6th Grade

Week 2

4/5 - 4/12

6th Grade Computer Class

Hi folks! I hope everyone is staying safe, sane and not letting themselves get too bored. This odd turn of events is actually a great opportunity for students to pursue new hobbies and interests that they will probably never get again. Let’s make the most of it!

I have been trying to find some interesting and educational activities for my classes that are hopefully fun as well. One thing I have discovered is that https://scratch.mit.edu/ has done some really cool upgrades that I’m going to have the kids experiment with in several different classes. For my 6th graders, please do the following:

Class 1 for the week:

1. Make a Scratch account by going to https://scratch.mit.edu/ and clicking the “join Scratch” link in the top-right corner. You’ll need an email address and parent’s permission.

2. Now we are going to do a few easy lessons to get us back into the swing of things since we haven’t used Scratch all year. Please click on the link at the top of the page that says “Tutorials” and has a lightbulb next to it. If for some reason you are at a page where you can’t see that link, just go to https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/382943051/editor. The tutorial link should be at the top of the page.

3. These lessons are SUPER quick please to the following:

a. Click on the “Games” link

b. Complete the 8 activities on this page. Seriously, many of these will take you less than a couple of minutes! I just want you to remember where everything is.

c. Please do the activities in this order:

i. Add a Sprite

ii. Add a Backdrop

iii. Record a Sound (To state the obvious, you will need a microphone J)

iv. Use Arrow Keys

v. Add Effects

vi. Animate a Sprite

vii. Make a Clicker Game

viii. Make a Chase Game

d. Remember! All action blocks are color coded to make it easier!

Class 2 for the Week:

Ok, this is a new feature in Scratch that is soooo cool. It’s also why I needed you to revisit all of those other activities. It’s so you can use those ideas to make your own Augmented Reality game! You’ll need some kind of webcam to complete this assignment.

1. Log into your Scratch account

2. Go to the tutorial section at the top of the screen. If you are having trouble finding the Tutorial link you can go here and look at the top of the page: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/382943051/editor

3. On the tutorial page Click “All” to show all tutorials and scroll down until you see a picture of a dragon that says “Video Sensing”

4. Watch the tutorial and come up with your own game using the skills we have already learned from the previous Scratch activities.

5. Be sure to save the game into your account!

6. Email me the link to your account so that I can see what you’ve created.

7. BONUS POINTS: email me a short video of you playing your game!

Have a good week and stay safe!

- Jason Barlowe

Greenwood Technology Instructor

Greenwood Technology Support
