Colin's letters to newspapers
I include with this essay the following letters written by myself and published in various newspapers and magazines.
Letter 1
Dear Sir,
Congratulations to Mr X.. for so effectively satirising Mr X... ethnicity theory. Some years ago, when commonsense was still a human faculty, and
therefore "political correctness" and its ugly daughter "cultural safety" had not yet arisen, it was understood that a person could not be Maori unless they had a minimum of 50% Maori blood.
Honest people understand this still.
It was only in 1974, (significantly, about the time that P.C was gaining its stranglehold) that it was arbitrarily decreed by the Maori affairs amendment act that any percentage of Maori blood, however small, qualified a person as a Maori. Well, such nonsense bears the same relation to truth as the rest of political correctness, but it is now very clear that without this carefully placed stepping stone, non Maori New Zealanders and their descendants could not have been deprived of significant resources, land and civil rights, by the present socially destructive treaty of Waitangi "settlements". Those who think that these latest settlements will be any more final than all the previous "final" settlements, are naive indeed. If future governments insist that the latest settlements are indeed final, then this will be secretly welcomed by the radicals as an excuse to endlessly perpetuate what is now known as the "grievance industry".
It needs to be remembered that since the coming of colonisation and democracy, Maori have had exactly the same rights as anyone else to everything this country has to offer. For a number of years now this simple, just, and democratic social arrangement has been relentlessly dismantled in favour of racial discrimination on a grand scale.
My own father arrived in this country in 1952 with nothing but five pounds and two suitcases to his name. He was a tradesman and he built a good life for himself and his family through nothing more mysterious than steady work. The only land he ever owned was the section his house stood upon. The same is true of untold thousands of other migrants from all over the world. I wish nothing but the best for all people, of whatever race, and take no pleasure in writing letters like this, but sadly, in the light of events currently unfolding in this country, it is necessary. Wake up New Zealand.
Letter 2
Dear Sir,
At any given moment in history we live amidst old and dying, and new emerging forms of consciousness and culture. The old forms are anachronistic and thus decadent, and the new forms are unfamiliar and challenging. Genuine, but corrupted social impulses are creating social chaos wherein the deluded and fearful cling to the past, while the brave, but equally deluded, blunder into the future. Bravery by itself will have us rushing in "where Angels fear to tread" and will not suffice to keep us on the right path into a future of unprecedented dangers. Real knowledge of human nature is necessary, and is freely available. It is only "hidden" by the present pestilence of materialistic atheism, which today finds expression in both extreme Right, and extreme Left wing ideologies. The poisonous "political correctness" grew out of the latter.
Consequently, modern civilisation stumbles blindly towards an abyss.
Letter 3
Dear Sir,
So, Doug Graham has decided to call it a day and swan off to study at Cambridge University. Yes, the other side of the planet would spring to mind as a good place to escape the time bomb which he, Geoffrey Palmer, and others of similar ilk, set ticking with the "treaty process". The hard core of Maori agitators will never voluntarily make an end to their grievances and claims. This is simply not the way of the old tribal consciousness which they have regressed to.
In pre colonial New Zealand, real or contrived grievances were, (are?) sometimes passed down through the generations through the custom of "Utu". For the sake of our country this nonsense must stop. There are only three possibilities: -
(1) The treaty "process" will be brought to a rapid and final conclusion, and all racially discriminatory laws, regulations, and privileges will be repealed.
(2) Non Maori New Zealanders will accept that they are legally second class citizens.
(3) There will be racial problems.
There is no fourth possibility.
Letter 4
Dear Sir,
When this country, in its wisdom, repudiated almost two centuries of painful
social evolution, and upon the basis of a deceitful "politically correct" reinterpretation of the treaty of Waitangi, legalised racial discrimination, it created a veritable Gordian Knot of racial problems. The customary fishing rights fiasco is a typical example of what will prove to be an ongoing abuse of an impossible situation by those who, having reverted to divisive tribal consciousness, care nothing for democracy or the rights of other people.
However, one is on shaky ground in criticising such people when almost daily our glorious leaders not only fail to respect and uphold democracy, but show no sign that they understand its significance for this stage of human social development. The issue is not whether the applicable laws are right or wrong, nor is it the amount of fish illegally taken. The issue here is democracy, racial discrimination, and the enforcement of law. A Gordian Knot cannot be untied; it must be cut.
