Gay Kindersley

1930 - 2011

Gay was born in Ireland on June 2, 1930, and rode his first winner, Tight Knight, at Newton Abbott on September 6, 1952.

His debut had come in a Flat race at Mullingar in June, 1948.

He was champion amateur in 1959-60 with 22 wins.

Gay broke his spine when Eric's Star fell at Hurst Park in February, 1962. Against doctor's orders, he rode on the Flat until 1969.

He became a popular trainer.

He was educated at Eton and served with the 7th (Queen's Own) Hussars.

Gay won the 1953 Cheltenham Foxhunters' on Merry (dead heat) and the 1959 Kim Muir on Irish Coffee.

He was 80 when he died on April 21, 2011.