6th Grade

Week 3

4/13 - 4/20

Hi All,

Well hmmm... For some reason only three students turned in the Scratch assignment that was due last week. I'm not sure what the issue was but I'll send out another set of emails to the parents to make sure our channels of communication aren't disrupted somehow.

For those of you who did correctly turn in the homework, you are free and clear for the week. I'd still like to you to email me a video of you playing your newly created game! For those of you who haven't completed the assignment, I'm going to extend the deadline until the end of the week. Please be sure it is done by then!

There will be a typing test next week. You are on your honor to make sure you have something to cover your hands to prevent you from looking down at the letters. Again, once you get in that habit it's a hard one to break!

Stay safe,

  • Mr. Barlowe