John Ketteringham

Amateur rider John Peter Ketteringham was the son of Norfolk dairy farmer Arthur Ketteringham, who held a trainer’s permit. The family was based at Drayton, near Norwich. Their racing colours were yellow, red sleeves, check cap.

John rode four winners under National Hunt rules, the first of them on hunter chaser Prince Damask at Huntingdon on Whit Monday, June 11, 1962. His second was on Air Sil for Wymondham permit holder Jack Bloom at West Norfolk Hunt (Fakenham) on Easter Monday 1963.

His third winner was for yet another Norfolk permit holder, Cromer-based Tom Phillips’ hunter chaser Prilliard in the Prince of Wales’s Cup at Fakenham – it had become officially known as Fakenham at the start of that season – on Easter Monday 1964. He also gave Prilliard a fine ride to win the “Clapper” Hunters’ Challenge Cup Chase at Plumpton in February 1965. That turned out to be his last winner under National Hunt rules.

John had to put up a massive 22lb overweight at 11st 3lb when riding the grey Coup de Vent III (pulled up) in the Bullards Beer Handicap Chase at Fakenham on Easter Monday 1965, so weight clearly limited his ability to ride in anything more than hunter chases.

He duly inherited his father’s training permit and achieved a reasonable amount of success, mainly at Fakenham, with the likes of Regis, Marshal Latham and Bilbao.

John Ketteringham’s winners under National Hunt rules were:

1. Prince Damask, Huntingdon, June 1, 1962

2. Air Sil, West Norfolk Hunt (Fakenham) April 15, 1963

3. Prilliard, Fakenham, March 30, 1964

4. Prilliard. Plumpton, February 22, 1965