022 at a public hearing in Stratford today.

Immediately after the hearing, the council reconvened to make its decision.

The vote was nine to two in favour of the Māori ward......


Hamilton mayor defends Maori seat cop out

Hamilton’s mayor says Māori seats aren’t the only way to ensure better Maori representation in local government.

"One or two seats at the table to get Māori is a tool in the toolbox but there are a whole raft more tools we can use to get Māori participating alongside others at all levels of council activity, so not just voting at the very last moment but shaping the way through," Mayor Southgate says......


Horowhenua considers introducing Māori ward, asks for feedback

People in Horowhenua are being asked to consider the introduction of a Māori ward.

If a Māori ward was established in Horowhenua there would be one Māori ward councillor, according to Local Electoral Act calculations......


Funding boost provides counselling services, agricultural training for Māori in rural Otago

It's hoped a number of workshops for Māori in rural parts of south Otago will help get more young people into the shearing industry, as well give them tools to care for their mental health.

The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) confirmed on Tuesday it had stepped in to provide Māori health and social service provider Tokomairiro Waiora with almost $54,000…..


Auckland's Chief Post Office re-opens after four years and $4.4b City Rail Link job

Auckland's former Chief Post Office reopens to the public this afternoon after four years in which two new tunnels were built under the 109-year-old heritage-listed building.

From 1pm, people will again be able to get inside the CPO or Britomart facing the newly refurbished public square, Te Komititanga, which means to mix or to merge in te reo Māori.......


Whenua Māori Rating Amendment Bill passes third reading

Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta has welcomed the Local Government (Rating of Whenua Māori) Amendment Bill passing its third reading today.

“After nearly 100 years of a system that was not fit for Māori and did not reflect the partnership we have come to expect between Māori and the Crown, I am proud to see this Bill pass through the House today,” said Nanaia Mahuta……


Ngāti Hinerangi Treaty of Waitangi settlement passes final reading in Parliament

After almost becoming extinct, Waikato iwi Ngāti Hinerangi has had its cultural identity reaffirmed after its Treaty settlement passed into law.

Ngāti Hinerangi, whose rohe includes the Matamata township, the Kaimai Ranges, and through to Tauranga Moana harbour, will receive more $8.1 million in financial redress, after its settlement legislation passed its third and final reading in Parliament today.

The redress includes a $200,000 cultural fund, $20,000 for a marae rebuild and the return of 14 sites of cultural significance.

It will also receive an apology for the 100,000 hectares of land that were confiscated in Tauranga in 1863 and for the invasion of their villages four years later, where government forces destroyed crops and homes, and punished those opposed to the land confiscation…..



Consentual colonisation – Lindsay Mitchell



Iwi representatives to have full voting rights on Horizons climate committee

Iwi representatives will be appointed with full voting rights to a new committee formed by the Whanganui-Manawatu regional council, Horizons.

The committee will focus on mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

The approach is a first for Horizons and is the first time iwi representatives will be formally appointed to any Horizons committee and have full voting rights…..


Wellington City Council considers iwi voting rights and $100k remuneration

Mana whenua representatives could sit on all Wellington City Council (WCC) committees and subcommittees with full voting rights and a remuneration of $111,000 for each iwi by July this year.

A report with details of the move to give mana whenua voting rights on WCC committees was made public this week.

The process is happening alongside consultation on an in-principle decision to establish a Māori ward, now the Government has abolished a law that allows local referendums to veto such decisions........


Marlborough council sets up sub-committee to decide road names

A new group will be formed to screen road names in Marlborough after councillors criticised developers twice last year for choosing names that were too English.

Councillors first butted heads in March last year after a developer asked to put down English-themed street names, some of which were criticised for reeking of "colonial cringe".

The policy said new road names must be short, could not have the same name as an existing road, and had to be named after a theme, a historical person or event, or be given a traditional Māori name……


Christchurch's Metro Sports Facility to be known as Parakiore

Local rūnanga have gifted the name Parakiore to Christchurch’s Metro Sports Facility.

Parakiore Recreation and Sports Centre, as it will be officially known…..



A prisoner’s lot will soon be a better one (in Waikeria, anyway) in partnership with local iwi



Health Minister Andrew Little praises new Māori-led service for at-risk mothers in Wanganui

The service aims to support young wāhine and their pēpi (children) through a mixture of both wānanga and mātauranga (Māori knowledge). The service specifically caters towards mothers who are battling substance abuse with alcohol or drugs, and are poorly connected to health and social service support.

Te Oranganui Mātaiwhetū/chief executive Wheturangi Walsh-Tapiata said the new service was a by-Māori-for-Māori approach, with a large focus on whānau and community.

The pregnancy and parenting service joins five other DHBs with similar services across New Zealand, with the Government putting $7 million towards further expanding the programmes.

Speaking to the new Wanganui service, Little said it was an example of how the benefits of grounded local communities can be used to promote better health outcomes for vulnerable people......


Marlborough looks at implications of a Māori Ward

Marlborough District Council has started a representation review, which will include the implications of creating a Māori ward.....


Maori Ward – Kaikoura District Council

The Council is working alongside Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura as Papatipu Rūnanga that hold mana whenua for the Kaikōura takiwā to discuss the options. The Council is also seeking input and views from the wider community in order to be able to make an informed decision by the 21st May deadline.

