1st Grade

Week 6

5/3 - 5/9

Hello 1st Grade parents! 1st Grade has covered the following lesson in the past so this should be a decent refresher on the very basics of computer coding. This will be the the last lesson of the year for us to allow parents and students an easy transition into the summer. The last week of class can be pretty chaotic so your child's Technology assignment will be one less thing to worry about :-)

  • Have your child open up their web browser and go to lightbot.com

  • Have them scroll to the very bottom of the page and click on the link that says 'Lightbot: Code Hour'

  • Click on the link in the middle of the page that says 'Online Flash (In Browser)'

  • If you get a message in the middle of your screen that says 'Click to Enable Adobe Flash Player', click on that.

  • You should get a box that pops up with the message "Lightbot.com wants to run Flash". Click 'Allow'.

After the activity loads your objective is to control the Lightbot so that it lands on the blue square. You control the Lightbot by using different blocks to show it where to go and by giving the Lightbot direction you complete the given objective. The first level shows you exactly what to do so just follow the directions and have fun! See if you can help your student do all 8 of the Basic lessons and all 6 of the Procedures lessons. The procedure lessons are a way to make certain commands "loop" so that they are repeated without the need to constantly give the same instructions to your Lightbot.

If you have any questions please feel free to send me an email!

  • Mr. Barlowe