Bi-Annual Cadet Challenge - PT Test Information


Considered a critical aspect of a person's overall health and wellness by the military, NJROTC also places significant emphasis on physical fitness. Cadet's are expected to participate in all required events unless excused by a doctor. Our goal is to take each Cadets level of fitness and improve it by teaching and executing responsible fitness activities as well as teaching Cadets to become responsible for their own diet and activity levels.

The Cadet Challenge -- AKA -- "The PT Test"

The Cadet Challenge (PT Test) is a test administered twice a year to measure where your fitness level falls among the Cadets of your age and gender in the 583 other NJROTC units around the world. It is administered twice a year, Fall and Spring. This test is a modified version of the U.S. Navy Physical Readiness Test that is also administered bi-annually.

The primary difference between the two is that the Active and Reserve Navy members must run a 1.5 mile course, while NJROTC runs a 1 mile course.

The cadet Challenge consists of three exercises:

2 minutes of timed (no cadence) Push Ups

2 minutes of timed (no cadence) Curl Ups

and a timed 1-Mile Run

The PT ribbon will be awarded for attaining the satisfactory level in each category. Lamp that attach to the ribbon will be awarded for cadets that exceed the satisfactory scores. The different lamp attachments represent good (bronze lamp), excellent (silver lamp), and outstanding (gold lamp). Use the “scoring standards” below to determine overall points and award.

1 - Click expand button in upper right corner of the calculator to open

2 - Enter your PT scores as per the directions in the sheet

3 - Please delete your entries before closing the calculator to clear it for the next user.

PT TEST Calculator - Male

1 - Click expand button in upper right corner of the calculator to open

2 - Enter your PT scores as per the directions in the sheet

3 - Please delete your entries before closing the calculator to clear it for the next user.

PT TEST Calculator - Female