Letter 5
Dear Sir,
Mr X...... appears to be a true product of this country's indoctrination machine which will tolerate no positive view of Western European culture, and no reproach of any culture described, (often incorrectly), as indigenous. I can assure him that he, like so many others in this country today, has been misled. The true story of New Zealand's ancient and colonial history bears precious little resemblance to the politically correct version. All that is required to realise this fact is the ability to think for oneself, (rare these days), objectivity, (even rarer), and the willingness to refer to relevant and still extant colonial literature.
When New Zealanders finally wake up to the truth of these matters, central to which is the perversion of the treaty of Waitangi, they will realise that their apathy had been instrumental in one of the most transparent confidence tricks in modern colonial history. I share with Mr X... a desire for a just and egalitarian society, but such a society can only arise out of honesty and reality, not propaganda.
Letter 6
Dear Sir,
The strategic plan of the council of Victoria University to make Women's Studies and Maori and Asian studies compulsory subjects for all students is further proof, (if more were needed), that the ongoing subversion of New Zealand society has now reached an important turning point. Such blatant tactics of indoctrination clearly demonstrate that the "educators" of society now feel that their social engineering has succeeded to the extent that they can now dispense with subtlety.
From the time of their inception, (about three thousand years ago), the highest ideal of Universities was intellectual freedom - i.e. the absolute antithesis of indoctrination. However, the current breed of "educators" obviously know better than Euclid, Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle etc, who were typical of the countless great individuals who through succeeding millennia laid the foundations of European civilisation and culture. Those people who today rejoice in the self assumed appellation of "educators" should know that education is not mere information, information is not knowledge, knowledge is not intelligence; intelligence is not wisdom, and wisdom is certainly not indoctrination.
One hardly deserves a prize for guessing why the education system, from kindergarten to varsity, is the chosen vehicle for the "great social plan". The staff and students at Victoria university who are "surprised" by this strategic plan would find enlightenment in the list of proposed compulsory subjects which clearly reveal both the intentions of the strategy, and the identity of the groups behind it. Suffice to say that the "enemy", according to political correctness, is anything European, anything masculine, and all the "old fashioned" values which derive from Christianity. If the rate of social decline over the last two or three decades does not suffice to show that this is not paranoia, then the very near future will.
Letter 7
Dear Sir,
So "The New Zealand Wars" has won best documentary award. Why am I not surprised? Accusations of the politically correct bias of this series are well founded. No wonder that society today is so plagued by racism and nationalism when modern historians appear to be as ignorant as anyone else regarding the absolute inevitability, and immeasurable evolutionary significance of colonisation.
Hence, Mr Belich believes that Maori must, without question, have the high moral ground, simply because they were resident here when the British arrived! Even if we ignore the fact that Maori too were migrants, let alone conquerors and enslavers, this sort of partisan blindness has always been a perpetual source of strife. There is no way that this country, along with the rest of the planet, could have escaped discovery and colonisation by advanced nations soon after they had developed the science of global navigation. History merely proves the point. Failing this, Maori tribal society would have continued its decline from a stage of development that the progressive world had surpassed thousands of years ago.
Together with so many other people today, Mr Belich should lift the lid off his irrational antipathy for British or "Western" culture to see what really lurks there. Despite transparent attempts to feign balance, "The New Zealand Wars" further reinforced the politically correct, and socially damaging perception that the British were the villains and the Maoris were either heroes or innocent victims. Sorry Mr Belich, real life is not like that. Not then, not now.
Letter 8
Dear Sir,
Mr. X... is as predictable as he is wrong. He regards my references to differentiation of consciousness among the different races, and future human groupings as "mysticism", but is not everything, in a sense, "mystical" until it becomes knowledge? Certain types of geometry and mathematics were sacred arts, and no doubt "mystical" to the average person when they were first introduced to humanity by Pythagoras and Euclid. What is speculation for one person may be objective knowledge to another. Certainly, the last word on the genesis, (note etymology of the word "genesis"), and significance of race, and of the anthropological history of New Zealand has not been said by the thoroughly materialistic anthropology of today.
