
Avi — 11/23/2021

Realized I should probably send this here too lmao

First version of the Aviatrum map

Avi — 12/08/2021

Extremely out of context lore

Avi — 12/09/2021

Kamui is an entity that has been worshipped as far as written history can see. The ancient carved statues of wolves appear to depict him, usually holding a message of some sort. Usually prayers, but can be praise towards him. Legends say that if you leave an offering of tofu or any festival food to these statues, Kamui will save you in your time of need. These legends have not been proved true yet. We haven't gotten around to it.

Avi 12/16/2021

Little headcanons I have about my characters (that are true but won't ever come up in a story context!) 

Aeris can, in fact, dance 

Midas likes classical music and all, but secretly listens to rock sometimes 

Reikaru would kill for a bowl of tofu ramen 

Rift really doesn't like to swim 

Oni likes the taste of sweet things, but doesn't like how hyper sugar makes him (As if he isn't hyper already) 

Mewch's mushrooms differ in taste according to his mood/what he ate that day 

Nettle's really, really bored Ouros has a pet cat (kitten, in fact) 

Apho hates the taste of plants 

Auryn doesn't like sweets (neither does Auburn), but Coa does

Avi 12/24/2021

MERRY CRUSTMAS EVE here's your lore tidbits 

(Maybe I have something planned for Christmas Day... if I can get online) 

"Apho is a butcher I'll let you decide how to feel about that" 

"is there a reason rift hates water" 


It gets his fur wet 


"You never realize how fluffy Aeris is until you make him a Vikari" 

"Warsaw sometimes traps people within their own dreams" 

"Astrum/Lucky was originally supposed to be bad 

Then I shifted her to good 

Then back to bad" 

"I've always thought 'minotaur anatomy' when drawing Aeris"

"Just realized that some of my absolute favorite characters are the most huggable 

Aeris is one of my favorites btw"

More headcanons/facts! 

Sinaku lies a lot. Like, a lot. Just in everyday conversation 

Iverthorn likes to play characters when talking to different people- she currently uses her "job interview" character quite a bit 

The entirety of Aviatrum is creatively inclined- music, dance, art- and most of all, weaving! Aviatrum has a huge fashion industry. They also have a very rich history, and with interference from the gods, very few dark spots remain! 

Auryn hates the taste of coffee, but Auburn doesn't mind it 

Neram likes bamboo 

I still haven't made Heather's new design a ref 

Pelilyn's currently doing research at the Nuhaeo library... wonder what caught his attention.

Avi 01/11/2022

Hmmmm yes lore 

Baby Vikari look similar to this 

They're like a foot tall

Avi — 01/15/2022

How some of my characters got their names if I didn't just make it up on the spot


Neram is tamil for time! 


Warsaw was named after a song 

I was unaware of the city in Poland 


Fuyu means "winter" And fuyunohanashi is "winter story" (According to one of my friends, blame her if it's not accurate) 


All of the sins (except Miso, I named her that because she looks like miso soup) were named after their respective sin translated into Hebrew 

Involved a lot of googling 


Mewch is named after a pun, due to his relationship with Latte 

My brain went "Hehe coffee animals" 


Cervi is named after cervidae, the genus for deer 


Kusho is japanese, means "void" according to google translate 


I got Apho from Baphomet 

Just to clarify he's not Baphomet, though he is a 'goat' 


Talus is the name of a bone in the foot


Pelilyn is tamil for something 


Astrum is the root for "star" (Can also be known as aster/astro) 


Kamui is a name taken from my favorite game! It's a very cold region, based off the Hokkaido mountains in Japan! (Ōkami is the game, for those curious)

Avi 01/21/2022

I'm kinda currently passing out 

So I'll let you in on a secret 

There are hidden pages on the website 

Go look around with the search bar and you might find em 

Also I did release a few character info pages

Avi 1/24/2022

Headcanon/Lil facts pt 3!


Avi takes "New year new me" too literally 


Neram and Orbit were never friends, they tolerated each other up until the... incident. 


Iverthorn is physically cold to the touch 


I imagine Midas' gold being like a sort of film, like the skin on milk that appears when you microwave it for too long 

Or half-cooled candle wax 


Mosaic is sharp 


Reikaru can adjust his temperature, though he runs a 'little' warm (100 fahrenheit)


Corkscrew was originally carved from a corkscrew willow and brought to life by Sinaku (google it, cool trees) 


Rift was originally just a really big funky fennec fox, and was going to be his own story 


Sebastian has a light British accent, and Ser's voice is a bit echo-y 


Chi's skin feels chalky, and kinda slides over their bones; Their fur is sort of. Greasy. 


