Recorder Music Reading
These are the notes we will be practicing in this section.
Here are some fun apps and a free online game to practice note recognition
Here are some fun worksheets you could do to practice note reading and writing. (if you don't have a printer - try saying the answers outloud instead of writing down?)

Write the note names under each note.
Time yourself doing each line to see how much you are improving.

Can you draw these notes on the correct lines and spaces?

Write the names of the notes underneath.

Write the names of the notes underneath
Now try playing these bars of music on your instrument.
Go as SLOWLY as you need to.
If there are any notes you haven't learn yet, miss them out, or look them up!
Rhythm Reading
ONE beat long note
TWO beat long note
Dotted Minim
THREE beat long note
FOUR beat long note
HALF a beat each
Crochet Rest
ONE beat long rest
Minim Rest
TWO beat long rest
Semibreve Rest
FOUR beat long rest
If you are having trouble remembering how many beats the notes are worth, try this worksheet.

Try these videos to practice rhythms
Clap along to the rhythms in these videos.
You might notice that the video uses the Ta and Ti-ti system to name the notes. You might be used to using this with your teacher. It's the official names of those notes, but it can be a helpful way to read the rhythms right.
Play some of the rhythms on these sheets - download a free metronome or tap your foot to keep in time.

All the notes here are Bs - when you feel confident you could try changing notes and making your own pieces to the rhythms.

All the notes here are Bs - when you feel confident you could try changing notes and making up your own pieces to the rhythms.