2nd Grade

Week 2

4/5 - 4/12

2nd Grade Computer Class Week 2

Writing Prompts

Hello again everyone! I hope you are all doing well and staying sane and active during this odd turn of events. This week I will be creating a Technology Class website that will be linked to your teacher’s homepage so you won’t be swamped with all of these emails. If you would still like to receive an email from me instead, please let me know and I’ll be happy to accommodate you!

This week we’ll be working with writing prompts. I’ll give you a few opening sentences and your student can continue the story with your choice of word processing software i.e.: Word, Pages, LibreOffice, etc. The criteria are as follows:

1. Proper punctuation

2. Proper spelling

3. At least 8 full sentences

4. Bonus points for creativity! (Based on your opinion of course J)

5. These don’t have to be email to me. It’s just a fun activity to get the creative juices flowing.

6. Encourage your child to keep their hands on the home row keys. One pointer finger on the J key and the other pointer finger on the F key. All other fingers lined up on the middle row of keys and thumbs resting on the spacebar.

Here are some prompts:

1. Last Saturday was a strange day. It all started when I went to go get the mail from the mailbox when suddenly…

2. Have you ever seen what is really at the end of a rainbow? I was told it might be a pot of gold but let me tell you what was really there! You see I was out walking with my friend and…

3. Do you believe in fairy tales? I didn’t until l saw the craziest thing! I was riding my bike at the park and took a path I had never seen before that led to …

Take care of yourselves and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!

- Jason Barlowe

Greenwood Technology Teacher

Greenwood Technology Support