Fuyunashi is frostbitten in several places, including her nose, tongue, and paws 


Oat can crush bone with his bite 


Moor wasn't always this way. I haven't really developed what they were before, but I know deep down it wasn't planned 


Matt has monstrous tendencies


Tuka, if she came out of her shell more, is an aggressive yet kind personality 


Doghost loved licorice in life! 


The Statue's liquid is caused bŸ ꀭꀘꀸꁅꌗꎇꀘꌗꂦꀎꀭꃅꀸꎇ̶̪̀ꀘ̵͆̾ꌗ̵̈̎ꎇ̸͌̕ꁅ̸̆̇ꌗ̵̀̅ꀘ̷̪̃ꁅ̴̑̚ 


Chip's facial features are just floating there, firmly attached to his non-existent head so you can grab them to either shut him up or take him somewhere 


Kusho doesn't speak often, if at all 


Dakota can breathe underwater!

Avi 02/02/2022

Minor (maybe) wholesome fun facts because I'm in a good mood today 


Fae and Solquem are quite good friends! Fae actually likes playing board games with her, though he'd never admit that. 


Iverthorn often goes to Situr-Enui to 'trade', though it's mostly to meet the locals. 


Coa's antlers actually shed every year, and every year Auryn forgets and freaks out 


Midas, if he ever visits a town, sometimes conjures up small illusions to entertain Vikarlings 


Reikaru, though he can appear standoffish, is a huge sweetheart and cares about the other gods greatly (Yes, even Warsaw) 


Siverake does not actually mean any harm! 


Rift is out exploring right now! What will he find? No one knows 


Ser works as a pilot! They really enjoy their job. 


Fuyunashi tries to eat snow 'secretly' a lot of the time 

We all know honey 


Oni sometimes bumps into Mewch! They're good friends.


Oat isn't outwardly aggressive anymore! Granola bars for the win 


Moor never tires of Oni's shenanigans 


Cervi is GAY


Mewch likes being scratched behind his ears 


Doghost also likes being pet, if it's even possible to touch them 


The Statue actually picked up Avi's snarky behavior, which is why it constantly sounds sarcastic 


Chip's game doesn't glitch out for small children most of the time 


Butterflies land on Nettle, thinking she's grass 

I now realize she's mistaken for vegetation a lot 


Dakota lives far away from civilization 

She doesn't want to risk it again

Avi 02/14/2022


For this holiday, I've decided to share some headcanon/canon/possible relationships in Aviatrum (And other stories cuz I now realize there's not too many in Aviatrum) >:) I've probably hinted at them before but oh well 

•─ ♡ ─• (Look I changed the divider isn't it so special and cool) 

Auryn and Coa - The og! They have a very wholesome relationship :) They met after Coa got lost in Taraegete looking for someone. They later moved to Nuhaeo together, where they met up with Auburn! 

Aeris and Sai - Pretty well known, I think! I've certainly hinted towards it. Aeris and Sai met after her unfortunate (and unintentional) death. Do note, Aeris does not plan deaths; he is not a grim reaper 

Solquem and Fae - Bet you didn't expect this one hehehe Fae has been more tolerating of Solquem than anyone else, and I'm starting to wonder if there's something between them... 

Ouros and Heather - While I've always viewed their relationship as being on the more platonic side, they're a little bit more than just coworkers to each other. 

Alti and Epatho - My brain played with this during my in-class daydreams, so here we are! I’d imagine Epatho being REALLY intrigued about Alti’s research, maybe annoying him a bit in the process. 

•─ ♡ ─• 

(Galactic Trials) 

Sparky and Cryo - I dunno why exactly they're together, but I've always viewed them as being in a relationship! 

•─ ♡ ─• 

(Project Glitch) 

Abstract and Glitch - Originally suggested by a friend, I realized they have a good dynamic, despite their aesthetic differences!

