Birding in the Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic supports a remarkably diverse avifauna of more than 300 species. 

You can find 34 endemic species in Hispaniola, 33 of which can be found in the Dominican Republic. The country hosts an impressive assemblage of permanent resident species, overwintering migrants, and other transient species that stop to rest and refuel enroute to more southerly wintering or northern breeding areas. The island of Hispaniola’s high level of endemism and its contribution to global biodiversity have earned it the highest ranking of biological importance in a worldwide assessment of bird protection priorities.

This diversity of bird species is, in part, a result of Hispaniola’s complex geologic history; the island is the most geographically diverse in the Caribbean. Ranging from Pico Duarte, the highest mountain in the Caribbean, to Lago Enriquillo which is more than 40 meters below sea level, key habitats include isolated cloud forests, extensive pine stands, classic dry forest, limestone karst regions, thorn woodlands of acacia and cactus, sand dunes, mudflats, and mangrove swamps.

Explore the Dominican Republic on the Caribbean Birding Trail.

Here are our beatiful endemic birds:

Antillean Piculet

Picture credits: Bradley Hacker - ML398171241

Ashy-faced Owl 

Picture credits: Pedro Genaro

Bay-Breasted Cuckoo

Picture credits: Emile Brisson Curadeau - ML146583191

Black-crowned Palm Tanager

Picture credits: Dax Roman

Broad Billed Tody

Picture credits: Dax Roman

Eastern Chat-Tanager

Picture credits: Dax Roman

Flat-Billed Vireo

Picture credits: Dax Roman

Golden Swallow

Picture credits: Eladio Fernandez

Gray-crowned Palm Tanager

Picture credits: Sean Christensen - ML28400241

Green-Tailed Warbler

Picture credits: Dax Roman

Hispaniolan Crossbill

Picture credits: Dax Roman

Hispaniolan Emerald

Picture credits: Carlos Gomez

Hispaniolan Lizard Cuckoo

Picture credits: Adrian Braidotti - ML253186841

Hispaniolan Oriole

Picture credits: Jay McGowan - ML162152511

Hispaniolan Pewee

Picture credits: Dax Roman

Hispaniolan Parakeet

Picture credits: Pedro Genaro

Hispaniolan Parrot

Picture credits: Pedro Genaro

Hispaniolan Spindalis

Picture credits: Dax Roman

Hispaniolan Trogon

Picture credits: José M. Pantaleón

Hispaniolan Woodpecker

Picture credits: Don Hamilton

La Selle Thrush

Picture credits: Paul Noakes - ML204620801

Narrow-billed Tody

Picture credits: Eladio Fernández


Picture credits: Pedro Genaro

Ridgway's Hawk

Picture credits: Dax Roman

Western Chat Tanager

Picture credits: Dax Roman

White-winged Warbler

Picture credits: Holly Garrod - ML385248271

Hispaniolan Mango

Picture credits: Pedro Genaro

Hispaniolan Nightjar

Picture credits: Pedro Genaro

Least Poorwill

Picture credits: Pedro Genaro

White-Fronted Quail-Dove

Picture credits: Pedro Genaro

Hispaniolan Elaenia

Picture credits: Pedro Genaro

Hispaniolan Palm Crow

Picture credits: Pedro Genaro

White-Necked Crow

Picture credits: Pedro Genaro

Hispaniolan Euphonia

Picture credits: Pedro Genaro