

Dear Nanaia Mahuta,

I read with interest the "Newshub" report on 17th September 2020 of your debate with Donna Pokere-Phillips in which, by and large, you took the more moderate position. I have a few comments.

First you refer to "New Zealand's colonised history." May I remind you that British colonization of this country saved the Maori people from themselves, In the previous few decades with cannibalism, rape, infanticide and murder the Maori tribes slaughtered about one third of the entire Maori population, a colossal figure when you think about it. There was, for example, the wholesale slaughter of Waikato people by Ngapuhi when they took the Mataki-taki Pa in 1822, "shot by the merciless Ngapuhi ... till tired of reloading" recorded in detail by Pember Reeves of whose account surely you are well aware.

Like you, I want New Zealand history taught in schools but there is so much fake history current about New Zealand in official circles, not least about the Treaty of Waitangi, that I fear that a very perverted account is likely to be presented to our innocent children.

Now, you, yourself are reported as saying "Von Tempsky led a company in a raid on the undefended Waikato village of Rangiaowhia in 1864, where many residents were women, children and elderly men" which is not correct and very much less than the whole truth. It was General Cameron himself who led the expedition to Rangiaowhia, to cut off the food supplies to the strong rebel fort at Paterangi and thus to avoid a frontal attack on that fort with heavy losses of life on both sides. Nearly all the women and children escaped when permitted to do so and it was only armed resistance by a few rebels which led to loss of life on both sides. There have been many foul lies told by angry defeated rebels about a church full of women and children being burnt to the ground. I attach a brief article of mine about it.

This essay is included in a book recently published by me to counter the false tales current today about the Treaty of Waitangi and many other topics. To obtain further information about it and how to obtain a copy, email Ii is extensively referenced and I think you will find it to be most instructive. You even get a brief mention yourself on Page 57!

My compliments,

Bruce Moon

Newshub Report >

Attached brief article about Rangioawhia by Bruce Moon here >



There are racists in my country and I don’t know what to do,
I’m so sad at not being equal, I am feeling rather blue.

They say they are entitled to a bigger vote than me,
Cos they had an ancestor come from Hawaiki.

We’re in the same family, sports and workplace too,
But they say they are superior, and want to mount a coup.

They are taking over gov’ment, hospitals, and schools,
Scaring away the talent and changing all the rules.

Doctors, nurses, teachers too, don’t need to have good sense,
As long as they achieve in Maori cultural competence.

The kids no longer know their sums, or learn to read and write,
But they’re very good recounting the propaganda tripe.

History has been rewritten, the truth now removed,
Some shady lies and myths are all that are approved.

If we’re building something big, we have to get consent,
But this means shifty payments, to someone rather bent.

They want our drinking water, mountains, harbours, beaches, seas they’ll take,
Politicians just hand them over, it’s like they’re also on the make.

We must worship te ao Maori, but no one tells us what that means,
I think it must be hidden in those big, flash limousines.

We can no longer have free speech and ask for common sense,
They say that means I’m racist and being rather dense.

Not even Santa can be safe, gone is his glorious red,
To be replaced by hooks and feather cloaks instead.

Why are these racists in my country, I really want to know?
But their head honchos just laugh at me, as their bank accounts gather dough.

It’s greed, power and lust, you fool. Nothing ever changes.

We’ve read the history books, you see and learnt how through the ages,
The meek and mild can be manipulated, made to hand over all their wages.

Elections? Bah! There’ll be no standing on our merit.
We’ll be entrenched and like scoundrels, all power we’ll inherit.

Like Jews in Nazi Germany, we’ll turn you into slaves
We’ll make you hated and you’ll be digging your own graves.

So the racists rule our country, we pay for their expertise,
In what I’m not too sure, while they have us in a squeeze.

We fund their lawyers to walk all over us,
And we’re respectful, we don’t want to make a fuss.

We fought against apartheid, but that was overseas,
Here in New Zealand, we dare not show displease.

So we sit and watch our country, as democracy’s destroyed,
At least we haven’t caused upset by being paranoid.

By F M



Apparently a non-maori student can do very well in a difficult Physics exam and get up to 4 NCEA credits.

