Color Guard Skills

This site is designed to help beginning Color Guard students master their basic guard fundamentals of movement and flag spinning for their participation in Color Guard & Winter Guard seasons.

Please remember to be open minded when using this site and realize your color guard instructor may have different names, exercises, and styles that they will use instead of the ones you find here. Go with the flow and learn as much as you can from anyone willing to coach you. Color Guard is an art, so there will be many different styles across the country. Exploring the internet will help you find many great guard people who have wonderful things to show you. The more you learn, the better spinner you will be. If every guard instructor and designer had the same art in their head, color guard would be a very boring sport. Appreciate the variety, be flexible in your thinking, and you will achieve great things in your life by choosing to learn color guard!

Flag Skills Checklist

See how many flag skills you can master!

Flag Basics

𝥁 27 Points in Space

𝥁 Tick-Tocks

𝥁 Cones

𝥁 Flourishes

𝥁 Cradle and Thumb Rolls

𝥁 Backscratch

𝥁 Toaster Exercise

𝥁 Palm Roll

Flag Spins

𝥁 Drop Spins

𝥁 Spins on Planes

𝥁 Double Fast Spins

Flag Tosses

𝥁 Flip Tosses

𝥁 Back Scratch Toss

𝥁 Prayer Toss

𝥁 Money Toss

𝥁 Flourish Toss

𝥁 Single Toss

𝥁 Parallel Toss - From Shoulders

𝥁 Parallel Toss - From Waist

𝥁 45° Toss

Dance Skills Checklist

See how many Across the Floors (A-T-Fs) you can master!

𝥁 Jazz Walks

𝥁 Jazz Runs

𝥁 Cross Tendu

𝥁 Prances

𝥁 Flutters

𝥁 Step Brushes

𝥁 Step Up, Step Up, Step Side, & Around

𝥁 Passé Jumps

𝥁 Side Chassé

𝥁 Front Chassé

𝥁 Side Chaîné Turn

𝥁 Front Chaîné Turn

𝥁 Brush Hops

𝥁 Stag Leap Preparation

𝥁 Stag Leaps