Auryn Info

The one, the only, Auryn! He went from "I will never give this character lore" to "Main character" too quickly and I'm afraid.

Auryn is the current main character in the storyline of Aviatrum. He grew up with his mom (Miso) and his sister (Auburn) in a bad part of town. His mom abandoned him at a daycare-masquerading mafia HQ one day, and the rest is history.

He's calm, focused, and collected most of the time, but is easily caught off guard. He can take a lot of crap from a lot of things but he WILL feel overwhelmed.

Auryn's cordial, but not overly friendly. Push him too far and you might regret it.

He's an assassin, specially trained in poisons and all knife-related combat. Though, he's been skipping work more often as of late...

Currently resides in Nuhaeo with his boyfriend, Coa, and lives near Auburn.

THEME:  Hot - Confetti

Arrrgh curse you, younger self. His name is Auryn now. Not CC or Cheesecake.


Various outfits

We don't talk about the maid dress.