•─ ♡ ─• 

Happy Valentine’s Day, I’m gonna go draw up some darker content to get the fluff out of my system Enjoy your blackmail for these characters

Avi 03/02/2022

Alright alright I'm no longer in pain so one actual lore post 

Rumor has it Pretzel got her nickname from a literal bag of pretzels she found on the ground in the woods somewhere 

Why was she spending a long enough time in the woods to find a bag of pretzels? Idk you tell me

Avi 03/04/2022

(This is different pieces of separate-ish lore) 

Born from the shards, 

with a untouched reservoir and heart of moss, 

entrapped in stone for a fate she did not choose 

The sky will split and the stars will bleed 

only due to the growing cold and an ancient soul 

One was in the gods' blind spot 

The other under searing heat 

The barrier is wilting 

Soon to be discovered by the neighboring worlds 

It is far too much evidence to ignore 

The children... what do they have to do with this?

Avi 03/09/2022

A bonus headcanon/random thought cuz I know the lore today was weak (I'm sleep deprived haha) 

It has occurred to me how similar Statue is to a piggy bank 

Just with a sword 

Also did you know they have "space-flavored" coca cola in stores rn 

What does space taste like

Avi 03/29/2022

Look carefully, between the cracks, the spaces in verses, and you may find the secrets behind this world. 

The key lies within Their creations themselves. Some of the texts are worthless to your cause. Others aren't. In the end, it is up to you to figure it out. 

There are many mysteries in this realm, many questions left unanswered- and I request you fill in those gaps.

Avi 04/07/2022

A collection of random facts about some of the website characters :] 


Rift was created from a grasshopper! Hence his nickname "rifthopper" 


Sinaku created some gods in her own image! Though she technically can shapeshift, she, over time, was confined to one form 


Fae was originally meant to be a huge jerk! But, through the natural process of character development, he is now less of a jerk 


Sinaku is actually quite creative! She carved Corkscrew's original statue herself. Though, despite this, I've always viewed her as not that great of an artist. 


Ser loves caramel candies! 


Fuyunashi is one of my oldest characters! She's around 2 years old (character creation-wise) now. 


Oni and Kanabo are poisonous! Though I doubt anyone would eat them. 


Oat's bite can crush (or even shatter) bone! 


Mewch's mushroom amount correlates to how many lives he's lost! Currently he's at 8... uh oh. 


Doghost, despite what Mewch thinks of them, is happy to see Mewch! Often times, they'll try to play with him- with no success. 


The Statue seems sentient beyond just talking. It sometimes remarks that it can indeed feel pain. Wonder if the black substance bothers them at all? 


Hybrids do exist in Aviatrum! Specifically between anthros. For example, Apho is a goat/wolf and Rattlesnake is a coyote/snake! 


I have the phylogenetic tree (or rough evolution line) of the Aviatrum anthro-sentient species planned out! I could go extremely in-depth, but I'll save that for another lore post 


Pelilyn grew up in Okuveo-a! Hence why he's so funky 


That's all for now! I probably have more facts stored in my head, but I'm tired and brain mush

Avi 04/15/2022

Ominous lore snippets for you (Will the lore posts be back on? Maybe, idk)


Astrum fears only two beings in this realm.


The gods’ power level is determined by the time they were created

Iverthorn is only powerful cuz of Orbit, if she didn’t have xym she would be lower than Warsaw on the power scale


The Sea's Heart, a legend believed to be the origin of the waves. Of course, science has found that the two moons are the ones who make the tide, but it is fun to believe that the beating heart of a superorganism is what moves the water.


So the Aviatrum gods *are* immortal but they still have

Basic needs

So they still eat food

But if they don't they won't *die* exactly

They'll just be horrendously hungry


Xtachiru's actual true form does not have a color in existence for just how vibrant he is


So fun fact I usually just make a character's birthday the day they were created and

Xtachiru was created on April Fool's Day

It's so fitting

I love when everything works out well like that


I've been reworking Felinis and Kryptogalactia (now named Sarkao)

They're cyberpunk-y! With a big militia!

Avi 05/20/2022

A random collection of Aviatrum/anthro daily life concepts 


I figure that deer/elk/other ruminates would probably have to cover the sharp ends of their horns, as they are considered weapons Same goes for Vikari spikes 


Fur care would probably be a huge pain, so I think they could have specialized products for it 

Maybe full-body dryers too? But only in salons, otherwise they just shake 


Bared teeth are considered a threat! And using teeth for self-defense wouldn't be uncommon 


Clothing would have to be specifically tailored for anthro anatomy, as well as spike formations on Vikari 


Many instincts of the anthro species of Aviatrum have gradually been evolved away, but could technically be activated again if the individual is under severe stress 


Hand claws would most likely have to be trimmed down, as they are also considered weapons 

Feet claws are fine, as they help with traction :) 


Certain Vikari would most likely be unable to wear clothing, now that I think about it- 

Some spike formations are... impractical

Avi 06/16/2022

Ayyy this again 

Headcanon/Facts pt. 4 


I plan for Auryn to be a very realistic and relatable character (in some aspects) for whatever I make out of Aviatrum


Coa has always felt like a character on the 'unimportant' side to my brain but I've fixed that 


Auburn knows how to play guitar! 


