Henry Turton Deeds To Maori Land Sales
Henry Hanson Turton, 1818-1887, was a Wesleyan minister who arrived in New Zealand in May 1840. He lived and taught in the Hokianga area and in Taranaki. His knowledge of, and fluency in the Maori language enabled him to act for the government in several official capacities, firstly as an interpreter, and, from 1864, as Commissioner to investigate land titles under the NZ Settlements Act of 1863.
Biography courtesy: Wheelers books > https://www.wheelers.co.nz/books/9780477074308-turtons-land-deeds-of-the-north-island-39-fiche/
Index to Turton’s Deeds of Maori land sales > http://nzetc.victoria.ac.nz/tm/scholarly/name-401540.html
Index to Deeds, Receipts > Gifts > http://nzetc.victoria.ac.nz/tm/scholarly/tei-Tur01Nort.html
Following are a couple of Henry Turton's deeds to maori land sales, there are 100s, note the references to water, rivers, lakes, trees, minerals etc.
1864. 15 September.UpperWaikato District.Tenei Pukapuka i tuhituhia i tenei te tekau ma rima o nga ra o Hepetema i te tau o to tatou Ariki 1864 he Pukapuka tino hoko tino hoatu tino tuku whakaoti atu na matou na HOROTIU ANDWAIPA.nga Rangatira me nga Tangata o Ngatimahanga, o Ngatitamainu, o Ngatihourua no ratou nga ingoa e mau i raro nei a hei whakaatu tenei Pukapuka mo matou mo o matou whanaunga me o matou uri mo te tuhituhinga o o matou ingoa ki tenei.pukapuka i raro i te ra e whiti nei kua whakarerea rawatia kua tino tukuna rawatia atu ki a Wikitoria Kuini o Ingarani ki ona uri ki nga Kingi ki nga Kuini o muri iho i a ia me ana me a ratou e whakarite ai hei whakaritenga mo nga Pauna moni (£1000 . 0 . 0) Kotahi mano kua utua mai ki a matou e Te Tatona, Kai Whakarite whenua mo te Kuini (a e whakaaetia nei e matou te rironga mai o aua moni) ko taua wahi whenua katoa kei waenganui o nga awa a Horotiu a Waipa ko nga rohe kei raro i te Pukapuka nei e mau ana te korero whakahaere ko te mapi hoki o taua whenua kua apititia ki tenei. Me ona rakau me ona kowhatu me ona wai me ona awa nui me ona roto me ona awa ririki me nga mea katoa o taua whenua o runga ranei o raro ranei i te mata o taua whenua me o matou tikanga me o matou take me o matou paanga katoatanga ki taua wahi; Kia mau tonu ki a Kuini Wikitoria ki ona uri ki ana ranei e whakarite ai hei tino mau tonu ake tonu atu. A hei tohu mo to matou whakaaetanga ki nga tikanga katoa o tenei Pukapuka kua tuhituhia nei o matou ingoa me o matou tohu. A hei tohu hoki mo te whakaaetahga o te Kuini o Ingarani moBoundaries. tana wahi ki nga tikanga katoa o tenei Pukapuka kua tuhia nei te ingoa o Te Tatona Kaiwhakarite Whenua. Ko nga rohe enei o taua whenua ka timata i Ngaruawahia e takoto ana i te putahitanga o nga awa a Horotiu a Waipa: turia atu i kona, ka tika tonu ake ki roto ki te awa a Horotiu a puta noa ki runga ki tona timatanga. Ko tetahi rohe tenei—A ka mutu, ka hoki iho ki Ngaruawahia timata mai ai; ka rere ake i roto i te awa a Waipa, a paku noa ki runga, ki tona timatanga ano—Ko te ruatahi tenei o nga rohe.
Na, ko a matou wahi whenua katoa i waenganui o enei Rohe e rua, ara, ko nga whenua o Ngatimahanga, o Ngatitamainu o Ngatihourua, ka tukua atu nei ki a te Kuini i roto i tenei hokonga.
Ko nga tangata i kite i te hoatutanga o nga moni me te tuhinga o nga ingoa—
Wm. Harsant, J.P., Raglan.
Richard Todd, Dist. Govt. Surveyor.
Hy. J. Falwasser, Govt. Interpreter (Raglan).