While I certainly do not rest my case on Barry Brailsfords Book "The Song Of Waitaha" I refer Mr X to it. If the truth is to be arrived at it must be sought unconditionally, it is not won by starting with an agenda. According to the article, (O.D.T, letters page, 26/10), one agenda of modern anthropology is to stop racism by trying to disprove the existence of race! This is not logic, it is not science, it is not even honesty. Those who are tools of indoctrination, naturally cannot recognise it for what it is. Political correctness cannot solve social problems, it is a social problem.
Letter 9
Dear Sir,
The very few people in this country who understand something about tribal consciousness, and of how the anachronistic revival of this ancient, and now decadent consciousness lies at the root of Maori radicalism, will certainly have anticipated that people with covert radical sympathies would try to use the N.Z. First party as a platform for their aspirations. We now have a situation where people with a declared pro Maori agenda, (which is both racial discrimination and a contravention of democratic principals), are in a powerful position with regard to the nations treasury. The Aotearoa Television affair was entirely predictable and in the absence of extreme vigilance will be but another example of how tax payer funded Maori enterprises will be used to channel even more of the country's wealth into Maoridom.
This pro Maori racial discrimination is spuriously justified by a "politically correct", interpretation of the Treaty of Waitangi which, quite incredibly, relieves Maori of the responsibility of preserving their own language and culture and places this responsibility upon the shoulders of others. If Maori culture cannot be kept alive by the natural way of living it, but must be sustained by the life support system of endless millions of taxpayers dollars, then its time has come, and it should be allowed to pass away in timely dignity, just as all ancient cultures, including those of the Europeans, inevitably must.
A living culture lives in the moment, and as a living thing is in a perpetual state of dynamic metamorphosis and evolution. What is referred to these days as "Maori culture" is actually the culture of the Maori past, and is, quite literally, already history. Sensible Maori people should take no offence at these observations because only the radicals and their covert supporters, (of whatever race), are referred to.
Letter 10
Dear Sir,
The argument over the word "Pakeha" is but one symptom of an underlying threat to this country which New Zealanders should have been awake to decades ago.
Ever since the demise of common sense and the consequent infiltration of "political correctness" into every nook and cranny of this country's power structure, (particularly into our education system), the Maori extremist movement has had a free ride. The results are plain to see. However, one cannot use the term "Maori" without qualification these days.
Another correspondent has pointed out (20/3/97), that the advantages of being Maori are now so enormous that many essentially non Maori people with the slightest whiff of Maori blood, are suddenly "Maori". Apparently the predominating racial and cultural heritage of such people is of no account. Such is the effect of racist indoctrination.
Unless sanity returns the situation can only get worse, and all this is "justified" by a deceitful politically correct reinterpretation of the treaty of Waitangi which was surreptitiously foisted onto a conveniently sleeping public as a "fait accompli" which must not be questioned. However, unless New Zealander as a nation is prepared to let democracy slip away, and non Maori are prepared to live as second class citizens, it must be questioned.
I am sure that non Maori New Zealanders are quite happy to share everything with everybody. On the other hand it is perfectly clear that the new breed of Maori radical has no intention of sharing anything at all. This is a sure recipe for social disaster - which is the real concern. Sensible Maori people should not take offence at these observations since they, of course, are not referred to.
Letter 11
Dear Sir,
It is rather academic I suppose, that the collective ancestry of N.Z First's "tight five" is probably more European than Maori, because it is clear that the Maori "warrior" element holds sway. Say what you like about Winston Peters, be it - ambitious, egotistical, economical with the truth, etcetera.... but he is no racist. Therefore the present clash of factions within N.Z First was always inevitable.
However it is pleasing to note that the general public is starting to realise that the truth regarding racial and treaty matters is always the exact opposite to what any of the "tight five" say. It could be argued that the general calibre of our present world leadership is evidence of civilisation in steep decline. Be that as it may, the horrifying fact that characters like the "tight five" and (God forbid), ALAMEIN KOPU can rise to the heights of political power, lends weight to the theory that civilisation is at an end!
Letter 12
Dear Sir,
It is alarming to observe the remorseless social advance of the politically correct and feminist driven "deconstruction" of our entire European Christian value system. Because our educational institutions, from kindergarten to university have over the past thirty years been thoroughly infected with this psychological illness, no nook or cranny of society has remained untainted. On television a lesbian minister voices the "revisionist" mantra that there is no such thing as absolute truth, which at once makes all search for truth pointless and effectively negates the spiritual basis of religion. Apparently there can be as many "truths" as there are people because truth is "personal". A better recipe for conflict is hard to imagine.
