of the Eucharist
Icon was created in 8 september a.d.2000
Description of the icon
of the Mother of God
of the Eucharist,
"Woman of the Eucharist"
"They all unanimously prayed with the women, Mary, Mother of Jesus, and his brothers" (Acts 1:14).
"this Body and this Divine Blood, which after the consecration are present on the altar and are offered to the Father, become a communion of love for all, strengthening us in the unity of the Holy Spirit to build the Church: this Body and Blood retain their original resemblance to Mary.
In her, this body and blood was prepared earlier than she offered it to the Word as a gift of the whole human family, and that it may be put on it, becoming our Redeemer, High Priest and Sacrifice.
So at the roots of the Eucharist is the virgin life of Mary, her abundant experience of God, her path of faith and love, which through the Holy Spirit transform her body into a temple and her heart into an altar: she conceived not by nature but by faith in the act in free and completely conscious, in the act of obedience (...)
Christ born in order to become a pure, holy and immaculate sacrifice, made the only sacrifice on the altar of the cross, which every Holy Mass renews and makes present in a bloodless way. Mary, the first of the redeemed, Mother of the Church, had her active participation in this sacrifice. She stood next to the Crucified, deeply with her only begotten, she suffered: with her sacrifice she joined with the motherly spirit, lovingly accepting his sacrificial destruction: she offered him and offered herself to the Father.
Each Eucharist is a reminder of that Sacrifice and Passover, which brought life to the world again; every mass he introduces us to the most intimate communion with her, a mother whose sacrifice is made present, just as the Son's is present in the words of the consecration of Bread and Wine, uttered by the priest. "
(John Paul II, Angelus of the Lord, June 5, 1983)
The icon of the Eucharistic Mother of God, Mary-Woman of the Eucharist, is a symbolic icon depicting the blue figure of Mary with the Broken Host, which rests in her hands.
This icon carries the desire to reveal a part of the Mystery, which is the Christian Eucharistic identity. In Mary as the first. In Mary, who in her tender motherhood, knows how to lead safely where she was first.
In this icon Mary invites us: enter the Interior ... enter the Interior of the Eucharist.
The Host rests in Mary's hands.
"If anyone loves me, he will keep my teaching and my Father will love him and we will come to him and stay with him" (Jn 14:23). These words of Jesus reveal the perspective of the depth of our identity which was opened to us by the baptism of Saint.
The first step for anyone who wants union with God is the decision: "I choose spiritual poverty", because "only an empty vessel can be filled".
Saint John the Baptist proclaimed that we would be baptized with the Holy Spirit and fire (cf. Mt 3:11);
regarding the subject of our union with God, based on the experience of mystics, we can say that we will need the experience of being baptized by the humility of Jesus and in the Humility of Jesus, that we will need the experience of being baptized in the Unconditional Love of the Father, in the Purifying Fire of the Holy Spirit;
For what purpose?
- to lose "my" faith and "my" knowledge of God and to know God in God;
- to experience in every cell the soul and body, which means that I am saved and justified by God;
- to regain self and freedom, and to know what it means to be human;
- that the Love of God would spread not only in the heart but also in the wounds of our life story;
- to make us not strong but even weaker;
- that knowledge give way to wisdom.
The gesture of the resting Host in the hands of Mary wants to tell us that we do not have God, but that God possesses us, that "God gives grace to the humble" (cf. 1 Peter 5,5) because in those who were "annihilated" »In Humility, we can see God.
Broken Host.
Mary, adore the Body Released and Jesus' Blood.
She herself in the Passion of the Son of God was broken like Eucharistic bread. Mary, Mother of the Church - Mother of the Body of Jesus, leads us in contemplation of the Eucharist. He invites us: enter the Interior ...
Looking at the Broken Host, we can hear the words of Jesus again:
"I am the gate ..." (Jn 10,9)
For the gate to open in us, to go and go further - deeper, to freedom, to unity with God, sometimes something must break in us, sometimes something must happen that breaks us; and when we experience, for example, that we have lost everything and cease to feel anything except the bottom we will touch (or it touches us), then the Released Body and the Blood of Jesus shed will save us in hope and create us again. The Broken Host expresses the Eucharistic wisdom that it is necessary to break, not to separate, but to distribute love, to distribute more efficiently, not because of our own strength, but in the Released Body and Blood of Jesus.
