Registration is OPEN!

Please review this page carefully before you register!

The main conference will run from Thursday, July 18th, through Monday, July 22nd, inclusive. 

For those attending the main conference only, plan to arrive at the venue by Wednesday, July 17th, and to depart on Tuesday, July 23rd. We ask that all delegates stay at the W&P Hotel and at the Dominican Fiesta Hotel where we have arranged for the most comfortable and economical Room & Board accommodations available in the area. The Dominican Fiesta is already full, but please click here to learn more about the venue, and click here to learn more about information on room rates and reservations at the W&P Hotel. You can cIick here to request your room reservation. If you need a letter of invitation to attend the conference (either for a visa or to request time away from work), please fill out the form here.

Note that we are offering a few excellent pre- and post-conference workshops and exciting field trips to enjoy the DR’s incredible birdlife and natural beauty, so be sure to consider these when making your travel plans. Read through your options on the Workshops and Field Trip Webpages. Note: if you are interested in attending the workshop “Introduction to data analysis using R” on 17 July, please fill out the application form at this link ASAP (Click here for form in Spanish). All other workshops are first-come, first-serve, so register early and indicate which workshop(s) you would like to attend. 

Sign up and pay for field trips here to reserve your spot (space is limited, thus it is first come, first serve).  We will do our best to notify you quickly about acceptance to pre- and post-conference workshops and field trips, so that you can proceed with booking your flights.

We are using the Whova conference platform to support our registration process and conference this year. There are 2 options by which you can register and pay: 

1. Register and pay via Whova: Choose the link for the right registration category for you (e.g., member, student, etc.; see table below), then submit your registration details and pay immediately via credit card on the Whova platform.
(Preferred) 2. Register via Whova, pay off of the Whova platform: Click the link for “Alternative Payment Method Ticket.” In the registration form, select the right registration category for you (see table below) and your preferred payment method, and BirdsCaribbean will invoice you via email and provide instructions for how to pay. We offer a range of convenient payment options here: credit card, Paypal via a secure link to BirdsCaribbean’s Paypal account, wire transfer (international payments; use only if necessary as both parties will be charged a wire transfer fee), Zelle, check, or ACH bank transfer (the latter 3 methods involve zero fees for both parties, but you must have a US bank account for Zelle and ACH), or  
When using option 2 (Alternative Payment Method Ticket), all categories of registration will be available to select on the registration form. We really hope you will consider using this option as it will allow us to save on the significant/extra processing fees levied by Whova’s payment platform. All savings to BirdsCaribbean will go directly to providing scholarships for more deserving Caribbean nationals and students to attend the conference. If you would like to use this method so that more resources can be directed towards community support vs processing fees, remember to please select the Alternative Payment Method Ticket link

NOTE: If you are planning to apply for travel and attendance support you should select “Sponsorship Application Ticket” - see the information on registration categories below and this page for further instructions and information. Filling out this ticket will also serve as your conference registration.

Are you a BirdsCaribbean member?

Now is the perfect time to renew your membership with BirdsCaribbean or join for the first time. Use this special code to get 25% off membership: DRSpecial24. Membership benefits include discounts on our conferences (including Santo Domingo!) and workshops, materials, and merchandise (including books, artwork, posters, bird ID cards, etc.), networking with scientists, birders, educators, and conservationists across the region, and the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping us in our urgent fight to save habitats from destruction and birds from extinction.  Thank you for your support!

Ready to register?

Read all the information below to determine which registration category best describes you.  Then register using the links listed below according to your registration category (e.g., current member/non-member, student, local, etc.), OR choose the Alternative Payment Method Ticket (see notes above).
  • Regular members are current (2024) paid-up or sponsored members, as well as Life members (a category no longer offered but grandfathered in for those who paid many years ago, or for those who are past winners of our Founders Award).
  • Student members are paid-up or sponsored members of BirdCaribbean who are currently enrolled in high school, college, or graduate school.
    • Annual membership dues for Caribbean nationals and students are $25; they are $40 for everyone outside the Caribbean.
    • To renew your membership or become a member for the first time, use one of the links above and this special code to get 25% off membership: DRSpecial24.
    • Alternatively, register at the non-member rate, either as a regular member or student, and this will include BirdsCaribbean membership for 2024 at a discounted rate.
    • If you are not sure of your current membership status, please send a quick message to our Operations Manager, Alexia Morales ( with subject line: “Am I a current member of BirdsCaribbean?” and she will be able to tell you if you are a paid-up (or sponsored) member for 2024. 
    • Sponsored memberships: If you are unable to pay for membership at this time, please request a sponsored membership from our Administrative Assistant, Delores Kellman ( Use subject line: “Sponsored membership requested”. In your email,  Include your first name, last name, title, place of work (e.g., organization/ institution/ business/ school), home address, country, and mobile phone number. Please also state if you are a student (and provide the name of school, college, or university where you are enrolled) or not. Delores will notify you within 48-72 hours about your sponsored membership.
  • Companion registration is for adults who wish to attend social activities associated with the conference. Companion registration includes our Welcome Reception, lunches, and Closing Reception and Banquet. 
  • Sponsorship Application Ticket: This registration category is for those seeking travel and attendance support. If you need support to cover your costs of registration, room & board, pre- or post-conference workshops, mid-conference field trip, and/or airfare, please click on the link for Sponsorship Application Ticket. NOTE: This form serves as your Travel and Attendance Support Application as well as your tentative Conference Registration.  The deadline to fill out this form is Sunday April 21st for internationals and  Thursday May 30th for locals (Dominicans and Hatians). Learn more here.
  • Local registration is for anyone attending the conference that lives in the DR or Haiti. You can register for the whole conference, Hispaniola Day session on the afternoon of Day 1, or pay the Daily rate of $30/day for a maximum of two days.