Henry Hanson Turton (Te Tatona), J.P., Special Native Titles Commissioner.
Receipt for £1,000.Kua riro mai ki a matou i tenei ra i te tekau ma rima o nga ra o Hepetema i te tau o to tatou Ariki Kotahi mano e waru rau ono tekau ma wha (1864) nga Pauna moni Kotahi Mano (£1000 . 0 . 0) Ko te utu katoa tenei kua whakahuatia ki te Pukapuka tuku e mau i runga ake nei kia utua mai ki a matou e Te Tatoha, Kaiwhakarite Whenua mo te Kuini.
Wiremu Nero te Awaitaia.
Hetaraka Otene.
Hakopa Kotuku.
Hemi Matini.
Mohi Te Rongomau.
Hone Pirihi.
Te Waaka te Ruki x his mark.
Rikimona Otene.
Wiremu Patene.
Hamiora Ngaropi.
Wiremu Nga Weke.
Hone Kingi.
Kiriona Putoitoix his mark.
Ropata te Wairoax his mark.
Hariata Tatai x her mark.
Te Waapu x his mark.
Erueni Matetaetua x his mark
Inoka Wetea x his mark.
Matutaera Kani Whaniwha x his mark.
Ritipete Whakairo x her mark.
Hemine te Awhio x his mark.
Rihia Pokepoke.
Iraia te whiwhi.
hape tawaka.
Hone Ihaka.
Hokopa Te Wharengori x his mark.
Rota Tihi x his mark.
Te Rehutai x his mark.
Aihe te Moki x his mark.
Reihana Takiwhitu x his mark.
Tamati Kapua (na Wiremu Patene i Tuhi).
Ekana Kaiapa x his mark.
Pihopa Wharenikau x his mark.
Kamareira Whakamarurangi x his mark.
Hemi Keera.
Miriama Toea x her mark.
Arireire Nero x her mark.
Ngati x her mark.
Ihaka Hororure.
Mere Rangiata x her mark.
Hera Parekawa x her mark.
Turia Tahe x her mark.
Rawiri hikaka.
Karena te Himo x his mark.
Wiremu Otene.
Hone pihama.
Mahi Pane.
Paratene Tarahina x his mark.
Hori Pikitia.
Nga Kai-titiro—
Wm. Harsant, J.P., Raglan.
Richard Todd, Dist. Govt. Surveyor.
Hy. J. Falwasser, Govt. Interpreter.
Te Tatona, J.P., Kai whakawa Whenua Kai Whakarite hoki.
(English translation) > http://nzetc.victoria.ac.nz/tm/scholarly/tei-Tur01Nort-t1-g1-g1-g1-g13-t20-g1-t2.html
1864. 15 September.Upper Waikato District.This Deed written on this fifteenth day of September in the Year of our Lord 1864 is a full and final sale conveyance and surrender by us the Chiefs and People of the Tribes Ngatimahanga, Ngatitamainu and Ngatihourua whose names are hereunto subscribed And Witnesseth that on behalf of ourselves our relatives and descendants we have by signing this Deed under the shining sun of this day PARTED WITH AND FOR EVER HOROTIU AND WAIPA. TRANSFERRED UNTO VICTORIA QUEEN OF ENGLAND HER HEIRS THE KINGS AND QUEENS WHO MAY SUCCEED HER AND HER AND THEIR ASSIGNS FOR EVER in consideration of the Sum of One Thousand Pounds (£1000 . 0 . 0) to us paid by Henry Hanson Turton Special Commissioner on behalf of the Queen Victoria (and we hereby acknowledge the receipt of the said monies) all that piece of our Land situated between the Rivers Horotiu and Waipa the boundaries whereof are set forth at the foot of this DEED AND A PLAN OF WHICH LAND IS ANNEXED THERETO WITH ITS TREES MINERALS WATERS RIVERS LAKES STREAMS AND ALL APPERTAINING TO THE SAID LAND OR BENEATH THE SURFACE OF THE SAID LAND and all our right title claim and interest whatsoever thereon To hold to Queen Victoria Her Heirs and Assigns as a lasting possession absolutely for ever and ever. And in testimony of our consent to all the conditions of this Deed we have hereunto subscribed our names and marks. And in testimony of the consent of the Queen of England on her part to all the conditions of this Deed the name of Henry Hanson Turton Special Commissioner is Boun hereunto subscribed. These are the boundaries of the Land commencing at Ngaruawahia, situated at the junction of the Rivers Horotiu and Waipa: starting thence it goes along the Horotiu River, until you reach its source. This is one Boundary Then returning to Ngaruawahia it passes up the River Waipa until its source be reached—This is the second boundary All our pieces of land within these two Boundaries, that is, the Land of Ngatimahanga, of Ngatitamainu, of Ngatihourua are surrendered to the Queen within the terms of this sale.
