Singin' in  the Rain

Regie: | Scenario: | Cast: | Speelduur: minuten | Jaar: 1952

There is no movie musical more fun than "Singin' in the Rain,” and few that remain as fresh over the years. Its originality is all the more startling if you reflect that only one of its songs was written new for the film, that the producers plundered MGM's storage vaults for sets and props, and that the movie was originally ranked below "An American in Paris,” which won a best picture Oscar. The verdict of the years knows better than Oscar: "Singin' in the Rain” is a transcendent experience, and no one who loves movies can afford to miss it.  rogerebert

Korte samenvatting / 

Don Lockwood en Lina Lamont zijn de grootste sterren van de stomme film in Hollywood. Als op een dag de geluidsfilm zijn intrede doet, zien Don en Lina hun sterren tanen. Samen met zijn vriend Cosmo en zijn nieuwe vriendin Kathy vindt hij een manier om van hun laatste film een geluidsfilm te maken. Dat is niet naar de zin van Lina, die stiekem verliefd is op Don.

Het verhaaltje zelf heeft weinig om het lijf, maar telkens ik deze film zien, zing ik dagen nadien nog steeds Good Morning als ik opsta en Make 'em Laugh op weg naar mijn werk. En 's avonds, terwijl ik op zoek ga naar mijn Lucky Star, hoop ik stiekem dat het begint te regenen zodat ik kan zingen en dansen in de regen. Er is een naam voor dit soort films: feelgood.

Het feit dat je er een goed gevoel aan overhoudt, is voor mij al een hele goede reden om deze film goed te vinden. Daarnaast wordt er schitterend geacteerd en is er een prachtige chemie tussen de vier hoofdrolspelers. Gene Kelly is zijn eigen flamboyante zelve, Donald O'Connor is grappig, Debbie Reynolds is ontwapenend in haar onschuld en Jean Hagen is vooral grappig als Lina Lamont. De film gaat vooruit en verveelt geen seconde, ook niet na tientallen keer gezien te hebben.

Brief summary

Don Lockwood and Lina Lamont are the biggest silent movie stars in Hollywood. One day when the sound film arrives, Don and Lina see their stars wane. Together with his friend Cosmo and his new girlfriend Kathy, he finds a way to turn their latest film into a sound film. That is not to the liking of Lina, who is secretly in love with Don.

The story itself is short, but every time I see this movie, I still sing Good Morning when I get up and Make 'em Laugh on my way to work for days afterwards. And at night, while I'm looking for my Lucky Star, I secretly hope it starts to rain so I can sing and dance in the rain. There's a name for this kind of movie: feel-good.

The fact that it leaves you with a good feeling is already a very good reason for me to like this film. In addition, there is great acting and there is a wonderful chemistry between the four protagonists. Gene Kelly is his own flamboyant self, Donald O'Connor is funny, Debbie Reynolds is disarming in her innocence and Jean Hagen is especially funny as Lina Lamont. The film moves forward and doesn't get boring for a second, even after watching it dozens of times. 

The film is above all lighthearted and happy. The three stars--Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor and 19-year-old Debbie Reynolds--must have rehearsed endlessly for their dance numbers, which involve alarming acrobatics, but in performance they're giddy with joy. Kelly's soaking-wet "Singin' in the Rain” dance number is "the single most memorable dance number on film,” Peter Wollen wrote in a British Film Institute monograph. I'd call it a tie with Donald O'Connor's breathtaking "Make 'em Laugh” number, in which he manhandles himself like a cartoon character.

Kelly and O'Connor were established stars when the film was made in 1952. Debbie Reynolds was a newcomer with five previous smaller roles, and this was her big break. She has to keep up with two veteran hoofers, and does; note the determination on her pert little face as she takes giant strides when they all march toward a couch in the "Good Morning” number.

"Singin' in the Rain” pulses with life; in a movie about making movies, you can sense the joy they had making this one. It was co-directed by Stanley Donen, then only 28, and Kelly, who supervised the choreography. Donen got an honorary Oscar in 1998, and stole the show by singing "Cheek to Cheek” while dancing with his statuette. He started in movies at 17, in 1941, as an assistant to Kelly, and they collaborated on "On the Town” (1949) when he was only 25. His other credits include "Funny Face” and "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.” 

Soms blijkt dat punten in het plot die helder leken, niet zijn overgekomen of verkeerd zijn geïnterpreteerd en moet er iets worden verduidelijkt, bijvoorbeeld met nieuwe ingesproken teksten. 

Sometimes it turns out that points in the plot that seemed clear have not come across or have been misinterpreted and something needs to be clarified, for example with new spoken texts.