But a student of maori descent can set the table and fry, boil and cook an egg on a marae and get 2+2+2+2 = 8 NCEA credits!

Understanding NCEA

When you get to Year 12 (6th Form), you need a total of 80 credits to get to the 7th form. Everybody can bring 20 credits from the previous year, so then you need another 60. Of those 60, a person of maori descent can get 41 from simple tasks so only need to do real work for 19 credits throughout the year (not difficult!).

Of course everyone can get credits for tasks like doing a Defensive Driving Course etc, but that is not race discriminatory.

Type into Google the code of the task and ‘NZQA’ (ie 21232 NZQA), you can download the registered unit standard of this nonsense.




Iwi want ‘right of first refusal’ on land sales (not only surplus) Tauranga City Council, reported in the Bay Times (Page.6) Tuesday 12th April 2016.

These are try ons with serious implications, as no doubt iwi in elsewhere have the same aspirations as their Tauranga cousins and to put it mildly it is just another rort.

As usual Maori interests got the media headlines while the two submitters below who made robust written submissions got very little mention, which is par for the course.

A decision is due on 9th May 2016.

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Draft Amendment to Council Land: Recognition of Tangata Whenua Interests and Aspirations Policys

My name is Richard Prince and I am a ratepayer from Welcome Bay.

I am surprised that something that went through an extensive submission process little more than one year ago is now being reconsidered.

What surprises me even more is how these amendments are being presented.

Both the public notice and the Statement of Policy say-

“The policy amendments seek to clarify”

Clarify – Now I wouldn't want to use the word sophism but euphemism is certainly appropriate.

I have always thought of a clarification as being just a notch up from a typo, but what we have here is effectively a rewrite of the policy. The Council has misled the community and ratepayers by endeavouring to pass this re-write off as clarification.

Under Policy Objectives – the words “disposing of land no longer required” is proposed to be removed.

Under Principles “no longer required by Council” is proposed to be removed.

These amendments are fundamental changes and change what was Iwi/Hapu interests in surplus land to all land.

5.1 This amendment appears prima facie to make it easier for Iwi/hapu to make claims for Council land.

Land Transfer Exceptions - “Where land is subject to a statutory process such as an offer back to a previous owner” is to be removed. Does these then mean the Council is prepared to flout the requirements of say the Public Works Act to satisfy Iwi/Hapu interests?

Time frames – Time frames are vital so that decisions can be made and outcomes achieved and not, as proposed, subject to some sort of negotiation. ,

I want now to go back to the top of page 2

Note that Tauranga Moana Tangata Whenua have been through the Treaty of Waitangi settlement process which addressed historical claims. This Council policy and associated potential land transfers does not apply to land grievances under Treaty of Waitangi processes”.

Under Waitangi settlement processes Iwi receive additional compensation to cover privately owned land that is not available under the settlement process. This is to give them the ability to buy land they may be interested in the marketplace.

To quote Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Minister Chris Finlayson on the settlement “It will enable the Iwi to enjoy the benefits of settlement and look forward to a stronger future. These settlements will allow the Iwi to build a strong base for their for their people and allow them to participate fully in the economic, social and cultural life of their regions”.

Council land is in essence privately owned and Council is entrusted with the care of these assets on behalf of all of the community.

* It is not for the Council to usurp the role of the Crown.

* It is not for the Council to add to the settlement quantum by gifting community owned assets or selling them at a discount to the disadvantage of ratepayers.

First right of refusal always has the whiff of sweet-heart deals.

This is particularly true where income streams are involved such as the claims for Mauao Recreational Reserve and the Mobil site on Chapel St. Secrecy over negotiations and an endeavour to keep the lease values secret so making it difficult for the community to assess the values does nothing for the Council's cause. Reference to the Commercial Property sections of any newspaper will show that advertisements of where commercial property is offered for sale will give full lease details. The only reason I can see for this information to be confidential is if some sort of sweet-heart deal is being considered. Think of the current hoo-ha over the secret Panamanian Trusts.

Sale by public auction is fully transparent and allows all interested parties to be involved in the sale process.

