Odd Happenings

"I always thought they were a figment of my imagination, saw them all the time at my old job- you sure they... yaknow, actually exist?"

Heather leans back against the wall.

"Positive. Why else do you think we've been doing so much investigating?"

"Well I dunno, you do all sorts of weird research. Didn't really question it I guess."

"Hey, I take offense to that! The research is interesting, not weird."

"Pssh, okay weirdo."

"But seriously, what do you think they are?"

"We're not entirely sure yet. But with the intel Auryn gathered, I think we'll get an answer soon."

"Oh, Auryn.. he's been different lately, don'tcha think?"

"Absolutely, he's been hiding something for sure." Ouros shoots a menacing glare in Auryn's general direction.

"Maybe we should ask him about it sometime."

"Not sometime, now, we should ask him now. If he knows anything about these creatures..." Ouros trails off, lost in thought.

Avi — 12/08/2021

Wkh Dyldwuxp/Qxkdhr pdild lv YHUB vhfuhwlyh. Qr rqh nqrzv zkr, ru zkdw, uxqv lw. Qru gr zh nqrz zkdw lw lv fdoohg. Wkh pdild vhhplqjob kdv pxowlsoh hvwdeolvkphqwv dfwlqj dv qrupdo exvlqhvvhv... wkhvh exvlqhvvhv xvxdoob kdyh d vljq ru vbpero ri vrph vruw, whoolqj brx zklfk lv zklfk. Xvxdoob vq... vbpero.vp...

(The rest has been smudged beyond comprehension.)

Avi 12/23/2021

(There were no more entries. You move on with your day.)

(You overhear some banter on the well-worn streets.)

"Hey, I had the weirdest dream last night..."

"...wasn't a dream. You got lost in the woods, remember?"

"Ohhh yeaahh, dude that party though... the best."

"Wow you really don't remember, huh? We got attacked by some- thing- I think it was a Grexx. I found you hiding behind a boulder..."

(The conversation trails off as they walk away.)

Avi — 01/16/2022

"Lis'n, I dunno what we saw that night. All I know- all we know issat there's somethin' in those woods. Somethin' dangerous."

"I see... do you remember what it looked like?" He paused, pen tapping against the paper.

"Some sort of- dog- thing. It was shaped like that, at least."

"Aw shucks, I'm losin' my mind aren' I? I'm talkin' to a cat, for gods' sakes!"

"Yes, I'm aware I'm a cat. It's normal for us to talk, I assure you." The feline's expression shifted to a displeased look.

"Ay, Cleetus, why'doessit have mushrooms on it?" Someone called from the background.

"That is BESIDES THE POINT-" Mewch cleared his throat before continuing, "sir, how did it move?"

"Howwas I suppos'd to see?! It was as dark as any night here in the swamps!" "Alright. Might complicate things, but okay. Where did it go?"

I know something's wrong. But do they have to put up these posters?

Avi — 01/17/2022

Avi 05/08/2022

Hello, Aviatrum. This is your general speaking.

I have been asked to inform you on our alarm system.

Our alarm system consists of 5 different stages, each designated to an event or events of varying intensity.

Stage 1 is the level designated to minor events- or as minor as an event warranting an alarm can get.

This consists of tornadoes or similarly dangerous weather, usually.

Stage 2 handles events like tsunamis or certain earthquakes.

Stage 3 covers the rare events that directly endanger a town or area, like the Situr-Enui militia attacking, or the fall of Hallowbrook.

Stage 4 is assigned to abnormal activity in a community, not caused by minor issues. This covers events such as street lamps flickering and fogswarms. Remember, you do not hear or see anything. Stay inside and wait for your militia to deal with it.

Stage 5, which hopefully won't ever be activated, is set aside for the events which could potentially annihilate large portions of land, or severely endanger the populace. Such as the previous events of Sikuraka and Godfall. Although being so far in the past, we must always expect and prepare for it to happen again.