Intermediate theory
Upbeats - how do they work?
Upbeats - how do they work?
Understand what the word Anacrusis means...
Using rests
Using rests
Bass Clef and leger lines
Bass Clef and leger lines

Treble and Bass Clefs, Sharps and Flats, Rests
Treble and Bass Clefs, Sharps and Flats, Rests
Here's a cheat sheet to help you remember!

Do you know your orchestral instruments?
Do you know your orchestral instruments?

Order of sharps and flats
Order of sharps and flats

Grade 2 Test
Grade 2 Test
Think you have all the skills to pass theory Grade 2? Try out this test.

Time Signatures for grade 3
Time Signatures for grade 3
Do you know the difference between compound and simple time?
Compound and simple time explained
Compound and simple time explained
Common Musical Terms
Common Musical Terms
Do you know your andante from your allegro?
Try out these past exam papers from the ABRSM
Try out these past exam papers from the ABRSM