It is important that the views and aspirations of Iwi/Hapu are listened to and I expect nothing less than, that Council will take these into consideration. Where I have a difficulty is when satisfying these aspirations it is at the expense of the rest of the community and ratepayers.

No-one should be disadvantaged because of their ethnicity and no-one should be advantaged for exactly the same reason.

I request that these amendments be rejected in their entirety.

Richard Prince

11th April 2016

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DC 62 . Pages 98--128

My name is Rob Paterson, I reside at Mount Maunganui and I am a submitter herein.

Madam Chairperson and Councillors, thank you for the opportunity to address you on this Draft Policy.

I have read the submissions made by Tony Fellingham, Richard Prince and Chris Lee and I support what they have to say.

I refer to my current submission of 10th March 2016 (page 116). In 2014, I made 3 submissions to the current policy on 22nd April 2014, 15th August 2014 and finally on 16th September 2014. Copies of these are attached and I would just like to take you through these to remind Councillors about what I said at that time which is still relevant and pertinent today.

I fully endorse what I stated in those submissions I also attach copy of October 2014 Bay Times media release by Councillor Steve Morris, and wish to comment on the Chapel Street Mobil Service Station site in particular which is presumably reclaimed land see 1930s circa photograph which is self explanatory.

In this regard my understanding is that it is alleged by maori interests that their forebears walked over this land via a track to the sea to collect pipis. Well frankly it is hard to see this has much validity and I ask what investigations Council staff make about these types of claims and are claimants asked to produce evidence which is then scrutinised or is it just taken as gospel. On the face of it the claim looks nebulous and tenuous.

The Mount Recreation reserve is on the short list too and if the public mood is anything to go by then Council should proceed with great caution with regard to this. The current draft policy proposals have by the looks of things been discussed and formulated via TCC Maori Committee Meetings (formal & informal) from early 2015, well out of the general public’s gaze.

In particular I refer you to the informal forum held on 10 December 2015.


  1. Maori interests have had compensation already included in their Treaty of Waitangi settlements for any private land issues and that is the category Council land falls into namely private land.

  2. Originally the 2014 policy was implemented primarily to apply to only surplus Council land that was up for sale. Now under the current proposal it looks like any land owned by Council that takes maori interests’ fancy is fair game.

  3. These types of deals usually have confidential factors like wishing to keep details private and confidential, i.e. consideration paid (if any) terms lease payments etc. away from public scrutiny.

  4. New Policy para 5.1 doesn’t make much sense to me. Can someone please explain how it is relevant in the context of the draft policy anyway.

I ask how do these initiatives arise in the first place and who starts off the process maori interests or Council staff. From submissions made by some members of the maori committee I see references are made to rights of first refusal, the Treaty, litigation and so forth. Well in my view these don’t and can’t apply here and rattling the sabre has no place in this forum. The talk of creating full land lists of likely land available in anticipation is equally fatuous and the costs unwarranted -when the land (if any) becomes available for sale then that is the time to address the details.


What purports here to go under the guise of amendments to the existing Policy being made for clarification purposes is nothing more than a total rewrite of the Policy adopted on 14th October 2014, especially when only slightly over a year has elapsed since then and that looks like indecent haste and kneejerking. Current policy seems to work fine, I haven’t heard any complaints and if no approaches have been made under this policy to date, that reinforces this and my assertion it is working. As they say, ‘silence is golden’. I stress Councils duty is to all its ratepayers/citizens and race based policies have no place in the equation.

Council Decision Requested on Draft Policy

That Council reject the Draft Policy in its entirety and retain the status quo (2014 policy) which is clear precise, straightforward, fair, equitable to all ratepayers/citizens and workable.

Even under the existing policy any sale must be at full market value with no gifting sanctioned and nothing must change in that regard.

Rob Paterson

11th April 2016


The Northern Advocate 1/1/16

By Alexandra Newlove


It was a tense hour in council chambers as Whangarei's 14 non-Maori councillors debated whether to allow a Maori adviser to contribute to its Planning Committee meetings. Mayor Sheryl Mai used her casting vote to confirm the Maori adviser role, deciding the 7-7 split and saying she was proud of the final result.

