
Avi 02/21/2022

Taking mercy on the shattered planet, Sinaku stitched the pieces back together. It was already too late for Orbit and Neram; they would not be forgiven. The cycle was her idea, but it was no longer needed.

She could make something wonderful. A new land, a new world. "Aviatrum".

Avi 02/22/2022

The first try, Sinaku held adoration and love for her creations. A kind presence, watching from afar. She did not intervene, until the Beast attacked... This infuriated her. She did not know what to do, with this beast taking out many of her people in one fell swoop.

She had no choice but to erase all memory of the Beast. To imprison it in a dark place, where it could no longer hurt anyone.

She had grown cold, following these events. More stubborn. She refused to let the Beast win. She wiped out her first creations.

Started anew.

Avi 02/22/2022

An extra to excuse any weak lore posts :)

She figured she needed help with this new population. This new version. From this, she created the first gods purely dedicated to supervising this world. You may know them as Aeris, Solquem, Fae, and Reikaru. Additionally created were Chimera and Midas.

They were helpful for her cause. She figured that more could not hurt, though her power was growing weaker... after all, she had taken pieces of it to create this world, its wonderful creatures, and their gods.

She figured that if they were created of her own power, they could be remade into more help. From this sprang Siverake and Warsaw.

She had focused her efforts onto a set area. The mortals had deemed this "Nuhaeo". The gods, for the most part, stayed up in the Sanctuary, watching from afar.

However, in "Situr-Enui", a threat made itself known...

Avi 02/23/2022

Anyway actual substantial lore post because I'm tired and my mind is going weEEEEEE


This threat, like the Beast before it, had to be stopped. The gods of Situr-Enui had not made themselves known to Sinaku. Born from excess shreds of power, witnessing how cold she had grown, it was the wiser of their decisions.

A different power had been drawn to this land, convinced by the space between stars to avenge them. It convinced 2 of the 3 gods to help their goal.

They agreed to help split the sky, when the time came, and free who was imprisoned, bringing chaos upon the world.

The other god devoted herself to stopping this. The Dreamwatcher would not be easily defeated, existing in seemingly normal mortal forms, hopping from host to host like a wretched parasite.

One god had tried to instill this event early, despite his better judgement, and had been imprisoned in the Wastes. The remnants of the severe, chilling cold emanating from those who once breathed...

Avi 02/24/2022

While this event was attempted, the goddess awoke. She had to shatter the sun, scattering the pieces across this land, to prevent this further.

The stars had been angered by this. They could not complete their plans without them. She vowed to hunt down any of those who call themselves "deities". "Gods". Despite their state of existence.

Sinaku had learned of these hosts, and had... erased them. In protest, the Dreamwatcher developed a plague. A plague to bring down upon all Her creations.

Sinaku felt the pain of her people. Yet, she did nothing.

She had grown indifferent to their suffering.

Avi 02/25/2022

She could not ignore the pain of her pieces, however. They were affected by this "Moonsickness" as well.

Casting from her crumbling hearth, she made them immune. At least they did not have to suffer.


Another age came and went. Sinaku wasn't counting anymore. So many had died from this plague, there were only a few of the species remaining.

She had remembered her goal.

She could not let them win.

She could not fail her mission.

She quelled the very plague that had killed so many of her own, lessening the effects.

Not all the species survived, of course: Only 4 of the dragons remained. Siverake, Noguma, Cirrus, and... Iverthorn.

Sinaku had taken quite the liking to Iverthorn...

Avi 02/27/2022

Sinaku and Iverthorn had grown close. Iverthorn remained oblivious to her darker nature.

Orbit had returned to Aviatrum, which She deemed a threat.

She sent Iverthorn out to handle the issue.

In the rift, she found Orbit.

Xy could not be killed. She had to be trapped, trapped within the mind of Iverthorn.

I am sorry for the grief they have caused you.

Avi 03/03/2022

A period of peace. At least, that is how it appeared. Iverthorn had become aware of Sinaku's nature far too late.

She left. To study the world and study its people.

It was near this when the children were born into a cold, harsh land. They were not treated as they should have been, but it was only what the Mother thought to do.

The young one; he had been left at a masquerading organization. Never to return to his home.

The older one ran soon after this.

The mother had been abandoned by all those who loved her. She couldn't be more indifferent.

Avi 03/11/2022

Did I start a doc? Yes