F.34 Identify process of decision making

After mastering F.34, your students should be able to answer the following questions:

  • What is a decision?
  • What is decision-making?
  • What are the six key steps in the decision-making process?
      1. Define the problem
      2. List all possible options
      3. Evaluate all possible options
      4. Select the best possible option
      5. Evaluate your decision
      6. Assume responsibility for the decision that you made
  • What are some of the common group decision-making styles?
  • Why are some decision difficult to make?
  • What are some alternatives to the decision-making process? Explain why they should be avoided.
      • Impulsive
      • Fatalistic
      • Complacent
      • Procrastinate
      • Agonize
  • What is the relationship between a bad decision and a bad outcome?