
Avi 09/05/2022

Only the old ones know the language of the gods, Tserotha. It's far too old for modern use. But... I can't be the only one seeing it around. Graffiti in the Nuhaeo alleyways, scratchings in the concrete... but no one else pays it any mind. Is the language too old to even remember?

Something about this makes me uneasy. Something is not right. Has anything ever been right? The disappearances of the protestors, the vanishing of Prince Acher. What is going on? Why won't Sinaku tell us? What... what is she hiding?

Here, I'll provide something that I saw engraved... I don't know what it could possibly mean.

"Wonditaeg Ganwonaegaz goryeigailysgorthol"

(Aka, hello, Avi made a new language, you might wanna figure it out! So my method for hinting towards it this time will be: Every week, starting today, by some mysterious force, you will be informed of the meaning of a letter... but there's a catch. This language has both spoken and written forms! Which means some things it reveals will... not be too helpful.)

Kishkaaihot 09/05/2022 - Whatever time

O - Won
A - Kish
I - Ihot
W - Tae

G - Gan