
Avi — 01/11/2022

(You've returned to the library after a long day. The market stalls gained something new today... something interesting. Something that might help you.)

(You pick up a recent-seeming piece of paper. The paper is old and yellowed, but the ink is fresh. You see blue stains in the desk. Part of the writing classes, you assume.)

The lands beyond the ruins of Hallowbrook have not been contacted in... a while. They have a reputation for violence and unpredictability. Though, I do not believe this is the case anymore. I have seen traders seemingly from that region in our very own markets...

(This will be most helpful. You shouldn't read any more for now... someone might see you.)

Avi — 01/18/2022

You know what's funky and silly and goofy of me

The Aviatrum populous avoids the Tundra like the plague (Except Taraegete but we don't talk about them in this post)

But the jungle with literal physical+mental warping effects is fine, let's make two civilizations there