Avi has a form that I've never actually clarified it being their form 


Sinaku is extremely overprotective 


Despite Iverthorn's godhood, she has never gotten the God's Blood issue 


Midas, surprisingly, is not essential to the lore. My attachment to him has also been fading :( 


Aeris does not really have a church in Aviatrum, but my brain always defaults to him when thinking of church designs 


Sai is a great fighter! She and Aeris will probably have some role to play in Auryn's story. They do live in Nuhaeo 


I have an entire anthro body language sheet in my head, I'm just not motivated to get it down in a doc 


Solquem is a great cook! She wants to open a restaurant eventually, but her godly duties prevent her from doing so 


Fae, if he could, would like to learn needlefelting 

His hooves make it hard though 


Reikaru has an emissary that he sent down after the fall of Hallowbrook to prevent it from happening again 


Esiku is considered a "country" town, per say 


Rift is currently questioning their identity 


Warsaw doesn't have a mortal form, so he can't exactly move to a town or city easily, but he certainly wants to 


Aviatrum's towns and cities are more like city-states! They're still extremely spread out due to Sinaku's influence. I wonder why she insisted on establishing towns so far away from eachother? Oh well, we have the train system. 


I'm not sure Oni has heard music before 


Oat is built like a tank and can easily dent iron fences while chasing... prey 


Cervi has been hit by a car before

Avi 06/24/2022

A random collection of things because my brain's flipflopping between what to write 

Excuse any typos, I'm extremely tired and have been up for around 15 hours at this point 


Astrum is easily one of my most developed characters in personality 


Coa originally had a british accent! I have de-canonized this after realizing I would have to make some version of England canon if I continued this 


Little fox, chosen to be at the center of everything, pitiful in origin and confused in motive 


Miso is no longer greed as I gave away the rest of 76 deadly sins 


Hey another fact I just thought of 

Since Aeris originally created the sins (which was ordered by Sinaku) it was a haha funny joke that Lust was not part of the group, as Sinaku was originally based off of Cheems 

And uh 

It was a reference to the "go to horny jail" meme 

Don't worry I'm disappointed in myself too 


I'm really frickin tired so these are much easier to write 

Side effect: I'm all over the place, please bear with me lol 


Fun Fact™️ most of the anthro body language is based on my visceral monkey brain reaction to things 


I like Apho 

I know what he does and how much of a detestable bastard he is 

Yet I still like him 

I gave him parents 


Mewch writes by using a careful combination of holding the pencil with his teeth and using his paw to actually write 

It's tedious but it works 


Mesa is ashamed of her scars 


Pelilyn is gonna be either a detective or a cop 

Depends on what's convenient for me (Looking like detective right now) 


Xtachiru has horrible taste in graphic design 

Hey! Rude!


I'm gonna add more characters speaking into the website 

Most likely in secret pages but yaknow, still cool 

Many have already been added...

I will say, I enjoy the font chosen for me.


I usually stop writing these when my nitro limit appears 


Bonus fact if you're checking this later: Aviatrum is similar to Earth, but it is not Earth 

But I allowed them to have modern Earth technologies 

And it haunts me that, logically, they would make something similar to, say, a toaster in this case, rather than actually making a toaster 

I refuse to put that much work on my staff team and I so the convenient Earth designs are staying

Avi 07/14/2022

Heyheyhey guess who forgot I should post something every now and again 

Have some lil facts 


Some anthro body language: Most tend to wrap their tail around one of their legs when nervous 

Also, ear flick when annoyed/irritated 


Most of the gods have at least three forms (True, Mortal, and Normal) 

The exception is Warsaw, he's stuck as his normal form 


Sinaku's "teacher pet" creations most likely, at some point, worked at one of her churches 

Currently this includes Rift and Ser 


Sinaku's church symbol is on her new reference sheet 


Sinaku's relationship with Rift recently increased tensions by a lot 


Rift is known as the Deity of Clarity specifically because he was created to survey the world of Aviatrum, but not interact with it 

