Sebastian Info

"After all I've done for you? Really?! You're just going to- throw me out, like all the others??"

"It's how things have to be, Sebastian."

"No, it doesn't! You're- you're corrupt! I can't believe I didn't see you for what you were before!"

"It won't matter in a bit anyway. No one will remember you. Ser, come up here and do the honors, will you?"

Ser hesitantly steps into view of Sebastian. They're crying. "How could you??"

Sebastian looks around for a second, confused. "What did you tell them? I- I'm innocent!"

Sinaku gives a sly smile in response. "Again, it won't matter. You won't ever be able to tell your story, so why don't you just shut up and accept your fate?"

Sebastian tries screaming a final remark at Sinaku, but before he can, the purple light comes from underneath him. He's gone before Ser knows it.

THEME/VOICE: The Mind Electric - Subsided (Cover)