In the judicial system we now have "judicial activism ", which is the increasing incursion of lawyers and the judiciary into the law making function of state parliaments. Thus we see individual judges overturning long standing and universally accepted laws on the basis of the "deconstructed " and "revisionist" version of the Treaty of Waitangi. (The Maori trout fishing license case etc). These are very dangerous precedents. In manifold ways today, society stands on the brink of a very slippery slope.
Letter 13
Dear Sir,
Sir Tipene O'Regans reply to Mr X.... letter regarding the Ngai Tahu land and resource claims is a classic example of how naked self interest can overrule the finer sensibilities, such as objectivity and the sense of natural justice.
There is no argument about the legal right of Maori to their tribal lands under British law. The question is the extent of land claimed as tribal territory.
Mr X....was questioning the arbitrary assumption of present day Ngai Tahu that they are the rightful owners of most of the South Island simply by virtue of the fact that their ancestors destroyed the resident Southern tribes in the late 18th century. It is very easy to claim rightful ownership of most of the South Island with a regal sweep of ones arm. It is the scandalous scale of the current Ngai Tahu claims which are the social outrage.
It is interesting that Sir Tipene enlists the argument of assimilation to his cause, because his reference to "the Pakeha mind", begs the question of his own ancestry. A person can very well know what they think about any given matter, and can possibly trace the intellectual rationale of their opinions, but they cannot possibly know the extent to which one particular stream of their mixed racial heritage contributes to their consciousness, and consequently to their world view and opinions. This is true for the excellent reason that they are obliged to use that very same mixed consciousness, or mentality, to come to any conclusion about it! (or about anything else). This is a very important point because most, if not all, of the Maori land claimants and agitators are only part Maori and sometimes predominantly non Maori. If it is insisted that a person with a predominantly non Maori ancestry is nevertheless a Maori, and is possessed of a Maori consciousness, a Maori soul, then it must be explained how this miracle occurs.
Despite the rhetoric of the Waitangi Tribunal, I suspect that most New Zealanders are well aware of where the greater "unconscionable fraud" lies.
Letter 14
Dear Sir,
John Connel, (letters, last edition, Metro), has hit the nail squarely on the head in identifying a totally inadequate education of world history as the main cause of the socially disastrous vacuum which exists where the self identity of European New Zealanders should be. Only against a background such as this contrived general ignorance could the socially ruinous falsehoods of political correctness have proliferated to the present level.
For two or three generations now, most "Kiwi" children have been denied any real conception of their illustrious cultural heritage. The significance and importance of such knowledge to ones self worth, moral strength, and sense of identity, cannot be overstated,(as the Maoris still well know). We may be New Zealanders nationally, but racially and culturally we are overwhelmingly European and British, and if we ever completely forget this simple fact, (or reject it, which is more to the point these days), then we are nothing. Our magnificent heritage lies mainly in old Europe, and reaches back, in a very real sense, to ancient Greece. These peoples, places, and cultures were the cradle of western civilisation, which now, quite properly, embraces the whole world. A greater power than mere human caprice stands behind this latter fact. It lies within the destiny of particular peoples, due to their unique qualities, to be the vehicle of great and necessary events at critical turning points in world history. Just such a necessary evolutionary process was the "gathering in", as it were, of the worlds peoples, by the deeds of the colonising western European nations, into the germinal beginnings of a unified humanity. Certainly, western civilisation, at a certain point in time, took a potentially fatal wrong turn, but this was due to precisely the same lack of inner truthfulness which in our times finds expression as extreme Left wing "political correctness." Social catastrophe cannot be avoided unless this weakness is overcome.
In any event, no greater mistake can be made by confused European New Zealanders than to hopelessly try identify themselves with the ancient Polynesian culture, the level of which, for them, lies thousands of years in their past. The only way into the future is to learn from the mistakes of the past, and build upon the good spirit of all that is great in Western civilisation. Nothing new can be learned from old past cultures. At the very most, all that Europeans can gain from the old (genuine) Maori culture is perhaps to be reminded of some eternal truths which they have forgotten due to the advent of one sided scientific materialism.
