Fans of THE BIG PICTURE book

… I am currently reading a book that was written by a great American who opposes traditional education; he has created some incredible schools. They are characterized by being small and personalized. They teach not the usual cold and detached contents of common subjects; instead, they arm the students with vital tools such as the desire, enthusiasm, and the need of learning. They also emphasize on multidirectional respect (this includes respect and trust towards themselves which are normally so lacking during this vulnerable age).

The truth is that I feel quite connected to that book now; as a student, it defines my gaps; as a mother, my desires; and as a tutor, my expectations. (Sometimes, I have had to teach other people; ever since I am a mother, I am an everyday teacher). I just think it’s a brilliant book! So much so that I wish Sofia could someday go to a school like his. I can’t wait to hear what you have to say about it.

With love,


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