South Georgia Papers of Record

Jim Crow and the Early Civil Rights Period

Rural Georgia was particularly hostile to its Black residents in the Jim Crow Era. Newspapers from these areas covered the everyday injustices and deadly violence faced by Blacks and did so from the perspective of an unsympathetic White establishment. Counties such as Brooks, Mitchell, and Dodge were rife with lynching. Papers of record like the Quitman Free Press, Camilla Enterprise, and Eastman’s Times-Journal sought to downplay or outright ignore area lynchings, including those of Mary Turner and Eli Cooper. Rural southwestern Georgia counties earned violent sobriquets such “Bad Baker,” “Terrible Terrell,” and “Lynching Lee” and became early targets of SNCC activity in the state. Local White-owned papers like the Albany Journal, Americus Times-recorder, the Dawson News (Terrell County), and The Lee County Journal unapologetically covered the repression and bigotry of region in the post-war period and the civil rights activities of the Albany and Americus movements that activists organized in response to these injustices.

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