17th roundtable

The 17th Research Roundtable for

Bilingualism as a First Language (BiL1)

 “Connections between Bilingualism Research and Society ”


(I) Date: May.12th. 2018 (Sat.) 13:00-17:20

(II) Place: Academic Extension Center Hall, Osaka City University (Umeda Satellite)

 (6th floor of Osaka-Ekimae No.2 Bldg.)

 1-2-2-600 Umeda, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, 530-0001 JAPAN

Phone: 06-6344-5425 Fax: 06-6344-5525

         Web: http://www.osaka-cu.ac.jp/en/about/access#umeda

             *We have arranged sign language interpreters. 

(III) Programme

General Meeting 13:00-13:15----- This meeting is for the members of BiL1.

“The 7th annual general meeting”

BiL1 secretariats: NAMBA, Kazuhiko HANAI, Rika  BiL1 treasurer: ITAGAKI, Shizuka


M.C.                                                                                                MISHINA-MORI, Satomi (Rikkyo University)

1. Opening Address 13:15                                              MISHINA-MORI, Satomi (Rikkyo University)


2. Plenary Lecture 13:25-13:55

“Introduction to Bilingualism”

YAMAMOTO, Masayo (Kwansei Gakuin University)

Break 13:55

3. Plenary Lecture 14:05-15:35

“Raising Bilingual-/Bicultural-Children in Japan”   

TAURA, Hideyuki (Ritsumeikan University)


Break 15:35

4. Post-graduate Presentations 1 15:45-16:20

“Sign Language Use and Identity of Japanese Coda: Impacts of Parent-Child Communication on Coda Identity”

ANDO, Asuka (The University of Tokyo)

Post-graduate Presentations 2 16:20-16:55

“The Influence of Student Dormitory System on Students’ Recognition of Language and Culture: From a Language Survey in Bhutan, a Multilingual Country”

SATO, Minako (Kyoto University)


5. Group discussion 16:55-17:15


6. Closing address 17:15                                                                        IKARI, Yukio (Osaka City University)


(IV) Fee : 1000 yen (members : free)

(V) Participation: Simply turn up on the day. There is no need to RSVP.

(VI) Dinner party: We're planning dinner after the research roundtable at a restaurant nearby (18:00-20:00 at a cost of about 5,000 yen). Details will be announced later, but let us know by e-mail tonamba(a)cc.kyoto-su.ac.jp by Friday, May 4th if you'd like to come to the dinner. In the e-mail message, please write 1) your name, 2) affiliation, 3) e-mail address and put the title of the message as “Application for BiL1 dinner party”.