
Avi 03/15/2022

"Commander... there have been reports of another planet in our skies. Something we haven't seen before." "What?" "We... unfortunately, do not know where it came from or if it is inhabited. But it's rather close to us- we could check it out if need be?"

Avi 03/17/2022

Log 3.17.22 

Commander, the planet just up and disappeared. We do not know how. If you still wish to check it out, we have it’s location logged. It’s closer to Felinis than expected, though- I know you’re carrying out business in Sarkao right now. 

- Cmder Sparky, 248, 3.17.22 Exploration can wait, at least for now. We should do some outside observation before landing on its non-existent surface.

Avi 04/19/2022

Log 4.19.22 

- Iris, Head Expedition Organizer, 765, 4.19.22 

Commander, this is what came back from the expedition ship 1-B. We lost contact immediately after. The creature, from what little scans we had left, is mammalian in nature. It appeared to attack 1-B in the footage we have. Crewmates also reported a strange blue haze in the space around them, before all systems shut down.


- Cmder Sparky, 248, 4.19.22 

That is... concerning. We should hold off on any potential planetary exploration until we learn more about this creature. What I would like to know, specifically, is what is it protecting? Why such territorial behavior?

Avi 11/26/2022

Log 6.20.22

- Iris, Head Expedition Organizer, 765, 6.20.22
Rover has put more research into the stars around Abscondita Mundi. It appears that what he aptly named "Apes" could be seen as a different shape than bees. However, whenever he tries to connect the stars, it becomes increasingly difficult.

- Cmder Sparky, 248, 6.20.22
Interesting. Does the constellation itself have missing parts? Or does Rover need to update?

- Iris, Head Expedition Organizer, 765, 6.20.22
Rover is up to date. The constellation itself seems scattered. We will be looking into Apes more as time goes on.

- Cmder Sparky, 248, 6.21.22
Alright, thank you. My curiosity about this planet grows more and more each day. Any word on the latest expedition?

- Iris, Head Expedition Organizer, 765, 6.21.22
The latest expedition managed to get close enough to the planet to see its surface- or at least part of it. It looks to be quite similar to our own planets. It could be inhabited. They, unfortunately, retreated after this, reporting a noise similar to a growl outside the ship.

- Cmder Sparky, 248, 6.21.22
Yikes. Well, if it's inhabited, we could try and establish contact eventually. Heck, I'll man the expedition myself once it's decreed to be safe.

-- END OF LOG 6.20.22 --