Trom Sight-reading
Sight-reading Practice
Sight-reading is nothing more than RECOGNITION!
Look at the TEMPO marking to determine how fast you will be trying to read the music.
Look at the KEY signature.
Look for repeats, endings, key changes, tempo changes, codas, del segnos, etc.
Sight sing THE RHYTHMS of a selected section. Pitches are NOT important for this drill.
Play what you just sang. If necessary, slow the tempo down to a comfortable speed. DO NOT STOP when you miss a note.
Slowly visually scan the section just played and have a close look at what gave you trouble. Analyse the correction(s).
Play the section again and see how much improvement you have made by doing the correction. If you feel a high degree of improvement (NOT PERFECTION), leave it and and find another section and repeat the process on something different.
There are Apps that can assist you with sight-reading but they are only a quick fix!
Use the chart in your practice journal to help you work out rhythms, if you haven't lost it!!
Practice rhythms to get you started
Say the names to the rhythms below and then clap back saying the names, it really does help.