Update 2020


There are more than 580 tribal claims lodged for over 10 million hectares of our foreshore and seabed, out to 12 nautical miles (22 kilometres), including harbours, estuaries and river mouths, the airspace above and many of the minerals below. – 200 with the High Court and 380 with the Government for private negotiation (Crown Engagement).


To date, three claims have been processed and passed. In each case the tribal claimants got more or less what they wanted.

The first claim, Titi Islands has been finalised.

The second claim lodged by the Hawke’s Bay tribe Ngati Pahauwera for an area between Napier and Wairoa was awarded in Crown engagement, however the tribe is now heading to the High Court to try for more. A hearing has been scheduled for 2021.

The third claim for 200 km of coastline north of Gisborne by that of the East Coast tribe Ngati Porou – was more complex. Ngati Porou gained a $15.3 million pay-out and control of a vast area of coastline. They were also given a two year extension of time to lodge a new claim under the Marine and Coastal Area Act, should they wish to do so.

These spurious tribal claims will drag on for many years, costing New Zealand taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.


To keep up with what is happening the NZCPR has a very informative page ‘Countering Coastal Claims Campaign’ (Background information, High Court & Crown claims, Maps, Spreadsheets etc) > https://www.nzcpr.com/countering-coastal-claims-campaign/