Te Tiriti o Waitangi




The Maori people are the indigenous race of New Zealand/Aotearoa and their language and culture are a living part of New Zealand society.  Te Tiriti o Waitangi is one of the founding documents of Aotearoa New Zealand. It represents the binding contract between Māori and the Crown.  Gorge Road School accepts its responsibility to fulfil the intent of te Tiriti.

We do this by:
*Working to ensure our plans, policies and curriculum reflect tikanga Māori (practices and values),  mātauranga Māori (knowledge) and te ao Māori (the Māori world).

*Taking reasonable steps to make instruction in tikanga Māori and te reo Māori (language) available.

*Working to achieve equitable outcomes for ākonga Māori (learners).

Gorge Road School works from the principles of partnership, protection and participation. 


Gorge Road School aims to work in partnership with our local Māori community to support rangatiratanga/ self-determination. We actively seek guidance to help us better meet the needs of our ākonga Māori (Māori learners) to ensure they experience educational success as Māori. (NELP Priority 3)

We consult with our local community on the development of our charter/strategic plan and seek opportunities to collaborate with Māori to develop learning in te reo Māori. (NELP Priority 2)

We acknowledge the special position of Māori in New Zealand society. We work together to achieve the best environment for success for our students. We consult with our Māori community in creating and maintaining our school charter (see  School Planning and Reporting), which is the guiding document of our school, and we access cultural advice as appropriate. (NELP Priority 2)


Gorge Road School actively promotes and protects mātauranga Māori (knowledge), te reo Māori (language) and tikanga Māori (practices and values) and ensures they are valued and meaningfully incorporated into everyday activities. (NELP Priority 5)  

We support our teachers to build their teaching capability, knowledge and skills in te reo Māori and tikanga Māori. We provide opportunities for teachers to develop their understanding and practice of culturally responsive teaching. (NELP Priority 6)  

We recognise, respect and value each person's culture and identity and their right to follow their own cultural direction. (NELP Priority 2)
See  Recognition of Cultural Diversity.


Gorge Road School has high aspirations for every student. We encourage the participation and engagement of ākonga and their whānau in school life. Building stronger relationships with the community helps us to better meet the needs of all students and to sustain their identities, languages and cultures. Participation of whānau as well as the wider community informs the design and delivery of our programmes to ensure educational success. (NELP Priority 2)

We promote Māori achievement (see Improve Educational Outcomes for Māori Students) and equal opportunities for all members of the school community, including our staff and our students who need extra support at school. See  Equal Employment Opportunities and  Students with Special Needs. 

These principles guide our practice and are incorporated into our policies and procedures.


1.    The school will, on a regular basis, consult with the Māori community and the wider community to ensure programmes reflect the needs and expectations of the learners.

2.    Staff development wil aim to increase knowledge, awareness and understanding of things Maori, allowing a greater inclusion of these aspects in class programmes and school culture.   

3.    The school will access resource people in the local and wider community to enlist their assistance.

4.    The school will provide a welcoming atmosphere for all parents and be sensitive to aspects of all cultures.

5.    Curriculum planning will ensure Maori perspectives are embodied in the content, methodology and assessment.

6.    Teaching strategies will utilise Maori examples.

7.    The school will actively seek to implement the Maori dimension throughout school activities/ settings; and budgeting will reflect the need to implement te Tiriti.



We acknowledge New Zealand's cultural diversity and the unique position of Māori as tangata whenua.Reviewed Term 1,  2023