Sun Protection

Sun Protection

Our sun protection policy has two main aims:

· to protect our students and staff from excessive exposure to the sun's UVR while they are at school

· to educate the school community about the harmful effects of excessive exposure to the sun's UVR, and how to keep themselves safe.

During terms 1 and 4, between 10 am and 4 pm, the school models “sun-safe” practices and ensures that staff and students take the following steps to protect themselves. The staff:

· encourage children to protect themselves with broad spectrum sunscreen of at least SPF30 and by sitting/ playing in the shade where possible.

· require students to wear hats that protect the face, neck, and ears, whenever they are outside and involved in school activities. Students at school without a hat must remain in a shaded area at break times.

· model appropriate sun-safe behaviour when they are outside and involved in school activities, by wearing hats and making use of shade whenever possible. Parents are also encouraged to wear sunhats and be positive role models when picking up children or participating in school activities.

· encourage children to wear clothing that protects the skin from the sun (for example, shirts with sleeves and collars).

· try to schedule outdoor activities to minimise exposure to the sun during the summer.

· include sun protection in the risk management plan developed for EOTC activities.

The school educates the whole school community by:

· providing information about skin cancer and its health risk in class programmes every year.

· alerting caregivers and the community to the health problem of excessive UVR through posters, pamphlets, and information in school newsletters.

· informing enrolling parents of the school's sun protection policy.

The board of trustees:

· includes shade creation in its property planning.

· ensures ongoing assessment of SunSmart behaviour, shade provision, and curriculum emphasis.

· reviews the sun protection policy with the staff and parents at least every three years.

What about terms 2 and 3?

Sun exposure has benefits, including increasing Vitamin D absorption. During terms 2 and 3, UVR is generally at a low level and students do not normally need to wear hats or sunscreen, or stay in the shade. They should be encouraged to actively enjoy the sun. However, from the beginning of September, levels of UVR start to increase, so if the children will be exposed to the sun for long periods – such as at a sports day – sun protection practices are appropriate.

Reviewed 31/10/2022