Hauraki Gulf Hijack

There is a three-pronged push introduce undemocratic co-governance arrangements for the Hauraki Gulf.

In a democratic political system, representatives are elected by the people, using a process based on the idea that everyone should have equal rights. However, both the Hauraki Gulf Forum Governance Review and Recommendations Report, and the Sea Change – Tai Timu Tai Pari Hauraki Gulf Marine Spatial Plan contain proposals that would significantly increase the influence that iwi groups would have over the Gulf and its catchment areas, and by doing so drastically reduce the power of local government to act in the best interests of the wider community.

Treaty of Waitangi settlements

Our democracy, and therefore our rights, are also being sacrificed for the sake of Treaty settlements. The ‘Sea Change’ Plan reveals that:

“The Plan was written when regional Treaty claims negotiations were taking place for settlements for at least 19 iwi and hapū. These settlements will significantly change the cultural, economic and political landscape in Hauraki and Tāmaki Makaurau. Greater iwi involvement in environmental management will include iwi-council/Crown management of Hauraki and Coromandel Peninsula waterways, and discussions are planned for the co-governance and management of Hauraki and Auckland harbours. The results of those settlements will be important for the make-up of the governing body of the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park, and for implementing the plan”.

Sea Change – Tai Timu Tai Pari Hauraki Gulf Marine Spatial Plan

The Hauraki Gulf Marine Spatial Plan was commissioned by the Hauraki Gulf Forum to address the underlying causes of habitat degradation, poor water quality and fisheries depletion of the Hauraki Gulf. However it appears tangata whenua representatives on the Marine Spatial Plan Project Steering Group have used this as an opportunity to seek more power for iwi over the Hauraki Gulf, by not only changing the makeup of the Hauraki Gulf Forum, but also proposing the introduction of 50/50 co-management of localised areas, called ‘Ahu-Moana’ marine zones. These zones would cover every inch of the coastline of the Hauraki Gulf and its islands, extending from mean high water mark out 1km.

‘Sea Change’ contains a number of alarming proposals. For instance, it recommends that the ‘Ahu Moana’ committees would eventually have the power to prohibit recreational and commercial fishing in ‘their’ zone, wholly or partially over any area, and over any or all fish species, on the basis of 'cultural values' (i.e. no need for scientific evidence).