"The bread that I will give is my body for the life of the world." (J 6.51)
The broken Host rests in Mary's hands as if in a monstrance ...
We are like a monstrance filled with the presence of a God who loves.
"Don't you know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? (...) The Temple of God is holy, and you are her "(1 Corinthians 3:16, 17).
A Christian is someone who owes everything because he received everything ... because he received everything from Love! The only motive for our presence before God is gratitude, reciprocity, compassion with God's heart. We come to Adoration, we pray that our daily pursuit of work and various commitments and concerns will bring "oxygen" to life. We are reborn, grateful to God.
We know that it is worth "taking off your sandals" and putting yourself and our "everything" in front of the "burning bush", so that every cell of our soul and body can hear His voice: "I AM." This kindles our gratitude and reciprocity in our relationship with God; gratitude makes us happy; and only a happy person can radiate happiness and let others feel happy. Gratitude to God makes us able to accept the gift of freedom and to live in empathy.
The icon of Mary the Eucharistic Mother of God is also an icon of Mary the Mother of Martyrs ...
The Broken Host is a symbol of the gate, a symbol of "breaking", that is, passing through the Interior of the Sacrifice of the Released Body and the Blood of Jesus. The Christian knows that he lives for the Love and that in this Love he will rise again, to love forever, to be endlessly happy, forever ... therefore he is aware that the path of faith also leads through various dimensions of the Mystery of Martyrdom. We read in Saint Revelation 7: 13-14:
"And one of the Elders said to me with these words:
«Those dressed in white robes
who are they and where did they come from? »
And I said to him:
"Lord, you know."
And he said to me:
«They are those who come from the great tribulation
and they rinsed their robes,
and they whitened them in the blood of the Lamb. "
The fruit of spiritual martyrdom is, among others freedom from yourself. The "Heart of a Child" is born in us (cf. Mt 18.3-4), which on the threshold of eternity, what will have the most precious to offer to God is the Blood of the Lamb and tears of gratitude ...
By experiencing the free love of God within us, living with God in mutual "I love You", we also mature to bear witness to the world: faithful to love among fashion for infidelity; quietly responding to the cry of aggression and cynicism; at all costs, obey Jesus in a world that imposes subjectivity on the truths of faith; at every humble price, like Jesus, in the face of the power of transmission of the mentality of the apotheosis of the human "I"; in a world without sin as those who return to the confessional.
Living with God in mutual "I love You", we mature to bear witness to the world, but always watching that nothing worse would happen to ourselves: "God, thank You that I am not like other people ..."
(Lk 18: 9-14).
always remembering: "What have you what you would not have received?" (1 Corinthians 4,7)
We live and die in the name of God who is Love (1 Jn 4:16) in union with His Will, "that Love may be loved" (Saint Francis of Assisi) now and forever.
Mary, All in the Eucharist, Mother of Martyrs, Mother of Christians - people who carry the happiness of eternal gratitude, lead our faith through the Open Gate of every trial.
Mary, Mother in a Blue Robe, as if woven from the tears of Your Children, lead our hope to the Shining Sources of the Holy Spirit who makes everything new.
Mary, All in the Eucharist, Mother of Martyrs, lead us through the Interior of the Eucharist, through the Mystery of the Body Released and Blood shed, lead our heart, Mother of Martyrs, to the Father who created LOVE.
"And I heard a loud voice saying from the throne:
«This is God's tabernacle with people:
and live with them,
and they will be His people
and He will be "GOD WITH HIM".
And wipe away every tear from their eyes
and death will be no more.
No mourning, no screaming, no hardship
there will be no more
for the first things have passed away ».
And he who sat on the throne said:
"Here I am making everything new".
I want
I will give free drink from the water source of life.
The winner will inherit it
and I will be God to him
and he will be a son to me. "
(Rev 21: 3-7)
December 2019