Witnesses to the payment and signatures—
Wm. Harsant, J.P., Raglan.
Richard Todd, Dist. Govt. Surveyor.
Hy. J. Falwasser, Govt. Interpreter (Raglan).
H. Hanson Turton, J.P., Special Native Titles Commissioner.
Receipt for £1,000. Received this fifteenth day of September in the Year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and sixty four (1864) the Sum of One Thousand Pounds sterling (£1000 . 0 . 0) being the whole consideration money expressed in the above-written Deed to be paid by H. Hanson Turton, Special Commissioner on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen to us.
[Signatures as before.]
Wm. Harsant, J.P., Raglan.
Richard Todd, Dist. Govt. Surveyor.
Hy. J. Falwasser, Govt. Interpreter. H. Hanson Turton, J.P., Special Native Titles Commissioner.
A True Copy of Original Deed and Translation.
H. Hanson Turton.
Wellington, March 5th, 1875.
1865. 18 January.Waikato District.Tenei Pukapuka i tuhituhia i tenei te tekau ma waru o nga ra o Hanuere i te tau o to tatou Ariki 1865 he Pukapuka tino hoko tino hoatu tino tuku whakaoti atu na matou na nga Rangatira me nga Tangata o Ngatitipa no ratou nga ingoa e mau i raro nei AWAROA AND OTAUA.a hei whakaatu tenei Pukapuka mo matou mo o matou whanaunga me o matou uri mo te tuhituhinga o o matou ingoa ki tenei pukapuka i raro i te ra e whiti nei kua whakarerea rawatia kua tino tukuna rawatia atu ki a Wikitoria Kuini o Ingarani ki ona uri ki nga Kingi ki nga Kuini o muri iho i a ia me ana me a ratou e whakarite ai hei whakaritenga mo nga Pauna moni E rua Rau, e rima tekau kua utua mai ki a matou e Te Tatona, Kai Whakarite whenua mo te Kuini (a e whakaaetia nei e matou te rironga mai o aua moni) ko taua wahi whenua katoa kei te Awaroa, kei Otaua ko te Awaroa, ko Otaua te ingoa o taua wahi whenua ko nga rohe kei raro i te Pukapuka nei e mau ana te korero whakahaere ko te mapi hoki o taua whenua kua apititia ki tenei. Me ona rakau me ona kowhatu me ona wai me ona awa nui me ona roto me ona awa ririki me nga mea katoa o taua whenua o runga ranei o raro ranei i te mata o taua whenua me o matou tikanga me o matou take me o matou paanga katoatanga ki taua wahi; Kia mau tonu ki a Kuini Wikitoria ki ona uri ki ana ranei e whakarite ai hei tino mau tonu ake tonu atu. A hei tohu mo to matou whakaaetanga ki nga tikanga katoa o tenei Pukapuka kua tuhituhia nei o matou ingoa me o matou tohu. A hci tohu hoki mo te whakaaetanga o te Kuini o Ingarani mo tana wahi ki nga tikanga katoa o tenei Pukapuka kua tuhia nei te ingoa o Te Tatona Kaiwhakarite Whenua. Ko nga rohe enei o taua whenua ka timata i te Au o Karemu ka rere tonu i Boundaries.roto i te Awa o te Awaroa puta noa ki Waikato ka rere haere i te kiritai o Waikato a tae noa ki Totaratahi a ka rere tonu i runga o nga raina ruri i nga ritenga o te Kapehu 293° 50′—326° 0′ me 24° 0′—tae noa ki tona timatanga ara ko a matou wahi whenua katoa i roto i enei rohe.
Ko nga tangata i kite i te hoatutanga o nga moni me te tuhinga o nga ingoa—
R. O. Stewart, Resident Magistrate of Lower Waikato District.
Hohua Te Moanaroa, Minita o Kohanga.