Understandably, he was super frickin bored and decided to break the Worldly View thing (I should probably make a better name for it than "Dimensional Oculus") 


I usually create last names for characters with elements of them in mind 

For example: 

Grimstead ("Grim" chosen for the obvious implication of death) 

Springbound (Bound because Fae's an elk, and "spring" because he can create plantlife around him. So, plants spring up when he bounds

Scenjo (Made from a combination of "Scene" and "ojo" [spanish word for eye- pronounced as such in his name], since Rift was literally just created to watch) 


I've had this one piece of Coa in mind for forever, but haven't made it yet 

Maybe soon

Avi — 07/28/2022

It's finally time for the inaccuracy fixing post! 


There are 4 Situr-Enui gods, not 3 

Both pairs are siblings 

Only one of the pairs were convinced to help blot out the sky 


Aeris and Neram never would've met 

(Nor would he have met Orbit. This goes for the other modern gods too.) 


Auryn and Auburn are no longer referred to as the "children of greed". The Sins have been rehomed or deleted so they're just "children" now 


I don't know if I've said it before somewhere but Auburn and Auryn do NOT live together! 

Coa lives with him though. 


Kryptogalactia is now Sarkao 


Central Aotrin is now also known as the Aetrus region 


The "Farlands" are not called the Farlands anymore. At least not by the regions themselves. They are now known as the Situr-Enui region. While Situr and Enui are separate regions, they share a militia and are generally very close-knit. 


4 dragons remained after the Moonsickness blight 


Neram and Orbit do not have followers 


One of the Situr-Enui gods could not end the world if unleashed. Gotta do a wombo-combo for that. (Aka 2 of them) 


OOC - 02/16/2022 post 

They aren't that sadistic 


Ouros doesn't have a pet kitten anymore 

(I still have the character, just... Ouros does not) 


Sebastian now has a posh accent, not a "light British" accent. 

I'm not making England canon

Avi 08/12/2022

A collection of Fun Little Facts for you all 


Auryn was chosen to be the main character of Aviatrum because of how much of a blank slate he was- a character created out of impulse and a prompt 


Coa's name is derived from cocoa 


Avi has around 16 separate-ish forms as of right now, and I'm only adding to this number 


Your gods are in danger. 


Neram has been alone for a long time. I fear what happens when he is found. 


Orbit's body is gone. Rotted away. Horrid thing, really.


Iverthorn has given out her healing capabilities in the past, in a feeble attempt to help the infected.


Midas has used his gold for monetary gain. With the current economy, he does not need to anymore. 


Oh, Aeris? You want me to talk about him? With his precious moons going away so soon? 


Sai has no part in this. I have nothing worthwhile to say about her. What, am I being rude? I'm doing as you asked. I'm writing the rest of this, aren't I? 


Ooh, yes, Solquem... never was one to fight. Wonder how she'll be affected. Oh, so now you're being rude. I can be excited if I want to, AvIaLtI. 


Will Fae make it in time? I do not know. Solquem will certainly need the help. I've already approached what she's looking for, and we're speeding up the process quite a bit. 


Now you have something, alright. 

hꍟꐟ- I was writing! Shoving is rude! 

Okay okay I recently made a connection with Reikaru and the song Epoch, fits him pretty well actually 

Yeah yeah whatever, sure, you can continue writing 

Thank you. 


For how low Corkscrew is in the pecking order of gods, he certainly has a lot of power. One of Sinaku's favorites? 


I'm not sure if Chimera even has anything going for him, aside from its casino. Which he doesn't attend to. Understandable. Not having a mortal form is inconvenient. 


Rift is very insect-based in his True Form. I hate insects. Which is why I'm not the biggest fan of Nēram. 

Ack, quit shoving! 

FOR CONTEXT I redesigned Neram and he looks somewhat centipede-ish now 

Take it away, one more person to talk about! 


Moving on from whatever nonsense Avialti just spouted, Warsaw. Warsaw recently opened a gameshow business. Which can only go well. At least the participants are willing.