The Regular, Student, and Local registration fees include attendance at all sessions and workshops during the main conference, a conference bag, access to the conference app and other materials, welcome reception, coffee breaks, and lunches during the main conference on Days 1, 2, 4 & 5 (Day 3 is a field trip day), and closing reception and banquet. Breakfast is included in your hotel room costs. (Local registration for one or two days includes the conference bag, access to the conference app, and coffee breaks and lunches on days of attendance only).
All delegates should register at one of the links below depending on your Category and payment method (e.g., Regular member, Regular non-member, Student member, Student non-member, Companion, Sponsorship Opportunity Ticket, Alternative Payment Method Ticket, Local, etc.). Note that there is a small extra cost for pre- and post-conference workshops to help cover costs e.g., venue, coffee breaks, and lunch provided by the hotel, translation services ($20 for half-day workshop and lunch, $30 to attend all-day workshop(s) and lunch). You may apply for travel support if you cannot pay these costs.


You can indicate which workshop(s) you are interested in attending when you register (payment will be at a later date). Note that one workshop (“Introduction to data analysis using “R) requires an application and acceptance before registration; all others are first-come, first-serve until they are filled. Please review the workshop pages and select the workshop(s) you wish to attend.

Field Trips

Field Trips are not included on the registration page. Please take a look at our exciting pre, mid, and post-conference Field Trips. We will provide a separate link to register and pay for field trips as soon as possible.

If you have any questions about registration or other aspects of the conference, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Conference Coordinator, Laura Collado:


You can register using the links below. We strongly encourage you to register using the "Alternative Payment Method" link. Using this link gives you more choices of how you pay! In addition to credit card you can use Paypal, wire transfer, Zelle, check, ACH bank transfer or cash at the conference. It also helps BirdsCaribbean avoid significant processing fees on the Whova platform. All savings to BirdsCaribbean will go directly to providing scholarships for more deserving Caribbean nationals and students to attend the conference!
Regular member: Alternative Payment Method | Pay on WhovaRegular Non-member (outside the Caribbean):  Alternative Payment Method | Pay on WhovaRegular Non-member (Caribbean National): Alternative Payment Method | Pay on WhovaStudent Member: Alternative Payment Method | Pay on WhovaStudent Non-member: Alternative Payment Method | Pay on WhovaCompanion: Alternative Payment Method | Pay on Whova
Sponsorship Application Ticket: use this link if you wish to apply for financial support to attend the conference. Note that filling out this form serves as both your application for support and tentative conference registration. 

REGISTRATION LINKS SPANISH (ver Categorías arriba)

Registro Local (residente de RD o Haití): Método de Pago Alternativo | Pague en Whova Registro General en Español: Método de Pago Alternativo | Pague en Whova 
Boleto Patrocinado: utilice este enlace si desea solicitar apoyo financiero para asistir a la conferencia. Tenga en cuenta que completar este formulario sirve como solicitud de apoyo y como registro tentativo para la conferencia. 

Invitation and Support Letter Application 

If you need to request an invitation letter to attend the Conference at the Dominican Fiesta Hotel in the Dominican Republic, July 18-22, 2024, please click the button below. The invitation letter serves various purposes, including facilitating visa applications, securing work permits and/or time off work, and meeting specific requirements.

Refund Policy for Conference Registration Fee If you cancel your attendance at the BirdsCaribbean International Conference more than 60 days prior to the conference (by May 18th, 2024), you will receive a full refund less a 10% processing fee. If you cancel between 60 and 20 days prior to the conference (May 19th-June 28th, you will receive a 50% refund of your registration fee. If you cancel less than 20 days before the conference begins (after June 28th), all payments are non-refundable.