H. Hanson Turton, Special Commissioner.
Receipt for £250.Kua riro mai ki a matou i tenei ra i te 18th o nga ra o Hanuere i te tau o to tatou Ariki Kotahi mano e waru rau ono tekau ma rima (1865) nga Pauna moni E Rua Rau, e Rima tekau (£250 . 0 . 0) Ko te utu katoa tenei kua whakahuatia ki te Pukapuka tuku e mau i runga ake nei kia utua mai ki a matou e Te Tatona Kai Whakarite whenua mo te Kuini.
W. P. Kukutai, N.A.
Arama Karaka.
Aura Kukutai.
Tamati Te Momi.
More Toheriri.
Warena ngarau.
Kapene Matena.
Ruka Kuao.
Whare Rahi Hiwawa.
Henare Ngahiwi.
Kataraina Aterea x.
Teira Pomare.
Te eke tu o te rangi.
Broughton Heta.
Harata ngarau x.
Rahera Te Remi x.
Tarati Te Remi x.
Oriwia Ranginui x.
Henare P. Whatihoro.
Hara Tako x.
Pinitana ngatai x.
Petene Taurua x.
Pairama te Whara.
Piiti Hone.
Wiremu Te Aho.
Ruka Taurua x.
Mita Matete.
Nutana Te Aho.
tu kawheora.
Poihipi Te Remi x.
Hara Kukutai x.
Te paea ngakake.
Hapi ruka raurua.
Matena Te Whare x.
Hura Te Remi x.
Noa te Tawharu x.
Turia Ngapaka x.
Heni te Whareirohia x.
Hera te Momi x.
Hone te Whareirohia x.
Pane Poaka x.
Mere Ngataru x.
Paora Ngataru x.
Hori Kukutai x.
Witness to signature (of Hori Kukutai)—
6/2/ 65. A. Sinclair, Genl. Govt. Surveyor.
TRANSLATION. (Deed No 421)
1865. 18 January.This Deed written on this the eighteenth day of January in the Year of our Lord 1865 is a full and final sale conveyance and surrender by us the Chiefs and People Waikato District.of the Tribe Ngatitipa whose names are hereunto subscribed And Witnesseth that on behalf of ourselves our relatives and descendants we have by signing this Deed AWAROA AND OTAUA.under the shining sun of this day parted with and for ever transferred unto Victoria Queen of England Her Heirs the Kings and Queens who may succeed Her and Her and their Assigns for ever in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds (£250 . 0 . 0) to us paid by Henry Hanson Turton Special Commissioner on behalf of the Queen Victoria (and we hereby acknowledge the receipt of the said monies) all that piece of our Land situated at the Awaroa and Otaua and named the Awaroa and Otaua the boundaries whereof are set forth at the foot of this Deed and a plan of which Land is annexed thereto with its trees minerals waters rivers lakes streams and all appertaining to the said Land or beneath the surface of the said Land and all our right title claim and interest whatsoever thereon To hold to Queen Victoria Her Heirs and Assigns as a lasting possession absolutely for ever and ever. And in testimony of our consent to all the conditions of this Deed we have hereunto subscribed our names and marks. And in testimony of the consent of the Queen of England on her part to all the conditions of this Deed the name of Henry Hanson Turton Boundaries.Commissioner is hereunto subscribed. These are the boundaries of the Land commencing at Te Au Karemu and following the Awaroa river to the Waikato river thence following the bank of the Waikato river to Totaratahi and thence following the Survey lines bearing by compass 293° 50′, 326° 0′ and 24° 0′ to the point of commencement.
All the land that we claim is contained within these boundaries.
Witnesses to the payment and signatures—
R. O. Stewart, Resident Magistrate of Lower Waikato District.
Hohua Te Moanaroa, Minita o Kohanga.
H. Hanson Turton, Special Commissioner.
Receipt for £250.Received this Eighteenth day of January in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and sixty five (1865) the Sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds sterling (£250) being the sole consideration money expressed in the above-written Deed to be paid by Henry Hanson Turton Specl. Commissr. on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen to us.
[Signatures as before.]
A True Copy of Original Deed and Translation.
H. Hanson Turton.
Wellington, March 3rd, 1875.