Avi 08/27/2022

More anthro daily life concepts, spurred from random thoughts I've had 


Anthros in Aviatrum generally keep abilities from their animal side. And, usually, they have better physical strength in running and jumping due to their adaptations. They need stronger legs in order to walk upright 


Any sports based competition would probably be kinda unfair, due to the amount of species 

In Olympics terms- otters would always win the swimming portion, cheetahs the running (most likely), and mountain goats would rock the rock climbing 


Tails would probably get in the way of most things 


Drinking from a glass would most likely be difficult for species with longer snouts, but bottles would most likely be fine 

Cans would be difficult too 

In normal dog behaviour, lapping at the drink would be fine, but since this is Aviatrum and they're somewhat civilized, that's not an option 


Anthros would get VERY warm in arid environments 

Which is why Sunstone Point and Hallowbrook-to-Savair stretches of land are generally populated by Njoka and humans 

Some anthros would probably be able to handle it (reptiles and other similarly built-for-desert animals) but for the most part? Not there 

Inhej is an exception, due to the general colder nature there. While being a combination of savannah and tundra, the heat from the savannah is diffused by the snow. 

This seems like a paradox. How'd it get this way? 


Anthros and Vikari in colder environments naturally get fluffier. While any furred creature fluffs up a bit in winter, it is very... extreme in the colder environments 


Anthros, Vikari and Njoka are all generally very adaptable

Avi 09/04/2022

Thought I'd do something different! Gonna be explaining character themes >:)) 

Within reason, of course, some themes share way too much about their story hehe 

This got WAY too long, so I'm splitting it up across a couple lore posts 



Hot by Confetti 

Back when my music taste was still young, I chose this for him due to the general "secret society" theme that the mafia has. He's generally a very confident creature, matching the energy of the song well! 



Solar Waltz by Cosmo Sheldrake 

Coa got this one because it's the song he was originally based off of. Doesn't actually fit him well imo. 

Golden Antlers by Glass Animals 

This one was chosen after his creation. I thought it embodied Coa's concern for Auryn. Also, antlers. Coa is an elk lol 



Devil Town v1 by Cavetown 

I thought Devil Town portrayed Auburn's mindset pretty well! It specifically revolves around her and Auryn's childhood. Also what I listened to while designing her! 



I Can't Decide by Scissor Sisters 

This one was chosen because my characters are in a constant state of peril. I think it was specifically directed towards Sinaku when I chose it. Still holds true! 

Redmageddon by Sodikken 

Redmageddon is the DEFINITION of order within chaos, and it fits Avi really well! Mostly due to the intro and opening line. Great chaotic vibes. 

Avi is essentially the chaos god Warsaw wishes he could be, but it's specifically directed towards Sinaku. 



Everything Moves by Bronze Radio Return 

Chosen because of the lyrics. Everything moves because of her. 

Reckless Battery Burns by Team 6x111 

mmm biblical choir sound good 



Rät by Penelope Scott 

Her anger towards Sinaku IS this song. It's great! Fits her really well! Then again, she has an entire playlist... but yaknow this is her theme so 



Waltz For an Imaginary Piano by johnny_ripper 

Midas likes piano music, and there's something eerily off about this piece. 



Waltz in E-Major, Op. 15 "Moon Waltz" by Cojum Dip 

Moon theme, and generally works with his feelings towards Sinaku! 

Moonsickness by Penelope Scott 

Woah another Penelope Scott song, weird. This works with his inner feelings! He's... insecure.

Avi 9/20/2022

Didya know that there are technically 156 symbols in Tserotha?

Anyway I'm explaining character themes again



Toes by Glass Animals

I thought the song fit her pretty well! Some parts I'm not sure about. It's mostly the "My hands are twisted too- five fingers, two black hooves" part.



Gossamer by Fashion Jackson

I felt like it described his relationship with Solquem in parts! She is... oblivious.



Mixed Messages by Tom Cardy

THIS SONG. THIS IS THE ONE. Okay so I thought it perfectly embodies his energy. And for the most part it does.



The opening bits of Sober by Fidlar (0:00 to 0:42 or so)

Actual argument he had with Sinaku? Real?? Seriously though it works for them. Almost too well.

Devil's Whisper by Raury

Seriously just listen to it and think of Rift's story lol
Just gotta twist the definition of devil a bit



Warsaw by Pilotredsun

I mean, it's basically just what he was named after. No real reasoning behind this one.



Insecta Apostate by GHOST

I imagine this is what it would sound like whenever they snap.

--- Sebastian:

The Mind Electric - Subsided (cover)

"All mine towers crumble down, the flowers gasping under rubble! Shrieking in the hall of lull, thy genius saves a thirst for trouble!"

"Spiraling down my majesty, I plead of thee have sympathy for me!"

As for the cover- I find that the non-reversed and not-glitchy song is handy. Also, Subsided's voice fits Sebastian!



