I'm unsure about this. Am I doing the right thing? This is all to get back at Sinaku. But with her biting back... she killed her. And now with Epa's hesitance too.

I feel bad about Epa. What I had to do.

But I can't go back now.

I don't want to leave them stranded too.

Not like I was.

Is it too late? I've already chosen my host.

What if... once it's done, I'll be all alone? Again?

I don't want that. I don't want that.

But it has to be done. Just look at all that she's done.

She can't be known as a savior... a god.

I'm scared.

I'm unsure.

I'm unsure, and that's why I fight.

Everything's too permanent. I sometimes wish I could go back. But, being alive as long as I have been... I've learned. No matter what, I won't go back. I can't dwell. Not if I want to continue.