10th roundtable

Circulation of this e-mail would be greatly appreciated.

This is to announce the 10th Research Roundtable for Bilingualism as a First Language (BiL1): Focus on Bilingualism and Identity

Anyone interested in this topic is welcome to join us.


The 10th Research Roundtable for Bilingualism as a First Language (BiL1)

 “Bilingualism and Identity”


(I) Date: Oct. 19th 2014 (Sun.) 13:00-17:10


(II) Place: Tamokuteki room, Ritsumeikan University, Osaka Umeda Campus

 (5th floor of Osaka Fukokuseimei building, 2-4, Komatsubara-cho, Kita-ku,

 Osaka city, 530-0018)

                (Phone: 06-6360-4892  Web: http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/osakaumedacampus/access/)

                *We have arranged sign language interpreters.


(III) Programme


M.C.                                                                                                                                                                                        TAURA, Hideyuki (Ritsumeikan University)


1.            Opening Address 13:00                                                       YAMAMOTO, Masayo (Kwansei Gakuin University)


2. Guest Lecture-113:10-14:20

“Bilingual Identity in Interaction”   

GREER, Tim (Kobe University)

Break 14:20

3. Guest Lecture-2 14:30-15:40        

“Learning Japanese as a "heritage" language in Australia: Transnational identities and the commodification of Japanese”

KOSHIBA, Kenta (Kyoto Sangyo University)

Break 15:40

4. Presentation 15:50-16:30

“Influences of two languages in production and comprehension of noun phrases by bilingual preschoolers”

KUTSUKI, Aya (Kobe Shoin Women’s University)

5. Group discussion 16:30-17:00


6. Closing address 17:00                                                                                                                  IKARI, Yukio (Osaka City University)


(IV) Fee : 1000 yen (members : free)

(V) Participation: Simply turn up on the day. There is no need to RSVP.

(VI) Dinner party: We're planning dinner after the research roundtable at a restaurant nearby (17:30-19:30) at a cost of about 5,000 yen). Details will be announced later, but let us know by e-mail to namba(a)cc.kyoto-su.ac.jp by Saturday, Oct 11th if you'd like to come to the dinner. In the e-mail message, please write 1) your name, 2) affiliation, 3) e-mail address and put the title of the message as “Application for BiL1 dinner party”.