辛靜婷 國立清華大學幼兒教育學系教授兼系主任
美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校 課程與教學哲學博士
Ching-Ting Hsin / Professor & Chair
Dept. of Early Childhood Education of National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Email: cthsin@mx.nthu.edu.tw
Scopus ID: 51763846200
Dr. Ching-Ting Hsin is an Professor & Chair in the Department of Early Childhood Education in Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. She has accumulated over twenty years of experience in academia and classrooms. She was a preschool and kindergarten teacher in Taiwan and the U.S. Her research involves working with Indigenous communities to improve young children’s literacy in Chinese, Indigenous language, and science and engineering practices. She developed and implemented culturally relevant phonological curricula for young Indigenous children, emphasizing their development of literacy and identity. She also developed early STEM curriculum modules to improve Indigenous and mainstream children’s science and engineering practices. Recently, adopting Indigenous knowledge, she created books for young children to learn Atayal languages. Her current project is integrating AI technology and developing an APP to facilitate the transmission of Indigenous languages and cultures.
Dr. Hsin focuses on issues related to children of diverse cultural backgrounds (i.e., Indigenous and new-immigrant children), hoping that more educational resources will be invested in underrepresented communities and achieve the goal of educational equity.
Dr. Hsin has published articles in quality peer-reviewed journals. She received the Young Scholar Research Grant Award from the Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology. She has also received research awards from her university for years. Her research interests include early STEM education, sociocultural approaches to literacies, culturally sustaining early Indigenous languages and STEM curricula, multicultural education, and qualitative research methods.
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