Caramelldansen by the Caramella Girls

Pure hyper and chaotic energy. Oni.



Feel Better by Penelope Scott

Embodies her guilt and anger, as well as the memories she has.



Knights by Crystal Castles

Makes me envision his spirit-seeing eyes. Also, the lyrics say what the ghosts usually do.



Fantastic Phantasm - Pengosolvent

Describes his chipper attitude, despite being a ghost! Also what I originally listened to while designing him. I'm surprised I remember these things.


We'll pick this back up with the mafia next time, since my nitro limit appeared

Avi 10/6/2022

Fun facts! 


Astrum is able to physically sleep, she just doesn't due to her guilt. 

They're so sleep deprived. 


Sinaku is apparently a very good writer! She's published many of the books in the Nuhaeo library. Though, it's never herself publishing them... always Heru or Ebim. 


I associate Neram with the increasing pressure meme song! It literally doesn't have a title other than that 


Neram is a very interesting character nowadays- while you are familiar with the nice, caring personality of his old design, his current one has been driven mad. 


Iverthorn has been able to bargain with Orbit every now and then. 


It took Sinaku a while to figure out the appropriate balance of power for the gods. Just enough so it wouldn't tear them apart. 

Though, she did ignore her own... 


While I love Oni very much, I realize that he doesn't have much use in the current Aviatrum storyline 

I'm sure I can make him fit in somewhere


Xtachiru is not pleased by current events

Avi 10/09/2022

More facts cuz I was inspired by a combination of my cool dreams and my movie binge 

(Mostly Avi facts really) 


Avi could absolutely pull Venom moves 

Or Michiru from BNA- whichever you like better lol 


Avi cannot sever parts of their body through their shapeshifting ability- sure, they can get the bond very very thin, but they still have a connection to anything that's been ripped away. 

Considering their previous wounds, this is horrifying. 


Nēram obsessively counts. Due to his 60-fingered status, it adds up to a minute each time. 


Ebim secretly loves kittens 

Heru openly loves kittens 


Cirrus is actually not my biggest character


Oh and one more thing I just thought of 

Midas started the Industrial Revolution

Avi 10/12/2022

Hello lore people! I've decided that I should maaaaybe do lighter content from time to time, so- first thing of this "lore" post! 

Rift is trans! I'm proud of her :) 

(She now goes by she/they) 

Annnnnd second thing I want to talk about... Aviatrum's development is COMPLETE! For now. I might think of other things that need to be done. I'm gonna be working on it's storyline when I have time >:D 

Thank you for going on this journey with me! Big things to come

One more heavy lore post after this, then we'll see what happens hehe

Avi 10/21/2022

Little facts yet again :D


I'm trying to reattach myself to Auryn (I was already attached but I want to get to like. parasite levels). Why? Hmm I dunno


Coa, being an elk, is naturally very strong. Though he never really needs to use that strength.


Auburn is very skilled with an axe
(I'll let you in on a secret, she was very much so inspired off of Wendy from Gravity Falls)


I tend to draw/doodle Avi a lot, not because they're my favorite character (that title belongs to Astrum) but because they're literally me


There is a reason why Sinaku looks so doglike


Nēram used to be the supreme god of 'Aviatrum', in place of Sinaku


After Nēram was created, I made Orbit- and promptly decided that she would be the supreme god of 'Aviatrum' (Slapped the solar system in her midsection and everything!)


Iverthorn's usually travelling


Ser has teeth under that smooth snoot


I'm secretly actually doing well at drawing humans
I've been doodling them
And only the people who read the facts posts know

Avi 11/05/2022

For something a little interesting and different- I think I'll share some of my characters' archetypes and/or other popular characters with the same archetype!


Byronic Hero/Anti-hero of sorts
Like Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender, or Batman


100% just Wendy from Gravity Falls


Avi was originally meant to be an overseer and a trickster, but that has changed to "distant parental figure" after I found out they were my sona


Corrupt God, dystopian ruler


True or conflicted hero- I haven't really given them much thought on this


Support character
Idk how to explain him. He's there to provide moral and emotional support


Like Yoda (Star Wars) or Uncle Iroh (ATLA)


The crappy parent every protag must have


Cirrus The precious baby who questions anything and is unsure about everything


Morally gray villain


Trickster ; Devil Figure
Like Alastor from Hazbin Hotel

Avi 11/26/2022

Fake qna because I want to answer these questions, goshdangit!