Letter 15
Dear Sir,
Mr X...... will be pleased to see an article supporting his position appearing on the same page as "letters". However, rubbish squared is still rubbish. The "intellectual consensus" that "race has no basic biological reality" does not disprove the reality of race, nor does it prove that race is merely a social invention. Rather it suggests that the genesis, (note etymology of the word "genesis"), of human racial differentiation is as much a matter of consciousness as of biology. Even so, an objective observation of real life confirms that the different types, or stages, of human consciousness have always been, and currently still are, carried by particular racial groups. Certainly, racial differentiation as we presently understand it is gradually dying out, and the least developed races, (who are, of course, also the "purest" races), are always in the process of extinction or assimilation as a consequence of the fact that the consciousness for which they are the vehicle, is evolving to a higher stage.
And please, let us not confuse consciousness with intelligence. Human groupings in the far future will be upon an entirely new basis. In any event the point has been missed, race in itself is not the problem but divisiveness, fear, prejudice etc, and any human difference, including ethnicity, can equally serve as a target for these failings. Consider only religion, sectarianism, class, cast, feminism e.t.c. The main cause of problems between peoples of different races is not physical difference, but differentiation of consciousness, and the different way that they think and feel as a result of this. The meeting of a tribal consciousness, for example, with people of a civilisation of which the tribal stage lies some two/three thousand years in their past, is bound to cause some difficulties.
In accordance with Mr X's.... theory that there is no such thing as race based upon heredity, but only "ethnicity" learned from social environment, there should not be any Maoris at all in New Zealand today. This is so because everybody's social environment in these modern times is far more European than truly Maori.
Letter 16
Dear Sir,
Time and again Mr X.....shows himself to be completely under the spell of the poisonous politically correct ideology which, in combination with inhuman Right wing policies in the economic sphere, is bringing this country to its knees.
In a typically ill-considered way Mr X... has twice thrown into the ring the old chestnut about Maori school pupils being beaten in the old days for speaking their own language. This is a classic use of the half truth which is a favourite weapon of social agitation. No doubt Mr X...... would love to believe that only Maori pupils were subjected to corporeal punishment in those days for perceived misdemeanours. The truth, (which would suggest itself to unprejudiced consideration), is that the wise Maori leaders of the time, knew then what Mr X........ apparently does not know yet, i.e that it was absolutely essential for the future well-being of Maori that they should have full access to the endless education for which the English language is the gateway. Thus it was the Maori chiefs or elders themselves, as much as the European authorities who insisted that their children learn to speak English at school. Only during school hours were Maori pupils, quite sensibly, forbidden to speak Maori. No attempt was made, nor would it have been feasible, and nor would it have served any purpose to try to prevent the use of Maori at any other time.
The slightest degree of goodwill would acknowledge that in freely offering education to the Maori the reviled "Pakeha" were in fact giving them a gift beyond measure. This is the truth of the matter, politically incorrect as it may be. Has the learned Mr X...... considered the consequences for Maoris of not learning English? However, I am only too aware that people who are caught up in the fervour of ideology have no use for the truth.
Letter 17
Dear Sir,
For those who are in touch with the subliminal undercurrents in N.Z society, the erosion of the humanities and European languages department in Otago university will come as no surprise. They will recognise this as a clear sign that the covert and long standing anti European campaign in this country is nearing its culmination. After all, this is a country in which Treasury officials recommended that the great European classics in the Alexander Turnbull library should be sold because (quote) "they have nothing to do with us!!
This phenomenon is not confined to N.Z, the same thing has already happened in Australian universities. Vice chancellor Fogelberg correctly points out that interest in European languages is waning. Quite so. What more compelling reason can be given than this to justify funding cuts? However it is a vicious circle which will end in the Australian situation.
The question to be asked is why is there is a lack of interest in European language and culture? The answer, is that for several decades now New Zealand children of European descent have, from kindergarten to university, been denied any real appreciation of the immense richness and significance of their cultural heritage, which lies mainly in Western Europe and reaches back, in a very real sense, to ancient Greece. A negative impression of things European has been instilled into our children. This is the reason that there is a lack of interest and even an antipathy towards European culture and history in "Kiwiland" today. This is also the explanation for the vacuum which exists where the self identity of British/European New Zealanders should be.