However, councillors who voted against the move — Shelley Deeming, Greg Martin, Brian McLachlan, Tricia Cutforth, Sue Glen, Susy Bretherton and Stuart Bell —were anxious to point out that they were not "anti-Maori engagement”. Ms Cutforth said she felt WDC needed to make more use of hapu representative group Te Huinga, which came under WDC’s Maori partnership agreement Te Karearea. Te Huinga originally requested two Maori members with voting rights to go on the Planning Committee.

“I have great respect for the people sitting here,” Ms Cutforth said of Te Karearea members who watched from the public gallery. “But I will not be supporting this.”

She said having non-elected Maori on committees would risk fewer Maori standing for council, saying she supported a “far more representative council”.

“The other risk is . . . people will not vote for Maori because they perceive Maori are already at the table,” she said.

Ms Mai said she did not follow this logic, while Planning Committee chairman Greg Innes said the adviser role was a “common sense approach” to giving Maori a voice on the all-Pakeha elected council.

Meanwhile Ms Glen was on the other side of the debate questioning “where’s the common sense gone?”.

“I don’t see anywhere that it is a requirement of the Local Government Act to have Maori on our committees . . . We don’t just look after one group because someone thinks it’s the priority,” she said.

About 26 per cent of Whangarei’s population was Maori, while both the Local Government and Resource Management acts demanded Maori input in council decision making. Te Karearea member Mike Kake watched the debate and said “look, I’ve seen it before” when asked how he felt watching some councillors push back against Maori input. The precedent for allowing non-elected members on committees was set when WDC co-opted an external accountant onto its Audit and Risk Committee, after the realisation this committee lacked expertise.

“In a way [councillors] need to get a hold of what the legislation allows — but we knew it was going to be close,” Mr Kake said. “I think there needs to be a better understanding about what we are trying to achieve in terms of representation from tangata whenua.”

Earlier this year two appointments followed a similar debate around council’s nonstanding committees. Mr Kake was co-opted onto the council’s 20/20 Inner City Revitalisation Committee as a non-voting adviser, while Taipari Munro joined the Civic Honours Selection Committee.


Democracy Action Chair, Lee Short, was on TV3's Story 17/12/15 talking about Auckland Council's undemocratic and unnecessary Mana Whenua rules. (Article below image)


By Heather du Plessis-Allan

If you are in Auckland and thinking of buying a house, you will want to watch this story or if you are somewhere else in New Zealand and like to indulge in a bit of schadenfreude in regards to the Auckland housing market, you will also want to know this.

New rules mean thousands of houses in Auckland City will need permission from an iwi to make big changes.

One house for sale with four bedrooms, three bathrooms and two garages would have to consult up to thirteen different iwi.

Anything which requires a resource consent would have to go through the council and then to iwi.

This is because the house next door is culturally significant and may include a burial site.

Due to this burial site, any house within 100m needs iwi approval for structural changes which affects around 40 properties.

Story went to investigate these new rules which may affect more than 13,000 properties around the city.

Watch the video for the full Story report - click > HERE



A recent dive on the Rena video shows plenty of fish and the regeneration of sea vegetation >



Democracy Action Press Release 17/6/15

Democracy Action is appalled that South Auckland police are being instructed to identify a particular group of citizens for different treatment on the grounds of race.

Responding to the One News report that Maori drivers caught at the wheel without a licence or in breach of their conditions were to be referred for training and not given a ticket, Democracy Action Chairman, Lee Short, says:

“The law is being applied in a racially discriminatory manner when Maori drivers who are breaking the law are singled out for different treatment. This is contrary to the rule of law – a principle that means everyone is subject to the law, and it must be applied equally to all."

“If the police believe the best way to reduce offending is to offer support and training instead of a fine, this should apply equally to all citizens, regardless of race.”





The name changing of New Zealand creeps on, here is an image of the wall display at the Auckland International Airport. All incoming people pass it to reach customs when they come into the country.



This is what has been placed on the front of the building.

Put the Maori words “te pataka korero o te hau kapua” into Google for a translation and this is what comes out: “the libraries of the gas cloud”.



