Coffee and Birds Day Trip

Join us for a one-day field trip to Spirit Mountain Coffee, where you'll explore a 350-acre organic coffee plantation nestled in the mountains of Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic. Learn about sustainable farming practices, see how coffee is harvested and processed, and discover the unique agroforestry project focused on education and community support. Experience firsthand the journey from coffee cherry to cup and enjoy the vibrant, eco-friendly environment that makes Spirit Mountain Coffee truly special. Trails make for a great birdwatching experience while you learn about sustainability practices. 

Endemic Birds you may find:

Narrow-billed Tody, Hispaniolan Lizard-Cuckoo, Hispaniolan Mango, Vervain Hummingbird,  Hispaniolan Emerald, Rufous-throated Solitaire, Hispaniolan Parrot, Hispaniolan Woodpecker, Hispaniolan Euphonia, Hispaniolan Pewee, Antillean Piculet, Black-Crowned Palm-Tanager, Green-tailed Ground Tanager, Hispaniolan Trogon (rare), Greater Antillean Elaenia, Antillean Siskin, Hispaniolan Spindalis, Golden Swallow, Hispaniolan Loggerhead Kingbird.

Dates: July 20th

Maximum Group size: 14 people

Cost: US$105

Location: Jarabacoa

Difficulty Level: Medium

Images from Spirit Mountain!

Thanks to Spirit Mountain for all the beautiful pictures on this page.


5:30 a.m. Departure from the Dominican Fiesta

8:30 a.m. Load onto Safari Truck - Ride up to Camp Discovery.  Approximately 20 minutes to Camp. It's a bumpy ride!  :)

9:00 a.m. Coffee and a mid-morning snack at Camp.  

Basic run down of the farm, so people know where to go to look for certain types of birds. Birdwatching will be opportunistic during interpretative walks.

12:00 p.m. Meet back at camp for lunch. 

12:30 - 1:30 p.m. Coffee tasting

Coffee and birding tour through the coffee.  Group will have about an hour or so to slowly walk from Camp Spirit Discovery down to the coffee processing area for an explanation of the wet mill and drying beds.  Great time to watch for birds within the tree canopy over the coffee.

3:00 p.m. Ride back down to Manabao. 

3:30 p.m. Drive back to Santo Domingo.  

What to bring:

-good walking / hiking shoes

-long sleeve shirts and long pants if possible.

-mosquito repellent.

-water bottle


-birding book



-jacket or umbrella for possible afternoon rain. 


Safety Considerations:

Slips on muddy or uneven terrain, uneven road drive in safari truck, mosquito bites, dehydration.