Letter 18
Dear Sir,
It is reassuring to see the avalanche of letters condemning the proposed cuts to European languages at Otago university. Many references have been made to the importance of European civilisation, (without which modern New Zealand would not exist), and to the lack of appreciation of our European heritage. However, a disinclination to penetrate to the heart of matters is typical of today's consciousness. It is self evident that there would be no question of cuts in European languages if enough students had an appropriately healthy interest in them. Therefore the root cause of the problem, (and of many others in this country today), is the rejection by many present day "Kiwis" of all but the last hundred years or so of their spiritual and cultural heritage. Until about fifty years ago New Zealanders knew exactly who and what they were. Their strength, purpose, and values rested on the rock firm foundation of Christian Europe. Consider the trend of New Zealand society since then.
Letter 19
Dear Sir,
It should be abundantly clear by now, (even to the "politically correct"), that tribalism is totally incompatible with democracy. In the case of New Zealand, the existence, and blatant misuse of the treaty of Waitangi by radicalism and political correctness has enormously amplified the unavoidable, but hitherto manageable difficulties which inevitably arise out of this fundamental incompatibility. As an expression of an ancient and anachronistic consciousness, tribalism can only exist in the context of its proper chronology and milieu. In other words, in a modern democracy it is out of time and out of place. Tribal mentality simply cannot be permitted free reign in the overall embrace of a democratic society without causing the insoluble problems we are now experiencing. Unless commonsense breaks out very soon, this country will be obliged to make a choice between:- the treaty and racial discrimination, or democracy and equal rights for all. Come what may, I shall not pursue this matter much further. If the silent majority, either by desire or apathy, are content to let the country go down this disastrous road, then so be it.
Letter 20
Dear Sir,
It is only due to the present politically correct delirium that Sir Tipene O'Regans convenient and lucrative belief that he is a Maori, is taken seriously. If it is true that he is 3/4 "Pakeha" then he is in no position to dispute the point, because he can only do so by using his 3/4 Pakeha mind. Similarly, being Maori cannot be "state of mind" if that mind is 3/4 non Maori because only a true full blooded Maori can know how a true Maori "feels".
Sir Tipene and all such charlatans are hoist on their own petards. The old time genuine Maori used to take offence at even half casts regarding themselves as Maori, so it is extremely fortuitous for Sir Tipene and his fellow "tribesmen" that few, if any, genuine Maori still exist. As Mr X.... has pointed out it is biologically unheard of for unfashionable Pakeha genes to simply vanish, and for Maori ones to proliferate to fill the vacancies.
Perhaps this a new angle on Darwinism which, incredibly, nobody has thought of yet, i.e. natural selection by genes themselves in anticipation of a future social madness which would give them the advantage. However, it is difficult to see how genes could have foreseen political correctness.
Letter 21
Dear Sir,
It is disappointing to see the usually sensible Peter Tapsell advocating the compulsory learning of Maori language in our schools. If there were any real wisdom remaining in outer society it would be known that " for all things there is a season", and that no power on earth can stop the Maori culture and language from eventually passing away. We call it evolution. Maori culture, in the pre colonial sense, has indeed already long since passed into history.
Human cultures and societies are at every moment in a natural process of dynamic metamorphosis, even without the impact of dominant colonising civilisations. If we had an education system worthy of the name, it would be general knowledge that scores, perhaps hundreds of cultures and languages in the course of history have become extinct, or have changed beyond recognition by blending with other cultures, the both becoming the richer for it. Let us not forget that even the mighty Roman empire, the dominant and leading culture of the then known world, has, together with its language (latin), passed away. How many past civilisations, races, and languages have synthesised and evolved to become the modern language and culture we know as English? And this too shall pass, "in its season". The demise of ancient cultures should, ideally, be neither be hastened nor prolonged, but be allowed to pass in dignity and gratitude and not be kept artificially alive as humiliating caricatures of their former reality.
If Ranginui Walker possessed any remnant of the old Maori consciousness he would know that it is the fruits of the past which we carry forward with us into the future, not the trappings. Such agitators have no wish to arrive at the truth since they suspect this may not be to their advantage. They only wish to win the argument. All that was true and beautiful in past civilisations and cultures, including that of the Maori, we carry on with us as qualities of soul. Nothing of true worth is ever irretrievably lost, thus mankind progresses.