Audio >



I was born a Kiwi,

the land belonged to me;

The mountain peaks, the hillsides,

the beaches and the sea.

The National Parks, historic sites –

part of heredity -

but now they are no longer mine

because of ancestry.

To blend two races into one

a Treaty was designed;

it’s purpose being to create

a country colour blind.

Somehow the intent of that deed

was twisted to divide –

with Maori on the one hand,

others on the other side.

The spirit of the Treaty,

the purpose of it all,

was to unite two races

with equality for all.

Our leaders have all failed us

With rulings that they pass,

Although I’m still a Kiwi

now I’m Kiwi, second class

Mitch Morgan - Kaipara


Should New Plymouth council have a separate Maori ward

By Gareth Morgan

The link below provides a video of the 2hr meeting/debate in New Plymouth last Monday.

Gareth Morgan also summarises each speaker's main points from the meeting in text.


Critic slams iwi 'pirates'

One of the country's most prominent philanthropists has been labelled a racist after threatening to pull the plug on $1 million of funding to the Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust, saying Maori are trying to take over.

Economist Gareth Morgan said successful iwi attempts to take greater control of the project were "a case of blatant self-serving opportunism".

The hard work of volunteers, private funders and landowners was being "threatened by piracy," he said. He is calling for the flagship 3400 hectare ecological island to be given national park status to protect it from political gamesmanship.

Multimillionaire Dr Morgan said iwi were "seizing and capitalising" on the community's, landowners' and private funders' efforts.

"My concern is their contribution to work and funding has been zilch.

"If they had been at all honest they would have made this move before, not after, the fence was erected." He said few, if any, private funders "will be willing to pour money down the throats of the wide-mouth frogs of indigenous imperialism".

Mana whenua had "struggled to lift a finger so far" and now the hard work was done and money contributed, they were demanding effective control of the mountain's future, Mr Morgan said.........


Two job advertisements, there is probably an army of these leeches.

Senior Policy Advisor (12 month fixed-term contract)

The Independent Maori Statutory Board’s purpose is to assist the Auckland Council by promoting issues of significance for Mana Whenua and Matawaka of Tamaki Makaurau and to ensure that the Auckland Council is meeting its statutory treaty obligations.

The Independent Maori Statutory Board (IMSB) Senior Policy Advisor will provide leadership and technical expertise in relation to policy development, review, monitoring and evaluation to support the Board in its decision-making as well as all other services that the IMSB Board needs to meet its statutory responsibilities.

Responsibilities of this position will include:

• The provision of advice on strategies, policy, planning, interventions, funding and monitoring.

• Taking leadership and technical expertise in relation to the fulfilment of the Council’s Te Tiriti o Waitangi obligations.

• Supporting the Board in their engagement with Mana Whenua, the Maori community and the wider community of Tamaki Makaurau.

• Policy analysis and recommendations on the schedule of issues of significance for Maori.

• Proposing changes to council documents and processes to be more responsive to Maori.

• To provide advice on the design and execution of such documents and processes to implement the Council’s statutory responsibilities towards Maori.

• To identify cross-cutting opportunities and issues across the Board’s work programme and participate in scoping and implementing these.

• To provide policy and planning advice and analysis across the full range of Council issues including any funding and budgetary implications.

• Developing and implementing strategies to support and promote cultural, economic, environmental and social issues of significance.

• To support the Independent Maori Statutory Board to engage meaningfully with the Council on policy issues.

Solicitor - Treaty & Maori Land Court

A fantastic opportunity exists for a solicitor to work in the Treaty claims area and on Maori legal issues in general.

Our team of passionate professionals is actively involved in a number of ongoing Waitangi Tribunal inquiries. If litigating is your particular interest, our workload will compel your rapid development in this regard. You will conduct legal and historical research on a wide variety of interesting claim issues. You will help to prepare evidence,submissions and other court documentation.

The firm also advises its clients in relation to a range of contemporary Treaty issues. Our upcoming litigation programme includes High Court and Maori Land Court work as well.

We are looking for team players who have a passion for the law and who have a particular interest in social justice.