Data Displays

Big Ideas

Numerical quantities, calculations, and measurements can be estimated or analyzed by using appropriate strategies and tools.

Mathematical relations and functions can be modeled through multiple representations and analyzed to raise and answer questions.

Data can be modeled and used to make inferences.

Essential Questions

What does it mean to estimate or analyze numerical quantities?

What makes a tool and/or strategy appropriate for a given task?

How can data be organized and represented to provide insight into the relationship between quantities?

How does the type of data influence the choice of display?

How can probability and data analysis be used to make predictions?

Food Stand Showdown Data and Measurement.pdf

Measurement and Data Practice

Food Stand Showdown

from Teaching Take the Cake

Click the PDF for a fun interactive way to practice measurement and data utilizing food stands! All materials are ready for printing.

Check out more great items from Teaching Takes the Cake TPT page!

Khan Academy offers many ways to represent data with the video linked HERE.

Need Real-Life Examples of Data?

Visit the Math Goodies site HERE and click on Data and Graphs to see how students are shown how to read, interpret and construct line, bar and circle graphs.

Math-Aids.Com offers access to quick and easy printable

practice with charts and graphs.