Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel Icon
Description of the Guardian Angel Icon:
"My angel will go before you" (Ex 32:34)
One can get the impression that one of the most common words Moses heard from God was: "go" (Ex 32, 34).
This call was about going into the unknown, going into situations that were beyond the human capacity of this God-chosen man. New perspectives and related new fears ...
But the God who is love (cf. 1 Jn 4:16), the God who has his Heart in the heart of man, bends down, as we express it today, empathizes with man's fear and encourages as if saying: you are not alone , I will not leave you alone - "my angel will go before you" (Exodus 32:34).
In the Holy Scriptures we find the truth that the Lord God gave each of us a friend, protector, to support and keep our steps in the clock of the time of our life, which is tending to eternity. We call this friend and protector our Guardian Angel. He is also the messenger of the Holy Trinity. He participates in our personal intimate liturgy of the heart to raise our prayers and sighs before the Face of the Living God:
"And another angel came,
and he stood at the altar, having a golden casserole vessel,
and he was given many incense,
to sacrifice them
as prayers of all saints,
to the golden altar before the throne.
And the smoke of incense rose,
as prayers of saints,
from the hand of an angel before God."
(Rev 8: 3-4)
The Guardian Angel Icon depicts this biblical truth.
In this icon, we see the Guardian Angel holding in his left hand, as if close to his heart a transparent sphere with a tiny figure wrapped in white robes. This symbol depicts the soul of a man entrusted to the Angel's protection (is depicted) with an irrevocable promise of God as inscribed on a rock: "my angel will go before you". By the white figure of a man, we notice the closeness of the thurible - a golden vessel, the interior of which will be filled with man's prayer, incense of prayer, devoted to God in Holy Baptism throughout his life.
In his right hand, the Angel holds a staff named rabdos;( in Hebrew matteh) it is a symbol of God's given spiritual authority. The Guardian Angel carries out his mission towards us in the deepest obedience to God. This is expressed, indicated by a symbol called pendition - a ribbon in the angel's hair.
The Angel's outer garment, the hymation, is made of blue and green, a symbol of heaven and life. Our Guardian Angel surrounds us with this reality.
His inner robe, hiton, has the colour of a human body with clearly marked blue streaks reflecting the light of the future life that permeates our human "now".
In the face of what we are experiencing in our lives at the present moment and in the face of the reality called "tomorrow", God bends down with His Heart over our heart and promises: "my angel will go before you" ...
Angel of God, My Guardian
Touch my dreams with light
open your busy thoughts to Silence
summon the Wind
let Humility begin
and though I still don't see much
let me come back
over there
wherever only
Angel of God, My Guardian
Touch my dreams with light