Blocks, Facings, & Orientation

Flag Block

When the instructor says "make a block" they want the guard to stand in rows and columns.

Here you stand directly behind the person in front of you and directly next to the person beside you to create an array.

Window Flag Block

When the instructor wants a block and says to stand "in the windows".

The second and fourth rows are in the "window" of the first and the third!


You will face and move all directions in color guard when you are performing. When facing the designated direction, that means your hips and shoulders are facing directly that way. Sometimes you will leave your actual face to the audience, sometimes you will turn your face the way you face!

The Anatomy of the Performance Floor

Whether you are marching on a field with the band in Color Guard or out on the Winter Guard floor, you should understand your orientation or relative position on your stage.

Marching Band Field

Color Guard is the outdoor season where you perform on a football field with the marching band.

Some guards paint lines on a parking lot when their schools do not let them use any available grass :(!

Winter Guard Floor

Winter Guard is the indoor season where you usually perform on top of a basketball court. The circuit will cover the court with a large tarp. Then each guard uses their own "floor" or "tarp" that goes with the theme of their show.