If you wish to provide any feedback please do so through our online submission form or download this form and email kdc@kaikoura.govt.nz or post to The Chief Executive, Kaikōura District Council, PO Box 6, Kāikoura 7300

Submissions must be received by Council by 18 April 2021.....



Concern at High Court use of tikanga to overule Waitangi Tribunal

Some in the Māori legal community have expressed concern at the High Court's use of tikanga to overule the Waitangi Tribunal, and questioned whether it has the expertise to do this.

Sykes was encouraged by the fact the judgment stated tikanga Māori was law.

The decision would likely be appealed. Jones expected it could go all the way to the Supreme Court......


Waikeria Prison protesters file civil rights claims against Corrections, Attorney-General

The Waikeria Prison protesters have filed civil rights claims against the Corrections chief executive and the Attorney-General over what they say was "inhumane treatment".

Of the 16, 14 who are Māori have also filed claims against the Crown in the Waitangi Tribunal......


Local Focus: Bilingual tourism campaign launches in Rotorua

Reorua is Rotorua's largest bilingual campaign, as part of the With Us campaign that launched this month, encouraging locals and people around Aotearoa to experience Rotorua.

The digital map has been available for just over a week and is already receiving great feedback. More bilingual resources will be rolled out in the coming months......


Hamilton City holds off on Maori Wards for now

Hamilton City Council has committed to strengthening Maaori representation and participation, including consideration of Maaori wards, following the adoption of a wider strategy to improve outcomes for Maaori.

Whether Council would introduce Maaori wards for the 2022-25 triennium was debated by Elected Members at an Extraordinary Council meeting today (1 April).

"But I could not, in all conscience, introduce Maaori wards without having consulted with the wider community. I don’t believe that would have achieved the right outcome, either for Maaori or for the city. I am concerned a rushed process would divide our city, not enrich it."...


Underground rail station in central Hamilton could be resurrected as part of major mall revamp

Tainui Group Holdings (TGH) and Kiwi Property announced the formation of a 50:50 joint venture over Centre Place North to the New Zealand stock exchange on Thursday.

The joint venture will take an initial pre-paid 100-year ground lease, with the underlying whenua (land) remaining in the ownership of Waikato-Tainui, including the land transferred to iwi ownership from beneath the existing car park, which was owned by Kiwi Property.

The deal will extend the partnership between Tainui Group Holdings and Kiwi Property, which dates back to May 2016, when Kiwi Property acquired a 50 per cent share of The Base......



Trust gets mandate to negotiate Taihape Inquiry Area claims

The Mōkai Pātea Waitangi Claims Trust has been given the mandate to represent northern Rangitīkei iwi in the settlement of their land claims.

This was a source of relief to trust chairman Utiku Potaka, who was grateful for the support of whaānau, hapū and iwi in what the Crown has called the Taihape Inquiry Area.

However, that mandate continued to be opposed by the Ngāti Hinemanu me Ngāti Paki Heritage Trust, chairman Jordan Haines-Winiata said......


Iwi investments feel heat of tourism shutdown

Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei has often been criticised for not investing enough in tourism.

Its investments are entirely tied up in property, something it had planned to change last year with millions of dollars’ worth of tourism investments.

But now, a year of pandemic later, Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei deputy chair Ngarimu Blair is openly wondering if his iwi will ever want to add tourism to its portfolio.....


New Funding To Keep Tamariki And Rangatahi Māori Active

Minister for Māori Development Willie Jackson today helped launch a new fund to provide direct financial support for tamariki and rangatahi Māori throughout the South Island who are experiencing financial hardship and missing out on physical activity opportunities.

The fund is being disbursed by Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu, the South Island Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency, in partnership with Sport NZ Ihi Aotearoa. It will assist around 2,500 tamariki and rangatahi Māori through an investment of $850,000 over the next two years.......


Consultation offer to counter climate white out

Independent Māori climate change commissioner Donna Awatere Huata is offering to collate Māori views for inclusion in the final report of the Climate Change Commission.

"We are all asking for the same thing, for a Te Tiriti partnership. We want to be at the table. We don't want to be talking to wall to wall white bureaucrats who have no capacity to take our thinking and translate it into policy. We actually want to sit at the policy table, and that did not happen," Ms Awatere-Huata says......


Poutini Ngāi Tahu warn council over mapping of wetlands on Māori land

Poutini Ngāi Tahu has settled its legal action against West Coast Regional Council over the mapping of Māori land as protected wetland.

The iwi has also fired a shot across the council's bows over the significant natural areas (SNAs) process, which it describes as another bid to confiscate land, and warned it not to "repeat its mistakes".....


Waikato DHB systematically failing Māori and Pasifika - report

Waikato District Health Board has been found to be systematically failing to meet the needs of its Māori and Pacific communities.

The board services the highest population of Māori of any health board - with an estimated 23 percent of the region's 438,300 people identifying as Tangata Whenua. Another 3 percent identified as Pacific peoples.

It said this failure demonstrated an "acceptance that a lack of equity is both inevitable and tolerable".....



Clive Bibby: “Slip slidin’ away!”