Q: When did you start making art/what medium did you start with?

A: I started bumping up my art's quality in 2018/2019, I think! Though I've been drawing since I was 3 or so. Originally started with the classic crayon-and-paper, then switched to animation and then digital art!


Q: Is there any specific reference or inspiration that you took for Aviatrum?

A: Hmm... I'd say Aviatrum was an amalgam of themes from my various projects, subconscious inspirations, and other random archetypes I saw in shows. The most glaringly obvious reference is modern fantasy! I think I took that idea from a dnd story lol

One of my old worlds, created midway through Aviatrum's development, definitely influenced some of Aviatrum's aspects. It was HEAVILY based off of Whitefall, by Chylk. Or at least the first two episodes...

Some other miscellaneous influences would have to be Lovecraftian beings, gothic literature (werewolves, vampires, etc etc), apocalypse literatures of various peoples, and Norse mythology!

Make what you will of those last ones, hehe


Q: What are your methods for naming characters? Like, do they have anything special about their names?

A: Oh, uh, usually no. For Auryn I literally used a random name generator for his first and last name. Coa is derived from Cocoa (due to his color), Auburn is named after a color (also due to her color).

I'd say that there are only a few characters of mine that have names with meaning behind them. Neram, Acher, Heilos, and Epa are the ones to look at for this.


Q: How convoluted is Aviatrum?

A: Very. I try to make some parts of it easy to figure out, and others incredibly difficult, but I often fail at this because I, being the creator, know everything and assume connections to be obvious when I haven't even revealed them. Working on it!


Q: How many forms does Avi/Offdeer have???

A: Oh boy. The count's at 15, I think? This little SCRIMBLO keeps making me remake their reference sheet. Pretty solidly on the Aviorangei (as I call it) form though!

Avi 01/07/2023

Hmm, I just realized that I never brought attention to this

On their ArtFight page, it's stated that something is always off about Avi's form (In the sense of extra eyes, mouths, limbs, etc.)

But there's nothing obviously wrong with their current form (Aviorangei)
And I said I would be returning to some aspects of their original concept, which is arguably the weirdest looking form of theirs

Wonder what could be up with that?

Avi 01/08/2023

Generals of Aviatrum

Aviatrum, no matter which region you're in, has an impressive militia. The Generals are the ones who make the militia what it is, and I figured it'd be best to inform you of them.

General Verein, of the Aetrus region

General Verein is known to be vicious and intolerant of all that gets in her way. Despite this, he has shown himself to be fantastic while guiding his soldiers in combat, and has rightfully earned her place at the top.

General Junobi, of the Situr and Enui regions

General Junobi's position has often been questioned, due to his bubbly and easygoing personality. However, he has shown to be ruthless on the battlefield. Not much is known about him aside from this, due to the Aetrus and Situr-Enui split, and withholding of information from both sides.

Avi 01/16/2023

...the beast is incredibly powerful. When you cross paths, if you do, it's in your best interest to run. They should not be tested, and it's no wonder why, with...


That aside, random facts and info :)


Gods can restore most wounds, even dismembered limbs, with time- the only thing that will permanently wound them are wounds caused by other gods.


Gods are classified as gods due to the presence of God's Blood. Any creature with God's Blood is considered to be a god, regardless of their method of creation.

For example: Astrum and Xtachiru are technically not gods, rather very powerful beings. Their origin is unclear.


I realize that I confirmed the existence of demons/evil spirits in Aviatrum, but never went into it. Lemme explain:

The first demons were created by Aeris, at Sinaku's request. They spread from there. Demons don't play a huge role in the Aviatrum ecosystem, but they certainly exist! Most are kill on sight, due to the unfortunate stigmas around them... those being great misfortune.

Demons are theorized to be the cause of Godfall! Though, this conspiracy theory has some timeline issues. It's unknown what happened to the Sanctuary on that day.

Avi 01/30/2023

"You know, I've done a lot of things I regret."


"Yeah. A lot of them were at Sinaku's request. Well... I wouldn't say request... more like command." Aeris continued.
"She asked me to create the demons. Beings with no other reason to exist rather than to cause harm and misfortune. I thought it was fine, at the time, but now..."

Nothing but a concerned look from Sai.

"Ugh. I shouldn't have done that. People should be able to choose who they want to be, you know? I've tried mending my mistakes where I can, it's just... difficult. Looks like the demons are mostly mending their own mistakes, though. Or at least one of them is."