Course 2: A focus on skills

This course will introduce you to a list of skills

Course 2. A focus on skills is coming.

TOPIC "What is Teaching for Competency?”

Use language that teenagers will understand: “A Focus on Skills.”

Find a list of skills. Here is a list that was adapted from a list that the Mastery Transcript distributed in a press release:

Develop classwork that demonstrates the skills listed in the list ("Excellent, Exceeds Expectations").

Develop classwork that does not yet demonstrate the skills listed in the list ("Not Yet Ready, See Me and then Resubmit").

What phrases will you use in your classroom to substitute for “competencies”? How will you translate the “teacher talk” about “formative and summative assessments” into language that students use?

How will you encourage students to build their personal list of “skills that I want to develop”?

Goal: The teacher will have a list of skills availabe for students to look at. The teacher will show some personal school work that demonstrates some of these skills. The message to the students is “I learned how to select skills. You can have this list, too.”


Look at the List of Skills Sheet.

Write about “something that I found interesting in the list of skills.” (This is your “performance of understanding” or POU)

Create a lesson that allows students to show that they have developed several skills.

Contact (954) 646 8246 when you are ready to present your lesson.

Book (ebook) This is the sheet adapted from a list that appears in a press release


Tony Wagner’s list of skills (search “Wagner Survival Skills”) to learn more about

Scott Looney's presentation in 2017 to the New York State Association of Independent Schools

This course will introduce you to a list of skills

Scott Looney describes in this video how that list is connected to portfolios.

CLICK HERE to download a list that was adapted from the list that appeared in the press release

Remember, you can do this course by telephone. Just call +1 (954) 646 8246 and we'll talk about how to get you through these materials. Text messages are welcomed.