5th Grade

Week 4

4/19 - 4/26

Hello 5th Graders! I hope everyone is using this time to pursue new interests and hobbies!

This week will be dedicated to playing catch-up in Code.org. I originally said that we will be taking a typing test but that will wait until next week.

I would like everyone to have completed all of the activities on level 12. Several of you have already completed this so now would be a good time to practice for the typing test next week! If you haven't finished level 12 please make sure you get that done as well as being sure you have completed all of the previous lessons. We can skip the unplugged activities but everything else should be done up to lesson 12 by the end of the week.

I will be emailing the class code to all parents. To access your Code.org account please do the following:

  1. Go to Code.org

  2. Click "Sign In" on that upper right-hand side of the page.

  3. On the left side of the page there is a box that says "Enter your 6 letter section code". This is where you will enter the code that I have emailed you.

  4. After getting logged in with the section code students will click on their name and a picture of a 'secret picture' that I have chosen for this class. It is either one of the following pictures:

Again, please make sure you have completed ALL of the lessons including lesson 12 by the end of the week.

Have a good one!

  • Mr. Barlowe