Packages Method

Package-based Creation

Package based method offered in Traveller Companion is the fastest method to roll up a Traveller character by far. It involves four simple steps:

  1. Create an assign Characteristics;

    • Characteristics are generated the same way as with Lifepath creation, extra characteristics and alternative assignment methods are applicable.

  2. Select a Background Package;

    • Background Package replaces Background Skills!

    • at this point Character's age is set to 22 standard years.

  3. Select a Career Package;

    • at this point Character's age is increased by 3D standard years;

    • only one Career Package can be taken!

  4. Apply Final Adjustments.

While selecting Background and Career Packages, characteristic adjustments cannot bring the score below 1 or above 15!

While selecting Background and Career Packages, skill levels stack! For example an Admin skill 1 from Metropolis Background Package stacks with an Admin skill 3 from Administrator Career Package for a total of Admin 4. However, maximum skill level during character creation is 4!

Reference: Traveller Companion, page 13.

Note: The method expects an Imperial/Generic human culture, six basic characteristics and generic human species. This means that using it for different cultures, characteristic sets and species with significant differences in lifespan or available characteristics might require special consideration by the Referee!

Final Adjustments

Final adjustments step allows, well, adjustment, duh, of the cookie cutter Traveller created with packages to the adventure at hand. It has three steps to do it. Players can select the desired option or roll for it at each step.

  • Bolster career skills or rank:

    1. Increase any skill offered at level 1 or above in the Traveller’s career package to level 4;

    2. Increase any 3 skills listed in the Traveller’s career package at any level by one each, to a maximum of 2;

    3. Leave the service at Rank 4 without gaining extra skills.

  • Gain a pair of extra skills at level 1:

    1. Vacc Suit and Steward;

    2. Gunner (any) and Mechanic;

    3. Pilot (any) and Electronics (any);

    4. Gun Combat (any) and Recon;

    5. Melee (any) and Streetwise;

    6. Broker and Admin;

    7. Carouse and Deception;

    8. Engineer (any) and Electronics (any);

    9. Science (any) and Investigate;

    10. Drive (any) and Profession (any);

    11. Survival and Navigation;

    12. Medic and Admin.

  • Gain a Benefit:

    1. 1 Ship Share;

    2. Cr100000 in cash;

    3. Combat implant;

    4. 1 Ally and 2 Contacts;

    5. TAS Membership;

    6. SOC+1.

Note: Benefits are the same as for the normal Lifepath creation.

Reference: Traveller Companion, page 21.

Regarding Skill Packages

Referee may still choose to distribute a Skill Package at the beginning of the game to round up player skills!

Reference: Traveller Companion, page 16.

Hybrid Package/Lifepath Creation

Hybrid option for Traveller creation begins like Package method and takes its two first steps, then proceeds to begin the adventure or resolve any number of career Terms. Hybrid creation takes the following steps:

  1. Create an assign Characteristics;

  2. Select a Background Package;

    • at this point Character's age is set to 22 standard years.

  3. Start adventuring or embark on a Career Term as normal.

Reference: Traveller Companion, page 13.

Not sure why would one employ this shortcut to selecting Background Skills and resolving Pre-career Education, but it is offered as an option, so here it is.


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