B.10 Use the telephone to arrange an interview

After mastering B.10, your students should be able to explain the following processes:

  • How to use the telephone to arrange an interview
      1. Think through your opening line.
      2. Think through possible questions you might ask.
      3. Establish a meeting date and time.
      4. Establish the name and office location.
      5. Ask if there is any additional information you might bring to the interview.
      6. Thank the respondent.
      7. Get ready for the interview.
  • What to do if you are called for an interview
      1. Respond positively.
      2. Inquire more specific information about the job.
      3. Establish meeting date and time.
      4. Establish interview location.
      5. Establish name of person conducting the interview.
      6. Ask if there is any additional information you might bring to the interview.
      7. Thank the caller.
      8. Write down all important information.
      9. Get ready for the interview.